Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 835: National standard

At this moment, Chu Yuanxi finally knew where he felt something was wrong before. The feeling of being too reasonable came from Yang Jiangang and his two people's too narrow understanding of "other rights", only a little bit of territory around the animation in their eyes, top I mostly thought of the issue of re-licensing games for animation, but I didn’t expect the so-called surrounding area to extend to the real estate field...


   So even if Chu Yuanxi was a little wary in his heart, he was restricting the right to re-adapt the animation. I didn't expect Guan Xin to be a drunkard. The so-called ridiculous Young Master Lantai is puzzled by Zhuang Shengtian Lai, and Gang Dao has males and females. This is probably what Su Shi said.


   In the past two years, there was a saying in the cultural and creative industry called "Top IP Play Cultural Tourism". Although this is true, the top IP is not necessarily playable. The IP Cultural Tourism Industry Park has been hot in the country for a while, but recently, Chu Yuanxi has pondered it. It seems that there is no news about the Wudang project and the Jingzhou project. There is One was also very powerful at the beginning, but now it is silent.


On the contrary, some cultural and tourism projects that do not have IPs are blooming in various places. To be precise, they do not display IPs, but focus on local characteristics and humanities. Once they become Internet celebrity attractions, it is easy to get benefits that far exceed their goals. Change and differentiation as their own vitality.


   Therefore, IP cultural tourism in the country has become more and more dull after the peak of the previous year. On the contrary, distinctive attractions have become popular with the rise of Douyin Kuaishou. For example, the glass plank road (that chapter is applying for unblocking) of Chu Yuanxi's miserable pit, has become popular in China, and the Internet celebrity attractions and the online celebrities who check in are inspiring and complementing each other.


   In short, there are not many large and small IP cultural tourism projects in China, but there is a lack of successful precedents. The cases that can be cited are all such successes as Disney. The problem is that they are too successful to give examples at all. The scale of investment and problems are difficult to manage.


   In the final analysis, this is caused by the domestic IP format. Only the four masterpieces are on the same level as Disney in the country. Other so-called IPs, especially the new IP, even if there is a certain heat, can this heat last ten years?


   On the contrary, Internet celebrity gameplay can create short-term traffic peaks and attract unconventional visitors. But it also faces problems that are difficult to last.


   But, what if you combine IP with internet celebrities? Internet celebrity = peak pulse, and IP = battery life. Chu Yuan Xixin said that I don’t know if anyone has walked through this idea. He has always been concerned about IP and has also studied the phenomenon of Internet celebrity. It’s just a matter of cultural travel. He is completely a layman, so he dare not make an assertion.


   Even if you dare not make an assertion, but you are so stupid about Xin? How do you look down on me, brother? Can you tell me something like this? Would I care about the split?


Yes I will.


   But, you are just adding to my plan to sell Pakistani games, and the key thing is that my first selling target is Ali, dear! How embarrassed is this?


   Then, the key question is, what attitude should I use to agree?


   According to this kind of scene, it is necessary to show that you are not happy, and then take it for a while, but Chu Yuanxi's mind turned around and said that this is not compatible with my person!


Her personality should look like this. Chu Yuanxi waited for Guan Xin to finish, nodded, staring at Guan Xin attentively, and said: "General Manager, you are concealing such a key information for fear that I will be dissatisfied with the status of the division. Well, I am still afraid that I am not interested in this project and do not want to authorize it? Or I am afraid I have other ideas, eh?"


  The so-called other thoughts are what concerns Xin Xin. Once Chu Yuanxi feels that he can get rid of him and meet the locals, there will be nothing wrong with him...


   He only heard Chu Yuanxi laughed for a while, and asked a little gloomily: "Youtu should have cooperated a lot with the national-level big IP?"


   "No way, no way, those who can't do it, don't have the ability to continue operations, they are not true citizens, it is good to have enthusiasm for two or three years, and the industrial park has not been completed after the enthusiasm."


