Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 836: 1 The results of intellectual deduction

This post aroused thousands of waves, caused an uproar, and caused the collective throbbing of Chou's Sunset Red Fan Group. Then this group of post-80s and post-90s who basically don’t know how to play on Weibo spontaneously connect to watch tutorials and do data on Weibo. They never know where Chaochao is, or where to play the rankings, to like and forward comments to prove it. Own existence forms a wonder.


Here is a piece of news. On the evening of July 20, 2019, the unemployed Li asked the netizen Zhao to drink in his rental house. During this time, Zhao lamented that “there are too many rich people” and Li said that “it’s better to go out and get some money”. Zhao responded immediately. The surveillance probe on Wujing Road recorded this scene. At about 1:13 am on July 21st, their food stall was erected on the west side of the bridge at the intersection of Wujing Road.


   At 1:23, a black van parked in front of the food stall, and a few middle-aged social men with tattoos and large gold chains got out of the car. They walked directly to Zhao and ordered ten grilled noodles without chili and a box of beer. During the period, a man with yellow dyed hair said, "I want to show them some color." Another bald man echoed "I don't offend me, I don’t offend anyone." The third man with a scar on his face stood up and shouted, "Brothers, give I fight!"


   So everyone took out their phones and gave Jay Chou a list.


   On the evening of the 20th, the battle for the top of the Weibo power list officially started. By the early hours of the morning, the employees of the aquatic product flow giant who were responsible for scanning the data went to bed. Jay's real fans continued to exert their efforts, and the gap quickly widened.


   Chu Yuanxi has not been idle these days, but the main energy is on the Ba people's side, cooperating with the audit agency to review this very important semi-annual report.


   This is something that can't be helped, because the Pakistani don't have a CFO, and the CFO is Chu Yuanxi himself. No one can top this tank if he doesn't play.


   The Demon Capital Syndicate was afraid that Chu Yuanxi was too tired, so he kindly suggested whether to send a financial representative to help? Chu Yuanxi said okay, okay, and then turned to tell the Pakistani financial director Chen Xiao: "Aren't the sub-accounts of Netmabao have not been confirmed yet? Don't let the financial representative of Magic City see it yet."


  Because it involves collecting money overseas, and Netmabao has to be distributed as an agent in East Asia, and then divided into various channels for checkout, the account period of the agency agreement between Pakistan and Netmabao is as long as five months. That is to say, what is the turnover of the previous month, and Netmabao will directly report the number in the second month, but when it comes to checkout, theoretically, the money in January will not start to go through the process to check statements and invoices until July. This part of the money is called accounts receivable before it is put in the pocket.


   Chen Xiao asked casually: "Okay, but why?"


   Chu Yuanxi squeezed his chin and said, "It's nothing, I'm just afraid of trouble."


   Chen Xiao said, but why is it troublesome? Chu Yuanxi didn't say anything.


   When it comes to $, the possible troubles are unimaginable for inexperienced people, and Chu Yuanxi needs to keep this part of the money overseas, so he needs to minimize interference. Especially when the Magic Capital Syndicate is not on a well-off car, it is more likely to cause interference.


   For the current well-off, in the calm before the war, all departments only need to work step by step to solve the actual difficulties, and there is nothing to adjust. Chu Yuanxi is more concerned about not the content of Milestone 4, but the progress of online content development of Milestone 6, followed by the establishment of the map group.


The    map group can be said to be a relatively large uncertainty for Chu Yuanxi, because the original world has not done this before, which has led to a very tangled problem that has been confusing him.


  Why is it so expensive for giants to develop maps, but ordinary bicycle startups do not need to spend too much money to develop maps? Because the giants develop enterprise-level maps and service-level maps. After the development is completed, they will become the backbone of the empire, exporting services and even profitability. The input is high, but the output is also high.


  For example, the external authorization and service of AutoNavi Maps are doing very well, and Penguin is also catching up and gradually filling the gaps in its own service territory.


