Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 844: Rush to the magic city

After Chu Yuanxi said the last sentence, her whole body was relaxed, and Guan Xin suddenly felt a whirlwind in the tea room. What did she say? Are Pakistani games willing to sell? This is to enlighten Yang Jiangang or is it true? Fuck!

I just listened to Chu Yuanxi continuing to enlighten Yang Jiangang with earnest words: "However, if you sell, you have to buy as a whole. You can't run away alone, or you can run away with your brothers and leave our investors behind, understand? I asked for it. Investors invest in you, and I have to be responsible for them."

While speaking, he noticed that Guan Xin took out the phone several times but put it down immediately, seeming to be very entangled.

This is a very good phenomenon, indicating that he has listened to the most critical information, not only has he listened to it, but also has ideas.

At this time, you should talk about something else and leave enough room for Guan Xin. So Chu Yuanxi changed the subject: "And Lao Yang, you don't have to think about this kind of thing now. What you have to think about now is how to bring the company well, how to show attractiveness and make people willing to invest, understand? You look at this year In this economic situation, how many large companies have begun to lay off employees. The high-level programmers you need are now on the market. This is what you should consider."

After speaking, he sat on the bench, took out his mobile phone and took a leisurely look at it, feeling like he was lifting weight lightly, as if he was giving Yang Jiangang time to think. Guan Xin turned on the phone and clicked it quickly.

Yang Jiangang didn't respond at all when he was in Lushan. He immediately asked curiously: "Hey, when it comes to this, I don't understand why the economic winter always cuts R&D? I don't think it's easy to recruit marketing and operations."

"I don’t understand? Because of the headache. Your company has a problem to the point where it needs to lay off employees. It means that the problem cannot be solved by increasing the working hours of research and development, and it cannot be saved by 996. If you can, you must have been 996 before. After that, the company has been rescued. So the other way round is that R&D will not be worse if it is laid off, right?"

Yang Jiangang said it seemed a bit crooked?

Chu Yuanxi was good at it, as if poking some people's backbone, "So the general process is 996 first, and then found that it is useless to start layoffs, 996 is just a precursor to layoffs."

"No, R&D is useful. After cutting R&D, you can't do it anymore?" Yang Jiangang still didn't figure it out.

"Oh, you really haven't been a manager. You must have thought about it. But if you cut sales, you can't live it today, okay? The short-term impact of cutting R&D is minimal, and the problem is the product line after half a year. The problem that can’t keep up is not today’s problem. If a company encounters a systemic problem, it’s certainly not caused by what the CEO did today, but because it committed evil half a year ago and suffered retribution today. Is this the truth? So? Retribution is here and we will first seek to solve the urgent need for research and development."

While talking, Chu Yuanxi saw that Guan Xin had put away the phone with a satisfied expression on his face, so she ended the chattering chapter, "You, when do you experience it once, and naturally start cutting and researching without my explanation."

As a result, I don’t want to talk about what Chu Yuanxi wanted to hear, and instead talked about Ali’s views on cultural and creative projects, and asked whether Chu Yuanxi really supported Ali’s participation, and even led the development rights. .

"Of course I support it." Chu Yuanxi said this time sincerely, "Alibaba plays a big role in the development rights, and it is efficient. There are cloud players in the game, and I don’t think there can be a cloud travel friend. I think it’s good to use Ali’s huge e-commerce and reach capabilities to directly sell peripheral products to these Cloud Asses."

In fact, the problem is that Ali can make a lot of money with this because Ali has the structure and means to make this money, but the Pakistani cannot. Aliken's participation in Chu Yuanxi is very welcome, and the right to open the surrounding area should obviously be led by Ali, so that the corresponding shares will be less but the cake will become bigger. That’s why I lost, you earned, you earned...

After getting a satisfactory answer, Guan Xin quickly left...

