Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 849: Chu Yuanxi is about to start zhuangbility (...

Thanks to the new peach for the old talisman for rewarding the leader, the extra time is tomorrow


This time ChinaJoy Chu Yuanxi didn't plan to appear on stage by herself, and Zhao Jie was in front of the limelight so that he could do some things that the president should do with peace of mind. For example, answering questions from reporters, looking for some valuable resources, and watching the young ladies and the like.

As a result, the young ladies didn't see a few that could surpass the poppies, but Chen Bingye.

It’s been a long time since Binjiang One. Of course, Chu Yuanxi had to talk to Mr. Chen, especially when the flat-headed brother has done a lot of vibes recently, and there have been many good IPs. Naturally, there are talks about IP adaptation. It is a pity that Brother Pingtou does not adopt a full copyright operation mode, and the author retains some rights in his own hands. Without the full copyright, Uncle Sheng couldn't initiate purchases from the other party, so there was not much opportunity for business cooperation.

But from another angle, it can be considered that there is still a lot of room for the copyright development of Pingtou's family. As a result, the reporter came over after chatting for a while and found that not only Chu Yuanxi was there, but also the webmaster of the novel website Pingtou was caught.

This interview actually started from the Pakistani semi-annual report. Although both parties know that the reporter has obtained the income data of the Pakistani people, the only data that has been disclosed is the half-year flow of Netmabao's agent in East Asia. This is the initiative of Netmabao to promote it. In the three months of the second quarter, "A World of Troubles" recorded a total of $130 million in the island country, almost catching up with "Zhilong Lost City" and ranking in the top three, slightly ahead of Zhan Yi's "Wild Action".

In other words, the fourth and fifth islands are all mobile games going to the sea.

Therefore, comrade reporters first aimed at the island countries. And when it comes to Zha Yi, people have to think of "Yin Yang Liao". Coincidentally, it is the island country area. So the first question is: "Mr. Chu, I want to know why Zha Yi’s big island IP "Yin Yang Liao" The island country did not succeed. Instead, "Operation Wilderness" and "Unwinding" without the IP effect succeeded. The contents of these three games have been verified relatively successfully in China. Is it accidental? Or are there any internal factors?"

Chu Yuanxi and Chen Bingye looked at each other and saw that Chen Bingye was going to vomit, so they said, "Mr. Chen, what do you want to say?"

"I want to explain what an island-style IP is." As a more professional practitioner in the IP industry, Chen Bingye suddenly felt that the opportunity for zhuangbility was coming!

Both Chu Yuanxi and Chen Bingye are practitioners in the IP industry, but their focus is very different.

Chu Yuanxi focuses on operations, how to create an IP, from what angle to create it, what label fans will roughly be attracted when it is formed, which operation method corresponds to, how to split and how to wash, and which mode of monetization can take into account. Efficiency and stickiness of vermicelli, or simply harvest directly.

However, Chen Bingye focuses on content and considers how content can attract fans, especially reading fans. Therefore, he is extremely sensitive to content classification and has more say. In particular, Pingtou is also a novel website that focuses on exporting the two-dimensional home culture.

Just listen to him talking: "The so-called island country IP, I found that many people have misunderstandings. "Yin Yang Liao", I am sorry, it is not an island country IP, at least not a typical island country IP, let alone a big IP, probably It is equivalent to the IP effect of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" on our side. Don't you talk about the popularity? You also know the Dynasty Ma Han Zhanzhao and the like, but in fact it is just average. Our typical IP here is "Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West" and Jin Yong. Especially when adapting the game, the gap cannot be justified."

"Oh? "Yin Yangliao" is not a typical island country IP?" This reporter is a TMT special project. He is not very professional in games, especially in IP, but he is very professional in interviews, and immediately felt that this is dry stuff. News likes dry goods most, and dry goods attract readers the most. "Then ask Mr. Chen what kind of IP is a typical island country IP? "Dragon Ball", "Naruto" and "One Piece"?"

"Look at the top three games in the island country. How do they categorize "Monster Pinball", "Crown of Destiny", and "Zhilong Lost City"?"

Chen Bingye paused and announced the answer directly: "Western fantasy, "Dragon Quest", "Pokemon", "Legend of Zelda", "Final Fantasy", these are the typical island country IP. You Don’t blame the island people for admiring the West. People have grown up watching them since they were young. Therefore, "Yin Yang Liao" and "Operation in the Wilderness" and "Out of the Mountains" are actually the same in the island country."

Chu Yuanxi added: "In other words, analyze why "Yin Yang Liao" is not popular. It is enough to simply analyze whether the gameplay is suitable for island players, and the operation is not strong, and the localization is good."

Reporter: "Speaking of operations and localization, it seems that "Dead Pesticides" has also gone to the island country. It was renamed "Legendary Heroes". It seems that it has not become popular?"

"Needless to say, it can't be popular. It has nothing to do with operation and localization, and it has nothing to do with IP. Islanders don't play e-sports, especially team-based e-sports." Chu Yuanxi said very confidently, not afraid of offending. People, "But we can't blame the big penguin, such an iron head can't get through without a bump."

