Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 832: Rekindling short video enthusiasm

This is why the box office of many movies is mainly concentrated in the three days before the release, and it is also the reason why most movies start airing on Friday. There were a lot of people watching movies on weekends, and the high-quality lineups ran down at the box office, and the subsequent lineups could be kept. And the quality is not good within three days, the theater found that it was useless even if it was awkward. If the attendance rate does not go up, it will be a direct emission reduction, and it will go down in a quick week.


  Especially traffic films, most of them have the same goal by different routes.


   This aspect has always made Chu Yuanxi feel incredible. The serious entrepreneurs can't understand why such a large profit at the box office is involved, and the difference of hundreds of millions at every turn will be determined by the wine table. But existence is reasonable, and many films with very good reputation and attendance rate are also very good, just can't get the film.


For example, the recently released "Lore Munich", because it was a batch of films, the domestic distributor did not run a roadshow to schedule the film, so one day, the top two and three of the box office rankings appeared at 15%, 20%, and 25. %, and the fourth-ranked "Lore Munich" has 35% attendance.


   But its arranging rate is less than 5%, and it is already at its own arranging peak, which is raised by a typical stepmother. The theaters do not pursue the maximization of profits, and there is nothing wrong with God.


   Many people tend to confuse the concepts of Dianying and Roadshow, but it’s actually easy to tell the difference, because roadshows don’t sell tickets, but Dianying. In fact, the role of click-to-play is also to grab the film. The first one is to use the click-to-play attendance rate and word-of-mouth to tell the theater: "I can, let me add it."


   This trick is usually used for propaganda parties who are willing to have no money, do multiple rounds of screenings, and the chicken thieves **** the time period of the week that others look down on, which is very humble. "The Return of the Great Sage" did just that, and the effect was very good, making it to meet "Monster Catch" to increase the rate of filming.


   But there is another kind of show called aggressiveness, such as "The God of Medicine". The screening of "The God of Medicine" is a process that can be loaded into the textbook, and you can grab the film at the screening stage!


   The film schedule of "Medicine God" is 5% on the first day of the movie. I can envy "Munich". On the last day, it has a rate of over 11%. Many films are not available for official release. As a result, the word-of-mouth directly exploded on the first day of the official release and scored nearly 50% of the filming rate. No one other than the reunion can play this way, and the attendance rate has reached a terrifying 93%, and the reunion is hard to beat.


The scale of "Nezha" is not as strong as that of "Medicine God", but the opening cycle is very long. This is not afraid of word-of-mouth loss, nor is it afraid of being recorded as a gun version and affecting the box office. It can be felt on the screen.


   After watching "Nezha", the poppy actually cried, but sharply found that Chu Yuanxi was sitting on the seat, not in a hurry to leave.


   Suddenly, Chu Yuanxi asked, "Do you two have Douyin accounts?"


   "Yes, what's wrong?"


   "I feel that my enthusiasm for making short videos has been reignited!" Chu Yuanxi stood up excitedly, and gestured with her hands as she walked out, "This movie will be popular, with a box office of 2.5 billion, do you believe it?"


   "2.5 billion? What are you kidding me? This is a cartoon. The return of the Great Sage is so popular, and the box office has not exceeded 1 billion." Yu Yanan felt that Chu Yuanxi was too emotional. She glanced at Feng Lin and found that Feng Lin didn't mean to say anything.


   "Common sense is used to break. Do you want to become popular on Douyin? I thought of a few ideas." Chu Yuanxi didn't care at all, and quickly went through various plans in his mind.


   It is said that after the TikTok cheats expire, he must deliberately hide his clumsiness. Hiding clumsiness can be interpreted as being inciting and not sending out. There are more important and more profitable things. If you don't care about making short videos, and if you take the initiative, you will destroy your own brand. Zhou Minxi was still called Master. Master asked the golden basin to wash his hands if he didn't do anything. How could he explain why he hit the pot?


