Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 830: I am highly civilized

All in all, Chu Yuanxi was quite sure that Zhu Yan's words had meant something.

Fortunately, at this time the three mice ringing the bell was almost over, and the camera shifted to the studio. Several commentators sat in the studio and began to beep, which greatly distracted the two of them.

Listening to the blind Jaguar comment from the commentator, Chu Yuanxi chuckled, "What do these people care about the three mice going public? Does no one care about the company's development plan and prospects?"

Zhu Yan tilted his neck: "Do you care?"

"Actually, I don't care too much. The essence of the three mice has almost been shown. After all, it has been 7 years, 5 years of seeking to go public, 7 years of IPO, and it is a bit too much to ask for something remarkable behind."

This is also the objective law of corporate development. Start-ups are very good companies that can bring out their talents to the fullest within five years. Basically, they can also go to the market. After going public, they can continue to innovate. Commercial miracles are more about being held in by the general trend.

The exceptions are usually ambitious. For example, if the goal is set at more than 100 billion at the beginning, it is a bit close in terms of size and usually compromises when faced with difficulties.

"Did you see Mr. Zhang of the Three Rats?" Chu Yuanxi pointed to the person on the screen and said, "It looks pretty ordinary, but I was touched. He did a good job at the beginning, and his annual salary was very good. Entrepreneurship is not possible. His family asked him that you have a house and a car, and the income of several hundred thousand yuan a year, what about the entrepreneurial plan? The entrepreneurship with 1 million is almost all the property. What if it fails?"

This is a question, but it is also an answer. It is precisely because of confidence that it will be desperate.

Buffett is even more crazy when he is desperate, so much so that his father-in-law says he must fail, his daughter will starve to death and he will go to jail. The same goes for the three mice. Although they didn't start well, they were full of ideals and youth.

Chu Yuanxi pointed to the screen: "Moreover, their original entrepreneurial ideas are still very valuable and worth learning from, at least I have learned from them."

Zhu Yan slapped his hands fiercely, and his eyes were filled with excitement. She crackled and asked: "Did you learn from the shameless operation strategy of the Three Rats? I remember one year during the Chinese New Year, when they made false shipments, they actually had no inventory at all. Double compensation was reissued, and as a result, the refund was made directly after the Chinese New Year, which left a very deep impression on this fairy!” (Thanks to the book friend network baby for providing this chapter)

Chu Yuanxi said quietly: "So the Internet still has memory, but it's a pity that I don't engage in e-commerce... I learn from other people's highlights."

"Cut, isn't this a bright spot?"

"Crazy, you're too petty when you think so." Chu Yuanxi said calmly, "When you learn from others, they have a hundred shortcomings, just one strength, you can learn the same, just learn the strengths. No. You need the other person to be a sage and be flawless before you can learn, do you understand? You just stare at the dark history of the three mice, which affects your own observation ability, so many awesome places are not noticed."

Zhu Yan had an idea: "You mean, IP?"

"Yes, it's IP. Why did Pakistan's first IP engage in animal companies?"

"For... Ba people also make food?"

"No, because cute things are all-match. If you make this kind of IP, you can use it for anything." Chu Yuanxi said with a self-defeating smile, because the IP solution designed by racking his brains was ultimately useless, but will it be useful in the future In fact, it is hard to say, this is also the reason why the IP of "Animal Company" ranked first when the Pakistani people were developing IP. But the three mice use it very well, and the three small IPs have become the brightest image of the company. They are highly recognizable and likable, which brings huge bonuses to the product.

It can be said that this set of IP construction method is the most important part of the three mice's entire corporate development plan, because their tactic is to go viral through the asset-light method of OEM processing, but they also need to build their brand from scratch, and There is no well-known trademark to use, so the market awareness of this IP is the life of the three mice.

For this reason, Mr. Zhang of Three Mice established Mice Entertainment a few years ago, and he himself took command. As a result, the capital market questioned connected transactions and benefit transfer.

In fact, this is exactly Chu Yuanxi’s routine of engaging in self-media and then in convenience stores. The operation of the three mice made him realize that this model makes it easier to raise the ceiling, and it was also when the IP economy first showed its edge. When the climax is reached, no one has grasped the depth. The three mice can be said to be the forerunners of this model, lighting up the front lights for Xiaokang.