Yang Jiangang is in a good mood, and Chu Yuanxi, who is in a weird mood, said Nima, why did you leave? Co-author You just pressed your cell phone to communicate with cultural and tourism affairs?

After catching the plane early the next morning, Chu Yuanxi was on the same plane with Elizabeth and Monica. Zhao Jie and a dozen people from the operation team of Ba Ren Games had already rushed to the magic city long ago. Google held the conference again after four months, and the nature of the two conferences was very similar. It was quite anxious, as if it was written on his face: "Game companies from the heavens, go to sea to find us...we...we... …"

Even if the purpose is not pure or pure, Google's conference is still very attractive, especially before the start of ChinaJoy, a lot of people came.

Not only are there many people from here in the heavenly dynasty, but also from the other side of the United States. There is no telling that the most intense and wide-ranging sweater war is erupting between the two countries in history. It feels like the world’s capitalism. Family.

This Google conference is called "ThinkwithGoogle" and is located in Pudong Shangri-La. Monica went in and listened. Isn't this a cliché? What's the difference from the end of March? Turning to see, Chu Yuanxi listened very seriously. Is this unreasonable?

The content shared by Google, what game experience innovation, business model innovation, player interaction innovation, just look at this word, what Chu Yuanxi said up, Dangdang can say three hours without repetition. "Why are you listening so seriously?"

"Huh? Don't you think the case you shared just now is very nice?" Chu Yuanxi was surprised that Monica didn't hear it well. But think about it, after all, she doesn't have any game genes, and the people in Pakistan are also busy with the media business, so there is nothing to blame.

"The "Shadow Legend" shared by Google just now is a card game. The routine is very bad. It is nothing more than a livery and krypton card drawing mobile game. The art is like that, and there is no major European and American IP blessing. The operation is very general. It is an updated version. Add heroes when you’re in. Have you noticed that they have achieved a monthly turnover of 8 million U.S. dollars and monthly downloads of more than 1 million users. Didn’t you notice anything?"

The characteristics of European and American mobile games are that strategy, role-playing and puzzle solving are the top three. There is no room for cards to survive. There is a little bit of hope for survival with big IP blessing. If not, if you want to enter the top 100, you will be male plus male, but This Israeli game actually broke into the top 50 and is still rising.

The U.S. region is the largest market in all regions, and Tianchao can only rank second. The mobile game company of the U.S. brought back nearly $400 million in revenue from the United States in the second quarter. So if it hadn't been for the card game "Unwinding" in the United States, Chu Yuanxi would not have been running out of distribution in the United States.

But this "Shadow Legend" data made Chu Yuanxi feel that it can be saved, and the monthly income of 10 million US dollars is not too much.

Monica also understood. The boss with an open mouth, she quickly recalled. The people on the stage just walked by and said that it seemed that this game relied on the YouTube video to announce a counterattack? How did you announce it?

She couldn't help listening more seriously, but unfortunately, the stage has changed.

If you make a revenue ranking on the Tianchao mobile market, which application has the highest turnover? The answer is that 18 of the top 20 are games, and the other two... are live broadcasts.

Chu Yuanxi didn't know the U.S. side, but it wouldn't be much worse if he wanted to. This is why Google organized game companies to participate as soon as Google entered the celestial dynasty to do activities.

This shows the strength of the game as a closed-loop mowing on the one hand, and the competitiveness of live broadcast on the other. What about live games? The answer is that there is income, and at the same time it can help the game gain new users. Today, live streaming has presented one of the most cost-effective ways to acquire users for games. It is not so obvious in China. However, in the United States, 90% of players will go to YouTube to check game videos before paying. There are countless cloud players.

Another set of data that Chu Yuanxi has gained is the Western European market that he has not paid special attention to. There are far more gamers than expected, and there are more than 20 million players in a category of optoelectronics. This data is really exciting, not for himself, but for peak visual effects. The Pakistani people have their own big data model, and the spider web graphs of e-sports players are very similar to the target users of peak visual effects.

