Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 822: Is Fang Shiling playing dead?

The closer the time came to the end of June, the more Chu Yuanxi cared about Fang Shiling, and it wouldn't work if she didn't care. The deadline she agreed with Tai Shantai was approaching, and Chu Yuanxi was about to wait for the eye drops.

From a human point of view, this period of time is quite a test. The less sunny the heart is, the more afraid of others' success. As a result, when I wait to go to Fang Shiling, there is no movement? Are you handing it in?

It was inconvenient for Chu Yuanxi to directly ask Wei Ning, so she had no choice but to be familiar with the small bosses who took over the outsourcing. The people who did it thought that the Pakistani people had the same on-site outsourcing needs. Don't say it, Lu Yu really has a demand, just look at the price, especially this is not the price for private companies, your uncle!

As a result, Chu Yuanxi's deer-headed rat had been awkward for two days, and found that Fang Shiling was nothing special at all? Chu Yuanxi asked Fang Shiling to find an online novel author to write for her? Never submit the paper before the last second?

Chu Yuanxi waited patiently until the end of the month, instead of waiting for Fang Shiling to be higher, instead, he waited for a blockbuster in the live broadcast industry, and waited for a woman who is known as "Wild Rock" who sells **** looks. Stars are sold live on Kuaishou.

Actually, the sale of celebrities' live broadcasts is not new. Zhang Yushi often plays live broadcasts with her cosmetics. Sister Xiang is obsessed with Taobao live broadcasts. This is not news, but Wild Rock is different and professional! Wild Rock will be in 2017. I opened an account soon. By the end of June, a total of 39 videos were posted, 19 of which were posted this month. I am very knowledgeable. The short videos are very professional for preheating.

As soon as she increased the content output, many practitioners in the short video industry felt strange, and the comments in the video were also weird. I often see "see you at the end of the month" and this kind of nonsense, such details are even common fans. You can all notice, let alone the practitioners in the media industry.

Sure enough, by the end of the month, Wild Rock appeared in the image of an authentic live broadcast buyer, which is called an authentic! First of all, eyesight. The first show of Internet celebrities must be named after "xx Festival". It's called the "Rock Value Explosive Table Pet Fan Festival", which is super grounded and suitable for quick hands.

Then take a closer look, this is definitely trained, at least memorized the lines, the use of vocabulary and rhythm is very good, completely different from other stars in the wild. If Wild Rock puts a jpg of Qiao Biluo on his face, listening to the dialogue is a proficient anchor, and the anchor of the guild, and a group of internet celebrities, all the way to thank the brother and sister for carrying him. It’s lingo to open your mouth if you want to lay out noodles, absolutely!

Then came the business. In less than three hours, she brought a dozen kinds of goods, from toothpaste to vacuum cleaners, from spicy strips to juicers, more professional than Zhou Minxi! A shampoo for preventing hair loss sold for 20,000 in two minutes Five thousand orders, more than two hours not only sold 15 million, but the number of fans also increased by 1.2 million, and the performance is catching up with the Douyin lipstick, and the revenue of the double eleven live broadcast of the lipstick is also tens of millions, at the same volume. level.

For a while, there are all the voices of wolves coming in the circle. This kind of professionally trained star can bring a lot of traffic when he doesn't understand the live broadcast industry. With a little training, mastering the basic skills of live broadcast is the same as playing. Dimensional combat. Moreover, like Wild Rock, the circle has been confused and cannot get resources, but the popularity on the Internet has always been very high, and it is not confused at all. Dimensionality reduction is definitely a big killer in the live broadcast circle.

This report card made Lu Yu enviable. There were a thousand mice running and a hundred old cats scratching in his heart. They talked about the attractiveness of Israelis and Palestinians, the distribution plan and flow that Israelis and Palestinians can provide. Let's do it too, and make it even higher! Why does President Chu just stop doing it?

In fact, this answer has faintly appeared among the employees of the Pakistani Group. That is, Chu Yuanxi has been accumulating traffic for the Pakistani people, waiting to be used by the well-off.