They are all sales items, and they also need to be expanded quickly. User awareness is the lifeline. The reason why Xiaokang in the original world wanted to make a big movie and then increase the number of viewers through the method of in-kind ticket compensation is also for this reason. It was the success of the three rats that made Xiaokang determine that this method was a success, even if it burned 2 billion.

Of course, this is also the reason why Xiaokang has to work hard to raise funds.

Zhu Yan picked up the pack of nuts again. At this time, there was nothing to watch on the TV. Her gaze swept over the three mice on the nut package. She didn't know how much these three gadgets were worth now?

"So, they rely on these three little mice to succeed?"

"Of course not." Chu Yuanxi said flatly: "Their business ideas are also a place that has a great influence on me. Grab customers and trigger automatic communication on the customer's social chain, focusing on popularity and evaluation."

"Isn't it all like the fan economy?" Zhu Yan whispered, "It's the same when I was an anchor. You can't rely on platform promotion, let fans share the live broadcast room and go to the local tyrant group, and then attract the new big brother. "

"This is where they are different. Take a look at who does the physical operation according to the gameplay of the live broadcast room? And the goal of the three mice is very clear, focusing on two kinds of people."

"Which two?"

"One is called grandpa and aunt, and the other is student white-collar workers. Grandpa and aunt are cheap, as long as the price is low enough and the service is good enough, they will talk about it everywhere in reality after they buy it.

On the Internet, who has the fastest and most desire to share information? 18 to 24 years old, students and white-collar workers who have just entered the society, their enthusiasm for life has not been obliterated by work. They have a strong ability to accept new things and a strong sense of participation. A little benefit can make them Weibo. "

Zhu Yan nodded quickly. Even she can hear it. Although Xiaokang has nothing to do with Yunv, he can always hear one ear. The target users are mainly these two types of people, such as the aunts in the community and the white-collar workers in the business district. The location of the store is exquisite.

She originally wondered how these two types of people could become users at the same time. The original roots were in these three little mice? But thinking about it carefully, young people have no brand concept in their minds like a blank paper. Old people recognize brand goods but are more affordable. The spread of the three mice during the cold start period can really correspond.

It turns out that Chu Yuanxi didn't want to be a convenience store on a whim? Xiaokang has been established for half a year. Don’t whisper too much here. If it weren’t for Chu Yuanxi’s record in Pakistan, it’s so brilliant. I don’t know how many rumors and whispers should be made. "The evaluation is normal.

Not to mention the employees, even their co-founders can't figure it out one by one, and can't figure out how long Chu Yuanxi's brain circuit is.

But today, Zhu Yan found that he seemed to have caught a little doorway?

Of course, she still couldn't think of the cost of this set of business logic is extremely high, and how to convert users with cheap pictures to paying for satisfaction, and how to use antidote to solve it.

Chu Yuanxi checked that it was not early and planned to leave. As a result, he habitually glanced at WeChat and suddenly saw the words from Xu Yanping.

He was stunned right away, so what? Mencius presided over the wedding of King Qi Xuan and Queen Wuyan, Zhuangzi came to hit the scene? What are you doing? Grab the Unsalted Queen? The Queen of No Salt is a famous queen in history, but she is famous mainly because of her ugliness, the female version of Quasimodo. Well, it's a perfect match with Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi is a man who sings in a basin when his wife is dead, and he is only one step away from the highest realm of Bengdi at the grave.

Fang Shiling is simply a genius!

Look again, is this the manuscript submitted yesterday? "Zhu Yan, is there anything happening at Fang Shiling?"

"No, I told you I might be blacked out."

"What about high civilization?"

"It's the same, you said who I provoke..."

Chu Yuanxi and Zhu Yan didn't know that when they were chatting, they had already torn apart. Wei Ning was rarely pulled into the creation group of "Jixia Academy" by Fang Shiling. Originally, she deliberately maintained a one-line contact with Weining.

In this creative group, there are not only Gao Wenming, but also two other editors. One note is the editor of "Late Night Gallery", and the other adds the word "before".

