Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 845: Disney points of interest

Operational preparations are also relatively simple, because there is no need for ground promotion, and the operating rules of Apple and Google Stores are relatively transparent, nothing more than advertising. If it is a game to smash advertisements, Google needs to provide a lot of services. The peak visual effects advertisements are the simplest according to Chu Yuanxi’s idea. Directly place advertising orders to the UP owners who have a large overlap on the user spider graph, mainly those game anchors. The effect is definitely outstanding.

Therefore, the translation work must be in place. If the translation level is not good, it will be much more difficult for users to accept it, whether it is samples or teaching.

The animation in the English version of "Animal Company" is a sample and teaching content. Just like the mainland, a detailed production and disassembly video is produced, and the manual is enough to let normal intellectual users understand how to make animation content through the platform.

In this sense, why does Disney care about "Animal Company"? Did you hear about the UGC production mode of peak visual effects? Chu Yuanxi smiled, and secretly showed his opinions to Defoe.

This foreigner has a golden hair but a pigtail, a yellow beard, and his skin is not very good, so he can't tell whether he is in his 50s or more than 60. But the height advantage brings great momentum, and his eyesight is sharp. It looks a bit like Schurler, a German player who used to play for Chelsea.

Just listen to Defoe said: "Although the production is rough, I heard about your production model, which gives the little people the opportunity to realize their dreams and makes works with inspiration. It is very powerful. I hope to get the film authorization."

"What kind of authorization are you talking about?" Chu Yuanxi has some vacancies. The main reason is that Disney is also a big manufacturer with technical capabilities. If they want to copy the peak visual effects, it doesn't seem to be too difficult.

The embarrassment of peak visual effects is that it is taking the path of pure Internet model innovation. There are no barriers. Whoever wants a copycat to be a copycat depends on whether people are willing to pay for it. In other words, to see if others have this commercial vision, and to discover the value contained in it, whether to treat it as a pile of **** or as a starry sky. If you really want to start, you can do better if you have a solid foundation. If Disney is a copycat, you can't even read the text...

"It's the authorization of "Animal Company". This animation is quite interesting. I think it can extract the core of it, turn it into an animated movie, and move it to the big screen."

Chu Yuanxi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that this was the case. However, this requirement is quite weird. A big company like Disney is doing a film business, but the income from IP authorization development is not small. It makes no sense to just need an authorization? You have the right to change the market for others, Disney? nonexistent. People in the Celestial Dynasty are similar to the home court, even better than the home court. In the United States, they have to abide by the laws and regulations. I won't say how they are awesome in the Celestial Dynasty.

"You mean, Disney ‘only’ needs to have the right to adapt one movie?"

Chu Yuanxi added an accent to only, but Elizabeth didn’t understand the obscurity of Orientals, and said directly: “chu means that IP authorization development is an important profit point for Disney. He hopes to make it clear that Disney wants "Animal Company". All copyrights are still as long as the film adaptation rights, which will allow the rights of IP authorization to remain with Chu’s company."

"These are all small problems." Defoe Pu's big fan waved his hand. "Small business problems."

"Mr. Defoe, who has no small business problems, may have different interpretations in court for every clause and sentence in the contract."

"Uh, I mean..." Defoe rolled his eyes and thought for a while and said: "Disney has more than one animation studios, not all follow the same IP strategy, there are many business models. Since you If you are serious, I will say more. I think it can be like this, investment rights, investment rights."

He waved his big fan again, "When Disney gets the right to adapt the movie, we must have the right to invest in the development of this IP and cultural tourism, and the same goes for game adaptation."

"NoNoNo." Chu Yuanxi shook his fingers continuously, "I believe in your sincerity, but I must put forward a few conditions. My company has a systematic strategy. Although "Animal Company" is still small, it is a corporate strategy. One link must play its role in the plan.

Therefore, first of all, there must be a deadline when the movie goes online. Second, the investment right can only take effect after the movie goes online. Finally, the investment right is limited to North America. This will help ensure that the company's overall plan at least does not develop negatively. "

"No price?" Defoe seemed a little surprised. His expression seemed to imply that Chu Yuanxi would pay attention to the authorization fee. The result was not only not, but these three conditions showed that he had made psychological preparations for actively rejecting Disney. Taking the initiative to reject the olive branch offered by Disney is not easy even for a large company like Penguin. All the film and television companies here seem to be not so decisive. Is it because he is a game player, not a practitioner in the film and television industry, so he is so fearless?

"As for the price, I think so. Someone helps me amplify the total possible benefits of this IP, and I don’t have this amplification ability, so the other party should get a corresponding proportion of the benefits in the value-added part, so the price itself is not Question. But what I must insist is that no matter who is the participant of the cooperation, they should not over-exaggerate their role, and the value obtained should be within a certain limit. In other words, as the owner and developer of IP, we should To get the most benefit, Disney is the world's largest copyright developer, should you understand my thoughts?"

