Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 821: Newcomers have a big brain

: In fact, Du Zhai himself has the strength to be a well-off operation director, but the operation director and the operation director can be very different. Chu Yuanxi recruited a senior operations director in the direction of it. In charge of the app, he must be sensitive to values, and be responsible for replacing Chu Yuanxi in mining users and detailing the process. It is equivalent to Chu Yuanxi’s important assistant. The initial rank is senior director. One level up is the vice president.

And Du Xie's plan on the ground is OK, and the execution is OK, but it's mainly for people. He doesn't understand it at all, so he must have a younger brother who understands it.

As a result, Chu Yuanxi was about to leave when he saw people coming. The little brother asked him, "No, no, no, I don't know, you continue..."

Then after a few days of interviews, he finally tuned in. The resume placed in front of Chu Yuanxi, he picked up and looked at the photo, fucking! It was the guy that day, named Xue Jianhua.

This person is the same age as him, with a larger nose, richer resume, and no stranger to games. What's amazing is that he once participated in a three-person team to develop a project similar to an "independent developer mobile game" and successfully launched it.

The so-called independent developer mobile game is similar to that kind of game. The game art can be adjusted completely by the program to save the cost of art. The food is game creativity and operation.

This kind of game can be very profitable, especially among them. The content of this game is very simple. A little bird keeps flying forward on the screen. There are infinite pairs of steel pipes with opposite openings up and down on the screen. They are opened with equal diameters to let the birds pass, but the opening height changes randomly. Hit the steel pipe and killed him.

The only operation the player has to do is to touch the screen. Each touch will make the bird move up, and if it is not touched, it will fall down. The endless level mode is how far it can fly. How can such a simple game make money? There is no payment point. As long as the user’s bird dies, the advertisement is placed. If you want to not watch the advertisement, don’t die.

This fat bird's advertisement was once very popular, and the installation cost was very low. Even Pengfei Technology has also invested with venture capital.

With such a simple game content, even without multiplayer mode, the developer made tens of millions of dollars in the end because his game was successfully promoted. The performance of the dau game after its launch is the operational design. The success of the operation has made the game top the Apple list in many countries.

From the perspective of post-Zhuge Liang, many people say that its popularity is due to this kind of luck. Success cannot be copied. But it cannot be denied that it went through a process from obscurity to popularity. This process is called operation. . The game's creativity in the game is the main reason that it can explode through the psychology of curiosity, but without proper operation, the lead can't hit the Mars.

Xue Jianhua also operated a dua game. His performance was so-so, reaching a dau of over 500,000, but he quickly depleted and barely made some money.

Chu Yuanxi nodded secretly. It is not easy to achieve this step in 2015, especially when there are no operating expenses. It might be different two years earlier, but many people did not have the vision and determination to do this two years earlier.

As for his formal professional resume, it also contains operational experience of an instant delivery company, an online education company and a learning management product.

Chu Yuanxi said, "That's him, I don't care about the predecessors, let this grandson do me overtime!"

So on June 27th, Xue Jianhua came to report to Chu Yuanxi on his studies.

He has to go through the training of new employees who are well-off. Then, because he is mainly responsible for the details of online content, he has to understand Chu Yuanxi’s online content development ideas. After repeated exchanges with Chu Yuanxi several times, he still needs considerable Time can really get on the job. In short, the past few days have been both leisurely and depressed.

In fact, this work is very arduous, similar to the Sanjing that Chu Yuanxi once did. One hand is research and development and the other is operation. As a result, before Chu Yuanxi had time to arrange the task, Xue Jianhua first put forward suggestions.

"Mr. Chu, why don't we sell coffee but not milk tea in our convenience store? Milk tea is just needed." He pushed his big-rimmed glasses and looked at Chu Yuanxi as he said.

This first question stunned Chu Yuanxi to ask, because he had never made milk tea. Convenience store coffee is not his idea. 724 has already done it in the island country and the effect is good. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi called it "follow the same step" and bluntly called "fast iteration". The vegetable market aunt's theory, just keep up.

In the final analysis, Chu Yuanxi didn’t have any new promotion and explanation about the convenience store business itself. It was nothing more than learning the essence of others, learning the really valuable points hidden under the surface, and then applying the business that prevailed here in the sky. mode. The real model innovation of Xiaokang lies in the combination with bicycles, upgrading the dimensions of big data, and then rushing to social networking through online content.

At this time, online content is the mission of mobile payment, which is the innovative point of model innovation.

And what Xue Jianhua proposed was the renewal in the "origin" of the convenience store, so Chu Yuanxi was stunned, and this suggestion out of his comfort zone.

At this time, he realized that Xiaokang had a seemingly inadvertent weakness-there is no real co-founder, no one can discuss.

Conventional startup companies rarely have one person to take over, especially in technology Internet companies, usually at least three people, one in charge of technology, one in charge of operations, and one in charge of the others. Everyone has their own skills and skills. The ideals, goals, and ideas of the company are consistent, and the cognition and sensitivity of the product are in a similar spectrum.

