Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 846: Product thinking

The global box office of "Crazy Zoo" is more than 1 billion points. According to the normal movie accounting, Disney deducts production and distribution costs and earns less than 300 million. IP authorization to play tricks exceeds this number in minutes.

Therefore, if Defoe proposes to buy out the full copyright, although it cannot be agreed, it is sincere; if it proposes to put the copyright in a shell company, then the two parties will allocate the shares and dominant rights of the shell company, which is the most likely transaction model. However, complicated business negotiations will inevitably occur, because the Pakistani people need to avoid the empty glove white wolf-others take half of the copyright and stop developing. There should not be too many foreign companies of this kind who have come to China with a big name and empty gloves.

There is also a possibility that although Defoe recognizes the core of this story, but does not think it can become a big hit, and it will not become a cultural and tourism-grade IP that can be included in Disneyland, so IP value does not have to be tit-for-tat. of.

In short, is Defotti’s investment right... if there is a good thing, it is worth irritating, what if it is done? There is nothing to lose anyway.

For a while, it was quite conspicuous because several people were standing behind the Google Sharing Session and talking, and several people immediately recognized Chu Yuanxi. As soon as Defoe left, many people he met sparsely came to say hello, either from a game company, or from a media company, or else some from the media.

In particular, the technology-based self-media, appearing at the Google Sharing Conference is very appropriate, but it is estimated that they will come home today, because Google is sharing how to open players' wallets, not serious technology. Of course, it’s okay for the beautiful lecturers on the stage to collect articles and publish them.

Chu Yuanxi took a look, and the TMT media that was going to be interviewed tomorrow was not there.

At this moment, a half-year-old beauty came over, and Chu Yuanxi saw that it was Shen Yu from Li Mobile. At the Google Conference in Yizhuang a few months ago, Chu Yuanxi took the initiative to strike up a conversation, but she didn't have much interest. Today is different. Shen Yu smiled very professionally.

Of course, you have to be dedicated, because Google has robbed her of her job in the past few months. Life is not easy... Once a dominant service provider like Google completes the transition from data provision to service provision, what will be broken is this track. Participants, large and small, carry out indiscriminate attacks, and usually cause several times the critical damage to those sea channels that make money by filling data with water. What's more, Facebook and Twitter are not idle, and Muli's style of play is similar to that of an online league, and he is the target of the fire.

Therefore, Muli Mobile’s science and technology IPO could not go up, and the application was directly withdrawn. Q2's profitability is actually not important, but Q3 is important, because few in this industry can last for a year.

At this time, people like Chu Yuanxi who are both rich and likely to have business needs will surely activate a dedicated smile.

It's a pity that Chu Yuanxi doesn't need her anymore. He had the idea of ​​merging Mu Li Mobile before, but he could not think that the reality was so "reality". After only one quarter, domestic mobile game publishing and research and development have abandoned the past overseas model at the speed of light, and one by one, they are rushing to Google. Thick legs.

Muli, on the other hand, did not show any anti-storm properties in the impact of the huge waves, but drifted along with the flow. He could neither be the leader of overseas media advertising channels, nor be the overseas consulting of domestic game manufacturers, and rely on technology for data mining. The people who provide services are on the verge of disillusionment, and they have been dug out, and R&D investment is less than 1% of revenue.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi exchanged a few words with Shen Yu very politely, more polite than Shen Yu at the beginning, and definitely can't give people the impression that she can't afford it, but she never talks about business. After all, when Chu Yuanxi wanted to talk about business last time, Shen Yu left by himself.

After Shen Yu left in anger, Monica quickly walked over, followed by the prison escape **** George Hotz. Hotz looked at this lineup with a look of confusion, especially after seeing Elizabeth, he felt very familiar, so he was still suspicious in the doubt.

But let those who are suspicious first put it aside, financing is a serious matter. He raps in a rhythm similar to that of a bit of rap: "Hey, you don’t know much about my situation, but I don’t want to explain. I only accept unconditional investment without any. A few conditions, but give me the right to vote."

"Stop! Stop! I'm awkward!" Chu Yuanxi didn't understand why this happened? When I was still far away, once I regarded this person as an idol? This is so fast that LeBron James is eating tacos every Tuesday! He had to make the T-sign for the second time, because he lacks the talent for rap music, and he can sing in Chinese enough to understand...

Monica had no choice but to turn over, Chu Yuanxi said, is it not a condition to give you the right to vote? Also, am I so long as a fool?

Maybe this is the reason why he has outstanding ability but only got his first investment after four years of entrepreneurship? Geniuses can’t use common sense to speculate. It’s hard to say that people like Hotz can’t get the investment for four years.

It is incredible that his old husband can do one thing for more than four years. Both Google and Facebook have hired him, but they both ran for a few months. Elon Musk told him that the salary is open as long as you come, and Hotz is ruthlessly mocking Tesla's technical skills. Then he was fooling around in his backyard garage to tinker with his Honda Acura. Musk said that you can't get it out by yourself, and the speed of light hits his face.

