Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 841: Routine Education Lu Yu

The key is that the time is tight and the task is heavy. On August 21, the World Robot Conference needs to come up with reliable needs before that day. There are still three weeks before the full schedule. When Lu Yu heard this time point, his eyes were completely black.

What's more, just the workload is enough, how do you ask the question? Without an expert in the field of robotics, how can two eyes be blackened to come up with suitable needs?

"Oh, don't think so complicated. This matter is actually very simple. The main test is content creation ability, but switching to a new field." Chu Yuanxi slammed Fang Qiu, "The robot that boomed on Douyin earns salary. Have you seen the video of paying electricity bills? If you want to iterate it, how do you do it? Very simple, let the robot's eyes change shape, with the change of tone, it is equivalent to making multiple sets of expressions for the characters in the game, very simple, right? ?

Secondly, first design some robot-related content in a fantasy way, regardless of category. Regardless of the industry, industrial robots, warehouse robots, and gourmet shops are also good. It doesn't have to be in accordance with the logic of reality, it can be made up, as long as it is fun. It can also be matched with drones.

This is the same as you usually design those real-life content on Douyin. If you are a normal live-action fan, you have to think about how to reverse the design. The robot is not needed for the time being, as long as it is fun. Of course there are plots that can form a series, even with reversals, better.

The last thing is to sort out the scripts you designed. What kind of robots are needed, and those who want to dive? Want to fly? Then according to the script, what actions need to be taken?

I will ask Zhao Jie to find you a resource plan for the game, and you can communicate. This process is the same as the art resource requirements when making a game. What role is required, what appearance, what characteristics, and several sets of actions and descriptions. Let’s take a look at the specific actions, punching, kicking, beating, bashing, that’s all. Do you understand? "

Lu Yu felt that he was very sorry to Chu Yuanxi. Being in a game company like Pakistan, he was so ignorant of the game production process!

But think about it, this kind of content is nothing more than spending money + brainstorming. High input means high output. Others deceive attention by carrying videos, copy others' content to defraud attention, and follow the trend to defraud attention. It is nothing more than not wanting to spend money and have no brains. We have both. A new wave!

It is conceivable that when this wave of content is released, the carefulness of harvest must be against the sky, and it is an almost blank category on Douyin. The video of robots with futuristic punk temperament is very avant-garde and very geek. There may be scenes of N multiple robots cooperating or confronting each other in one video, and even some funny sand sculptures with humans and robots can be designed.

Sand sculpture has always been a relatively rare category on Douyin, but it is a particularly attractive category at Station B. There are a large number of sand sculptures represented by handmade Geng, who are very easy to attract fans. Why is it not easy to have sand sculptures on Douyin? Because Douyin has a slightly more elegant community atmosphere compared to Station B and Kuaishou. Therefore, it is easy to sand sculpture, but it must not be too stupid or earthy, otherwise it will not conform to the tonality of Douyin users. On the other hand, Kuaishou, there are many masterpieces of sand sculpture in the style of Tuhai.

If you want sand sculptures and you can't be stupid, you won't be able to do it without real skills. A lot of wisdom is needed. It can be said that the wisdom of handicrafts breaks through the horizon. He has an inaccessible talent in the field of sand sculpture, and Lu Yu can't do it like this.

But the robot can effectively fill this trench.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu turned into amazement: "Mr. Chu, your thoughts may sound surprising at first, but I think about it carefully! How did you come up with the idea of ​​developing this category? Can you teach me some experience? "

Chu Yuanxi laughed, "I didn't think of it, it was Feng Lin."

"Huh?" Lu Yu suddenly went down, and after a long time he said nonchalantly: "Feng Lin? Well, I thought she had left... Mr. Chu, do you have other short video studios outside?"

"No, what do you think?"

Chu Yuanxixin said to take this opportunity to "clarify" it, after all, I even did the filming, the video went viral, and Lu Yu knew Feng Lin. "She just played with tickets. If you pull people in, I dismiss them, don't you have to compensate them for something? In my case, it is more appropriate to compensate for a hit work, and then you have seen it and used it. With the company's materials, she has contributed such a brain hole once and again."

Lu Yu's mouth almost became O-shaped, and his heart said, why do I feel so wrong? What did you make up for with such a deliberate explanation? Damn it, you are on the spot in person. There are so many works by the entire Ba people. How many of your old gentlemen made the spot in person? She gave you such a big brain hole, did you compensate people several 200 million?

However, you must not vomit this bad. Lu Yuxin said that if he changed to Yang Jiangang or Zhao Jie, he might vomit, but he couldn't. Thinking of Yang Jiangang, he suddenly remembered that Yang Jiangang had asked him about community ecology.

Yang Jiangang could not save face after being beaten by Chu Yuanxi routinely, but it was related to the community ecology, which he had to face in a few months, and he had to figure it out, so he turned to the Ba people except for Chu Yuanxi. It is possible that Lu Yu, who understands community ecology, asks.

However, Lu Yu didn't understand either.

Now it's time to ask Mr. Chu if it's not?

"Community ecology? Why are you asking this? We Ba people will not enter the community ecology for the time being."