In such an unexpected situation, the three people can discuss and jointly assume the responsibilities and risks. This discussion is usually not based on the number of shares held by each person for pk, but a brainstorming, in order to find the optimal solution to the problem.

Then Xiaokang is not like that. At any rate, the Ba people still have several co-founders. Liu Bei can ask Zhang Fei for advice when he is in a hurry. Sheng Shujiao Tu Zhu Yan is the Ba people's Guan Zhang Zhao. Xiaokang does not have a real co-founder. Liu Lu and Yuan Mu were both found after Chu Yuanxi set all the big frameworks. Although they are also very important, they can't contribute their wisdom on the issue of "whether or not milk tea is made".

Therefore, all problems are actually thought by Chu Yuanxi's only son, and he also has the ability and experience to think about it. The key is experience. A lot of experience in the original world for him to learn from is verified. But when you encounter something that hasn't been verified, you immediately enter a bewildered state.

"Uh..." He thought for a moment. "Have you noticed the milk tea's ping effect? ​​Milk tea is just needed, but we only need a coffee machine and a mini freezer for iced coffee cups for freshly ground coffee. Nobody is needed. The ping effect is very good. Very high. Milk tea is not the same, it is bound to be unable to get a milk tea machine. Milk tea requires a special milk tea master, not enough for one person, and a considerable space.

Like "Duke", the floor efficiency is already super high, but how can it be opened with five or six square meters, and the larger ones cost more than ten square meters. Is this floor effect suitable for the current system of well-off? Is the atmosphere of the milk tea workbench suitable for the existing environment of Xiaokang? As we said before, the atmosphere of a well-off society is lonely and quiet. The milk tea workbench hula la and queues up with a lot of people, which I feel a bit inappropriate. "

This remark made Xue Jianhua nodded thoughtfully, but Chu Yuanxi was uncomfortable, because what kind of phenomenon was this? It is called "Negating something unfamiliar out of instinct before saying it", and "It is difficult to solve the problem, but it is easy to solve the problem to the person who raised the problem".

Positive entrepreneurs should have a normal view of the world: everything has advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages, so you must think about it, see both the good and the bad at the same time, instead of preconceivedly staring at the flaws. Therefore, he felt very low about his performance and had to remedy: "Well, but your idea is quite interesting. I haven't really thought about milk tea. How did you think about it?"

"Hey, isn't Luckin pushing milk tea?" Xue Jianhua scratched his big nose, "and the effect is very good, the rise is very fast, it's so good, it makes more money than coffee. In addition, Starbucks is also Selling, all kinds of tea beverages are particularly popular at Starbucks this year. In short, I think it should be good."

"Oh, it's a good idea to benchmark Luckin and Starbucks." Chu Yuanxi discovered that Xue Jianhua is probably a coffee lover, and seven or eighty of them are members of Starbucks and Luckin. He can't do it himself. Even if he goes to a coffee shop, he doesn't go to Starbucks, but a more upscale independent coffee brand, which is equivalent to the people who were dropped by Starbucks and Luckin when they were layered, not their users.

This made him couldn't help but vomit: "By the way, isn't Luckin making a big ambition to let the people of the whole country drink coffee? Relying on the Nasdaq, who is bragging about it, how come to sell milk tea? Have you forgotten what you said before?"

"Hahachu, you don't understand this. Did the user go to Ruixing to drink coffee before? How bad is Ruixing's black coffee? It's a fight with us..." Xue Jianhua said, suddenly found something wrong. , "Do you know what category Luckin sells best?"

"Is... a latte?"

"Bingo!" Xue Jianhua slapped, "Latte is not coffee. Latte means milk in Italian. Luckin sells the best latte, followed by Rena ice and milk coffee. It's not called coffee, it's called adding coffee to sweet milk. What's wrong with adding tea to sweet milk?"

"What you said makes sense! This is a valuable brain hole, but unfortunately I won't use it for the time being." Chu Yuan Xixin said that your thinking is really strange! It's a pity that Xiaokang is really not suitable for selling milk tea, otherwise this old man will make money. Up!

Although this peculiar proposal was rejected, Xue Jianhua was not depressed at all, and even after hearing Chu Yuanxi say "valuable brain hole", the black spectacle frame flashed behind. Although he has not done anything yet, he has a preliminary understanding of the mode of operation of the well-off society, and even a little understanding of the Pakistani group, knowing what he can get if he can contribute valuable brains.

It's just that Xue Jianhua still needs to explore what a valuable brain is. For example, yesterday he also proposed to add the user pre-order function to the Xiaokang system. That is to say, when there is no user favorite goods in a nearby convenience store, let the user pre-order, and then Xiaokang launches its own efficient logistics to deliver the goods to the corresponding The storefront will notify users to pick up, or take out.

This function can actually be superimposed on the goods query interface, and you only need to modify the interface function slightly. Chu Yuanxi's evaluation is: This is the work you should do, not a brain hole.

