Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 825: Xue Ming is going to make gong again

"No, it's really self-made." Xue Ming glanced at the people strangely, then looked at Chu Yuanxi. Chu Yuanxi suddenly thought that they had talked about the fusion of the materials they had targeted before.

As a truly world-leading ai game explorer, Ba Ren Games has actually had discussions on how to achieve real player "inventing" in the true sense. Xue Ming concluded that the so-called "inventing" must provide a set of An input and output system that the machine can understand.

For example, if the core battle of a game is that players use music to play against each other, each famous song in the database has a set of evaluation system to characterize the pros and cons of various attributes such as offensive and defensive dodge crit by star rating. Players collect and develop these music for use in battles, and the combat effectiveness of the music can be enhanced through numerical gameplay.

So if you give the player a set of stave input system, you can output your own music, but the system can’t understand this own music. Because of the famous songs in the database, its attributes are read out by the system reading the pre-written star ratings on the planning table, rather than being scored by an objective evaluation system.

Therefore, player-created music cannot be stored in the library, in other words, it cannot be "created".

However, if you change from "Douqu" to "Dou Shi", by analyzing natural semantics, to a certain extent, you can get a set of evaluation system through a lot of training on ai, instead of manually evaluating stars. In this way, without reading the planning table, the system can "calculate" the various attributes of the battle poem.

Therefore, players can make poems on the spot and can be stored in the library, and can also be used in this combat system, but it is not necessary to be able to play a few-star combat power. Moreover, the player's experience may not be good, because the results of the system scoring may not be convincing.

The reason why tunes are different from poems is that the current ai can understand natural semantics, but the humanities required to understand music are too high. It is actually possible to force it to follow suit, but the results of fighting poems may not be able to convince the public, and fighting music is even more impossible, and it does not have practical application value.

In fact, there was a thought experiment called "Chinese Room Experiment" in the ai circle long ago to explain what artificial intelligence is, or to deny strong artificial intelligence.

This experiment is about keeping a person who only understands English in a closed room, and can only communicate with the outside world using paper slips, but the people who speak Chinese cannot understand English, and the paper slips sent in are also Chinese.

However, there is an English-Chinese dictionary in the room, so people in the room can use the English-Chinese dictionary to translate English into Chinese and write small notes to the outside world for food and drink.

The Chinese language is so broad and profound that a wocao can express more than ten kinds of meanings through the tone changes of light accents and ups. It is impossible for people in the room to learn Chinese through Chinese-English dictionary alone.

But the people outside thought that the people inside knew Chinese.

This is artificial intelligence. Although it does not understand the specific meaning of information, so-called learning can be carried out through a set of information processing methods. Then continue to extend and progress according to the results of the learning, and the final output results look like they understand the information. Actually not.

Chu Yuanxi doesn't need to know how to train AI, but he understands the principles. At this time, when he saw Xue Ming's performance, his eyes brightened, "Wait, Xue Ming, you mean you can train to understand recipes. The ai? How can you make ai understand the recipe? This is what we cook, and it is the taste that is ultimately used to convince the public. The user changes the peanuts in the Kung Pao chicken into walnuts and then uses it as a homemade recipe. How do you understand ai?"

"This is really okay, at least Chinese food is ok." Xue Mingyile, "There are enough training materials related to Chinese food. I can't guarantee that the AI ​​trained out must be understood correctly, but seven or eight out of ten. I briefly considered it. , How far can it be done? Can users blindly enter a recipe for Jaguar, and then the system can give a consistent evaluation, such as very unpalatable. Then why is it unpalatable, such as winter jujube with bananas. Durian dipped in soy sauce is a ghost food, like this."

Zhu Yan didn't understand at all, and was very curious when he heard it, "Wait, the recipe is not only about the ingredients, but also the heat? What about the order? How about the processing?"

"This is too complicated." Chu Yuanxi explained, "After all, it's just a game. If these require input from the player, the player will die in pain, and the gameplay will lose its playability. It's better to just input an ingredient, which is simple. Tell the truth. I think Xue Ming’s approach is feasible. It should be fun for many sand sculpture netizens to make up dark dishes and read the evaluation. It should be very suitable for sharing, right?"

Lu Yu immediately helped: "Yes, and in the future we can receive advertisements. After we become popular, various restaurants will not be crazy and send us advertisements? We can embed advertisements into the game content and follow the advertisements of food exploration stores. It's not a compulsion at all."

Compared with Zhu Yan, Zhao Jie is not so foolish: "I have one question, let's talk about Chinese food. Where can I find your training materials? Is there such a huge electronic version of cooking materials?"

Xue Ming smiled suddenly, "Oh, don't need any textbooks, just let the crawler crawl the ugc content and menu in apps such as comment word-of-mouth, isn't it the end?"

"That's OK?" Many people in the conference room exclaimed in unison, and of course some people nodded slightly.

Just listen to Xue Ming said: "Do you know that a self-media Kol smashed the cellular app last year? The 21 million "real reviews" of the cellular were smashed. Quante was crawled down from places like Ctrip. I climbed a bunch from yelp, directly used the Google translation interface, and climbed up the wrong piece."