   After all, with the advent of 5G, the demand for map services in the Internet field will definitely increase sharply. Providing service output is a blue ocean business, so this new giant's battle point is formed.


   Ordinary bicycle startups only need to develop a map function for their own use, or to be more straightforward. They don't want to use Gaode or are inconvenient, so they develop a set of themselves. This kind of service cannot and is not expected to be exported.


   This is where Chu Yuanxi has been indecisive until now. To what extent should the map be achieved? When I talked to Hu Shiheng, I was providing services to the outside world, but Chu Yuanxi knew that it was so easy to talk about?


   If you want to reach the service level, you don't have any black technology in your hands. First, you have to find the same expenses with the giants, but it will far exceed the limit of well-off ability.


Because of this hesitation, the investment in the map project has also become the first choice. The one-year budget roughly needs about 100 million yuan, which is much worse than the basic investment of the giant-level one billion a year, but it is also better than self-research and self-use. A lot of development requirements and procurement requirements come out.


   Instinctively, he felt that there was a problem with this place. But because Elizabeth is going to attack Southeast Asia, the gameplay like the small and rich in the original world is not appropriate. Some things must be done, which is equivalent to being held in mid-air.


   This problem hasn't been noticed by others, but it was a big strategic problem in Chu Yuanxi's intuition.


   Another uncertainty is that he doesn't know how many holes are in the map development process. This is a tactically super hole, and there is an urgent need for experienced developers and operators.


   But there are also better aspects. For example, Xiaokang has not been included in the map-related competition by any giants, so it is more convenient when digging people.


   The opening time of Milestone 4 is scheduled to be around August 10, and the A round of financing is in mid-August, with an interval of about one week. Thanks to the favorable policy, the land acquisition commissioner Fan Chao’s bonus has skyrocketed, because the land acquisition speed has been significantly accelerated, and many stores that could not be acquired before are now cheap, and the location is super good, which may not be suitable for those main players. Convenience stores in commercial districts, but for a well-off society, are like a fish in water. Hospitals, schools, parks, and sports venues are all ideal scenarios for social tagging.


Chu Yuanxi’s financing plan is that if there is still no problem after this round of financing raises the valuation, the Pakistani people will continue to stand on the sidelines, but then they will do an A+ round of $ financing. It's also relatively friendly.


   Xiaokang did a VIE structure after all. There was no problem at all in accepting US dollar investment. Instead, the Pakistani did not do a VIE. This is the reason why the Pakistani people need to handle the Naitemabao's US dollar split delicately. The existence of this foreign exchange can give Chu Yuanxi a lot of flexibility.


   Following this line of thinking, after the A round of financing, the strategic problem of map development must be solved.


   The crux of this problem is actually that Xiaokang's body is so small. If Xiaokang is now half of Didi's body, he will definitely advance towards the blue sea battlefield of the map, without the slightest hesitation. The barriers to entry on this battlefield are extremely high, and money is needed to build a step, which is equivalent to a giant pulling a starting line. Only those who can squat to the starting line are eligible to compete. Therefore, after you have the qualifications to start, the competition is mainly technical, but everything is going well in the future, at least for now, the demand is greater than the supply.


   The problem is that Xiaokang does not have this size.


   Any business decision must be tailored according to the actual situation. You can't blindly pat your head, you can predict the future direction, make arrangements in advance, and make plans in accordance with the law of development, but the plan must not be divorced from reality.


  The reality of Xiaokang is that even if you have the money and provide this service, how can you compete with the giants? Established map companies like NavInfo are struggling to compete. They must focus on market segments instead of the whole world. Who can purchase well-off services? Self-use completely overflowed again.


Therefore, he vowed to Hu Shiheng that the increase in map development is to go abroad and to provide third-party map services, but the reality is rather strange. The business plan that is most likely to be realized is "Going abroad to provide third-party maps." service".


  In other words, the map development is in China, and the competition is not in the country. It can't beat BAT, but it can go to Southeast Asia to compete with the two giants Graby and Walking Jack.


