Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 848: My nose is so angry

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When speaking, Chu Yuanxi found that An Qi had been hiding behind and didn't speak much, and appeared very restrained. But these words made An Qi's face especially weird, and even Yu Chu Yuanxi even interpreted the meaning of admiration and admiration.

He secretly smiled in his heart. He thought he would suffer An Qi today. White gloves are not good enough. Zhu Bajie looks in the mirror and suffers from the splint on both sides, but he seems to be in a good mood?

An Qi is in a good mood, but the mood of others is terrible!

Dobby and Du Cang sat next to Aunt Cynthia on the left and right, Dobby almost squirted out, just wanting to roar—Thannon is shameless with a 13-block hexagon! shameless! This is a related party transaction. Do you know how to deal with related party transactions? Benefit transfer! what--

Of course Chu Yuanxi understands. The question is, are you biting me for connected transactions of non-listed companies? Don't you know that minority shareholders have no say in this kind of matter? Can't say that the rain girl has no melons! But you are not old enough.

The most important thing is that the Pakistani people do not have a board of directors...

Both sides thought of this almost at the same time, and one side was triumphant, and the other was downcast. Chu Yuanxi said that the money went into my pocket and still want to go out? What are you thinking about?

Du Cang sat on Cynthia’s aunt and started with a dry cough. He said, “Investing in a well-off society, do you need to invest so much money? Isn’t Xiaokang in a normal financing channel? I remember that Xiaokang’s Series A financing The goal is only a few hundred million, so even if it reaches the B round of a total of several billion, judging from the current development of Xiaokang, there should be no difficulty, right?"

"There will be days and no days. Don't always think about it, Mr. Du. The road to entrepreneurship is so complicated and tortuous. Don't you all know that you are senior investors? How embarrassing to find that money is gone when you need money?" Chu Yuanxi said helplessly, "Moreover, the Pakistani people have to keep a reserve of four to five billion yuan in their accounts. The Pakistani people spend a lot of money, but the expenditure and income together seem to be small. When the time comes, they will do variety shows. Anyone doing film and television needs money to turn around, so it doesn’t make much money to go back and forth."

Dobby said that we are talking about this? It's a good thing that Ba people have a high turnover within the business. What we are talking about is out of business! The problem is that Chu Yuanxi is already going to be a hooligan, and it is impossible to communicate normally!

And this helpless expression confused Du Cang: "If you say that, why do you pay dividends during the Spring Festival?"

Chu Yuanxi said that you don't have a B number in your heart? Why don't you know why dividends are distributed during the Spring Festival? Let me just say it straight: "Because I needed money at the time, I needed to pay a sum of money to build a well-off angel wheel." He didn't say the second half, but the gesture of the hand spread out, still questioning. : Otherwise, will I pay dividends?

This is simply beyond reproach. Cynthia's eyes went dark, and she said to her heart that this is because we didn't get in a well-off car, so that's why this happened? This time it’s great, I don’t think about it. Baren’s investment is equivalent to the indirect investment of the magic capital syndicate. This is so special that the thief can’t get off!

She rubbed her head and said, "Mr. Chu, no dividends, then, the company is seeking to go public. If you go public, we don't even pay dividends."

As soon as this statement came out, several people including An Qi looked at Chu Yuanxi earnestly. This was actually the crux of the matter.

Why did the Magic Capital Syndicate take the initiative to force the palace? Because after understanding Chu Yuanxi's intention, he panicked. Ordinarily, if the performance of the Pakistani people is exchanged for another company, the investors must be happy with the entrepreneurial team. The Magic Capital Syndicate is panicked and afraid of being hanged on a thief ship. It is neither listed, unable to withdraw, nor dividends, and unable to pay back. Their mental state is worse than that of the employees who hold options among the Pakistani people. The employees' options are obtained through hard work for nothing. Their equity is returned by investing money, and the sunk costs are different.

The key is that Chu Yuanxi and the founding team are firmly in control of the company and have a lot of legitimate reasons to send money to themselves, and they can be paid without dividends, so they are completely free of dividends.