Wei Ning is really annoyed when he sees this lineup, so why are you looking for someone who is at the same level as Gao Wenming? Is Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger in your editorial department? Therefore, he did not speak up for the first time, so that he watched for a while after being pulled in.

As a result, Fang Shiling's voice did not receive Wei Ning's response. Instead, it aroused a dispute among the three variety show script creators, and then rose to a quarrel, and then personally attacked, giving Wei Ning a vivid lesson.

Gao Wenming won this small-level tearing, because Wei Ning told Fang Shiling that it was not a draft but not a draft, not how to modify it, but the project encountered difficulties. You might as well have not submitted the draft, because the first One you are overdue, and second, your manuscript has completely deviated from the agreed direction.

The key point is that what we want in Da Taishan is a program on serious political and economic issues. You can go to the military field, at least it is realistic, and it is still in line with the characteristics of that era. It is a serious drama in variety shows. Now this marriage and love + daily life is not it!

Only then did Fang Shiling panic, and then complained that Wei Ning didn't say it earlier?

Say it earlier? What did you say earlier? Weining thought numbly, remind you early not to write silly Jaguar behind me? What you said was good at the beginning, and the sample chapters were handed in well. Who knows how clever you are?

Maybe a few days ago, he thought he would still be angry, but now, after being scolded by Xing Gong, he was swept up in the stage and once wanted to go back to Shanying. He just felt like his heart was ashamed. He wanted to be angry but lacked energy.

Perhaps Fang Shiling also knew that he was complaining and quickly sought a remedy. For adults, the reason is not important, the important thing is the result, which is to get things back. Fortunately, there is still room for recovery!

So Wei Ning entered the group, and then opened his eyes, one is the writing wheel eye, angry; the other is white eyes, insight into the mystery of this creative group.

It is precisely because Fang Shiling relayed Wei Ning’s precise positioning of the project that Gao Wenming had the upper hand in tearing, because he was responsible for serious writing, while the other was responsible for funny, and the other was responsible for cutting. The creative content has been drastically reduced, making his popularity undesirable.

This time, I’m going to make you funny, funny, right?

When Weining finally couldn't help making a sound, she asked: So, did you plan to make "Jixia Academy" a funny entertainment show?

Fang Shiling: Yes, but you can also change back to serious.

Weining: Then you should change it!

Suddenly, the crowd was silent, including the magnificent high civilization that had been torn apart before.

Fang Shilingxin said that if it could be changed, it would be changed soon! Does Gao Wenming intentionally retaliate against my sister? The first season of this variety show is planned to have 8 episodes. There can be more but absolutely no less. If there is more, Taishantai can do subtraction.

As a result, the scum of Gao Wenming has only written 3 episodes after so long, which is almost annoying!

The other two editors, she said to her heart, made a very high level of comedy, and did not fight against any comedy variety show. The plot was ups and downs, and it also left enough room for artists, especially the game link. Retaining the originality of mouth-cannon spraying, but the content of PK is not political economy and Confucianism, Taoism, etc., it is changed to life style.

The problem is that high-quality comics are not so easy to write, and it is still impossible to complete the draft within the agreed time, even if the two editors cooperate. That's why Fang Shiling had the idea to combine the serious and funny. It would be nice to cut both sides with a click!

This is the reason why I have been overdue for 10 days. These 10 days are the jokes that really can't be finished, and the 10 days that flowed out as a tailor. It was also 10 days in which Gao Wenming was humiliated and almost lost his title as the editor-in-chief of "Jixia Xuegong".

Now he has revenge, but Fang Shiling has no idea what to do. Count on Gao Wenming again. With his speed, it is not a question of how long it will take to finish the eight episodes, but it is obvious that his knowledge reserves are not enough, there is no ink in his stomach, and he can't write new content at all! His internal strength is not good enough to support the completion of a set of boxing techniques, so there is no solution!

In fact, it's not that I don't know what to do. There is a super alternative that has always existed in her mind, that is-crazy water injection!

Three episodes, that is three episodes with high quality and full energy, so it can last to eight episodes.

In fact, this is also Fang Shiling’s original intention as a text tailor, using funny content to inject water to expand the high-civilized content with quality, but I did not expect that the two groups of people are out of place, and they cannot be blended together, and the content is not. Method doping.

