Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 831: Chu Yuanxi in the eyes of others

July 13 was Saturday, and Chu Yuanxi found that she had missed a big news.


   Marketer, the most famous warehouse supermarket in the U.S., has been stationed in the Celestial Kingdom and has been in it for more than ten days.


   But because the first store was chosen in the magic capital Minhang, there was no nationwide publicity, so he realized later. If it weren't for An Qi when chatting with An Qi, he didn't know that the opening of the market on July 1 had already begun to make member appointments, and the registration was extremely turbulent.


   Chu Yuanxi also learned from this famous supermarket, that is, the biggest commercial feature of market openers, not relying on buying things to make money, but relying on annual membership fees.


   The market opener’s things are cheap, and the gross profit remains at 7% all year round, and even when the gross profit exceeds 14%, it must be reported to the board of directors as a special event for record. There must be serious reasons.


   This gross profit cannot even cover operating costs in the Celestial Kingdom, but it is possible in the United States, because the market openers in the United States have a lot of real estate, and they do not need to pay rent to open a shop in their own land.


   Their main profit relies on traffic, which is the annual membership fee. Many people are king.


   The annual membership fee was thoroughly valued in the well-off of the original world, and it is also the data that Chu Yuanxi has been talking about since this time he restarted. He first engages in the media and then engages in a well-off society. In his conscious mind, it is the optimal solution for a combination of various conditions, but subconsciously, he does not have the idea of ​​providing better soil for the growth of the number of well-off members.


It's just a comparison between the pre-registered members of the market opener and the well-off members. How can it be a miserable word? In these 13 days, the membership fee has been collected in tens of thousands. The well-off is still a unit of thousands. Of it!


   It seems that during the big push in August, shouldn’t we also learn how to promote the market? The Minhang store of the marketer opened in late August. The annual membership fee for registered members is only 199 before the opening, but it will rise to 299 after the opening.


   Although this approach will make registration after the opening of the business difficult, and users may have a feeling of hatred, but at least this time is cool!


  The key is that the market opener is a true membership system, not members are not allowed to buy things, so if you register as a member, you must buy, buy, buy, not to mention to relatives and friends, at least pay back the membership fee. That is to say, the more registrations in the early stage, the more the momentum of the start will burst. Under the effect of the herd, more people will be driven, and then the hype will be invincible. After all, in the heavens, low prices have always been a big kill. This is the first domestic store to become a hit, and it can effectively establish a brand and, in Jack Ma’s words, build user minds.


  Compared with this huge opening bonus, small problems like hatred and loss can be completely covered.


   But thinking about it, this mode does not seem to be suitable for well-off, Chu Yuanxi looked back and thought, how famous is the market opener? Xiaomi Rebs blatantly declared that he had thrown himself into the ground. Xiaokang does not have this reputation at all now, and Dong Shi Xiaoying is useless. This is a unique brand advantage that has been accumulated for decades.


   How famous is the market opener? Success to Amazon Bezos obsessed with it, success to Buffett want to bring its stock into the coffin.


   And Ah Ya and Li Tietou even copied the Chinese name of the opener Costo and named their chain store Openmen. This group of shameless people is a good flow.


   Thinking of Ah Du and Li Jingfei, Chu Yuanxi said that Sun Pirate, the old man hasn't started yet, did you guys fight back first?


   There was an interview with Cheng Huilin on his desk. Cheng Huilin was the co-founder of Graby, who opened the door to march into the warlord of the Great Heavenly Dynasty. That time, Chu Yuanxi met her in the second phase of the China World Trade Center. She was dark and ugly, but she had huge energy.


   Therefore, the domestic entrepreneurial media with a sensitive sense of smell took the opportunity to interview an article, and in particular, Cheng Huilin gave Xiaokang eye drops.


   The questioner didn't know if he really understood part of the situation and went gossip, or if he received a red envelope and asked questions according to the outline given by the interviewee. In short, following the resumes of Ah Ya and Li Jingfei, it is easy to run to Chu Yuanxi.