Some listed companies lose hundreds of millions of billions a year, and their presidents give themselves hundreds of millions of bonuses. They are dubbed by shareholders that companies don’t need ST if they don’t take bonuses. There are many such scandalous things in the capital market. Relatively speaking, Chu Yuanxi's food for the Spring Festival this year is much better. For companies with actual annual profits of several billion yuan, do executives set themselves a bonus standard of 100 million yuan? It's not illegal to be five times ugly. But it's not sure that Chu Yuanxi will do this next year...

In short, investors are uncomfortable.

An Qi is relatively calm. Although he has not communicated with Chu Yuanxi recently, he can guess that Chu Yuanxi does not want to go public at all. Companies that want to go public are not in this way at all, and it is impossible to keep so much money on the account. This is too patient!

"Oh, it's going to be listed, it's been planned all the time." Chu Yuanxi said with a secret smile. Once listed, there is no way to do whatever he wants. The Securities Regulatory Commission will manage it. The Securities Regulatory Commission is not the same as investor management, so Always in the "plan".

So he said: "But, how can anyone go public as soon as they reached the A round of financing? Besides, the company has only been established for more than a year, and it does not meet the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission for queuing. There is at least one and a half years.

"Let's borrow the shell!" Du Cang almost screamed.

Putting a large sum of money on the account is not entirely meaningless for capital operations. For example, cash is needed for soliciting acquisitions for privatization. However, there has never been a precedent for privatization of thousands of stocks in my big A shares. This is one of the reasons why it has been criticized because privatization itself is one of the normal modes of capital operation.

When it comes to backdoor, there is sufficient cash, and it will be in a very flexible position. Equity can be used, or part of the equity and part of the cash can be placed in and out. There are many modes of capital operation that can be operated.

"Yes, yes, backdoor." Aunt Cynthia nodded repeatedly. At one point, she wondered if Chu Yuanxi was holding back someone's shell when she was a brave. This was the correct posture for capital operation.

After all, A shares are still at a low level, and the index is not low. Many stocks have been operating in the bottom area since 5178, and clean shell resources below 4 billion are everywhere.

It's normal for her to think this way, otherwise she can't explain why a start-up company has such a good momentum and put a lot of cash on her account. It was not until later that Xiaokang appeared that the mystery was broken.

Chu Yuanxi said that you really dare to think about it, and use my hard-earned money to buy shells? Isn't that the same as feeding wolves with billions?

"Mr. Du, you know, how many times the chairman has personally talked about the registration system, and the capital market is about to change. At this time, isn't the backdoor becoming a fool? Capital operation also has to talk about a method, I decided to wait and see anyway ."

"Do you think there is hope in queuing?" Du Cang couldn't help but sneered. "Don't you know what the country's attitude towards film and game companies is like? You have it all."

Chu Yuanxi knew what he was talking about was a very crucial sentence in the Securities Regulatory Commission's "Answers to Several Questions about Refinancing Business", "In principle, listed companies are not allowed to invest in films or games across borders." After this document came out, domestic film and television game companies were wailing.

But why bother? This is about cross-border investment. Besides, Pakistan is a cultural and creative company, film and games are branches and leaves, and the fan economy is the backbone.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi didn’t persuade him at all, but he chuckled, “Why are the relevant departments cautious about film and television games? It’s because of the authenticity of performance and because capital operations are too rampant. Ba people are different and there is no trace of capital operation. At least not yet. This is a huge bonus in the issuance review committee; secondly, the performance is very real, the foundation is very solid, and all public data are available. What can't be listed?"

In fact, Chu Yuanxi also had plans for Pakistan's IPO, not without any explanation. When it completes its historical mission and fully boosts the well-off society, why can it not be listed? It's just not now.

But obviously, the Magic Capital Syndicate and him are not in the same channel. Dobby endured for a long time and finally couldn't help but anger: "You are too confident! Do you dare to sign a gambling clause on listing?"

