Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 834: Why Guan Xin is so stupid

   second more


Guan Xin held back for a long time, wiped his sweat, and finally said firmly, "Mr. Chu, but I still hope to play "Troubled Times" first. Even if the first batch is not available, I will have to. Otherwise, I don’t have a heavyweight IP. Given such a big right, I can’t explain to the company, Mr. Chu, no matter how good your "Wu Dao Fajun" is, it’s not easy."


"But "A Troubled World" has even been featured in the TV series. What is the meaning of the last animation for the Ba Ren Group? Isn't this a brother fight?" Chu Yuanxi was actually wondering when he was talking, Guan Xin was doing it. What? Suddenly, he thought of the biggest difference between the TV series "A Mountain in Trouble" and the animation, and he suddenly screamed in his heart.


"This one……"


   Guan Xin was suddenly stunned, because Yang Jiangang just told him that the purpose of the peak visual effect on the Pakistani ip is to enlarge this ip. This is the main goal, and the second is to support the peak visual effect.


   This is an investment institution using its own resources to support the business of the invested company under a reasonable and legal framework. As for "A Troubled World", Yang Jiangang bluntly stated that Chu Yuanxi never planned to hand over to Pinnacle VFX for low-profile animation from beginning to end, and it had nothing to do with Guan Xin's proposal. If there is demand in the future, Chu Yuanxi will spend tens of thousands of dollars a minute to make exquisite animations in mainstream mode, pursuing high profits at high costs.


   After all, Pakistan people are not bad for money, why should the best quality IP be produced with low-profile animation like ugc?


   Therefore, Guan Xin is now truly clarifying the relationship between Pinnacle Visual Effects and the Pakistani Group. It is not the subordinate company he imagined, but the relationship between entrepreneurship and investment! What's this so special? Damn it! It's just that the Pakistani Group has a heavier share in the peak visual effect, and the incubation structure makes it still account for as much as 35% after the a round of investment. It is difficult for ordinary investment institutions to take up so much.


   This is the result of the Pakistani Group being more restrained and no additional investment in round a. It is not clear whether Chu Yuanxi is not optimistic about the peak visual effects business, or is it really as good as he said to reduce the degree of the Pakistani’s holding of the peak visual effects, loosen the peak visual effects, and enable the peak visual effects to grow independently. In order to successfully complete the incubation, accelerate the growth of the invested enterprises.


   Doesn't this mean that I have already started free range? Or to be more straightforward, the investment is just a sum, and I think of a solution later, I only have verbal support, and I don't intend to take care of peak visual effects like my son. Therefore, the unimportant ip can be given to the peak visual effects. It's just a little more elegant, and a super nice way of expression?


  According to this logic, the conclusion seems to be that the ip of "Troubled Times" is already large enough, and there is no need for peak visual effects to zoom in? As for the peak visual effects, do you need "Troubled Times"? It must be necessary, but this is the jade seal of the country, the emperor's father gave his sons and not his godsons, Yang Jiangang can only watch it!


   This is so troublesome!


Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s question: "General Manager, does your company have any new plans that I didn’t know? If you regret it and feel that you have suffered a loss without "Troubled Times", you should treat it as never happened. , How? Yang Jiangang has no right to blame you anyway, I don't care."


   The straightforward understanding of the meaning is that the business negotiation is not settled, which is normal and does not affect the relationship between the two parties. But in another way of understanding, it can also be interpreted as Chu Yuanxi's implicit expression of another important meaning. Anyway, the rights of "Troubled Times" will not be authorized to Peak Visual Effects at all. You want to use the Peak Visual Effects package. Any right to go?


   There are no doors.


   He quickly weighed in his mind, the relationship between the pros and cons is very complicated, but now it is clear that the original wishful thinking has overturned.


  Chu Yuanxi is very generous in their opinion, at least very generous in cooperation. They don't mind transferring the benefits to the partners in exchange for higher efficiency and greater vision. They value the success rate of the project more than the profit rate. And although the negotiations are serious or even harsh, the purpose of buckling the details is for better execution. What is negotiated will not go back, and credibility will be emphasized.


Therefore, in the original deduction, because of a misunderstanding of the key relationship between the Ba people and the peak visual effects, the only difficulty is whether Chu Yuanxi will be a little bit more aggressive, a little looser, and use the best IP to support an ambitious and ambitious one. Isn't this reasonable for a subsidiary with a high ceiling?


  Who would have thought so?


   So this is obviously self-defeating!


   But when you think about the meal you want, what is the face? Guan Xinfu lowered his body, adjusted his emotions, with two points of humility and two points of regret, and said: "Actually, it is like this. There is a big project, I am not sure to complete it, but it is very good. Allure."


   "Need some kind of copyright for "A World of Disorder"?"


