Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 824: This is not cheating

It is for this reason that the output of Chen Kuo's work these days has been higher, and work can temporarily anesthetize oneself, without hearing these unhappy voices.

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi was also quite speechless. This was Yang Jiangang's company. Yang Jiangang didn't care if he had no reason to blind Jaguar. If it’s a Pakistani or well-off, I’m sorry, those of you who talk coldly, the bonus is gone. what? You ask the reason? Disturb the order of the company and destroy the atmosphere of the company. Please take the initiative to apply for resignation, otherwise the resignation certificate will not look good.

This also fully exposed Yang Jiangang's inexperience in managing the company, and he cannot be strict when he should be ruthless. He has sprayed Yang Jiangang on WeChat several times, but it will take some time for Yang Jiangang to learn how to talk with his face black instead of talking with mud.

Even Chu Yuanxi looked on with cold eyes, and could feel that some people in the peak visual effects were naked and jealous. Why can Chen Kuo get a luxury car and make friends with white rich and beautiful women? These nasty people probably hope that Chen Kuo will get married with Wang Hui and fight every day? So squeezing them to work overtime is more than enough and not enough? The beauty of thinking!

Seeing Chen Kuo but there was no such thing for a long time, Chu Yuanxi was a little anxious, "What the **** are you? Just say what you think. This is one of the most important choices in your life. Don't think about face! "

"But, Wang Hui, maybe you really love me, right?" Chen Kuo's eyes were red, and he was very tangled.

"Oh, Bai Fumi doesn't really love you?"

"It's not the same thing!"

Chu Yuanxi sneered: "You are stupid! First, I don't know if Wang Hui really loves you. It may be, or it may be just to disturb you, and then leave to be happy. She is already devilish. This is possible. Second, have you seen it?"

Chen Kuo nodded.

"It's good to have seen it. Do you remember what the upper third in it said? Whether she really loves you is hers, not yours." Chu Yuanxi took a breath and snorted: "They said that Wu Yue acted This little third-rank is high, but what is so high? It’s the way it is. You don’t love her. This is a very clear thing. There is no need to wrong yourself. A man, you must have confidence and determination. You shouldn’t take the game. Never take it. You have struggled for so many years and finally married Wang Hui, are you worthy of your hair?"

"But, I put her to sleep..." Chen Kuo was still struggling after diving into a dead end.

Chu Yuanxi was strange, "Oh, because you haven't slept with Bai Fumi, Bai Fumi can be let down. This is your logic? You have written programs for so many years! In order to be free of bugs or to implement functions? Do you have a girlfriend for your lifelong happiness, not to be sorry for someone! And the logic is not right, you have lived with Wang Hui for so long, haven't you slept before?"

Chen Kuo hesitated, "Sleep, slept, but this time is different."

"Why is it different? You erred her? Still photographed her?"

"What! This time, this time I counted as cheating, cheating!"

Get out of the bird's hair path! Chu Yuanxi was too weak to vomit, but finally knew what Chen Kuo was entangled with in that little flowery intestines. Don't ask, Bai Fumei must have already known it. I don't know if Chen Kuo is afraid that the bamboo basket has not been caught on both sides, or is really ashamed to face Bai Fumei, shameless and shameless to meet his sweetheart.

In the final analysis, it was Yang Jiangang who cheated on his father, and had no vision to hold a cocktail party to see that Wang Hui had to be invited. Chu Yuanxi was also not interested in knowing what Chen Kuo thought, so she quickly enlightened Chen Kuo to understand the matter: "You are not cheating, you are drinking chaotic sex, understand? Read it to me, drinking chaotic sex! "


"Nothing but, this matter is now whether you have been forgiven by Bai Fumei, and it has nothing to do with Wang Hui. If you feel sorry, you can kneel in front of Bai Fumei and confess, not ashamed."

After speaking, Chu Yuanxi looked at Chen Kuo, and Chen Kuo went into solidified contemplation.

How can Chu Yuanxi have time to wait for him to fight ideologically? Pick up the phone and prepare to flash people. "The mine that Yang Jiangang set today really landed me. It seems that he is completely unprepared for how to operate a platform.

Normally, take a part of your mind and talk to him more about company-level matters. With both of them, set aside a fixed amount of time every day to study, at least read the news and see what others do. This is not to delay the effort, one person is short and the other is long. The founders of this company are you, me, and him. It is impossible for me to dedicate a lot of energy to accompany you. I have to rely on you. "

Chen Kuo keenly distinguished the key word "operating a platform" in a lot of nagging voices. Seeing that Chu Yuanxi was going to flash people, he quickly asked: "Wait for President Chu, how can I learn how to operate a platform? We also want to improve ourselves, but there is no way, there is no book devoted to this kind of thing."

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Do you know what it means to drive behind closed doors? You two are. Go out a lot to communicate with your peers, participate in a forum, etc., to broaden your horizons. Have you never thought about this kind of thing?"

As he said, he couldn't help but recall how he looked back when he started his business. How similar? The most common thing in China is that there are teams with technical inability to operate, and the products are all done, and even the business hasn't thought of recruiting one. I don't know how to make money, so I just made the product while bored. In contrast, his kind of knowledge of operations is not bad.