   Guan Xin answered hurriedly, and the answers were fluent, as if he had considered the other resources he had on hand.


   But Chu Yuanxi's brows suddenly frowned, because as soon as his thoughts diverged, he thought of more complicated things.


   The so-called national level is more than classic content, it must have continuous popularity and exposure, and it must be topical; it is not only a peak power that reaches users at a time, but always provides high-quality content after the start to reach a large number of users. This is a point often overlooked by domestic IP operators, which makes many IPs that may become national-level IPs have not been operated for a long time and then naturally die out.


   In fact, the operation strategy of the traffic small fresh meat is similar to the national IP, but the content provided by the small fresh meat can hardly stand the test of time, and it is difficult to constitute an IP.


   Compared with this, it is easier to incubate national-level IP in animation and games because of the long continuous operation. Animations that have been updated for more than ten years and large-scale games that have been in continuous operation for more than ten years are not rare. Among them, high-quality content can support the backbone of big IP.


   For example, "Legend" and "Fantasy Westward Journey", the number of people who continue to reach is huge, but the legend almost means national level because the content is too single and the space for extension is too narrow. The Fantasy Westward Journey has this opportunity. Let alone the quality of the content, it is backed by the super national-level "Journey to the West", which can diverge very much.


   But they have no corresponding film and television drama to form a linkage.


   Movie game linkage is always regarded as a commercial closed loop of the IP economy-through the game mowing, in fact, it is the master who realizes the value of operating IP itself through movie game linkage.


   However, when it comes to high-quality and continuous output of content, this is not a general challenge for IP operations, especially as time goes by, various unexpected things will happen. If you continue to operate like "Pleasant Goat" and then you get confused, it is enough to explain the ups and downs of this road.


   It can be seen that it is difficult to create a national-level IP, so that the domestic IP market has been popular for several years, but it is really hard to think of an IP that can be called a national-level and suitable for authorization. Think about the word "national class", the four masterpieces and Jin Yong came out of my mind.


   In this sense, Chu Yuanxi didn't know whether Guan Xin was particularly worthy of herself, or whether she didn't follow any kind intentions and intended to profit from it. It didn't matter what she ended up doing?


   This difficulty is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi has been cautious, never claiming that "Unwinding from the Wind" is a national-level IP, at most it is "hopefully becoming a national-level".


   How long can it last even if the heat comes up for a while? What will happen during this long period? neither knows.


   Especially after the value of an IP is highlighted, commercial operation, that is, authorized transactions, will follow. Complex transactions can easily place the copyright of a quasi-national IP in a complex environment.


   For example, once the full copyright of the game "Unwinding" is injected into the Pakistani game and sold, will it interrupt its evolution to the national level? Capitalists do not care about this kind of problem. If the buyer starts to pay attention, they have to continue to add money to buy the full copyright in the true sense.


   Otherwise, the IP is operated by the seller, and the revenue of the game belongs to the buyer, so why should the seller work hard?


   This is not an unpredictable speculation, but something that has already happened in real life, such as the Guomanzhiguang "My name is MT" by the Colorful Film Studio. In order to cut off the buyer's roots, its operator would rather take the initiative to decapitate this extremely valuable IP than let the buyer continue to use it. However, because of the disadvantaged position of the copyright division, it is too late for the buyer to buy the full copyright. If the operator does not sell it, even if he wants to pay for it, continue to operate.


   So in the fight for interests, an IP was killed. Will there be a similar situation in "Troubled Times"? Will Uncle Sheng cry?


  As a businessman, Chu Yuanxi is so affectionate and doesn't care whether Uncle Sheng will cry. He can also shed a few crocodile tears when necessary, but what he actually cares about is whether the potential buyers of Pakistani games in the future understand the essence of IP business. Understand or don’t understand, the contract with regard to certain "Buy it Now" and "priority" terms will be very different.