"Understand, it would be fine if Sony thought like you did. Hahaha." Defoe pretended to think of something suddenly, and asked: "Oh, chu, I heard that you are also engaged in games. I wonder if you are interested in buying a company. What about game studios in the United States?"

Fortunately, Chu Yuanxi didn't drink water, otherwise he would have to spray it out. He and Elizabeth looked at each other with weird gazes, "That...which studio are you talking about?"

Defoe said proudly: "This is the FoxNext studio that once produced "Strike Marvel."

Chu Yuanxi almost held her breath in one sigh. If I remember correctly, last year the studio also announced that the annual revenue of "Strike Marvel" reached $150 million. Note that it is $...

This studio knows that it is Fox’s industry by its name. Obviously, it was acquired as a whole to Disney. Probably, no smoking? Or maybe, Defoe has a deeper relationship with this studio itself?

Elizabeth suddenly made trouble for Chu Yuanxi: "How much is it?"

Hey, I haven't planned to ask the price yet. Chu Yuanxi moved her lips and was about to speak, when she suddenly saw Elizabeth piercing her eyes at him, and said to her heart that this elder sister was planning to cheat me on her strength? The question is will I fall for this kind of evil?

He didn't intend to cooperate with Elizabeth, but made a pause T-sign and asked: "Sir, before I say money, I want to know that there are many powerful game companies in North America. Didn't they offer an offer for this high-quality studio? I mean why did you recommend it to us, um, what about our company?"

"Their quotations are too low, Chu, it's really too low to be worthy of the value of FoxNext." Defoe shook his head, and Chu Yuanxi was embarrassed to find that the hair on his head after the middle-aged white man was too thick. Now, I directly abolished my ability to observe and observe...

"However, it is also difficult for our company to understand the value of a studio like FoxNext? It is not a question of how much money is. If I know that a subject matter is indeed valuable, then I can consider whether I have enough. Money, can I afford it. But if I don’t have enough self-confidence to know enough information, I will not risk investing no matter how much money I am. I am a prudent person."

After speaking, Chu Yuanxi muttered in her heart. When you open your mouth, it is estimated that it is a huge number, which is too hurt and kind...

Defoe shrugged, feeling a long way to go. Fortunately, in this event, almost all large game companies will come, and many of them have the right to speak and make money. "Listen to me, Chu, this matter does not affect the authorization of Animal Company, okay? I hope that the hope of making it into a cinema animation film and the hope of selling game studios are two different hopes."

"Okay, I know what you mean, so let's leave a contact information, and we will find time to bring the business manager to talk."

Bringing a business manager means that, in principle, when the gap is not big, the business managers will PK each other to smooth the remaining distance. This can basically be negotiated, if no one party suddenly changes his mind.

For example, Chu Yuanxi, who does not require high authorization fees but high requirements for rights and regulations, is more difficult from the perspective of negotiation. For example, how does Defoe's investment rights be implemented? Will it be implemented as a joint venture company or as a regional agency? These are exactly the scenarios where business managers play their talents.

Watching Defou leave, Chu Yuanxi and Elizabeth both wanted to talk. Of course, it was Chu Yuanxi who asked first: "What's the situation? Did you communicate before?"

"No, no, I only talked about animated films before. The game studio was proposed by Defoe temporarily. But I happen to know this studio, um, I think..."

Chu Yuanxi and Twitter: "I feel that the capital markets of the two countries have different valuation models for game companies, so if you can’t sell them in North America, you can get a very high premium in the heavens? Can they do "Strike Marvel" Because of Disney’s authorization, the most common card collection and development game in the past has no market in North America. The life cycle and value of this game can be seen at a glance."

Speaking of which, this is really the characteristic of my big A-shares. Each game company gives out dozens of times the PE. If this is the case in the United States, the shareholders of the game company must not be allowed to die?

In this regard, the two countries are almost at two extremes. There are many decades-old shops in the United States that have experienced ups and downs to prove their ability to resist risks, and still can’t get a high valuation. I don’t even mention it. Companies like this year’s A-share loss king have never proven their ability to resist risks, because they have not experienced real risks at all, but they can get extremely high valuations and go all the way down. Leek.

Elizabeth was taken aback, "I didn’t think about it from the perspective of valuation. Well, seriously speaking, I’m afraid of hurting your self-esteem. I think the technology gap between the two countries may be that North American game companies disdain to give reasonable valuations. The reason should be given."

"You mean I am in short supply of their technology?" Chu Yuanxi was startled, "What kind of technology are they? In addition, do you know what technology the Pakistani Group needs?"

"It's not the Dad Group, it's Xiaokang." Elizabeth counted with her fingers: "FoxNext has some R&D personnel with relatively strong technology, who are good at AR, VR and LBS games. Aren't these all needed for a well-off? These R&D personnel may be in North America. It's good in the general sense, but I think it's quite scarce on your side."

"Sister, have you never done mergers and acquisitions before?" Chu Yuanxi said, her face turned dark, and she said that maybe she really didn't do mergers and acquisitions. Her original model was not a practical model, and it was meaningless to do mergers and acquisitions...