Chu Yuanxi felt that if he walked further south after coming to Heaven, he might like Sanhe. This person doesn't like money, and it is not the same as Huichuang Ali's dislike of money.

Relatively speaking, Chu Yuanxi was still willing to cooperate with rational people, because he lacked the experience of getting along with strange flowers. Both lunatic geniuses and lunatic geniuses may have thrilling feats, but the possibility of moths is far greater than ordinary people. Entrepreneurship is a precision-run process, with very demanding timetables and milestones, and the fault tolerance rate is low at least in the early and mid-term.

If you are a genius, you can still consider cooperating with a genius. Chu Yuanxi knows that she is not a genius... but she just wants to vote! Although knowing that such a vote is almost impossible to succeed, it is basically meat buns hitting dogs, but seeing this person makes a considerable impulse, and I want to see what Hotz can tinker with? There are so many geniuses in this world that there are many people who have made scientific achievements, but he is the only one who has passed the autopilot test for a thousand dollars to modify a second-hand Honda Acura.

But the most important thing is that investing in Hotz’s company does not require much money, only a million dollars level...

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi didn't take the money, but instead asked Hotz's scrutiny gaze: "I was curious, how did Monica tell you? Do you know she is your fan girl?"

"Man, Monica is my fan girl? Cool!" Hotz looked surprised, and Monica suddenly felt very ashamed, wishing to choke Chu Yuanxi to death.

"Ok, it doesn't matter." Hotz pressed his hands down and said, "If someone is willing to invest, I always have to ask, after all, it's free money and no interest. But more importantly, Monica said you are , The super strong in UP, I like to challenge the strong."

"I don't have one, I don't become the UP master, don't talk nonsense!" Chu Yuanxi said, glaring at Monica, and said, why did she get involved with Grandma again? What else does it mean to not have interest? I didn’t have much heart to think of investing in him! The future is simply gloomy.

This kind of person, if he gives him the money, he doesn't have to worry about washing it into his own pocket, but it is certainly impossible to continue to focus on entrepreneurship, and 100% will fly!

"Hey, you don't have to be humble. Monica has shown me your work. It's really nice, but it's not cool enough. The signs made deliberately are too heavy." Holz said triumphantly: "It's Monnie instead. Ka’s adventures are very cool, hey, Monica, the beginning of your work is always poor, too plain, like me, with a shiny beginning."

Chu Yuanxi said, were you all exchanging tubing videos just now? Is this what we are talking about? Who really wants to share with you the experience of making videos?

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Monica understood his eyes and said in Chinese, "Didn’t you know that Hotz is the famous YouTube celebrity technology broadcaster? How surprised?"

"Because, I think his main focus now is autopilot. I want to invest in autopilot, not the channel of the oily turtle. Why is he not leaving the video? Are we confessing the wrong person? Besides, I only know that he is. Net celebrity, I don’t look at his tubing..."

"Acknowledge that you are a ghost, the channel on the YouTube channel is much more popular than mine. You don't understand that'cool' is Hotz's pursuit. His performance is a typical U.S. geek, okay?"

With that said, Monica took out her mobile phone and showed Chu Yuanxi face to face with Hotz’s tubing works. The first one was the video of his MacBook Escape from the Prisoner of the World War I. That year’s jailbreak, because the entire process was made public with a video, caused Apple’s stock price to skyrocket. It was a milestone event in the global entrepreneurial field. After more than ten years, this video is still being watched repeatedly, becoming a legend, and it will last forever.

Chu Yuanxi had seen this passage before, so I quickly scanned it down and found that this man is indeed a good player of zhuangbility, so he can pose, and the shooting team still feels very professional.

He casually opened a video, and saw a close-up of the most common residential garage in the United States, and then the hanging curtain door slowly pulled up, as the brightness changes and the shadow area moved, revealing Holz himself standing in the garage with his back and his hands dignified. And the car behind him, with written on it, is the name of his company.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi's photography skills of Hotz's team flew up, and as the shadow moved upward, the light and darkness of the face were intertwined, which made him appear on the stage very impressive. The question is, what is the point of such a small trail? He quickly scrolled through a few videos, and suddenly felt that he should have watched Hotz’s YouTube channel a long time ago, because these videos actually showed his problem.

Of course, Hotz’s tubing is thirsty, and the firepower is aimed at his purposefully. Visually, the company’s reputation has increased a lot among netizens, but your old man’s crux is not reputation at all!

Your problem is that there is no executable business model! Not to mention that you have made a positive cycle. You have been in business for four years, and you have not even taken the step from 1 to 2. Is your time spent on researching technology or playing tubing?

However, Chu Yuanxi found that Hotz had a very thorough understanding of developing business with the help of self-media, not the kind of thoroughness of playing tickets. The video itself was quite remarkable. No wonder he needs to use the video to communicate with Monica. Also challenge the strong. It's a pity that there has been no Douyin in the United States, otherwise he will be able to play.