   But this time Chu Yuanxi didn't feel like she would miss her, and this wave of heat was very refreshing. 2.5 billion box office means 70 million people watched the movie. Even if a Douyin video is played 70 million times, it is amazing. It can be popular for several days and can drive a large number of follow suits, let alone movies, or break the box office of a certain category. Movies with high ceilings, topicality max, and the lingering reputation of word-of-mouth are definitely more popular than short videos.


   The key is that there are too many points to be rubbed, and there are too many that make people want a second brush, otherwise it is easy to miss! In the process of watching this animation, countless ideas of making short videos have been circling in Chu Yuanxi's mind, and he wants to gush out. If you don't realize them, don't get the traffic that should be rubbed, you are ashamed of a generation of self-media company bosses!


He walked out of the cinema hall, first sent a message to Lu Yu, and brought in a temporary work group to bring together the logistics of Lu Yu and the Ba people. He said: Monday and Tuesday, the Ba people information collectively organizes movie watching and watch "Nezha". In the afternoon show, each person has to do it twice. It is best to book the show. The administrative colleague will arrange it directly to find the finance to approve the money, and directly talk to the theater about booking the show. This is a work arrangement. You must record attendance and ask for leave if you don’t. Lu Yu, please send a notice in the work group. It is best to do it personally today and tomorrow. I will explain and arrange tasks on Monday morning.


   Chu Yuanxi ignored this message, and then turned around and asked Feng Lin: "How is your makeup technique?"


   He doesn't ask poppies, because poppies' American business is really not high, relying on a solid foundation, and holding up a good appearance, but makeup is definitely not good.


   Feng Lin was taken aback: "It's okay, what do you mean?"


   "Do imitation makeup." Chu Yuanxi has quickly summarized several ways to rub the heat, among which Feng Lin and Yu Yanan may only use imitation makeup. "Just now Nezha and Bing Bing's makeup after the transformation, do you two still have an impression? Can you imitate it?"


"This kind of imitation makeup? This kind of makeup is accurate, I have to look at the clips." Feng Lin was very confident, "But it's easy to imitate, how can I imitate it? His horns are not easy to make, shouldn't he use noodles? "


   "It's okay. The company will purchase materials in a unified manner. When the time comes, the small horns will be pasted, so that they will be glued so that they are seamless and invisible. Flick it softly and tremble, understand?"


   Feng Lin saw that Chu Yuanxi had actually entered a working state, it was not a joke! what's the situation?


Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "I have to think about it, make a list, and then let Lu Yu operate it. Imitation makeup, buckle out the music, buckle out the golden sentences in the lines, and have the ability to diverge, and can refine and reorganize. Best. Hmm..."


   When he was planning, the Pakistani information team was already frying. Because Chu Yuanxi doesn't like to take up employees' rest time for no reason, this good habit has been transmitted to various branches. When not working, there is almost no information in the work group, even if there is, it is among employees.


   But Lu Yu directly took a screenshot of Chu Yuanxi's words in the small group, and then at all, all of this group of employees suddenly looked like a diorama, and then because it was working hours to watch a movie, they all liked it and began to guess the reason.


   This psychic guessing makes Lu Yu all happy: Don’t ask me anymore, I don’t know, I don’t dare to ask, but it’s definitely not our own animation film. If so, we don't need to organize our viewing.


   The "heart-struck old iron" was suddenly brushed up below!


   But in any case, it is always a good thing for the president to allocate a little bit of limited energy to the Pakistani people.


  Other companies are afraid of the CEO blindly commanding Jaguar. If the CEO really doesn’t understand it, it’s better. The most feared is that I still know a little bit. Usually this is terrible. However, Pakistani information is not the same. The status quo of Pakistani information is that it is not directly accepted, at least not as direct as a game company, so employees can only get cash rewards.


  In the Pakistani Group, the most valuable thing is that options have formed a consensus. Therefore, the only way for employees of information companies to take options is for the boss to directly arrange tasks and arrange rewards. Just like OKRs in the well-off, the tasks and rewards are linked.