"There are so many domestic platforms, and there are many experienced people. I feel that Yang Jiangang should consider recruiting a knowledgeable manager."

These things can only be handled by Chen Kuo and Yang Jiangang. After Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, Chen Kuo returned to the Pakistani group, and Zhao Jie probably was waiting anxiously.

He went back with the video of the first episode of the first season, because Zhao Jie's plan was to do the first mini game, so he just showed him.

Soon, Chu Yuanxi watched it again in the conference room of the Pakistani Games, and then listened to the project establishment meeting that Zhao Jie personally explained. The specifications of this project meeting are quite high from the participants. Needless to say, the people of Pakistani games, and then Lu Yu, Yang Yuanmei, Xue Ming, Zhu Yan also came to join in the fun, even the uncle Sheng in Hengdian. Participate remotely with the video, because he also has a huge relationship with him.

In terms of content, Zhao Jie is also very detailed.

Mini-games are completely different from mini-games. Mini-games whose purpose is to "point ads for income" are completely different from those whose purpose is to "proliferate". They are different in terms of type and topic selection. It is impossible that the past can be changed by changing the settings.

In fact, the Pakistani game has been in a state of daily meetings for the past two weeks, especially the planning department wants to pull Chu Yuanxi over and be beaten every day. Although from the planning level, mini games are much better designed than regular games, but some key details require experience, and most of the Ba people's planning have not developed mini games.

It’s easy to talk on paper. It’s easy to learn from peer exchange groups and get some experience, but some simple questions are not easy to answer. For example, small games for advertising purposes also need to be proliferated. How to expand, why both Can't be unified? Questions like this throw the Pakistani planning into **** every day to torment.

Fortunately, although the h5 is just a simple text sharing and splicing, it can actually be regarded as a mini game. When a passerby user clicks it, it will have a sense of participation and have a self-display function, which triggers distribution on social links. Therefore, some experience can be learned.

Because Chu Yuanxi changed the goal, all the small game plans that Zhao Jie had prepared before could no longer be used. Therefore, this time is equivalent to re-accumulating the work accumulated over a long period of time, and the explanation must be detailed. If it is not detailed, it is easy for him to find the North.

However, Zhao Jie has never conducted a project report for so many years of work, nor has he presided over a project meeting. Therefore, this ppt Chu Yuanxi touched a strong early style of Pengfei Technology at the first glance. I don’t know which corner he came from. The template that came out from here was then changed from Pakistan to Pakistan, and even swot came out, that is, four analysis of advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and risks.

Chu Yuanxi resisted the strong desire to vomit and said that this kind of analysis method has long been outdated, okay! This is all the routine of 2013. Hey, the old man’s life declined before the two worlds diverged. I can still see it now. Is this particularly archaeological?

If it wasn't because Zhao Jie's current mini-game strategy was proposed by Chu Yuanxi, this ppt would be 100% killed! Zhao Jie's next step to improve has been found, go back and practice ppt!

You must know that Baidu once fired a senior vice president because it was too spicy. Entrepreneurship in the celestial dynasty, although ppt entrepreneurship is no longer popular, but this basic skill must be pointed out, and then talk about how to fight, speech ideas, etc., otherwise it will not be a talent that can support a valuation of 30 billion.

Fortunately, although the packaging is not good, Zhao Jie's content is not bad, at least for Chu Yuanxi, who doesn't know much about mini games, he is a layman.

Mini games are inseparable from hanging up. Around this basic operation, Zhao Jie's rule is actually very simple.

For the purpose of diffusion, it must be small and fun. "Fun" can be in various senses. It is best to activate the player's desire to explore or challenge. If not, the numerical depth can be deep enough. In short, fun games will not create obstacles for players to share. If you want to eat user dividends and increase spread by spontaneous fission, first of all, players who share games must not be "ashamed". If you can feel self-compulsory improvement after sharing, that is the most Ok.

For the purpose of clicking on advertisements, it must be able to create satisfaction in a very short period of time, so that players have the impulse to pay in pursuit of instant satisfaction, and then this impulse can be flexibly transformed by clicking on advertisements. The difficulty of getting players to open their wallets is obviously much higher than that of advertising, and the players' second priority is exactly what the game company expects.

Therefore, the goal of the Pakistani game is changed, and all the planning level preparations made before are overturned.

After Chu Yuanxi watched for a while, no matter what Zhao Jie had originally thought, she asked directly: "Do you plan to develop mini games one by one?"

"Yes." Zhao Jiexin said that I haven't finished speaking yet, and the structure adjustment of our entrepreneurial team hasn't been said yet.

But Chu Yuanxi had already started to interrupt roughly, so he had to pretend to listen to the president's instructions.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi say: "I suggest you make a batch at a time, so that the trial and error speed is fast. You have to know that your gameplay has changed, not for the purpose of making money, but for dissemination. Communication is a trial and error. The cost is much higher than the trial and error of the revenue direction. It is difficult to summarize the methodology. Even if you do it, you may not be able to summarize anything, or summarize the wrong conclusion, it is very likely that some accident caused the spread."