   The background of this interview is very important.


   After Chu Yuanxi's unremitting misfortune, the wind was blowing on the eyedrops, and the door opener was sitting with two big investors, Li Jingfei and Wang Yueheng, and ended up sitting in the sad city. And the amount of funds they need is extremely huge. The angel round has digested 100 million in cash on its own and has already made Li Jingfei and Wang Yueheng spend a lot of money, plus some commercial real estate and other resources cashed by Graby. The money is no less than well-off.


   Then the problem came. Xiaokang took the lead in raising funds, and used a semi-public roadshow to raise funds.


   You should know that start-ups in general, especially those with connections in the investment circle, mostly did not roadshow in the first few rounds. The formation of this habit is either because the valuation was low when starting a business, and the fertile water did not flow to outsiders, or it was because of a guilty conscience or the business logic had not been closed, and there was no confidence in external financing. .


   Chu Yuanxi has a lot of contacts in the investment circle, and he is still willing to show confidence in the roadshow, is fully prepared for business, and is willing to use shares to gather like-minded people when prices are low, so the new attraction for funds is extremely strong. Especially when he obviously could use Pakistani money to occupy a low-price share, he did not do so. There is everything in the investment circle, but the mainstream opinion is "high morale."


   This greatly squeezed the financing space of the door opener, because the rich are not always willing to give away money, and they are still waiting for Chu Yuanxi's A and A+ rounds.


   Coupled with the severe economic cold, how can I break if I can’t find money? A terrible thing happened. Li Jingfei and Wang Yueheng couldn't make up enough money. Cheng Huilin went directly to her dad, Sun Dasheng, and took a 100 million A round to lead the round. In addition, Wang and Li found some miscellaneous money and collected them. Nearly 1 billion RMB.


   Seeing Li Jingfei showing off in the circle of friends, Chu Yuanxi said that these three grandsons are shameless! Isn't this a shame for you? Isn’t the two of you responsible for making money when you go in? Even if you can't even deal with the A round, you are embarrassed to have a vegetarian meal? Are you embarrassed to lick your face and send your friends circle?


   This is equivalent to giving you a task to use a company's troops to annihilate the opponent's platoon, and you are surrounded by a platoon. Now you ask the headquarters for help. You must send a special soldier to rescue you, otherwise you can't save it. The headquarters really sent the King of Soldiers. Are you embarrassed to take a selfie if you guys will be saved? Where is your face?


   That’s good, it's a normal attack that seduce the opponent's skills in advance, and the release of skills is limited, especially when Sun Dasheng also needs to support Graby's headquarters, the investment of billions of dollars is not a joke.


   Chu Yuanxi was actually not afraid of Sun Dasheng's blood transfusion, but the opener connecting Ali through Sun Dasheng. To be precise, he was not afraid of Ali giving the opener a blood transfusion, but afraid that Ali would invest resources. This is the potential advantage of the door opener. Of course, to use this advantage, they need to realize that they need to give up something.


   Even without Ali, Sun Dasheng's resources are actually considerable.


In this context, Cheng Huilin introduced a group of senior executives, more than half of whom are from Sun Dasheng, set up the chief revenue officer CRO, set up the senior vice president SVP to be responsible for user growth, greatly expanded the management, and changed the past four people. The state of a small conference room behind closed doors.


   Therefore, the first question of this interview is: "Sun Dasheng has too many shares, do your team have any concerns?"


   Cheng Huilin’s speech was very nice: “Sun Dasheng is the most visionary investor in the world. The first time I saw him was at the very beginning of Graby’s entrepreneurial stage, before the first public financing. We have known each other for a long, long time.


   In this long history, he has made the most outstanding investments in global travel and local life. He invested in Ali and Didi in your country. Therefore, I think it is a very good thing to accept Sun Dasheng's large investment. The more the better, the large investment by the visionary shows that our work is valuable.