   It's just that 70% of the big boss's energy is well-off, and 15% of the other 30% is given to the game company, and the other 15% is shared by information, media and Yang Jiangang's peak visual effects. How can it be a tragic word? Those two don’t need tasks and rewards at all, but we do!


   So today the boss finally arranged the task himself. Without saying anything, the one thing Lu Yu saw the most was-whatever you do, begging for abuse!


   In this state, the employees of the Chin Man waited until Monday. Chu Yuanxi didn't say much, and threw a big watch to Lu Yu, and then went to the information company to announce the task.


  The employees want options. In fact, they also want to give options, but shouldn’t they give options? The Pakistani people have already valued tens of billions of dollars in the valuation of options, and Jaguar must not give them blindly. Therefore, after Lu Yu implicitly expressed his brothers’ desire for options, Chu Yuanxi made an empathetic announcement in the full email of the Pakistani information. His mission and plan.


   This activity is called-rub traffic activity.


   Our Pakistani people have been the handle of the traffic world for a long time and haven't hacked other people's traffic for a long time. It's so long that we are about to be forgotten by the rivers and lakes. So long that our own people will forget this skill, this is not good. Now there is a very good opportunity to rub traffic, and that is "Nezha"! The film will be popular. The key is that not everyone knows that it will be popular. Even if they feel that it will be popular, they did not expect to what extent it will be popular and what huge traffic dividends it can bring.


   (The author Jun 790 expresses his feelings that "Nezha" will be hot. The chapter is published on July 25, before the official release, so it is not an afterthought.)


   Therefore, "Nezha" is the most suitable for rubbing traffic. The traffic that everyone rubs is not good traffic, and the traffic that can't be rubbed with a strange posture is not good traffic. Only when we rub it and all the postures can be unlocked, this is good traffic.


   The purpose of organizing all employees to watch the movie is for two points.


  First, we must seize the opportunity to continue to produce content, and wait until Nezha is officially released during the box office's huge traffic dividend peak period. The time is only more than two weeks. Therefore, all employees need to work hard. So everyone needs to do it twice, and do it with purpose. People who don’t understand the content of the movie obviously can’t get into work.


  Second, although there is a lot of content on our task list, the brainstorming of employees can definitely create more valuable content. Therefore, you need to use your smart minds and open your brains during the viewing process.


   In return, it provides option rewards for brain holes that have been adopted, and option rewards for works that have become popular. In the end, the Sunshine Award will be given based on the increase in followers of the self-media account.


   Whether the KPI in the second half of the year will be fat, it depends on yours!


   This email made many people happy, but they have already started to check the task list. This task is varied, and Chu Yuanxi's own brainstorming summing up and sorting out the flow posture, but qualified employees simply have room to play.


   There is a painting aspect, let Jiao Picture a summary of Nezha in the history of celestial animation. We must know that our hero Xiao Nezha is a cartoon character of all ages, and has more cartoon adaptations than Sun Monkey. Sun Hou has made a big trouble in the Heavenly Palace and three dozens of white bone spirits. Nezha has also made trouble in the sea. Not only has he been in the sea, he has also been on the gourd Xiaojingang, saved the time chicken, and became 100% empty-handed with his father. A new generation of cartoon internet celebrities.


   So the image change of Nezha through the ages is actually a point worthy of digging. The spreading attribute is huge. By this time, Nezha with smoky makeup will once again subvert the inherent image of the audience. This idea is definitely not a problem.


   Even the comic uncle Jin Yonghan from the universe country should also pull over to watch the movie. His style is more rigid and more suitable for drawing Nezha after transformation than Jiaotu. After watching the movie, he must have many creative points, and this creative point is actually more valuable, which is equivalent to adding value on the basis of "Nezha", and it is easier to create bright spots.


The task of an animation editor is also very large. Although there are only clips at present, with the gradual increase of resources, the content that can be edited will definitely increase. Direct editing of highlights is obviously the most mature routine on Douyin. There are many experts in this area in the information, and Chu Yuanxi can easily get several two million likes of video works.