By now, Chu Yuanxi’s time allocation can tell everything. Although the tea room is still that tea room, the Ba people will not be able to see him if there is no important thing here. Of course they will not be driven away, but they will be driven away. Instruct to find someone else. In fact, just by looking at who is in and out of the tea room every day, you can know where the CEO's business focus is.

For example, on this day, Yuan Mu was in the tea room, because Yuan Mu had doubts about Xue Jianhua's 10,000 yuan bonus.

"Chu Yuanxi, I have no objection to your bonus, but Xue Jianhua hasn't signed the competition agreement yet, so I don't think it is appropriate to just give the bonus."

"Uh... he signed a non-disclosure agreement. Is the competition agreement? Forget it, let him get him a regular right now. It will not wait for the three-month probation period. What do you think of signing and issuing the money?" Chu Yuanxi felt Talent is hard to come by. To be honest, there is actually a shortage of such a big brother who can contribute his brain every day. It is easy for people in the workplace to follow the steps every day, but there are not many people who are good at divergent thinking and can make effective reasoning along the brain hole, and even fewer can make constructive opinions.

Although I don’t know if Xue Jianhua’s previous suggestion is a misunderstanding or whether it has been considered that Xiaokang and other chain convenience store companies are not purely competitive, so he proposed to build in the way of a one-stop solution provider, but in short, this is A proposal that can affect the entire industry.

Although it may not be executed, a bonus should be no problem, just like when I provided ideas to Pengfei Technology to do the project, even if the only result was to pit Yang Yuanmei.

Yang Yuanmei has recently returned to the company, temporarily replacing Uncle Sheng for a while. When Uncle Sheng went to Hengdian, she was selecting ip, but mainly female ip.

To say Yang Yuanmei, she is actually the kind of versatile but not good at anything, but she has a big advantage, that is, once she does something, she will do it seriously and will not make mistakes, so that Chu Yuanxi can rest assured. Although it may not be so good, it is definitely above average and it is very suitable to be a substitute.

When the Ba Ren made short videos when it was created, when the content output was not enough, she could still appear on the scene without people.

But this kind of contribution is not worthy of bonus, at least not as shining as Xue Jianhua, Xue Jianhua is the kind of person who can toss things up from the bottom up.

Yuan Mu also knows that someone like Xue Jianhua who can make extra contributions is more valuable, but she still has concerns: "Chu Yuanxi, by the way, isn't the online content that you keep hiding? How strict is confidentiality? Ah? In the end, if you don’t tell us, tell a new employee, you are not afraid that Xue Jianhua is a commercial spy or something?"

"Hey, isn't this online content has been officially developed? There is no need to keep it confidential. If you ask me, I will also say. In addition, if Xue Jianhua is a commercial spy, his acting skills are too awesome, don't be anything. I’m a commercial spy. Let’s make a debut at Pakistani Entertainment. Besides, what I told him is not all. Instead, he only knows that the target is mobile payment and does not know social. As for how to derive mobile payment, the problem has already been raised. See if he can Can't guess it."

"You're really invincible in selling Guanzi! Chu Yuanxi!" Yuan Mu said while vomiting that we can't lose, absolutely can't ask, he must guess how he wants to engage in mobile payment. As a person who knows the most information, he knows more than the well-off employees, but Chu Yuanxi couldn't do the exam questions, which made Yuan Mu feel very crippled.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "I'm not selling Guanzi, in fact, even if I teach hand-in-hand, others have learned it, but they don't necessarily know why they should do this and what to do next. The so-called so-called drunkenness, the Buddha sits in his heart. If others learn from me, it is like entering the magical way."

"You mean, don't understand your thinking?"

"Yes, if you understand my way of thinking, you can come up with your own online content even if you don't learn from me."

"Then what's your idea?" Yuan Mu said without anxiousness and left. In fact, she had so many things on her hand that she had planned to say a few words and then left. At the end of June, it was also an extremely important day for her, but not because of the well-off, but because of the Ba people. The Pakistani people signed the financing agreement on July 10 last year, and it will be completed for one year soon.