"Isn't this, is this term particularly popular recently?" Lu Yu sneered.

"It's really hotter. It seems that people in the circle are becoming more and more professional." Chu Yuanxi honestly envied those who are now qualified to engage in community ecology. As the Internet is more and more developed in the direction of inventory fighting, With the gradual disappearance of 4G dividends, if you want to engage in community ecology, you must first have a community...

The ultimate goal of Xiaokang is to build a community ecology at the national level. In order to achieve this goal, Chu Yuanxi has done the most homework in this field, and he has not used the opportunity since his founding until now.

In fact, community ecology is an in-depth exploration of user value. Many platforms obviously have a large number of users, but are indifferent to the community ecology. Especially for those companies that grew up in the early days of the Internet, they will operate the community ecology as if they have done their functions. This is the performance of unknowingly digging into the value of users at a deeper level, because it was too easy for them to acquire users at the beginning, and there is no need to dig deeply.

And now, before the next wave of dividends arrive, all users have to dig deeper, otherwise the story of growth alone will not be able to realize the valuation at all.

"The community ecology is actually very simple. It is nothing more than allowing users to find the content they are looking for in your online community, and the output content is what other users want to see, and then form a benign interaction. The reason is now This term has become hot because the Internet has evolved from the age of traffic to the age of content."

Seeing that Lu Yu didn't understand, Chu Yuanxi felt that he was very reliable and diligent in doing things, but he was too careless about himself and needed to improve.

However, the best way for Lu Yu to improve is to enroll him in a senior president class, rather than arranging specific work for exercise, because he is different from Yang Jiangang. He has time to surf and has time to go out to broaden his horizons and understand the big Internet. Development trend, understand the evolution and rise of industries other than self-media. This model of instilling experience based on history is suitable for those who have time.

Chu Yuanxi took a slobber, and then said, "Let's put it this way, why has Baidu declined and declined all the time? It's very simple. Users can't find what they need on Baidu, and it's hard to find, so they no longer use Baidu search engine. This is the same as those portals in the early days of the Internet were used as search engines and were killed by Baidu. Searching on the scum wave is not as good as Baidu's experience."

"Is Baidu's program getting worse? Not really? I remember you said that the only thing that Baidu can handle is the program ape."

"The program is very good. The problem with Baidu is that it doesn't understand what content is, nor does it understand the value of content and how to obtain it. Didn't you pay attention to content on the Internet ten years ago? They also pay attention to it, but at that time everyone used Baidu for their content. It is supported, and only after it gets users can you get users through Baidu's traffic. So even if Baidu can rise by crawling, no one wants to offend him if it can provide good content to search users.

I'm sorry now, content is being valued more and more, and content platforms have erected fences. The first is legally, I did not authorize you, you search for my content, if you dare to find out, I will sue you. The second is technically, one after another using new technologies, new distribution agreements and link conventions, Baidu can not crawl. For example, if the content in the WeChat official account is not moved to the public website, Baidu will not be able to search it. "

Lu Yu blurted out: "But Sogou can search it!" As a blast writer, of course he also masters the manuscript washing skills. Sogou is an indispensable weapon... Think about it, Baidu can find less content, of course It will decline and decline again.

"Yes. I really admire one thing. It has been in the content age for so long. Does Baidu have a little reflection? They are so funny."

"Do you have something to say?"

"Do you remember that before, Baidu sued Toutiao for infringing the rights of top1 products, sued unfair competition for stealing search results, and claimed 90 million. Then Toutiao immediately counter sued Baidu for infringing the short video content of Toutiao, claiming the same amount? Professionalism is reflected in the fact that they may think that what I found you is justified! I was taught to be a person by the headline department immediately."

Lu Yu couldn't help but fall into contemplation. The Internet has evolved from the age of traffic to the age of content, which means that the lack of content leads to a decline in traffic. Baidu is not the problem of the engine itself, but the idea does not change, users cannot find the content they want, and even the traffic will decline, let alone the community ecology?

However, he really likes Baidu. Baidu’s heart for content is a sincere heart. The support of Baijiahao is an extremely attractive flow + cash subsidy. At the same time, it really does not understand the content. In today's Internet, it is not easy to find such a big platform with a lot of foolish money!

As soon as the subsidies of a hundred schools were opened, all kinds of robots washing the manuscripts and the black products were gone, and it became a plagiarism hodgepodge. The subsidies were swept away by the black products, and huge plagiarism targets were waiting for others to sue. Then, in order to support Baijia, he also blocked the search of Xuhu, making it extremely refreshing to carry certain content. Lu Yu loved Baijia to death when he did the news on the media by himself!

This vivid example gave him a general idea of ​​what is meant by the content era, but how to form a community ecology? The content alone does not necessarily form an ecology, right?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s explanation: “The formation of an ecology is actually to gather people and divide them into groups. How to divide into groups? People who agree with each other are more likely to increase their emotional temperature and become a group. It’s definitely right to build a platform and follow this line of thinking to become a community. , The key opinion leaders play a very important role in the community, and the platform must effectively guide them. Mutual scolding groups are only the product of special conditions. But does your research make sense?"