"Of course I did mergers and acquisitions!" Elizabeth said angrily, "that's why I know this is a good opportunity. Disney closed its self-developed games in 2016, which fully shows that they have no interest in game development. I doubt Defoe. The buyer may be that Disney intends to completely withdraw from the game field. Such a price should be very flexible.

The company’s previous performance is unlikely to have no buyers, so if it can be collected at a relatively reasonable price, you can use your means to take out the development resources it needs internally and install it in the well-off, and then package and resell other assets to Other companies on your side are not impossible. I have observed the capital market on your side during this period of time, and I seem to recognize the relatively high-quality assets of our US side. "

Chu Yuanxi said something special. What you observed is actually a problem. What you recognize is not your high-quality assets, but a new type of capital operation model, called money laundering channel for short. What you recognize is to invest in ¥ and then sell on Nasdaq. , In a word, what some people recognize is $.

If you follow this line of thinking, Elizabeth's plan is not impossible, because Chu Yuanxi can accept $ buy, and then sell it with ¥. The problem is that the $ on the Pakistani account is not particularly large, it is more than 100 million in total, can it fill Defoe's appetite? Surely not?

"Wait, how did you introduce me to Defoe?" He suddenly wondered if Elizabeth would introduce herself as a big business venture? So the other party thought he caught a fat sheep? In the U.S., there is a common name for the big business of the Celestial Kingdom, which is suitable for ordinary young people, regret to create Ali, and nothing. I don't know if they will be viewed the same way when they return to China next week.

"I'm a successful entrepreneur. I just introduced the situation of Ba Ren and Xiaokang. Don't worry. I have known Defoe for more than ten years. He doesn't always cheat people."

Chu Yuanxi covered his face. Needless to say, the other party must have misunderstood that he was super rich.

"I don't think this matter is reliable, although your starting point is quite good." Chu Yuanxi explained to Elizabeth, "Baren and Xiaokang have their own enterprise development plans. If it is a highly certain opportunity, it is also very valuable. If it’s too big, it’s worth considering whether to disrupt our own pace. This kind of less certainty but very loud noises, I don’t think it should interfere with our own plans."

This rejection is formal, and it does need to be explained to Elizabeth, because it denies her intellectual achievements. Chu Yuanxi has a very good habit and respects the wisdom of employees very much. He always believes that the boss has this habit to continuously improve the level of the company.

The Pakistani people are indeed rich in their accounts. The problem is that the money cannot be used for squandering or for opportunistic investment, or speculation for short.

Elizabeth seems to think this chicken is worth stealing. It has both practical and value-preserving and value-added aspects. From the perspective of input and output expectations, the profit margin is not low, especially if it is treated as a transaction rather than an investment, it can be bought at a low price. Selling at high prices, at least that's what she thinks.

So maybe she sees this kind of transaction as a breakthrough for the realization of human resources? If it is done, according to the rules, Chu Yuanxi must give her shares in the game company.

The problem is that Pakistani people can't carry out equity mergers and acquisitions, they can only get cash. This is impossible. Chu Yuanxi is now ruthless with money. If there is money, there is money, and it is impossible to throw it out. At the same time, cross-border mergers and acquisitions also involve a series of banks and insurance companies, which are very complicated, and what are the core assets with transaction value after mergers and acquisitions, regardless of how How well can absorb the technical talents in the subject matter is actually This is a huge problem. How many successful Chinese companies can't absorb it.

Not to mention the absorbing of existing talents, it is even a question of whether it can maintain the recruitment ability in the past. There is no guarantee that FoxNext before the merger can recruit high-end talents, and they can still be recruited after the merger.

Therefore, Elizabeth's calculations from the perspective of the P/E ratio are cost-effective. Chu Yuanxi must consider the process and the difficulty of implementation, and consider the risks of landing.

But even if it doesn't, Elizabeth's line is still good. She said that she still has some connections in Hollywood is not bragging. Compared to a self-media company, the mid-level of the giant Disney is actually a good network.

But the truth of this matter is doubtful. If Disney is willing to take away the adaptation of "Animal Company", Chu Yuanxi can even accept the copyright of "Animal Company" for joint development. Of course, it is impossible to say that as a negotiation strategy.

It's just Defoe's reaction that makes him incredibly sincere. What is the situation? Is it a negotiation strategy used to pick up Pan Xia from the basket to the big face? Chu Yuanxi deeply doubted whether her face was blown too much by Elizabeth.

Disney's animation films, especially animal themes, are leveraged. For example, "Crazy Animal City" slams its global counterparts, and the IP value is definitely cultural and tourism level. Chu Yuanxi did not insist on this kind of IP value amplification, but even if it is only half or even one third, Chu Yuanxi can laugh from the perspective of capital operation. At that time, Pakistani Group may really consider listing. Up.

But Disney doesn't bring good people, so why is it so kind?


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