The special effects and post-processing groups are relatively heavy, because the appearance in the animation is very stylish, but to make the special effects to make the face of the live video, the workload is still relatively large, especially I don’t know how much. In the case of video processing, and time is tight.


  The lightest task is the choreography team, which is nothing more than refining the golden sentences, and then identifying which needs to be authentic and which needs to be reorganized.


   These golden sentences are actually a source of inspiration for Chu Yuanxi’s production of short videos to rub traffic, and the density of golden sentences is rare. This is the advantage of cartoons. It can be narrated and lyrically, and can release strong emotions. It is not easy to achieve in live-action movies.


   There are so many things he can remember and sort out on the spot, especially after he cooperates with the previous situation and the scene, it is very shocking.


   For example, Nezha screamed: "You are not stupid if you take your life for nothing--"


   Boil Bing to become a dragon: "Who is not stupid to be your friend?"


   Another example is Nezha’s classic narrative, arrogantly saying: I am a little monster, carefree and at ease, killing people without blinking, eating people without salt.


   In fact, because I have watched a lot of Internet, there is another reason why this film will be popular, that is, it is full of Internet, or it is a movie suitable for adults, but it is not suitable for small friends.


   If it is suitable for small friends, then there will be no high box office.


This kind of full-blown scene has different feelings in the eyes of different audiences. Some people may feel that it is very shocking to express their chests, and some may feel that it is more blunt to shout slogans, and it is even highly toxic to the wolf pdst patients, but it is undoubtedly spread. The segment with the highest attribute.


   For example, when Nezha zoomed in and turned into a big move-if fate is unfair, fight it to the end!


   Boo B: "You were born as a magic pill. This is destined."


   Nezha: "Fuck you for a bird's life! I can't help but let my life—"


   has nothing to do with age, and actually has nothing to do with the lines, the key is feeling, at least the fantasy readers must be very emotional.


The    choreographer team can write scripts from the perspective of real-life cos, or based on computer special effects and art roles, etc., where they can perform the most. You can even deduce interesting content directly from the plot of the movie, which is the correct posture for rubbing traffic.


   As for music, Chu Yuanxi also wanted to open it later. It's not necessary to catch the music of the movie, and it's okay to use the vibrato divine tune. Although most of the vibrato divine songs are saliva songs, they are the essence of the fragments. The rhythm is more suitable, and it is not even necessary to use the ancient style. Maybe the electronic sound is more suitable. It's a pity that Uncle Sheng really can't spare time.


   Finally, there was another person who had to be mobilized, and that was Li Zifeng who was far away in Hengdian.


  Feng Lin and Yu Yanan can of course imitate, especially Feng's appearance is a heroic route, but no matter how heroic, Li Zifeng is not as because he is a male...


   If Li Zifeng’s imitation makeup video goes viral, it will be the best boost to the drama "A World of Disorder". Nezha is simply a heavenly pie, you must eat it!


   When the time comes, both sides will make videos together, connect each other and send them out to form a scale. Maybe the Pakistani people will be able to usher in a wave of long-lost fans? The key to this is to stay ahead of other institutions.


   It is foreseeable that by the 27th and 8th, the self-media that is slow to respond should know the traffic dividend of "Nezha", but it will be too late to think of it then. It is conceivable that during that time period, there will be a blowout on Douyin, and the video editing of "Nezha" will erupt.


  Because this is the simplest and rude way to rub movie traffic, it doesn't take time, no cost, it can be done with just a resource, and it doesn't need to be too professional, amateurs can cut it.


In fact, this is a huge benefit for a prepared team, because the blowout movie and video clip can effectively magnify the user’s mind and make the traffic dividend even greater, and the prepared team can come up with different content in the same way, exclusive The fattest piece of the bonus.


  , of course, is also a huge benefit to the movie producer, because in this era, the self-media is the biggest announcement of movies, and Douyin is the king of traffic, and it is the top priority. For movies, short videos can create a first impression for the audience through the same visual form, and its significance has completely exceeded the official account.



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