"Yes, yes. This affects the question of whether I want to use the short video to attract fans and live broadcast to collect gifts to make money, whether I go to Kuaishou or Douyin." Lu Yu was a little excited, "I heard people say why Kuaishou live broadcasts. The revenue is higher than that of Douyin, and the unit price of e-commerce customers is also higher. It is because the community ecology of Kuaishou is doing well. I have never understood."

Chu Yuanxi said that Lu Yu, a money-making heart, could not die! He is now driving a tractor trumpet. The advantage is that some of them are not under the banner of the Pakistani, and it will not have any impact on the Pakistani when used to carry money. As long as you don't overdo it, don't do it too badly, even if someone picks it out someday in the future and it is done by Pakistani Entertainment, it doesn't matter.

And Chu Yuanxi couldn't stop it, because this was not Lu Yu's wish alone. The entire Pakistani people supported him internally, and there were many people who wanted to improve the company's cash flow.

A company that can run, generate profits, and play its due role is ultimately dependent on employees. A small part of the time is the boss’s ideas, and most of the time is the employees creating value.

In a sense, Chu Yuanxi is even happy to see this situation, because this is a manifestation of the company's healthy operation. Even if it changes to a president, the company can go on smoothly. This is a very good thing.

He always felt that only the worst boss would amplify the desire for control to infinity, and that the company does not need talents but only slaves, and there is no need to trust anyone. No matter how big this kind of company is, the decline is only a matter of minutes, and there is almost no fault tolerance. As for the greater freedom of employees after decentralization, it becomes difficult to control. What should I do if Yaozi multiplies? This is a problem that must be solved in corporate governance and a place where management means are embodied. How can you be afraid?

"So, you understand now? Why does Kuaishou live broadcast have a high income?"

He tried Lu Yu with great interest, and Lu Yu suddenly hesitated. correct? Why?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s explanation: "This is because Douyin is entertainment, and the user relationship chain is the entertainment relationship chain, which is shallow. Kuaishou is the community, and the user relationship chain is deep. Kuaishou is just for their community atmosphere, and would rather die. Without changing the information flow model, I have always emphasized that it is not the same product as Douyin. In fact, it’s just self-deception. Facts have proved that the information flow of Douyin is better than the Kuaishou community. But Kuaishou is also changing, and there have been big moves recently."

"Ah! Did they even think of making a change?"

After the vibrato was born, the anti-human operation mode of Kuaishou APP has been ridiculed by the industry group many times. Lu Yu was immediately excited when he heard that Kuaishou had changed. Only changes are good, and changes have greater development value. .

"If you are poor, think about change. Especially after the meeting in Kuaishou Mountain City, you can feel that they have a sense of urgency, and so many executives have airborne in one breath. The community ecology will not change, and this group of airborne will be meaningless. These people entered for Change. I heard that there is a new product copycat volcano."

"Ah? Why don't you copy Douyin?"

"Because...because the volcano is originally a copycat of Kuaishou, so there is no pressure to adjust the UI of Kuaishou. If I say Kuaishou just can't save face, I can go and I can go directly to the cottage, don't have so many worries."

As Chu Yuanxi said, habitually tapping the edge of the tea table with his fingers, Lu Yu felt a little bit in his heart. He only heard him ask: "After talking for so long, don't you plan to report something?"

"Me, what to report?"

"Heh, have you learned to pretend to be confused? Chu Yuanxi patted the tea cup on the tea set seat with a "pop", "Xiaohong's download channel on the whole network was removed, one step away from the blockade. Are you going to lose the money you invested in the account? Are you planning to report the good and not the worries, or are you planning to assume this has never happened? "

"Well, I can't blame me, President Chu." Lu Yu was so wronged, his heart said what I did for? In order to make money for the company, I was reluctant to let the child not catch the wolf, but this time the wolf took the child away. "Furthermore, I didn't lose much money, it was more than 1 million. Besides, Xiaohong didn't die, but it was not allowed to download..."

"Well, isn't more than one million money? Why are you deducting from your bonus?" Chu Yuanxi sneered, "This is God for not letting you do e-commerce. Xiaohong is a grass-planting platform. Why don't I know what is red? Hahaha? You still don't give up this time?"

Speaking of it, Xiaohong is also very miserable. In order to relax content risk control for traffic, the content is so out of the ordinary that rowing does not rely on oars. He can actually find five types of health products and special services such as black products, powder and black products. what? As a result, the wave finally turned over the night before, and the whole platform was taken off the shelf on April 29. I don't know how to rectify it. It is a pity that they have also sought 500 million US dollars in financing before this. Anyway, Ali Penguin, who have invested before, don't know how they feel.

Lu Yu heard that Chu Yuanxi didn't feel much anger, and he let out a long sigh of relief, "I can't think of it. Isn't Xiao Hong conscious of risk? No one is driving them with a gun."

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi said stunnedly: “It’s true, they will die if they don’t waver. Alas, in this era, there is really not much time left for community content entrepreneurs, traffic and security can’t have both. Xiaohong doesn’t have anything. Time window, there is no five years for development."


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