At this moment, Monica heard the sound of footsteps behind her and turned her head slightly. It turned out that Elizabeth was here.

Chu Yuanxi also turned her head, and Elizabeth said, "I was very surprised. When I saw Bonanza, Disney's Defoe was there. Then Bonanza saw me and talked about the Dad Group. I didn't expect Defoe to know about it! Then... Hello, what are you looking at?"

Elizabeth's Chinese is not perfect. For example, the term Ba people cannot be understood, and she has been speaking of the father group. While she was talking, she found that Chu Yuanxi was actually distracted, looking over her and looking at the distance behind her. Is he looking at some beauty?

When I turned my head, I saw that he was a man who was only thirty years old. He looked a bit like Harry Potter actor Radcliffe, with a dreadlocked hair, and his brain was quite wise. , Wearing a plaid shirt, is walking by.

Could it be that what Chu Yuanxi likes is actually men? Elizabeth suddenly felt the truth! It's no wonder that so many beautiful Chu Yuanxi in the two companies didn't get involved, and the reason is here!

"Hey, do you know that little brother?" Monica also noticed Chu Yuanxi's strange appearance, but this person seemed a bit familiar? Not because of "Harry Potter," but... I must have seen this person in memory anyway.

"If I'm not mistaken, this person is the great internet celebrity escape, George Hotz?" Chu Yuanxi said and looked at Elizabeth, but Elizabeth didn't respond, making him think that you would not play in Silicon Valley for so many years. The Internet, is it not listening to things outside the window?

Monica immediately clapped her hands, "Yes, I remember, I've watched him live broadcast several times. The great **** never wears makeup, and he is still as young and handsome as ten years ago!"

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but look sideways, wondering if the appearance of this old man still has something to do with the handsome young man? Already one step away from the dead fat house! He and Monica remembered George Hotz for different reasons, not because of the iPhone or live broadcast, but because George Hotz started his self-driving business in 2015, and then spent a thousand dollars to buy his car. The Honda Acura was broken into a self-driving car, and it passed the self-driving test on the road. This is what Chu Yuanxi focused on.

These 1,000 miles contain hardware such as cameras...

What made Chu Yuanxi's memory instantly activated was that this person was shocked after receiving financing this year and said: "The autonomous driving industry is currently a huge scam."

You must know that building a car has always been his dream when he was engaged in a well-off life in his original world, but he has been procrastinating to wait for the well-off to stabilize. It's a pity that I have come back this time, and I don't wait for a while. Some of the highlights of his entrepreneurial vision he previously envisioned have been gradually made.

In particular, the Hongmeng system developed by Huawei cannot be seen in detail, but if it is as comprehensive as it is advertised, then the foundation of the entrepreneurial plan designed by Chu Yuanxi at the beginning-like the Apple mobile phone and IOS, Google and Android systems back then, While building a car, it also creates its own autonomous driving + car networking system. This kind of plan has been completely blocked by Huawei.

Unless now, regardless of how well-off is doing, immediately start a third venture, which is obviously impossible.

Therefore, seeing the autopilot god, Chu Yuanxi's mind flashed several lights in an instant.

Just listen to Elizabeth's weak question: "Who is this? The internet celebrity of that website?"

Chu Yuanxi and Monica glanced at each other, then burst into laughter. Monica switched to English and explained: "He is that, hacker, but not that kind of hacker. The iPhone jailbreak was made when he was 17 years old. , And then went on offensive and defensive battles with Steve Jobs, and did not give up the great cause of escape until the death of Lord Qiao.

Chu Yuanxi added: "His prison break has created countless jobs for the world."

"Hi...Don't Apple sue him?" Elizabeth found out that she had never heard of it.

"Not only did not prosecute, but Wozniak also emailed him praise."

Wozniak was the co-founder of Apple, and Elizabeth clearly knew this, but she took a look and found that Defoe had already gone this way. "Chu, how about you still talk to Defoe first?"