Therefore, in the manuscript submitted to Taishan Station, there is still a little high-civilization content. This is also the reason why Gao Wenming feels humiliated. Lao Zi has worked so hard to write, although the quantity is not good, but the quality has exceeded the horizon. ! In the end, they were all fired! Where do you guys dare to cut Lao Tzu's text? I'm a grassy horse! what--

So the contradiction quickly turned into, how to convince Gao Wenming to mix water, or the sister must teach him how to mix water? Compared with water injection, the domestic sister has never counseled water! For example, washing manuscripts, how can the official account washing manuscripts be difficult to detect? High-quality water injection! Ask people to treat the content of the water injection as the main text, and then replace the pictures in the text appropriately. This is king.

I can't say I have to go to battle in person this time! I haven't coded words personally for many years, I hope my sword is not old, right?

After finishing this huge psychological activity, Fang Shiling saw that Wei Ning hadn't waited for a while, and thought that Wei Ning had changed sex?

Looking at the chat records, Gao Wenming and Wei Ning had a few chats, but it was okay. After all, Gao Wenming wrote serious content and maintained consistency with Wei Ning.

She attted Wei Ning: The problem now is that I need a new time. Old Wei can help me fight for it.

Then he at Gao Wenming: Lao Gao, you communicate with the old Wei in detail about the needs, and then pay attention to communicate at any time, the manuscript is in half episodes, and the old Wei will be reviewed after it is written. Don't make any mistakes this time, come on!

Gao Wenming is super unhappy, is it my fault that this is so special? It's your blind Jaguar looking for someone to find out the fault! I'm just slow, my high civilization is correct!

Then, he saw Wei Ning helplessly and said: Sorry Fang Shiling, I can still help you get time, but it may be useless to communicate the manuscript with me.

Fang Shiling "clicked" in his heart: What's wrong?

Weining: I don't know if I will change the person in charge. Mr. Xu Yanping Xu may take over the project in an all-round way, and he himself is engaged in content and editing.

Fang Shiling was a little silly. It's nothing great to change the person in charge of the content, but Wei Ning is talking about "full takeover." Who? Xu Yanping? She tried hard to remember but could confirm that she had never seen this person, but only knew that the other party was a vice president of Taishan Terrace. This project is a project where the three vice presidents of Taishantai came together. How proud they were at the beginning, but how scared they are now...

He quit on WeChat, and suddenly saw Chu Yuanxi talking in the contact list, saying in her voice: "Old Wei, what's the situation on Jixia Xuegong? Need help?"

Weining was holding the phone, tears burst into her eyes, and there was a moment of collapse and wanted to enter: I am so confused by lard! I don't deserve help!

After thinking about It feels too basic. He took back half of the input and rewritten it: Yes, the writer who wrote you the book before, can you introduce it to me?

Chu Yuanxi looked at WeChat and sneered, and she said to Fang Shiling if she introduced it to you. You treat me as a good person without asking for anything in return?

Don't talk about writers, I'm almost done with the script. But will I tell you?

So he replied generously: You might as well return the project to me.

Wei Ning mouthed Huanglian and said if the project could be handed over to you, why did I work so hard?

Chu Yuanxi saw that he hadn't replied for a long time, and said to her heart that this was your hardship and it was not enough! Or do you really think we have a good relationship? It's actually quite good to switch to Xu Yanping, the grandson is more material.

It is a pity that Fang Shiling seems to be able to linger for a while, because Wei Ning's reaction is not fierce enough. If Fang Shiling does not move, Wei Ning will definitely not be like this, and Xu Yanping will not be either. Xu Yanping actually understood what Xu Yanping meant, and he hoped to be the new project leader of "Jixia Xuegong", not Wang himself revealed so many causes and effects to him.

In this case, it is not convenient for Jaguar to take action on his own side, otherwise it will easily backfire. If Taishantai gets angry and says we don't play anymore, let's just stop doing this project. Wouldn't it be a waste of work?

Guangkengfang Shiling is not the goal, the goal is always to get the project back as the priority.


Chapter 828 was 404, but the content is more important. Do you know how you can see the text with pictures? In addition, the addition of Jingjing League was on September 5th (this article was swallowed and re-declared)


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