What does a whole year mean? It means that the account is booked, and when the account is finished, the gambling agreement should be executed. And because it is stated in the agreement that as long as the financial indicators are reached at any time within the agreed time period, it is counted as completed, and there is no need to wait until the three-year period expires. Therefore, has the Pakistani founders team completed the gambling?

Chu Yuanxi’s gambling condition was that “when the net operating net profit realized in the next three years has reached 33, 100 or 266 of the previous valuation of this round of financing, the founding team The shareholding ratio of the company is automatically expanded, and the cumulative proportion of shares is 133, 200 and 333 before the financing."

The pre-financing valuation is 1.5 billion, 266 is 4 billion. This pure operating net profit looked high at the time, but it has been 8 months since the mobile game was launched, and the monthly revenue is higher than 500 million. In addition, Pakistani Group also There are a lot of other income, but there are also a lot of expenditures, so whether the gambling is completed or not?

Zheng De is actually not too entangled, but Li Jingfei and Modu Syndicate are both particularly entangled. Therefore, Yuan Mu had to activate his other identity, an investor in the Pakistani Group, and began to make his calculations.

First of all, the 100, which is the net profit of 1.5 billion, has been completed anyway, but the 4 billion is indeed very delicate, because there is a problem with financial standards, that is, the game revenue on the channel has a billing period.

Counting Netmabao’s overseas accounts, channel revenue currently accounts for about half of mobile game revenue. The revenue during the account period is called "account receivable-loan revenue" on the balance sheet, and it must be included in profit. However, according to the latest financial standards in 2018, all accounts receivable must be provided for bad debts. This involves how the Pakistani and the channels sign the agreement and the specific implementation.

It is precisely to grasp this point that Magic Capital Syndicate and Li Jingfei are very concerned about the results of the audit. Nor can they be blamed for caring, because after re-recording the shareholding ratio, Chu Yuanxi, a stance Pakistani, will definitely have to divide money again. This time, dividing money is definitely a huge sum of money. According to the second or third level, the gambling result is recorded. , Had a great influence on them, and they were all white flowers.

Chu Yuanxi was not at all anxious, he knew best about the income status of the Ba people.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi was able to request an accounting in the half-year period, which is January. At that time, the 33 gear was definitely available, and the 100 grade needed careful reading for the same reason. However, this kind of account needs to be carefully audited by an auditor firm, which costs seven figures of audit fees, and the audit of game companies is the most complicated of all audit subjects, so Chu Yuanxi did not spend this matter, and directly distributed dividends. Money out.

But this time it is impossible not to be serious. Ernst & Young’s auditors are already in place, and they are waiting for the audit to begin on July 1.

This made Chu Yuanxi sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and listen to Yuan Mu asking his thoughts. What should I say? e, is to install a bility? Or upgrade Yuan Mu's perception? "My thinking is actually like this. As far as your observation is concerned, what is the biggest chronic toxin of Internet entrepreneurship?"

"Chronic toxin? I don't understand."

"It's just the kind of drug that looked okay before the drug was issued, and it told a story that seemed quite reasonable, and it would explode when the drug was issued. For example, cultural and creative enterprises bought copyright to form goodwill, and this year's goodwill was accrued. An example is a listed company whose impairment is equal to twice the market value."

Chu Yuan followed benevolent temptations, unexpectedly Yuan Mu blurted out: "Does the concept of'virtual net assets' you mentioned belong to chronic speed?"

"I didn't mention that, you give me a clearer mind!" Chu Yuanxi was angry, "and what I asked is the biggest poison in the entire entrepreneurial field."

"Then I don't know, just tell me."

"It's subsidizing users, and subsidizing users is the biggest toxin in my opinion."

