Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 847: Let us be honest

As soon as these words came out, three people immediately looked at Chu Yuanxi, but he did not expect him to say: "Your product has been made, but it is only completed from 0 to 1. It takes 100 to complete the commercial closed loop, and the number of users to use your product is 2. The only reason investors are unwilling to invest money is, how can you let users use your product?"

Monica was very surprised to find that this ordinary to no more ordinary problem caused Horz to fall into a long-term static state. How do users use it? I sell them to buy? What else can there be?

However, Hotz, who made the product at the speed of light and iterated once in the second year, couldn’t say this simple answer, because he had tried all the methods he could think of, including but not limited to publishing tutorials on YouTube, and then Remotely command fan users to operate. But there is no bird use. I sell it. They can’t buy it. If they buy it, they can’t use it. In the end, the remaining users are not enough for daily maintenance and it is impossible to support a startup.

So his smile gradually disappeared.

Sometimes his team has to vomit. The biggest benefit of doing is to shoot a bunch of technology videos. There are various hard-core funny videos. Autopilot works or not. Anyway, tubing advertising fees have become the main source of income. Entrepreneurship track is an on-board system, in fact, it is self-media...

After learning from it, Hotz found that the problem he had to face can be simply boiled down to-let's not make a whole car.

The ambitious ambition to build an in-vehicle system is great. However, Tesla and Tesla sell the entire vehicle, so the system can be directly made into an in-vehicle state, and the camera and other devices that sense road conditions can be built into the car. The same is true for BMW and Mercedes. All vehicle players who want to develop an autonomous driving system can do so, but he can't.

The in-vehicle system can be solved with a box, but the sensing device cannot. There is no uniform standard for self-driving cars, and what he pursues is universal for all models, not just for one or several brands. Then his users are faced with a crucial problem, how to install the sensing device, those physical devices must be correctly installed in the user's car.

Just such a step stumped the genius. This thing is not a mobile phone case. Once you buy a set, you will be done. The difficulty is equivalent to that if you can’t deliver the air conditioner to the customer’s home, you must install it.

For traditional large companies, this is a very simple problem. Skilled workers across the country come to install and do not charge service fees, but they have people, processes, and complete systems. But not a small company. Hotz brought two or three big cats and kittens. There was no problem with technology, and other cash flow would not be enough, and the key was not knowing how to do it.

Teams like this who only know how to develop and make products but don't know how to operate and do business are actually everywhere. Holtz will not be the first and will not be the last. So his product is the price of cabbage, a set of 999$, and a monthly service fee of 24$. The price is cheap and good but it can't be sold, because the $999 does not include installation.

And this is not a problem that can be solved by sitting in front of the computer and opening the tubing to start live streaming video. Holz doesn't understand anything else but understands that what he is doing is autopilot, which is a life-threatening thing. It is bound to be impossible for the user to do it himself. If the safety is not good, a car accident may happen...

In fact, even if this problem can be solved, there are still bigger problems waiting for him, such as supervision and accident liability determination, which are all institutional problems that big companies can promote.

After that, there are insurance issues, industry standards issues, and a series of other thorny issues, and finally, the most important license issue.

These are all resolved, and it is counted as running from 1 to 100, and traveling a hundred miles and a half and ninety. It can be said that the distance from the test license to the demonstration license to the commercial operation license is a few thousand miles away.

Autonomous driving is a track that naturally excludes "small but beautiful". The threshold is extremely high. The solution provider model common in other industries allows small and beautiful companies to exist, but huge deformations will occur on this track, only super companies In order to provide a solution, because the solution itself is not small, it requires more than technology.

So George Hotz has always been dormant, waiting for an opportunity, such as the arrival of 5G.

But he didn't understand, why would Chu Yuanxi understand this question? Why do you, a self-media and game player, understand the problem of autopilot system sales? what--

Why does Chu Yuanxi know the crux of it? Because he had long thought in the original world. The main goal he wanted to achieve was to build a system similar to IOS and Android to mobile phones, but in the end he found that Apple couldn't push its own IOS without being an Apple. At that time, Android was a good time to catch up. There is no such opportunity anymore, and traditional automobile manufacturers will not give this opportunity. They must have their own cars.

The battle for this set of in-vehicle systems is extremely cruel. It is the survival of the fittest from functional cars to smart cars, not as gentle as mobile phones. In fact, mobile phones are not gentle. The change of dynasty also killed the two generations of Motorola and Nokia, and then formed a new ecology. A group of new players accepted the dominant position of the program integrator, and it is now.

But a car is not a mobile phone. There is no overlord. Qunlong has its own set of wheels. Who would be willing to accept the **** of others? Seeing how many new players will emerge in this drama of rise and fall, there must also be veteran players going to the most stage, and even the story of Motorola Nokia is repeated. At the beginning, if they could see the form clearly, they could quickly find a new industrial positioning, calmly accept the downgrade, and accept everyone in the world, and they would not be dead. I don't know who will follow in the big car factory?

Do not know these truths Hotz understand?