Although they are both called giants, these two giants are both local giants in Southeast Asia. They are not a conceptual giant like the giants of my great dynasty. They are both giants that have not yet reached the level of 100 billion. The younger brother of Didi is just worth a visit war!


   This seems to be able to perfect the circle that you have blown by yourself?


  Continuing to think along this line of thought, Chu Yuanxi suddenly flashed a beautiful flash in his mind. A well-off and demanding map talent, why not just dig Graby?


   With the openness of the Great Heaven to the introduction of talents from the Belt and Road countries, no one has ever said that technical talents cannot be imported from Southeast Asia, right?


Besides, Graby established a research and development center in the Imperial Capital, just in Zhongguancun Erjo. It has existed for a long time before the opener entered the country. It seems to be doing map research and development. In other words, it is not necessary to recruit Manila or Malays. Maybe there is a very suitable one among the compatriots.


  At this moment, the results of wisdom finally bloomed. When talking about digging people, the first thing Chu Yuanxi thought of was Chen Qi!


   More than a month later, Chen Qi has received the angel round investment from the Pakistani Group and started to form the African Legion, and under the advice of Chu Yuanxi, she has already begun to prepare for the A round of financing.


   For a business like her that has a lot of demand, there is no need to wait until the business shelf is finished or even wait until the service is really started before proceeding to the next round of financing. As long as it really started, after sufficient communication, the business demander itself is the person with the strongest investment interest. Therefore, the A round of financing was arranged very smoothly under the sidekick of Chu Yuanxi.


In particular, after introducing Transceiver Technology for Chen Qi, Lao Zhao said that Chen Qi’s business line can move forward for three years, not only because Transceiver has established a very large channel network in Africa, but also because Zhao Zhujiang’s current identity is Dad of the black uncles. The download rankings of many countries in Africa are now dominated by various APPs of Transsion Technology. Just like Penguin dominates the domestic mobile game rankings, it is often one, two, three, and four all-inclusive, which is very hateful.


   But embarrassingly, Chu Yuanxi found out that Lao Zhao’s father was not good. He had to pay for his father. For example, two horse fathers, why were they called fathers because they were happy when they took the money.


   Although Transsion Technology itself can be considered rich, but the score is compared to whom, now it is not as rich as Barren. This money refers to the current assets, the money that can be obtained on the account.


   So now Chu Yuanxi finds out how the relationship between her and Lao Zhao has been reversed? Turned into Lao Zhao's crazy lack of money, and he was holding a lot of money. Perhaps this is also the reason why it is more pleasant to chat with Zhao Zhujiang.


   In short, the current situation is that Chen Qi in turn owes Chu Yuanxi a lot of favor, because it is said that Chu Yuanxi gave out this entrepreneurial idea, and then took out the promised 5 million, which has fulfilled her obligation. Let her help sort out the digging plan and list, think it should be a piece of cake.


   And the person who actually digs the corner should be Elizabeth. Although the person who digs out this time belongs to the well-off map project team, she may become her right-hand man in the future, so she should do it herself, at least for selection.


   Elizabeth should also be back from the south. She has to return to the imperial capital before the end of July, because Google will have a meeting again on August 1st, and Bonanza will come. Chu Yuanxi was going to see Bonanza, so it would be better to bring Elizabeth.


After    came back, the second thing was to dig for me, and it was such a happy decision!


   Chu Yuanxi’s schedule in August is even tighter. On August 1st, the Google Conference will be followed by a non-stop flight to the magic capital. On August 2nd, the famous ChinaJoy will be beautiful, but I missed it last year. I must go this year.


   But I can't love the battle, I have to come back quickly, because Milestone 4 is not a few days apart.


   So late July is a rare leisure for him. It would be nice to take advantage of this time to finish "Jixia Academy", but it is a pity that Fang Shiling does not cooperate and is still struggling.


   Her survival depends entirely on the new issue of the Taiwanese book, and the deadline is only August 10th. Coincidentally, it may be the same day as the opening date of Well-off Milestone 4.