"Isn't eating chicken also e-sports? You can also form a team." The reporter obviously has done a lot of homework in the game field, but it is a pity that the specious understanding is very superficial.

Chu Yuanxi can answer this question: "Eating chicken is not the same. What is the most annoying thing about playing with pesticides? Let’s not talk about anti-humanity such as on-hooks. The most annoying is the teammates elementary school students who go down the wind and go against the wind, and desperately give away their heads. Weird, right? But it doesn’t matter when you eat chicken. Teammates are idiots and don’t make much difference. So the team esports that eat chickens are not the same as pesticides. Islanders playing chicken is just a shooting game. "

Chen Bingye wanted to say something again, but this time Chu Yuanxi gestured to stop him. Chu Yuanxi guessed that he wanted to talk about the sense of responsibility of the cultural atmosphere of the team, this view is not convenient for the news.

After the depression, Chu Yuanxi added: "Why can eating chicken rise when the dead in the country is in full swing? Because the frustration is low, it is a good game to die at any time and start again. This is more suitable for island players. Really against island players The friendly e-sports is "Splatoon". Players with handicapped players can't hit the enemy but can assist teammates. This is called "localization". You just change the name of the game and it is not called localization. Even if you have all the heroes in it It’s useless to change it. The localization of the game has to understand the characteristics of the target user."

Reporter: "So the localization of "Troubled Times" must be done very well? Does Mr. Chu have any advice?"

"Ah, this is completely the credit of Netmabao. We don't understand it at all. It is a cooperation that can make a pure national style mobile game to this point, with a monthly turnover of more than 40 million US dollars and it is still increasing slowly. This is due to the professionalism of the partners. What I have to say is that it is very important to choose the right partner. Professional matters are left to professional people. Don’t always think that I’m OK. The island has 50 million players and plays games every year. With a turnover of $20 billion, you have to fully respect this market."

Originally, the island country part of the interview draft was considered foreplay, and it should be almost there, but Chen Bingye was there, so the reporter switched to the IP adaptation as soon as the topic changed.

Although the business model and business scope of the Baren Group are completely different, they are all IP-related industries, so he added the question: "It just so happens that Mr. Chen is also there. I want to know how the two big guys compare to current novels, comics, etc. What is the value of the adaptation of Pan-entertainment IP?"

Seeing Chu Yuanxi's puzzled expression, the reporter hurriedly added: "Although the Pakistani Group did not adapt other people's IP, it seemed to me..."

"It's changed, I thought the outside world already knew haha." Chu Yuanxi turned into a smirk boy, "Actually, we have been purchasing IP for a period of time before, so now we have accumulated five IPs to be developed, right? There should be five of them. I don’t know what I’m talking about. However, the next two key new IPs were created by our group."

"For IP adaptation, I think the main question is to ask President Chu. We are actually upstream and downstream. I am just a producer of IP and basically do not spread downstream." Chen Bingye said, rubbing his forehead, feeling very headache. The main reason is that the Pakistani people purchased IP at a price of one million to two million respectively. Not only did he not say anything, but Mario often asked him for help and asked him to recommend some suitable IP on the market.

What is this called! Sometimes it feels like not making a profit or losing, and sometimes it feels that the Pakistani people are robbing them. It is a good thing not to sell their rights.

During this period of time, as the IP fever ebbs, the trading market has become increasingly deserted, and the transactions of big IPs have almost disappeared. Therefore, Pakistani's bids are full of profiteers. However, people like Ba people who are more happy to make money are very rare today. Even if the bid is relatively low, there are still people rushing to it.

In short, the Pakistani people don't know whether they copied the bottom of the market or bought it halfway up the mountain. Anyway, Chen Bingye said that it will not spread downstream, but too much IP hoarding on the platform must also require some action. This is also one of the reasons why he went to the magic city. This is a grand event for players. Isn't it a grand event for pan-entertainment companies?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "As for the adaptation value of novels and comics, let me say so. If your purpose is clear, the logic of your play is correct, and the return on investment ROI can be calculated clearly as a positive cycle, then Just like the amount of advertising that a game company buys, if the reward per download is greater than the cost per download, you can buy boldly.

Now is the worst and best time. Say bad, the proportion of IP buyers losing money is very large, and only a few make money or even big money; say yes, IP prices are low. Take novels as an example. Many novels of three or four million words, two or three years of creation, have a certain popularity, and the content is remarkable, and it is suitable for several development directions. The full copyright can be won by one million. This is great for risk control.

Do you know what is the biggest crux of IP adaptation? As the adaptor, it’s not that we don’t want to give IP creators and operators money. We will give it after making a lot of money, but we cannot give it at the beginning. At the beginning, risks must be controlled and there must be a stop loss line. IP procurement costs should not account for a high proportion of project R&D expenditures.

I'm not afraid that Mr. Chen laughed at me. I have also contacted some copyright owners before, and there is no way to discuss the pricing method. The project hasn’t been done yet. Every year, the guaranteed minimum achievement will dare to make 8 million, and the risk is all borne by the buyer. Then making money is luck, and losing money is the law, that is, when the capital enters the market frantically, someone is willing to do this. Is not it? The ebb of capital will surely die immediately. Now they are basically honest, either they are reluctant to sell, or they return to rationality. "

Reporter: "That is to say, when the risk is controlled, the key is to play?"