So, Monica was stunned to find that neither of them mentioned investment matters, let alone valuations. George Holtz said goodbye and left?

Looking at the hotz account just added to whatsapp, Monica suddenly felt very lost, as if watching a genius sinking.

"Are you Monica?" Chu Yuanxi shook her hand in front of her. "People's spiritual world is strong, we don't need to be pitiful, and Hotz can transform from the media KOL at any time, so you don't need to worry about him. "

"I'm not pitiful, I just feel uncomfortable. The genius is also very hardworking, but, but..." Monica held back for a long time but couldn't go on, and suddenly asked, "If you were him, what would you do?"

Chu Yuanxi said quietly: "Ancient Greek men came out before the age of 30 to get married, and after the age of 30 they return to the family for marriage and childbirth. We also have a saying that they are in their 30s. In fact, they all have the same meaning. , Need to return to normal life, return to the ordinary."

"What do you mean?"

"To find a job, set a small goal that is easy to achieve, such as five years in a row."

Monica wanted to say something but stopped. In fact, Chu Yuanxi was also a little confused, and even a little lucky that she was not a technical genius. Otherwise, with her temper, it is estimated that she would be worse than Horz. He knew why Monica was upset, because Monica was also a genius to some extent, but an athletic genius, not a technological genius.

"Listen to me, Monica, don't think it's easy." Chu Yuanxi had already put that point aside while speaking, "He needs to work in companies like Didi and Waymo, and he needs to accept people who are worse than him. Leaders of the People’s Republic of China need to be commanded by someone who is technically better than others, and even point fingers at him. The more genius, the more difficult it is."

"Then is there any chance for his entrepreneurship?"

Chu Yuanxi neither nodded nor shook her head, but asked Elizabeth, who had been the background wall for most of the day: "Assuming you are Hotz and have the skills, how can you do it?"

"His pricing strategy is wrong." Elizabeth caught the crux in a sentence, "We can't rely on ultra-low prices to push autopilot peripherals. This brand-new technology and service, ultra-low prices are meaningless to users. Relatively cheap The price, the relatively reasonable service, and the smooth use in the end will make sense. He should change the pricing strategy to be profitable. This is due to his technical advantages."

When she spoke, she inadvertently revealed a self-confident publicity that Monica had never seen before.

"Assuming it is really like what he advertises, if there is such an advantage, the advantage should be reflected in cost and pricing. For example, if the cost of another family is 5000, his cost is 500, then his price should be 4999 instead of 999. Then rely on this profit. Rate and price advantage to find investors to invest money for him, use this as the core to get high valuations and raise a lot of money. Finally, expand the ground team according to the standards of large companies, push it out block by block, just like Xiaokang did that."

After listening, Monica clapped and thought with joy that if she had such a clear business idea, it would be nice to start business incubation immediately!

Unfortunately, there is no...

Just listen to Elizabeth asking Chu Yuanxi: "You, why didn't you vote for him in the end? It seems that this business idea is not difficult to understand, right?"

Chu Yuanxi answered the wrong question: "If only he could accept my exploitation, it would be good to me and good to him."

What Elizabeth said in her heart was profound.

After working as the background wall for a long time, in fact, she was not idle either. She almost understood Hotz's experience, which seemed quite legendary. But some people are suitable to be a technical director, and cannot be the leader of the entrepreneurial team. No matter how big the technology is, Hotz’s character, if he is in the world of Marvel, he can be a superhero. In the real world It's really not optimistic.

"It seems that he has no chance..." At a time, she thought of a lot, and even thought that if she has money, this is definitely an opportunity to make money. If you are not optimistic, you will not be optimistic, but you will not make money from users, but from investors. also.

Especially in the case of Hotz, the reputation is huge, and it is hard to say that it is not imaginary, at least the world-renowned top technology god, there is a lot of room for operation in this reputation. I can make a shot at the bottom of the valuation, and then point Hotz’s maze, so that at least he looks like he can make an achievement, with clear business logic and technical support. When the valuation increased, new investors came to the door one after another, and their shares were sold.

As for whether Hotz can really do it? Then you have to ask God, anyway, he can survive the next round of financing without showing failure. what a pity……

At the same time, Chu Yuanxi thought that Hotz had no chance. Hotz is not the kind of person who is willing to bow his head, if he is, then he should bow his head now.

Chu Yuanxi is actually more pity than Monica, because there are not many opportunities to play in the car by herself. If Hotz is worth the investment, it would be great to continue her dream of playing in the car.

As a person, Hotz is talented, he is not bad, and he can even make friends, but as a business unit, he is not a good target for strategic investment. It's okay to make a fortune with a blind Jaguar. It is a hopeless investment, purely to satisfy one's curiosity, not for career. A strategic level investment must be made for the career. Not only do you invest money, but you must also devote energy and resources. The problem is not only how difficult it is for Chu Yuanxi’s resources to cross the ocean to Hotz, but also Hotz himself, the energy and resources given him. is that useful?