"Okay. What, Monica, give you a task."

"Why is there still my task?"

Chu Yuanxi whispered: "Everyone has his or her mission, otherwise why would I bring you here? Of course it's because you are useful."

"I thought it was a holiday pastime."

"Do you have any misunderstandings about capitalists?"

Monica rolled her eyes: "Let me, go and seduce Hotz?"

"Yes, he said by himself during the live broadcast, Miss Lianmei. Hold him down for me, go!"

Monica suddenly rolled her eyes and said, "Is it okay for me to miss my girl ten years ago? Besides, what are you going to do?"

Chu Yuanxi said at a very fast speed: "I am interested in autonomous driving. He started his own business in autonomous driving. It has been more than four years since he started his business and only got venture capital investment this year, and it only costs more than 20 million yuan. I don't know. Whether he lacks the money to finance, he can still finance but does not want to release his share, these are two extremes. But in any case, I want to vote for him. Go ahead."

With that said, he quickly tidyed up his clothes, then put a professional smile on his face, and walked to the Disney people under the recommendation of Elizabeth.

To be honest, Chu Yuanxi is not familiar with Defoe. The time is too late and there is no time to ask, but it doesn’t matter. He is not afraid of being laughed at. After shaking his hands cordially, he immediately shakes the pot: "Haha, Elisabeth, you are Let me introduce Defoe

Sir. "

Elizabeth glanced at Chu Yuanxi innocently, "Mr. Defoe was the former executive of 21st Century Fox. He was responsible for business after entering Disney."

21st Century Fox? Chu Yuanxi said that it was such a relationship. He remembers that in March this year, 21st Century Fox issued a public message and completed the acquisition by Disney. The price was more than 70 billion US dollars. It was catching up with the headlines, but the specific structure was all cash or partial cash and partial equity. Did not see specific news.

The most important thing in Disney’s business is, of course, movies and animations, especially Marvel as the top priority, followed by brand IP licensing. The world’s largest IP company is none other than Disney, spanning movies, music, games, Cultural tourism and peripheral products, etc. almost all categories. In Disney's business, Chu Yuanxi didn't know what other priorities were besides IP authorization.

In this way, Defoe is equivalent to the executive of the invested team who is still responsible for the real power business after entering the new company ~ ~ should be a powerful person.

After shaking his hand, Defoe said directly: "Chu, I have watched the cartoon you uploaded on YouTube. The one called "Animal Company" is very great."

Chu Yuanxi was a little stunned for a while, and said to her heart that Elizabeth had talked about magic horses? He didn't have enough energy, and he didn't have the idea until Monica had actually uploaded the animation of "Animal Company" to the Internet?

"Animal Company" is the first content produced by Pinnacle Visual Effects. There are already many episodes of the film, but Chu Yuanxi has too many things, and he has not had the energy to follow up the translation work. In fact, it is very important to think carefully. of. In the future, the online operation of Pinnacle Visual Effects will not be in the order of the mainland and then overseas. If you want to push it, you can push it wherever it is convenient, because the user's UGC production adopts the method of compiling tables.

For the sake of convenience, the headers and table names of the excel tables that platform users need to use are all in English, and there is no barrier to pushing them to foreign countries, especially European and American users. Only when the content of the table is used for text expression does it need to be filled in as a sentence. Whether it is in Chinese or English has no difference to the operating rules and only affects the presentation.

Therefore, when the European and American regions start to push, only depends on three things: the first money is not in place, the second operation preparation is adequate, and the third is translation and work, teaching content translation, and sample translation.

Money is not really a problem, because the subsidy intensity of the peak visual effects itself will not be as exaggerated as the local life and travel. It is the most traditional Internet release, and the advertising budget is enough. Especially in Europe and the United States, it is not certain whether subsidies are needed or not. Even if there are, the probability is that it will be carried out in the form of competitions. You only need to prepare the top prizes.


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