   Therefore, Chu Yuanxi did not speak for a long time. He must carefully weigh the gains and losses of Guan Xin's authorization from a business perspective. Following this line of thinking, the authorization of cultural and travel-related rights will greatly increase the value of the entire IP in the short term, but in the long term it may not be all good. Some problems may arise?


However, Chu Yuanxi's brows gradually relaxed, because no one knew what would happen in the distant future. He knew that he was not a superman, especially in the relatively unfamiliar fields of IP development and copyright trading. Even Guan Xin almost took him Go around, so what do you want to do so far?


   Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi looked at Guan Xin, only to see him holding his breath, with a serious look waiting for the catastrophe.


   So Chu Yuanxi laughed, and the solemn atmosphere in the tea room suddenly disappeared. "Manager, I have to blame you. If you don’t worry about me swallowing you, then you should come to me directly, don’t go around, it’s not good for any of us. You have to think so, this matter is for Pakistani people Is the group a good thing? It's a good thing, right? If it's a good thing, you just come to me directly and convince me that this is much better than "scheming"."


   "So you agreed?" Guan Xin was excited and asked in surprise, "You don't blame me?"


"It's unnecessary to blame. As for whether to agree or not, in fact, "Troubled Times" is not at the national level, but considering that there is actually no real national-level IP suitable for authorization in China, and my family is indeed more promising , So you should come down while licking your face, alas, a long way to go..."


   Guan Xin suddenly asked eagerly: "Then, what about your request?"


"It's very simple. You don't need to make any animations, and you don't need to use the layer of Youtu. The Pakistani Group directly authorizes it. The cultural tourism authorizes a separately established project company to inject cultural tourism development and peripheral product development and management rights. For related rights, my request is that the Pakistani Group owns 10% of the shares. Then, if the industrial park needs to purchase Pakistani services, what do you think about it?"


   "What do you mean by this purchase service?" Guan Xin asked in confusion, and at the same time asked how Chu Yuanxi knew that this should not be done by Youtu?


"Very simple, your project is to build an online celebrity attraction, right? Although I have never done an online celebrity attraction, I have been an online celebrity, right? If you want to build an online celebrity attraction, someone will always run it for you, right? There may be some people who are better at operating Internet celebrities than the Pakistani people, but for the Internet celebrities who operate the IP of "Troubled Times", if you don’t buy services from my copyright owner, is it a bit silly to buy from others? Of course this has to be calculated separately Up."


   Guan Xin gradually thought about it, and immediately overjoyed, "Oh, Mr. Chu, many people say that you are a porcelain **** and iron crane. This is absolutely nonsense! Others want it, and you give it. This condition is absolutely fair!"


"Hey, let's talk about it first. When you don't buy the service, I just give up the shopkeeper. I only publish the copyright but not the energy but not the money." Chu Yuanxi smiled in her heart when she spoke, and said that she wanted to bring "A Troubled World" anyway. The entire game copyright is injected into Pakistani games. There is the cultural tourism industry. This IP is steep but rich. It is assumed to be worth 100 yuan. What is the current value? Suddenly there is room for imagination. It’s okay to say 200, but it’s not impossible to say 300. It’s a bit too much to shout 1000, but control the expression and just shout.


   Well, then the main contradiction becomes how to seduce the buyer to come. Do you want to tell Guan Xin a little bit now?


   After thinking about Xin's rank and position, it seems that he is not a very good candidate. Especially in the case of the cultural and tourism industry, it is better not to make it too complicated.


   But it’s not appropriate to say nothing, it’s not as good as...


   Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi pretended to ask: "By the way, if the Pakistani people want to invest money, what's the situation?"


   Guan Xin suddenly looked strange, "Mr. Chu, this investment, it is a very large amount, you know, hundreds of acres of land, this assessment is not a general assessment."


"Do you think the Pakistani people have no money?" Chu Yuanxi chuckled pretentiously, "I won't talk about the flow of our country, I don't care about the running water in our country. Do you know that we are on the island country too? In the second quarter, Naibao, that's it. According to the data passed by the company that we acted as an agent, the three-month turnover is 130 million, ranking fourth in the island country’s mobile games. This money is divided between five and five. We not only pay ¥, but also pay. ."