"Are you so anxious to go public to withdraw?" Chu Yuanxi asked cheerfully, "If so, it doesn't take so much trouble. Can the company repurchase your part of the equity? At a valuation of 30 billion, your part has now increased in value. Until...Uh, about 530 million yuan after the transfer of the bet?"

Magic Capital Syndicate invested 120 million, and the return rate in a year was more than 4.4 times. He even took a dividend, and it would be happy to die for someone else? But Dobby's nose is puffy, and he says Nima, why are you even buying back?

Cynthia looked gloomy, "Is the valuation of 30 billion too low?"

Chu Yuanxi said calmly: "If you buy mine, it's equivalent to buying control, then it definitely can't be so cheap. Buying yours will also buy the value of a financial investment. You must leave some room for appreciation, right?"

This meaning is still quite cryptic. It's rare that the elders of the Modu understand it all-should you look at K-line trading in A shares? Why do you want to sell it at 6124?

Out of anger, Dobby made a particularly sharp voice: "Mr. Chu, you treat investors like this, aren't you afraid to scare investors in a well-off future?"

Huh? Chu Yuanxi said what's wrong with you? Threatening to expose my misdeeds? For example, what Ba people’s today is a well-off tomorrow? I'll give you one. Can I expose myself?

"Don't worry, everyone." He steadily waved his hands and said, "I will arrange an interview on Chinajoy tomorrow, and I will explain many issues at that time, so that I will definitely not scare the flowers."

"Explanation? Explain what?"

"Well, please look forward to it. It won't take long anyway." Chu Yuanxi's attitude was quite sincere. As expected, the manuscript of the interview was released the next day without asking the syndicate leaders to wait too much.

Dobby took a look and screamed: "This shameless! How dare he write that!"

I saw this TMT media contributor’s manuscript published on a well-known entrepreneurial news aggregator in China. At the beginning of the article, the interviewer and the interviewee discussed the relationship between entrepreneurs and investors, and the editor’s notes also It emphatically introduced the relationship between the two companies under Chu Yuanxi's name, not hiding it at all.

Therefore, in a conspicuous position, Chu Yuanxi frantically booed how to be kind to investors: "What is to be kind to investors? I think it just doesn't care too much. Just forget it where you can or don't."

Reporter: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yuanxi: "Oh, when the Pakistani people paid dividends at the beginning of the year, according to the agreement, they could complete a round of betting and equity adjustments, and then pay dividends, so that the founding team can score more points and give investors less points. But. It’s not necessary. It’s going to be a long time in the future. Drinking water thinks about the source. Since I took other people’s investment at the beginning, there is no need to care about it at this time, so I will divide it according to the original proportion."

Du Cang was also reading, the text on the phone made him mixed. He is not as angry as Dobby. Be angry. People say it is true, but he is not angry at all. It is impossible. Anyway, after the equity adjustment, the part that can be eaten and accounted for is gone, hundreds of millions, who doesn’t feel bad... …

However, An Qi looked away anyway. Since Chu Yuanxi clearly showed his minions, he loved who he loved anyway, so he said to Du Cang, "So what's the solution? You just sign the bet. You can draw the card. It’s because they make a lot of money. What can you complain about? If the profit doesn’t touch the gambling, or even loses, are you happy?"

The truth is hated because it can't be refuted. Dobby said angrily: "But he is playing a gangster! I want to expose him when he is playing a gangster!"

"Haha, this is why Chu Yuanxi did this interview?" An Qi chatted with Chu Yuanxi alone on WeChat last night, so she felt more relieved. "What did you expose him? He didn't launder the money in his pocket."

"Exposing him, exposing him harms the interests of the Pakistani Group! Is it glorious for him to invest the company's money in related companies?"

"No, whether the investment behavior is beneficial to the company depends on whether the investment increases in value and profit after the investment, and depends on whether it can successfully exit in the future." In fact, An Qi has long known another vague point that everyone has not said, that is, the Magic Capital Syndicate is always not optimistic. Well-off, but Chu Yuanxi was optimistic about it, this was their fundamental difference. If the Demon Capital Syndicate is also optimistic, there is nothing to do.