However, the development of milk tea category belongs to, but the brain opening may not be able to be implemented.

emmmm...Thinking about it this way, Xue Jianhua realized that Chu Yuanxi seemed to have recruited him to get his brains out?

In fact, it took only a few days to join Xiaokang, but Xue Jianhua had already opened his mind. Although his resume is rich, he is mainly based on pure IT. The users are all Internet users. Even if he occasionally designs the ground, it is also ground promotion. He has never touched the concepts of supply chain, logistics, warehouse management and so on.

But Xiaokang is not the same. Xiaokang and Ruixing are similar. They are both technology Internet entities. According to the habit of Chinese people to make abbreviations for everything, it can be called tim enterprise, technology.

On the one hand, this kind of enterprise focuses on asset management of physical stores, and is widely chained. The ability to open stores is a kind of particularity. The logistics and warehousing supply chain is the lifeblood. On the other hand, it has extremely deep requirements for it products.

Without the support of the it system, in the face of such a large chain store scale, you can only use the most primitive order system. It is difficult to guarantee that the discount coupons will not go wrong, let alone there is a bicycle. Want to engage in temporary promotions? Want to deal with fresh food that is about to expire at a discount? Orders will be 100% confused. Not to mention the ink price tag.

This is equivalent to Xiaokang's own customization of a set of it products. This set of it products is represented by multiple client apps and corresponding services, which are also used by users, shop assistants, and logistics and warehousing. In fact, the R&D department equivalent to the well-off is the product manufacturer, and the store logistics and warehousing department is the product application side, using it to face users and use it to deliver goods.

In other words, because there is no authentic it company that can provide a one-stop solution, Xiaokang has to make its own wheels and develop it by itself.

Following this line of thinking, Xue Jianhua made a report. As his first official valuable brain hole, he was very confident of its value.

The general idea is-now that the 724 types of convenience store businesses in China have gradually heated up, it is conceivable that a large number of chain convenience stores will be converted to tim, and the demand for the system will become a rigid demand. However, not everyone has to insist on their own development. Is it possible for a well-off R&D department to become a one-stop solution provider? Use your own more mature experience to develop corresponding systems for your friends?

In fact, friends and merchants also have rigid needs for warehousing and logistics, but these are not the strengths of the well-off. Well-off warehousing and logistics are also maintained above the industry average, which is a significant distance from Ali Goudong.

But for the development of tim-type systems, Xiaokang’s own complexity should currently be among the highest in the world, at least in Xue Jianhua’s line of sight, doing subtraction, backward compatibility, can completely provide services for friends and businessmen.

When Chu Yuanxi saw this report, his first reaction was to say that I can go to your uncle! This is a third-party job! Imagine assuming that 724 can provide this kind of system, will Xiaokang buy it? It must be expensive to research and develop by yourself, but the one who buys 724 will die! Isn't every move exposed under the periscope of 724?

But after thinking about it, maybe other convenience store companies have no such concerns? Those who look at the 724 shelves and feel refreshed and happy to come back to the cottage, and there is no feature worth hiding. Develop a system that can provide the feeling of using dozens of convenience stores?

In the final analysis, Xiaokang is a convenience store as a watch, and a technology as a social network as a payment. For this, it is equipped with a blockchain, a vr/ar, and even a map. The huge R&D team is for the service instead of the surface.

But most of the convenience chain stores appeared to seize the new outlets of new retail. Even 724 itself is focused on this watch, so their supporting factories are very good, the logistics supply chain is very good, and even the system is very good. But there is no expansion and extension, and there is no desire for any model combination.

Is this the craftsmanship that island entrepreneurs focus on only one thing in their entire life?


So from this perspective, it seems that this solution provider can't do it? Xiaokang is very different from other convenience stores.

But certainly not doing it now, now Xiaokang has not become famous, and others have no reason to trust the Xiaokang system, at least after Milestone 5. In addition, we must also consider the ability and pressure of well-off research and development. Only when we have substantially completed our own research and development work, can we provide personal services to others.

This kind of system is actually very valuable. For example, how to coordinate changes in the supply chain in a dynamic way will test the system.

For example, Luckin has demonstrated its horrible store opening ability. The highest peak has once rushed to dozens of cities across the country at a speed of four stores a day. The coordination and mobilization ability is a business miracle.

In this case, the coordination of the supply chain is very difficult, because the supply chain must be adjusted dynamically at any time. Operating dozens of stores and expanding is completely different from operating thousands of stores and expanding.

If there is no qualified system, all manpower must be deployed, and the workload is terrifying.

This is still a change in the store, what about the change in the price of the goods?

Especially for Luckin, the supply chain and ingredients of milk tea and coffee are different. Milk tea is much more complicated and sku management is much more difficult. With the new model, the entire logistics system will be stimulated.

This is actually one of the main reasons why many domestic convenience stores that are modeled after 724 are unable to update the iterative speed of goods, and the system cannot keep up.

Therefore, on June 27th, Xue Jianhua received the first bonus since joining the company, 10,000 yuan while debriefing.

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