Lu Yu nodded immediately: "I know, I know, this is a big deal. Last year's three major KOL kicks. We played Deep Space Data, Ding Xiang played Quanjian, and he was the third one."

Uncle Sheng hadn’t said anything for thousands of miles, and couldn’t help but vomit: “I also know that during the World Cup, I tried to use the frantically advertised house, and found that the comments in it actually have ads for catching rape. , As well as the results of the discipline inspections imposed on the merchants, it was a complete mess."

Xue Ming laughed, "They are valued at more than 10 billion yuan, and the level of crawlers is too bad. The most interesting thing is that after Ctrip discovered it, reverse poisoning made them crawl and crawled away a lot of Ctrip ads. , I was so happy at the time. But we can do that too. Anyway, those ugc content is not a competition in the same industry. Filtering through it should get millions of content that is helpful for understanding the recipe? It's worth trying anyway."

Chu Yuanxi cautiously said to try this first. It is estimated that the worst result is that the user is really blind to the Jaguar meal and then ai gives a high score, and then the user actually tries it. The dark food is terribly unpalatable. That's it?

In fact, there are also some small games that have been on fire in recent years, and there are traces to follow. Chu Yuanxi’s third proposal is much simpler: "The third one I suggest is a pure on-hook game. Now there are mortals on the market. Isn’t there a lot of games?"

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi found that Yang Jiangang should actually be brought here today. The pure on-hook type mainly eats numerical values. The numerical values ​​are well done and the depth is appropriate, which is of indelible significance to on-hook games. Moreover, although Chu Yuanxi did not understand the reason, what can be seen is that the pure on-hook games are well done, and the spreading attributes are not bad? For example, a very successful case in China has directly attracted more than 40 million fans. If it is a Ba people's product, Chu Yuanxi can die.

The key is that it is still a revenue-based game. Invincible products + invincible operations directly establish the historical position of the operator. Just lie in the back to make money. It is not necessarily a good thing to wash the profits of these tens of millions of followers through foolish agents. Where are people going?

But this is unavoidable. Countless latecomers hope to replicate this success but they have not replicated it themselves. So even looking at it from the side, you can know that this road can be taken, and the heat is good. Many people are walking and making money. But if you want to become a target with diffusion and fission, it is difficult to have big success.

Anyway, Zhao Jie thinks so. The current three proposals are most likely to succeed, but they are a bit worse, because there are already good content and copyright effects. At the same time, there are players from tcg mobile games as seeds, but tcg mobile games think ip of.

For the purely on-hook version, it might be a bit difficult without a larger IP, it's not impossible, but there is no advantage compared to other small games.

"Is it possible to use the IP?" Zhao Jie asked, "Developing a small game should be able to get 10 million dau?"

"You can use it, but I suggest you change it. You can use a big ip to run out of the process, but it doesn't make much sense. The run out process itself doesn't understand you Zhao Jie? What you run out is the big ip process." Chu Yuanxi The idea is still relatively clear, "We make mini games to push ip, it is best to self-developed ip, or permanently buy out the full copyright ip. The mini game is the first step in the cold start of this ip, or it is not warm No fire, there is the value of further promotion.

But it’s already very big. Even if you get 10 million dau, it doesn’t make much sense. If I want to sell this ip, assuming it can sell 2 billion now, plus your mini game, it’s still 2 billion. Meaning, you can verify the popularity of this ip again, but the price/performance ratio is too low. The point is, it doesn't make sense to your kpi. "

Zhao Jie actually thought of this after he said it. The big problem is that it doesn't make sense for his kpi to his brothers.

Suddenly, Uncle Sheng said remotely: "How about my original IP? Historical martial arts."

Chu Yuanxi heard that there was a door, "What situation do you specifically talk about?"

"I was like the one I wrote a long time ago. I kept pressing it in the folder and didn't write it. The name is from the Southern Song Dynasty. Who of you read it?

The meeting room was at a loss. It was not too cultural. Uncle Sheng had to say briefly: "This is a particularly mediocre emperor in the Kingdom of Jin. His name is Wan Yanliang, super lustful, and the history of King Zhou and Yang Guang. The evaluation is inseparable. Then Xing Bing will fight the Southern Song Dynasty and die in the Caishiji battle. There is a famous official in the Southern Song Dynasty named Yu Yunwen, have you heard of it? It is the main general of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhang Xiaoxiang crazy plagiarizing Su Shi's words to praise him ."

Chu Yuanxi wanted to cover her face, "Is that your protagonist, this is the perfect face? Why do you have ethnic problems? Can we get around these pits? You haven't watched it for so many years. Yue Fei was filmed on TV. Are there too few of them? That is to say, the statues and statues can survive."

"That's why I didn't write it! But it should be okay to make small games, right?" Uncle Sheng was confident on the Internet, "My protagonist is Han, I designed it like this. There was a Hollywood movie in the past, and the US president had a heart attack. Suddenly, he died, and the White House chief was dumbfounded and found someone who was exactly like the president to replace him temporarily.