This was also the main content of his exchange with Chu Yuanxi last night. "Chu Yuanxi said that he used money to enter the well-off society as well, and he didn't wash it in his own pocket. What he originally said was that this is called "Exercise outside, do not avoid hatred and do not avoid relatives inside." There are so many founders of the Pakistani group. Members and employees hold options, and he owns the most shares, so making money does not require related party transactions."

While talking, An Qi actually felt that the level of these seniors from Lujiazui was very problematic, because Xiaokang had a key and obvious problem, and they turned a blind eye to it, instead staring at some trivialities and very focused.

The question he asked Chu Yuanxi on WeChat was: Why didn't the Pakistani invest in the money when Xiaokang's valuation was low?

Then, an unexpected answer was said by Chu Yuanxi: Because...I explained to the Ba people's co-founders that it was very simple. The attractiveness of well-off to investors can be considered as a quadratic curve after calculation, Y=aX^2+bX+c. Do you remember? It is a function with a minimum value, the opening is upward, the abscissa is the estimate, you can also understand it as time, and the ordinate is the attraction. At first the attractiveness is high, the middle is low, and the back becomes high. So it’s the saddest in the middle, and it’s not easy to get money when you need it the most. It is the most efficient for Pakistani people to make up their money at this time.

An Qi, who almost returned the maths to the teacher, said that fortunately, I also had a background in playing games, otherwise I would really show my eyes!

He continued to ask: So the question is, you are still considering a well-off life, and the Pakistani people's money is still not maximized. What is beneficial to the Pakistani people should be to vote for the well-off in the early stage. In the mid-term well-off, the Pakistani people will help solve part of the problems, right?

Chu Yuanxi: Obviously it's not right. Do you know if the money left over after the initial investment in the mid-term can solve the problem? If not, Xiaokang will kneel down, and the initial money will be spent for nothing? Wait and see to avoid risks, brother, you treat well-off as a must and then count. You start counting prey before the forest is in, you trust me too much!

On the other side of the Internet, Chu Yuanxi wiped her sweat. She didn't expect An Qi's question to be so professional, but do you think you can ask the old man? Hehehehe, Uncle Sheng has asked these questions long ago!

However, when Uncle Sheng asked, he hadn't thought of such a logical and sensible So the answer at the time was in a muddy way. What do you think of my earning power? Anyway, there is a return on investment. If the Pakistani people make more money, I will use the money in the Pakistani people. If the well-off people make more money, I will use the money in the well-off society. The Pakistani people will get a greater return on investment and there is nothing wrong with it.

The answer barely made Uncle Sheng nod, but it was not enough to deal with reporters. The outline of this interview was passed by Chu Yuanxi and Lu Yugou and then finalized with TMT media to ensure that it was the wind that Chu Yuanxi wanted to blow out. However, although the reporter who asked the question asked according to the outline, he did not say that he would write a soft article as a puppet, so people can also dig into the roots, think divergently, and even conspiracy theories or brainstorming.

Especially after the Pakistani Group’s semi-annual report for the first half of the year came out, the brainstorming became even more intense. Because this semi-annual report is a non-listed company, it is not obligated to publish it to the public, but it can also flow out. Especially even if it does not flow out, others can calculate it. The revenue of game companies, especially the high-income games like "Unwinding", is a good deal. What kind of data provided by AppAnnie and the like, not to mention that Netmabao suddenly assists.

Therefore, the income of the Pakistani people immediately aroused widespread and profound attention, and the reporter held a wave of problems. This semi-annual report directly pushed the gambling agreement signed by Pakistani people and investors a year ago to the forefront. The reason why it has attracted widespread attention is that the proportion of gambling is too large, and the requirements for completion are too special. What an exaggeration, let alone China, it is rare in the world. As a result, the Pakistani Group took a year to complete...

Chu Yuanxi wasn't afraid to answer the question, but dismissed Zhao Jie to save him from being stimulated after hearing it.


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