"Yes, it's not copyright, it's some kind of... Well, you first listen to my explanation. I am worried that after telling you truthfully, it will affect your authorization to develop this project, so I chose to hide the cooperation information first. But the project is born After gaining, I will definitely return the money to Peak Visual Effects according to the contract. I will never cheat you on this."


   The last sentence was so fast that Xin said it, for fear that Chu Yuanxi wouldn't give him a chance to speak.


   After finishing speaking, he quickly raised his head and glanced at Chu Yuanxi, and found that it was okay, at least he didn't mean to drive people.


   For a while, I only heard Chu Yuanxi quietly ask: "General Manager, what are you afraid of me? Are you afraid that I will see that the project is too big and the benefits are too high, and then become greedy?"


   As he spoke, he sighed. It seems that Youtu also reached cooperation with external resources, so the cooperation is not stable? So afraid that the Pakistani will take the project directly? Just like Fang Shiling's "Ji Xia Xue Gong"?


   It shouldn't be, Fang Shiling dares to play with him, who dares to play with Youtu? Besides, the external resources that can reach cooperation with Youtu are definitely of a large level. Pay attention to the impact, and it is not so easy to grab.


   Well, that is, Guan Xin wants to jump out of the superior ground and do it alone? This makes sense. This cooperative resource is up to you, but he is not irreplaceable. Once the resource party and the Pakistani take over, he is likely to play gg, at least to get sincere thanks from both parties?


Guan Xin hurriedly waved his hand, "No, no, how can you? You will never do this kind of thing. I worry about one thing. You or Yang Jiangang think that the ratio is not appropriate. It's a five-fifth thing."


  Chu Yuan Xixin said that isn't it? Yang Jiangang may be stupid not knowing Guan Xin's operation process, but Chu Yuanxi knew too well that this kind of copyright transfer must be legal, and there is only one way for Guan Xin to legally put the profit in his pocket, which is Use Youtu as a transit station to form a right link.


   Needless to ask, the terms that Yang Jiangang agreed to must be that after Youtu obtains the derivative rights of the animation, Youtu has the right to sublicense the development. This seems reasonable, and Guan Xin can use his position to transfer this right from Youtu to his own bag company, and then connect with the partner.


   After turning his hand like this, what is the direct result? It’s the profit that hits back. Even if Xin wants to distribute the profit to Peak VFX, he will pass Youtu first. He has to share with Youtu first, and then Youtu will then divide the divided part with Peak VFX. Minute.


   This is completely legal and compliance. For example, his leather bag company is 50-50% apart from Youtu. Youtu developed a project with the help of external resources to generate income, and got half of the share, which was reasonable and legal, and even the internal audit could not tell.


   The copyright link gameplay can be said to be the way that many intermediaries play bad streets. Unexpectedly, you also played intermediaries even with Xinnong eyebrows and big eyes?


   The problem is that the split account of the peak visual effects is directly folded and then folded in half, and the income obtained is so pitiful...


   Are you embarrassed to open Qisan with this? Your heart is so black!


Seeing Chu Yuanxi’s expressionless expression, Guan Xin had to whisper to make up for it: "Oh, you know, this share ratio greatly affects our internal review process. Although this project is very large, it costs a lot of money, and the return is very good. But the cycle is also very long, it takes several years, and it is not certain whether there will be any changes in the process, and even whether the final project can be completed or not, I dare not say. Then if it is because you are entangled with the problem of the proportion of accounts, the process will be changed. If you click the card twice, it will definitely be yellow. I'm trying to push the good things forward..."


   "You are so pale and weak to explain..." Chu Yuanxi chuckled, "What is the good thing? Tell me."


Guan Xin's meaning is nothing more than that this project is a kind of ppp-like project. It cooperates with the government, promotes each other, and exhibits their strengths. That's why it is expensive, slow in return, and variable in the process, and even whether it can be completed in the end. Still doubtful features.


   After all, it is not so easy to change in normal business dealings. The price of change is often the lack of advance payment. However, government-led projects must be "flexible", and "implementation" of the spirit of the government must be put first, and the risk often comes from how far it is implemented? This is a big problem, because the cycle is long, and the "spiritual" changes within a period of time.


   But this kind of project can only be promoted when the government takes the lead in solving the loan problem. It is expensive, has a long cycle, and slow returns. Normal commercial financing methods are not easy to use, and banks are unable to help under the tight monetary policy. At this time, the government needs to come forward, and it is the best state to return to China next week and set up a car in a northern province in the dog city.


"Yes, it's a cultural and tourism industrial park project..." Guan Xin stuttered at first, but then he went out anyway. "A big ip is needed for packaging. It must be a national-level big ip. It almost won't work, and the argument can't pass. This resource is rare. It creates at least a few hundred jobs and invests about billions of gdp. When I saw this project, wouldn’t I just learn my skills for nothing? I have to win everything!"


   Oh, Chu Yuanxi said, and then did your idea hit me?

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