I moved my creativity over, Wan Yan Liang went out of the palace for a private visit, and died in the brothel. The people in Ouchi were all stupid. Fortunately, I found a spare tire, exactly like Wan Yan Liang, and grabbed it to replace it temporarily. . As a result, a heroine ran to assassinate the dog emperor and kidnapped him from the palace. It’s just such a story. It’s not traverse, rebirth, or fantasy, can it? "

"And then? Why do you call it?"

"Because the protagonist should be a stunner, for the country and the nation, and completely ruin the golden country, how about it? Great, right?"

Chu Yuanxi didn't speak for a while, and Lu Yu couldn't help it, "I think it's OK! We can shoot a short program directly with this ip, and then get the headline department to participate in their co-producer plan."

"Wait for a while..." Chu Yuanxi vomited physically, "Uncle Sheng, did you live in Meimei in Hengdian? When are you coming back?"

"What do you mean?"

"It means that you haven't written anything yet? Anyway, you finish the manga script first, and then write it. How can you still have the energy to develop an IP?"

Chu Yuan Xixin asked you to purchase ip on the market for what you want to create? Isn't it just to eat the ready-made food? Thank you. After ordering a bunch of takeaways, you can make your own pancakes. What about ordering takeaways? The self-developed ip is definitely a mode of right and wrong. Providing Lu Yu with a short program script and Zhao Jie with a plot. This workload is quite heavy.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Sheng yelled: "Don't worry, I won't have a problem with three openings, trust me!"

Chu Yuanxi said that I really want to believe you. If this ip is made by any chance, let alone 10 million dau, even if it has only 3 million daily active people, it will definitely generate huge mining value. At that time, all kinds of operation methods will go through. Once successful, the historical martial arts is still very good. Maybe it can become an important pillar to consolidate the 30 billion valuation of Pakistani games.

"Then there is the last one left. Someone guessed if I had any plans? Use the exclusion method to find out the popular types of mini games in recent years. What is left?"

"Human abuse type?" Zhao Jie, Yu Wenhui and Wang Le, who had never spoken much, said in unison.

"Yes, relying on the death and death of abusive people to create transmission, are you confident?"

"This..." Zhao Jiexin said that he was really unconfident, because this type has a lot of hot styles, but the same abusers die alive, and more die. It can only be said that it is easy to explode.

"I don't have much to say about this. Recently, there is a game called you can try it. It is very popular. Find inspiration."

Chu Yuanxi waved Fang Qiu and was about to continue speaking, when Zhu Yan suddenly exclaimed, "Is that the man sitting in the pot with the sledgehammer?"

Zhao Jie said with a black face, "Yes, it is also called, I have played this game, it is super difficult to play."

"It's not super hard to play, is it special that the independent developer deliberately made the operation difficulty. He said himself, the purpose of this game is to harm a certain type of person, Nima..." Wang Le said, and found the meeting room The place was a little quiet, and Chu Yuanxi was looking at him, so she looked back at him without fear.

In particular, it seems that this group of livestock has really worked **** the mini game during this time? Wang Le and Zhao Jie showed that they came prepared, but what about the next one?

"Then there is another one called "Have you ever played?" Sao Zhu hammered the table during the live There is a foreign anchor who smashed 6 keyboards in a row, and another domestic anchor cried directly to the camera after clearing the customs. ."

This time Wang Le and Zhao Jie looked at each other, Chu Yuanxi laughed, "You can't find games now, you can’t use traditional methods for teachers. What kind of games are broadcast live, and which games must have their own characteristics. Look at live broadcasts more. Let’s do this. This kind of game must be promoted by live broadcast."

This kind of abusive game, can’t let the player die in the first second after entering the game, saying that there is no evil, but there is definitely a bad taste.

However, in the game circle, the ratio of obsessive-compulsive disorder and the likes to challenge the limit is very large. The more difficult it is to pass, the more obsessed it is to pass, but it is easy to stimulate word of mouth and word of mouth. Especially after the live broadcast, either the super hot games are favored by the anchors, or the unique and challenging ones are favored, because the content suitable for the live broadcast allows the anchors to show their skills and consolidate. Kol’s identity.

Game anchors, after all, are the few who are like Tuantuan. Most of them still follow the elite route to build their own image and show the winning rate. Otherwise, why the dead live broadcast?

The game live broadcast is particularly important for the game itself in the past two years. It can drive traffic and stimulate its spread. Water friends watching live broadcasts can easily become seed users. The apex hero, which was launched in February of this year, did not delete files for internal testing. It attracted tens of millions of players in 3 days and more than 25 million users a week, which is very, very exaggerated.

Therefore, human-abuse mini-games are the type that must be contended for proliferation, especially for Pakistani people. This is a semi-private land and has advantages that other game companies cannot match.

While Chu Yuanxi was thinking about how to promote abusive games through live broadcasts and short videos, suddenly, Cao Xiang appeared outside the conference room.

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