Chu Yuanxi himself is a person who relies on self-media to enhance his prospects for commercial success. He feels that if Hotz chooses a simpler track, he might really be able to play a huge role. It's just that the direction is wrong and no effort will be made.

At this moment, Shen Yu, who had left angrily just now, suddenly came back, with a foreigner, and only heard Shen Yu say: "Mr. Chu, this is Mr. Pete, the editor of "S" magazine. I want to get to know you."

"S"? The "S" in the top scientific journal SNC has a huge impact factor. All scientists are proud of the "S"? Chu Yuanxi's facial muscles trembled, "Well, why?"

Shen Yu obviously did not expect that Chu Yuanxi would have to ask the reason why she knew someone. She was taken aback and said: "Because you developed the first AI game, it is not a game with AI as a gimmick, but a game with a core gameplay. Pete may What do you want to know?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Chu Yuanxi learned the shrug of a U.S. native and said: "I don't want to know him." After saying that, he raised his eyebrows, opened his eyes to the largest extent, and turned his face away. The meaning is obvious, I don't Intend to care about you.

Shen Yu looked at a loss, and said that this was the situation? I introduced you to your personal pulse. Why did you smash me? I'm a company that almost went public, so why don't you want to be a junior?

Seeing a flash of stun on Pete's face, Shen Yu came up with flames, wanting to attack, but held back. Mainly because it was scary last time in Yizhuang. She has worked at Google, and she recognizes all the two Silicon Valley gods of the rich and powerful writers, but she doesn't know if they recognize her. As a result, they all talked with Chu Yuanxi very happily. Then she found out how big she was lying in a random check, and slapped a boss who had billions on it.

Isn't Chu Yuanxi prudent? Must be careful? Is it revenge on my old lady? Take revenge on my mother, why don’t you change your way, don’t involve my American guests——

Feeling aggrieved, Shen Yu apologized to others while sending out her friends circle!

On the other side, Monica has already turned this short conversation to Hotz very quickly, and Hotz suddenly made a face: "Cool—"

Chu Yuanxi said this cool ass? Is there any error in the understanding of cool between our two peoples?

However, after such interruption, Chu Yuanxi felt that the gap between him and Hotz had become less, at least Hotz no longer spoke in his rap mode.

Just listen to him saying: "I like this city, it's open and energetic, everyone can find opportunities. I have been to Magic City in 2016 to participate in the Geek Carnival. I also did a road show of the autonomous driving system at the conference. ."

Chu Yuanxi wanted to vomit again after hearing this. She said that you can't sell products in the U.S. and came to us for a roadshow. Did you come to be funny? Just move the product launch conference to the celestial dynasty. How grounded? "So, why are you here this time?"

"Because of the game show." Hotz said calmly, "there are not many such large game events now."

Chu Yuanxi patted his head, and said to his heart that he had forgotten, this one is still a game fan. He also had a legendary experience that year, that is, he broke the Sony P3, which was claimed to be unbreakable, and was sued by Sony. Why does Chu Yuanxi remember that Hotz is an internet celebrity? Not because of jailbreaking Apple, but because Hotz specially recorded a rap in order to taunt Sony and asked him to be out of the game circle at that time. At that time, Chu Yuanxi had just joined work and managed the game under the hands of Lao Sanjing. product.

Therefore, although the two are similar in age and Chu Yuanxi is a little older, Hotz is the senior in terms of seniority.

Just listen to Hotz ask: "What about you? Come to the game show too?"

"We are participating in the game exhibition. To be precise, we are developing games." Chu Yuan chuckled, and the dog-legged Monica immediately took out her mobile phone and opened "A Troubled World" to explain to Hotz~www.mtlnovel. com~ Oh, the story of AI? Cool. "Horz nodded. "So your company has a great beginning." "

"I want a great ending even more." Chu Yuanxi suddenly turned around and faced Hotz, "For me it is cool at the beginning but a bad ending doesn't make any sense. What about you? What about your ending?"

Hotz was a little bit unnatural, and then said: "Uh, about my story, the ending is in the distant future. Did you know? The prospects for driverless driving will be the best in the next twenty years, and technology dominates everything. Field, mine—"

Chu Yuanxi made a T-sign for the third time: "Dude, do you know? In fact, you don't have high requirements for investors, and there are no additional conditions. All voting rights are entrusted to you. You may think these two items are not bad, but For truly high-quality investment objects, strong investors can easily accept this condition, and anything more demanding than this can be accepted."

He didn’t want zhuangbility today, so he didn’t pause or give Hotz time to refute, and continued: “I believe in your technology, and I also believe that your product has better functions than Tesla. So why is your The company has not made substantial progress? The reason is that I am familiar with what you said about the trend dividend technology orientation, and all investors are familiar with it."

"Man, is my rhetoric too bad? I'm really not good at this." Hotz smiled. Monica next to him has been vomiting for a long time, saying that you have met the most foolish person in the world. One, and then you are not familiar with your own skills and want to fool him...

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi shook his head, "No, it's not the reason for excuses, but the trend and technology can't solve the problems you have to solve."


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