"Oh..." Yuan Mu understood at the time. "Oh wrong, isn't Didi subsidizing users? Are you saying that Didi will be killed by poisoning in the future if it stops subsidizing? No, Didi's subsidized users are already very low and very low, and there is basically no subsidy... …"

"I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense!" Chu Yuanxi laughed. "You are right. The so-called poison is the problem of user loss. At present, the entire entrepreneurial circle of the Tian Dynasty generally subsidizes users and the poison has not been issued. When the subsidy is over, you will see who finds the antidote. Are you hungry and Meituan are typical, there is no good way, the business war is to increase the subsidy, this is not hungry, and a new round of subsidies is started.

If there is a poison, there is a way to detoxify, and the detoxification medicine Didi currently finds is called ‘crush scale’. But is it a good medicine? Relying on the big data accumulated on scale to build a moat is actually not complete. There will always be lavish competitors. Didi has done a good job, but Meituan and Gaode are not giving up. "

Yuan Mu can probably understand, but there are also some things he doesn't understand, such as: "What do you say about this?"

"Because, the antidote I gave is online content, to retain users with valuable online content. This is my thinking."

Yuan Mu really didn't understand this time, but it felt different.

In the past, even though Chu Yuanxi had done a series of magic-like techniques, Yuan Mu was unable to replay it, unable to sort out the methodology from it, so it can only be attributed to either good luck or some kind of genius, success is It doesn't make sense, even if it makes sense, it cannot be repeated. Like a mobile game, even if Chu Yuanxi laid out all the steps, did others follow them and make the same game?

The answer is no. Two of the three knockoff products that went online on June 13 have died, one stubbornly returned to the stove, and the other directly declared the test failed and stopped serving indefinitely. Only the penguin model is not bad, with a turnover of 100 million in two weeks, a dau of 3 million, and an arpu value of more than 150 yuan, which is in line with the temperament of a penguin game.

For others, this is a brilliant victory. It can boost the company's listing, and it can leave a fortune in the history of Chinese games, and it is even worthy of being reviewed by later historians. But if you look at how much Penguin has poured, how many ads have been advertised, and how many activities Penguin has done, it can be considered unsatisfactory for Penguin Games and can fill the kpi of the game publishing department, that's all.

To know that the game of Tianchao is online, the first two weeks before the server opens is the most fierce time period for recharging. This product will be more than 100 million in a month.

It has an impact, but is relatively limited.

However, now Chu Yuanxi began to talk about his own thinking, thinking-practice-methodology, which is a spiral structure. This made Yuan Mu couldn't help becoming extremely focused: "The ‘valuable’ content you retains users, so how can it be considered valuable?"

"Well, you have to remember the homework I left for them. In fact, the answer is very simple. I have told you so much about mobile payment and you still can't do it. You do a few maths before going to work every day. Question?"

Yuan Mu gave him a hehe. Although doing math problems is a popular way for the senior management of many technology companies to exercise their brains, it is not suitable for liberal arts students. At exactly this time, Xue Jianhua was called to the tea room, and Chu Yuanxi went straight to the point: "I have something to talk to you about, let's formally enter the job."

Xue Jianhua obviously did not expect this to be the case: "Ah! Why?"

"Because I suddenly found out that you didn't formally apply for the entry and I gave you a bonus that didn't meet the process. You don't want to get the bonus in three months, right?"

Xue Jianhua felt that there seemed to be something wrong, because Yuan Mu actually went to accompany him on the job, and when signing the non-competition agreement, the first was 724, the second was Meituan, the third was Ali, and the fifth was Luo. Sen, the sixth family, but the fourth family is a company called Openmen. I have never heard of this. How can He De rank in front of the Luosen family?

However, Xue Jianhua signed his name without any hesitation.

So Yuan Mu asked him: "I think Chu Yuanxi has a high evaluation of you, but the starting salary given by Xiaokang is average in the industry. Ordinarily, you should be able to get a better offer? I think you are confident. It's pretty good, why come to this company?"

"Because Xiaokang trusts non-core members." Xue Jianhua said naturally, "Many companies don't trust non-core members at all. All projects are proposed by core members and executed by non-core members. Non-core members’ proposals are not considered at all. No matter whether it is valuable or not, I have stayed in several such companies. This is why I even become an independent developer."

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