Zhao Jie "cocked" in his heart, mainly because Chu Yuanxi had new instructions, which made him a little unable to keep up with the rhythm. The rhythm of Chu Yuanxi's moves was too fast, and he could only be exhausted by the defensive defense due to his status.

I saw Chu Yuanxi knocked on the armrest of the seat, "Let's make four models first. The strength and state of the Israeli-Palestinian game should be ok. Forming a scale can also effectively reduce costs and improve efficiency.

The first one is based on what you just said in the project, do it, and simulate business. Lu Yu and Zhu Yan happen to be there. You two will cooperate in accordance with Zhao Jie's ideas. This is an established plan. "

The reason why Zhu Yan’s cooperation is needed is because Zhao Jie intends to play a big one, and use the resources of other branches as much as possible, apply the ip, and make an interactive plot type text-based game, which can be regarded as the greatest reference to the success of h5 experience.

It is a leader in interactive storytelling games. Bad women are invincible in the world. Players can choose to go to different story branches through a variety of choices. People who really come out to shoot are unlikely to make a small game.

However, mini games can also be made into interactive plots, only keeping text and simple avatars. The visual part happens to be supplemented by Pakistani information and Pakistani media. Even Pakistani Media can sign some trainee-level artists to shoot live-action dramas. In fact, according to Chu Yuanxi’s vision, Zhu Yan should have participated in the co-producer plan previously conducted by the Toutiao Department, not Lu Yu. They did have a certain degree of overlap in their short content.

"The three of you will communicate with you after the meeting. I will give you some thoughts on the others. I think it's good to be one. Have you played with the travel frog?"

Zhao Jie nodded hurriedly. This game can be said to be very successful in spreading out of the circle. At one time, it infected the entire network as a virus and dominated the circle of friends. Not to mention in the game industry, the basic staff is a frog son. The key is that it is a small game, and it is also the focus of discussions among these Tianba planners.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi, a deep-fed frog virus patient, said: "Traveling frog has various advantages, let's not talk about it. It has a very profound highlight, postcards, do you understand?"

In this game, the postcard brought back by Frog’s son is a very interesting point for the players. It entrusts the theme of the game, which is very charming and has the pleasure of collecting.

"In fact, I have been brewing about this idea for a few days." In order to increase persuasiveness, Chu Yuanxi deliberately distorted the facts. The fact is that this brain hole was born just after leaving the peak visual effects. "Let’s extract the **** of travel frogs. Pith. Players open a family-style restaurant, one table in the exquisite restaurant, and only one wave of guests at a time.

Players and guests are cute. Players choose races to determine the route of the restaurant's dishes. Chinese food, Western food, Thai food, etc., correspond to each other according to their characteristics. For example, the initial selection of giant pandas is Sichuan-Chongqing hot pot restaurant.

Then, guests need to make an appointment before they come, and give evaluations after they leave. Random events occur during the meal. Appointments and evaluations are all handled by ai. They are also gameplay and points of play, such as through whose appointments and rejections, collect evaluation cards some type of.

Players earn money to beautify the restaurant, and they can put a flower in the restaurant and so on. These can also be fun points. For example, the flowers in the garden appear randomly, similar to the plants in the Frog Son’s garden. In short, the game emphasizes the atmosphere.

Finally,, when the player hangs up, according to the system scheme, the player will push the hangup experience to the player. What do you guys think? "

"Can players create their own dishes?" Yu Wenhui raised his hand.

As soon as he spoke to Chu Yuanxi, he understood: "The material fusion in the game?"

"Yes, it's actually the same system. When the mini game is finished, there is no need to do another one, just merge the code."

Yu Wenhui has now retired from the position of project manager of mobile games, and his future is actually weighed on, so all he thinks is. The material fusion system inside can be analogous to refining a demon pot, so of course the player’s “created” must be the result of the mutual integration of recipes.

Unexpectedly, Xue Ming had something to say.

Xue Ming has been silent for a long time. He suddenly stood up today and raised his hand excitedly and said: "In fact, players can really create their own recipes."

Mini games refer to small capacity. Players can play at the touch of a button and flash after playing. It does not mean that it must be simple. Especially for the purpose of dissemination, the front desk may be very simple, but the back-end logic can be extreme, as long as it does not affect the player's leisure experience.

Xue Ming has understood Chu Yuanxi's intentions, so he also knows that although the name is a little game, the company does not hesitate to invest.

Zhao Jie frowned, feeling that things were not simple. "How to really create a method? Is it possible to preset some recipes in the system, and then let the player create it. If it matches one of them, even if it is created successfully, if it doesn't match, even if it fails, it is like ‘targeting’?"

In the meeting room, those who understand the game nodded, because such a "created" is actually just a gimmick, and the player experience is actually not good, and it is difficult to produce particularly good results, which adds to the trouble of doing the value.

Thanks to the lore killer for rewarding the leader. The leader adds to September, because I am afraid that he will give me a 404 in August.

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