   The time to come and go was the day when Uncle Sheng came back from Hengdian. Chu Yuanxi gave Uncle Sheng a banquet and found that Uncle Sheng was really tired, and his weight loss career, which had not moved for many years, finally achieved obvious results.


  Jiaotu even asked carelessly as he swallowed the pineapple rice: "Uncle, how many actresses have you dived, and why are you so tired?"


   "I can go to you! I sleep for four hours a day, I'm an actress with bird hair! I didn't even bother the actress jumping on my bed!"


   Uncle Sheng roared, while sweeping a table of Thai food like a raging cloud. At first glance, the box lunch on the Hengdian side was not delicious.


In fact, Chu Yuanxi knew that he was playing very well. Not only did he play passersby, soldiers, and corpses in "Troubled Times", but he also went to the next-door crew to play the Axe Party in a play in the old society ten miles away. After being addicted to the game, I sleep about four hours a day because of excitement?


However, this time he has a lot of power in the "Troubled Times" group. About three months after the start of the machine, nearly half of the content has been filmed, and the script has been sorted out by the uncle, and the characters and plot have been recombined. No one knows this thing better than him.


Therefore, in the cast of "A Windy World", the roles of the actors other than the male and female actors are not fixed. Especially after the uncle Sheng’s support enters the group, whoever receives the lunch in advance needs to be raised. Uncle Sheng said it counts, and he can adjust at any time.


   But it’s impossible to change who the actors play. In this case, can female 6 female 7 and female 8 not be excited?


   So how much of the uncle Sheng dived is hard to say...


   Suddenly, Uncle Sheng put his chopsticks up, swallowed something in his mouth, and said, "It happened that Lu Yu was also there. I suddenly thought of something on the way back. We should speak up and support "Chen Qing Fu"."


   Lu Yu was eating, he was taken aback, "Huh? Why? You have friendship with them?"


   "No, it's something I heard and saw. I think that from a utilitarian point of view, I should play a wave of "Chen Qing Fu", which is good for us."


  Yang Yuanmei also watched the show, but she quickly abandoned it. As soon as Uncle Sheng said that, she was immediately lost: "This film is not good, right?"


"Yes, it's not right!" Uncle Sheng said brightly: "This film has a huge reputation at the beginning, but it has rebounded now. Have you noticed it? Some petals have broken 6 and have never failed to pass. According to my observations Maybe this drama creates an unprecedented spectacle, and word-of-mouth counterattack!"


"Okay, I'll leave it to Yang Yuanmei to blow the essay." Chu Yuanxi immediately applauded, and then changed her mind, "Wait, Uncle Sheng, do you mean We also have it in "Uncle Sheng". Maybe it's low? So now I'll play a wave of "Chen Qing Fu" that will be useful then?"


"That's not the case. The narrative structure of "Morning Times" and "Chen Qing Fu" are different. The key is that the world view is different. There is no need for fiction. This is our advantage in doing historical drama. You can directly choose a high starting point at the beginning. It’s unlikely that the word of mouth will collapse as soon as you get up.” Uncle Sheng said confidently, “I’m more worried about the back. Don’t make a high drive and low drive.”


Those present here more or less know why Uncle Sheng is worried, because although it sounds good, "Uncle in the Wind" is a method of character selection by extracting game big data, as well as the completely open script content and control outside the main line. It must be a huge low, and there are big questions about whether the audience will buy it or not.


   Of course, the most important thing is to give too little time.


After a long time, Jiaotu finally finished his bowl of pineapple rice. He hiccuped first, and then said: "Uncle, I feel it, "Chen Qingfu" may not be an unprecedented counterattack, at least endlessly. "The Fate of Dawn" on two days may follow this trajectory."


   "What? That movie?"


   "Are you funny?"


   "Big brother, you are so touching, why is your aesthetic so bizarre?"


   Many people on the table have watched this big drama, mainly because they were attracted by Zhang Zhen’s first appearance on the small screen, and then there was no more...



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