   "Grass grip is amazing!" Guan Xin exclaimed, "That's a company in a universe country? Where are you from the universe country?"


"The data hasn't been calculated yet. Maybe the teams operating on both sides are different. Anyway, it's fast. The global game market is the United States first, and we are second, and then the island country and the universe country. The universe country is not much different. Chu Yuanxi said triumphantly, and asked, "Where is this cultural tourism project? At least it can always be clear now, right?"


   "The place..."


It seems to be a psychological struggle. Guan Xin realized that he couldn't get off the stage anymore, so he had to keep his voice down as much as possible, "Huan Cui. In fact, it has something to do with the shooting of your IP drama. It's not Zhang Dongdong himself or the person from that movie. Huh? The leader over there asked whether to make a movie after the filming, or whether to build a movie city or something. You know, Hengdian and Xiangshan have already benefited from various movie cities. Leaders in many places still attach great importance to such projects.


Later, it became a mere construction of a cultural and tourism industry. The framework is bigger and bolder. It can be compatible with all film and television needs and so on. It will boost GDP, which is very good for the local economy. TV dramas are also broadcast in the province, so they can be watched. "


   "Is that so?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that it was not that I was so pitted after filtering for a long time, but that he was planning to pit me from the beginning? Fortunately, there was no such thing when you signed the film and television series. Otherwise, you were allowed to take away the rights of peripheral development. Do you regret it?


After    sent Guan Xin away, Chu Yuanxi had time to read the news, and then realized that he was holding a big slot, and a lot of things happened today. Not to mention that Dousha was listed on the Nasdaq. In order to sell a good price for the IPO, it also made a beautiful Q1 financial report, turning a loss into a profit and making a big profit of 18 million; not to mention that the small yellow car completed the refund of the deposit of 2 million. Chu Yuanxi's achievements can be retired in another 3 years at this rate, and there are three other things that surprised Chu Yuanxi!


   The first piece, the Token platform collapsed! It was the three people who came to the door with Huadeng Block Dog and Zhang Sheyu the other day. Not only was it collapsed, but it was a double cut between inside and outside. I won’t talk about the specific methods. Chu Yuanxi was dumbfounded, and said that you are working together in a partnership to give me a hand and then run in a group, right? Sun thief, the old man wants to see when the Huadeng block dog crashes?


The second piece is a big news that shakes the Official Iron Man Elon Musk announced that his intrusive brain-computer interface has made breakthrough progress. The brain signals of monkeys and mice can already be used by machines with a high probability Identify and conduct human clinical trials next year.


   The term "brain-computer interface" is actually no stranger. The paralyzed teenager who kicked off at the 2014 World Cup used his brain to control the mechanical leg to kick that kick.


  In this field, human beings have repeatedly failed and fought. The European Union has spent 1 billion euros in the development of projects that simulate the human brain, and the death is silent.


   But there are not a few teams that are close to making a breakthrough. Facebook is doing research topics similar to Musk, but he did not expect that it was the madman Musk who was the first to officially put human clinical on the timetable.


   This technology is just a bit exciting for ordinary people and even for geeks, but for those who are interested in developing virtual online games, it is no longer a question of excitement or excitement, but needs to prepare money!


Of course, even if a breakthrough is achieved, it is only a breakthrough of 0 to 0.01. Because if you want to develop the kind of future online games in online games, the signals of the human brain must not only be recognized by the machine, but the human brain must be able to recognize the machine signals. The next step is the real one. 1.


And the third one is more weird. A fan of a fishery giant touched Porcelain Jay Chou, and suddenly posted on a certain petal: Jay’s Weibo data is so bad, the Weibo super chat rankings are not up, and the official announcement endorsements forward the comments. Can't break ten thousand, why are concert tickets so hard to buy? Does he really have so many fans?



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