   And I trust Sun Dasheng. In fact, it is not only Sun Dasheng. Anyone who is willing to help us should have the shares of Openmen. I trust them all. I am very open to the share in the entrepreneurial stage. "


   Chu Yuan Xixin said that this is exactly like what I said when I was short of money in my original world? Only when Huilin said it was more elegant.


  Since Didi is talking about, the reporter asked Cheng Huilin to compare Didi and the opener.


This comparison is not easy, there are pits in it, but Cheng Huilin is worthy of being the co-founder of Southeast Asia’s dominant startups, and the posture of jumping pits is also extremely elegant: "We should not compare with Didi, because Didi focuses on online operations. We focus on offline operations, invest in commercial real estate and logistics construction, and create profits through high-quality and low-cost services and products.


   I don’t even think that we are an Internet company. We should compare McDonald’s, Luckin, or Mr. Hippo. These companies have all succeeded or are succeeding in your great empire. "


   Chu Yuan Xixin said that you succeeded in your uncle! You have not opened any store yet, how can your face compare with these three? You should compare it with Xiaokang, because you secretly learn from me to build a shared bicycle, or build it in Wang Qingtuo in front of my foundry. I already know it!


   But the reporter couldn't ask this question. Instead, he was very cooperative: "Then you named the company Kaimenke to establish the same psychological expectations of users as Costo openers in the United States?"


Cheng Huilin candidly: "To some extent, yes. The difference between us and the opener is that the opener is a large-scale retailer, and we don’t do all categories. But our route is also strictly selected + low prices. Then it is supplemented by local delivery services in the forward warehouse."


   The reporter has a strong supportive ability: "Can you tell me the reason for this difference?"


Cheng Huilin’s words sound very reasonable: “Because I found that we Asians and Americans have different living habits. We don’t like stocking goods and we like to use fresher materials. Americans always drive to buy things, one at a time. The car’s meat, eggs, vegetables, milk and snacks are enough for a week or even two weeks.


   But neither you nor me are like this. I like to buy new arrivals today. This shows that the United States is relatively backward in this respect, inconvenient, and there is no service to deliver food to home. We open the door to do local life and pay attention to delivery, so our format is more optimized. Relatively speaking, if customers buy the same money, then we are more competitive than openers. "


   The reporter immediately asked: "But in the celestial dynasty, the cost of property is very high. You and the openers are both large supermarkets and follow the low price strategy. Can this model make money?"


Cheng Huilin’s high-energy answer came: "It is not my purpose to make money. My expectation is to establish a reasonable business model to serve the people of the celestial dynasty, so that they can have a more cost-effective quality of life and buy them at a cheaper price. In order to achieve this goal, our management team has designated a few years of development planning and financial planning. You know, most startup companies in the world have no strategic or financial planning. This is why Sun Dasheng supports me."


   Originally, this interview could end, and Chu Yuanxi didn't have to comment on others' zhuangbility, even though Cheng Huilin had pretended to be too much.


But the reporter immediately asked: "I noticed an interesting phenomenon. Of the four people before you expanded the management team this time, two of them have a deep relationship with Chu Yuanxi, a well-off boss who also runs local life services, and According to rumors, he still has the intention of investing in openers, but in the end it seems that he is not among the investors in this round? Are there any interesting stories between you?"


Cheng Huilin replied: "I know the person you are talking about. In fact, only I am like an outsider. Although our CEO Wang Yueheng has not invested in Chu Yuanxi’s enterprise, he has invested in a snow project related to Chu Yuanxi, which occupied him. A lot of funds, and the project was initiated by Chu Yuanxi himself, but after he initiated it, someone else started the business, and he followed suit.


  My partners have been honest with me in these situations, and there is no trade secret between us. But I was even afraid that Chu Yuanxi would empty the door opener, hahahaha. "


   The interview transcript is here, with a close-up of Cheng Huilin laughing.