"Monica, you can tell Hotz the original detective's suggestion and see what feedback he has." At this time, the Google meeting was over long ago. Chu Yuanxi said, glanced at the phone, and then was surprised to find out. A bunch of people messaged him.

What's the situation? Opened WeChat and scanned them one by one, and when he saw the screenshots, he immediately understood, and Shen Yu was mocking in the circle of friends. Although the two are not friends, they are both on the track of media information, and there are many friends in common. What to say over there is live broadcast.

I have a big fuck! Should this woman's IPO fail to be dumped to me? Co-authoring me shame you? Chu Yuanxi looked at the screenshot and said he couldn't get used to it, and posted it to Moments!

Suddenly he burst into words, and crackled and typed a series of words:

I've heard some things, so I want to clarify. First of all, Mr. Shen and I have only one side, not even a WeChat friend, so she must say that she is my friend. I think it is a bit too much, and there is no such thing as "losing a friend's face".

Secondly, I have no obligation to force myself to know someone. If anyone thinks that I am a Tianlongren by nature and noble, please bring a glass cover to prevent me from offending. I first asked why I came here, saying that it was because I developed a game with AI as the core gameplay and wanted to know relevant information. Let others understand that it is not good for me, so what I refuse is not the so-called "unprovoked rejection."

Again, the reason why I don’t want to know the editor of "S" is that this magazine was a top journal, and it was listed as the bottom last in honesty based on a fool-picking wallet experiment, and it was so disgusting and disgusting.

The editor of this kind of magazine can get a visa to show that the country is generous, but I am not that generous. The impression that this magazine gave me was unscrupulous and had great hostility towards our country as a whole. Then knowing him is not only good for me, but it may also be bad. I told him some dry goods, and then he added gimmicks out of context and wrote me a bit to belittle me. What should I do? I don't trust this kind of malicious and unscrupulous media. I don't know him at all, so I ask him not to speak up.

If anyone thinks that I didn't cooperate with you to lick, and made your kneeling posture look improper by the Americans, please come and kill me immediately.

If anyone wants to know me and can make me profit, then even if I am very unhappy, I will listen to you patiently.

If you can't, is it a bit difficult for yourself to have a B number? onyou.

After finishing this circle of friends, Chu Yuanxi originally planned to have dinner and stroll around the Bund to see if the organizers of the conference had any wonderful activities arranged. After all, the conference will be held tomorrow, and the magic tonight is full of all kinds of Showgirls.

Since PLU, a nominal game media company + actually the earliest Internet celebrity agency in the celestial dynasty, has made Ding Beili popular, the biggest attraction of ChinaJoy every year is Showgirl. Countless beautiful girls who hope to become Internet celebrities and hope to be famous regard this event as a day of battle, and various behaviors of blogging are hard to say, so that once Zhongqingbao's Athena was asked to leave the show because of being too vivid.

As a result, without waiting for Chu Yuanxi to open the road, the representative of the Magic Capital Syndicate came to the hotel where they were staying under An Qi's guidance.

It was Aunt Cynthia who led the team, and Chu Yuanxi deserves to be patient in the hotel coffee area. After all, this is an investor of the Pakistani people, and he is still in a sensitive period about the imminent gambling.

As a result, the two parties sat down for a while, and after only chatting with Chu Yuanxi, she understood what she was coming for, and she suddenly laughed: "Well, there must be no dividends in the middle of the year. It has already been divided once at the beginning of the year. It’s normal for a small number of dividends to be paid once or even not for a few years. Is it not suitable for startups to pay dividends twice a year?"

Depending on the situation, the Demon Capital Syndicate has given up its fantasy? So they already know that the gambling agreement to be fulfilled to the third level is a certain thing, and now they want to divide the dividend before adjusting the equity ratio?

This is a huge dividend, even if the Pakistani Group takes out 30% of the profit in the first half of the year to pay dividends, this is really a lot of difference. Is the problem possible? Impossible, what Chu Yuanxi fears most is that the cash is not enough, and even the Pakistani games are willing to sell, how could Zhu Bajie be allowed to return to Gao Laozhuang?

Aunt Cynthia had been prepared for Chu Yuanxi's statement, because this reason was readily available and justified, but it was not invulnerable.

"However, the company does not pay dividends because people use the money to expand production, or conduct capital operations, and seek IPOs, instead of lying on the books to contribute to the bank. And Pakistan's development plan...thanks to Mr. Chu for always We remain transparent so that we can understand the Pakistani people's plan. In this plan, money is not needed. There is still more than 2 billion in the plan. It is far more than necessary, right?"

Chu Yuanxi said that you are not honest enough, you should directly say that I am not authentic and that it is not good for investors. You see how honest I am!

"No, no, it's far from enough, let alone 2 billion, I am afraid that 4 billion is not enough. Like you said, I also want to operate with capital."

The Magic Capital Syndicate was very surprised, and asked in unison: "Ah? What are you going to do?"

Chu Yuanxi smiled: "Invest in a well-off life. That's a bottomless pit. How much money is there to eat."


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