Then she shrugged, and the conversation turned: "As for why he didn't invest in us, Sun Dasheng invested in us anyway. This person is very good at talking and has a high IQ. He is humble when he should be humble, and when he should be public, he is very The external image, oh, you call it a person, this aspect is the best among entrepreneurs I have seen."


   The reporter asked naturally: "I'm curious, have you studied him?"


   "Really, because he showed some hostility to us inexplicably, so I also had to study him."


   The reporter went with the gossip: "Hostility? Why? I think Mr. Chu often sprays this and that on Weibo."


   Cheng Huilin pretended to be confused: "I don't know, our business positioning is misplaced, and it is not a direct competition."


  Chu Yuan Xixin said you can pull it down, why don't you know Li Jingfei licking his face and spying on my business secrets? You don't know what happened to your bicycle? They made it behind your back?


   This interview is now at the end. Chu Yuanxi saw Cheng Huilin end with herself. What signal was this releasing? She finally said: "Chu Yuanxi is persuasive externally and very strong internally. I did a special investigation on the promotion of the business, and the implementation is relatively good. He is a whirlwind president. Excellent. But he is very skillful when speaking, and he is good at hiding the truth in public information for investors to interpret."


  Reporter joins in the fun: "You mean that investors are easily misled by listening to him?"


"It should be said to test the level of investors. He told you all the information. Who is to blame for the wrong interpretation? As a veteran entrepreneur, I can be sure that he must understand investment well, or understand what investors like to listen to. ."


   Very good! Chu Yuanxi watched the interview again, and said to her heart that this blind lady might not know that I'm top-notch on Weibo? Ah Ya didn't tell her mom? Don't ask, these summaries must have been summed up by Ah Ya for her, otherwise it would be impossible to be so precise and in place.


   I have to say that Sun Dasheng’s strong heart shot was in, and the form of the door opener was indeed reversed. At least there was a sound, so that he would not die of shame, and there was even room to fight back. And since Sun Dasheng started to vote, he will continue to vote more or less later, so they will not die in the short term.


   This soft article is nothing more than warning investors not to invest money in the well-off society. What a pity, once the Ministry of Commerce's documents supporting the convenience store industry are published, what else can these ghosts and snakes do?


   But I can’t ignore it completely. Chu Yuanxi thought for a while and asked Lu Yu to make arrangements to find the same media, preferably the same reporter, and wait until the big push starts in August to send an interview to Xiaokang. Isn't it a red envelope? I give double!


This Saturday, Chu Yuanxi actually has an arrangement to take Feng Lin and Yu Yanan to watch the screening of "Nezha" This is a domestic animation that is said to be able to succeed "The Great Sage Returns" , The official release is on July 26, today is the 13th, and the screening will start two weeks in advance.


   From the momentum of the click, you can see how confident the filming party is, how confident they are in their content, and doing the screening so long in advance is truly invincible.


   The main point of domestic film announcements is to grab the theater's schedule, and the correct schedule affects the theater's revenue, so this is a game of game.


   For rushing movies, as Chu Yuanxi, who had personally organized a big movie in the original world, the concept is a three-piece suit, which is called road performance, screening and ticket replacement.


However, this year the country has strictly restricted the direct replenishment of movie tickets on the platform. Although it has little effect on Chu Yuanxi’s future physical ticket replenishment, the current movie announcements mainly focus on road shows and spot screenings. It matters a lot.


   The so-called roadshow is actually the main purpose of the big wine after the roadshow. According to domestic regulations, this is a PK between the gods of Dionysus. Therefore, the film party must have Dionysus, and there are so many theaters in so many cities across the country. It needs to run one by one, and it needs talents.


  Come here, I’m pushing a new book, I’m going through eschatology, "This world is too difficult." The Chinese characters in the dictionary were turned into monsters, and the word hunter became a new profession. Reading this book in a daze, going back to ten years ago, the writing, gold finger and so on are very archeological

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