"Yes, once the methodology is in place, you can think about the Internet."

Huh? Internet thinking? There should be dry goods here! The reporter was agitated again, but this word came out of his ears. It is usually seen in various PPTs and is usually associated with various capital operations, but it is obviously different from Chu Yuanxi's mouth.

Thinking of this, he made a listener, only listening to Chu Yuanxi said: "The so-called Internet thinking, first of all is to divide the harvest into two categories, cash flow and users. It may be that the cash flow is a loss at first glance, but users The number has been earned and the growth has come up. This is also a way of burning money. It is logically logical. The second is subversive. The so-called subversion is to use innovative models to reconstruct price attributes and redistribute user time."

Both Chen Bingye and the reporter's expressions read a big line: "I don't understand--"

But Chu Yuanxi didn't care whether they understood or not. This was for news, so how could it be understood casually? Wouldn't it be Yang Jiangang?

"You can simply understand it as a combination of IP traffic operations and monetization methods. In the past, traffic monetization could not be called monetization. It should be called'traffic marketing'. At a glance, the monetization link is all about advertising. The difference is nothing more than monetization. Streaming advertisements, commercial advertisements, and microfinance advertisements are still the advertisements of Jackie Chan’s attacking sand. Oh, yes, now Jet Li is added."

Chen Bingye interrupted: "Hey, wait. When it comes to Jet Li's advertisement, it seems to be very innovative. I just saw it, it was very different from Jackie Chan."

"Yes, yes, Jet Li's advertisement is considered to have raised a threshold for game hard-broadcasting. He actually has plots and interactions, emphasizing differences in user experience and content, making the creative feel like a series."

"Huh? Why do you two care so much about an advertisement?" The reporter didn't understand.

Chen Bingye whispered: "Because...because now free reading is flying, it's all advertising. I am a practitioner and I must pay attention to it. High-quality advertising resources are always scarce."

Chu Yuanxi said more bluntly: “Because we also want to buy quantity, the cost of buying quantity is soaring, and market competition is becoming fierce. Improving the quality of buying quantity advertising is the best solution to increase competitiveness. Pakistan’s marketing department Also studying the advertisement of this miracle mobile game, trying to get the essence."

Cough cough cough...Chen Bingye said in his heart that taking the essence is not a copycat? Why is it so elegant? However, this miracle advertisement is indeed invincible. Others make situational advertisements by showing the core and selling points of the game. Jet Li uses different methods and different aspects to enhance the player's sense of identity with the game. Even use the shooting highlights as advertising materials to prove that you are sincerely advertising the game. No one points a gun to your head, and you don’t need to glaringly indicate that you have been kidnapped, which is equivalent to allin’s personal reputation. This advertising fee is not I know it costs hundreds of millions...

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "In short, such a realization is very harmful to traffic anyway. If there are too many wicked ads, the traffic will definitely drop, especially the mandatory advertising, which will even damage the foundation of the platform. Then, why are there many platforms with traffic? Do you still want to do advertising? Because the monetization outlet is narrow, this is a huge pain point. A lot of traffic is faced with the problem of no revenue without advertising, and traffic plummeting when advertising. The Internet thinking was born to solve the pain point.

In order to solve this pain point, I thought about a set of operations and monetization methods that rely on IP to recreate monetization outlets. The main goal is to reduce the damage to traffic caused by monetization, and it looks ok. I don't like using 2.0, 3.0, etc. for self-promotion. In short, that's how it is. It’s that the Pakistani people are always There are always middle-level managers who are ready to use the 1.0 model as income after seeing the traffic. My energy is spent suppressing them. Hahaha. "

Chen Bingye suddenly recalled the bull that Chu Yuanxi had told him before, to the effect that a fan was worth two yuan in someone else's house and twenty yuan in his hands? It seems to be such a logic. Is this the so-called fan operation method combined with IP?

Why don't you get something out at this time? He immediately asked: "How do you solve the pain points?"

" hurt too?" Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, it seems that Brother Flathead really has a chance, because his family hasn't started advertising, so I might as well explain the basic links briefly.

This basic link itself is not a secret, and the reason is very simple. In fact, even if people who do traffic business do not understand it, they will understand after a little research and ask someone to ask. The difficulty lies in how to innovate and break through, how to analyze and how The idea of ​​designing the entire operation process to make it a closed loop. The latter is what Chu Yuanxi can't blindly say.

He thought for a while and said: "I'll give you a key word, stop B. Are you sure you are familiar with stop B?"

Chen Bingye asked me to be unfamiliar at station B? Did you mean... he couldn't help but think that station B always insists not to post advertisements. Although advertisers will invest money to make the whole video advertisement for grandma, after all, they don’t need to watch the 120-second pre-post first. There is no large number of middle inserts, so the financial data of station B is always not so good.

As for the Ba people, he has paid attention to the Ba people for several numbers, and looking back, he has also scanned the early works, and he has always insisted not to receive advertisements. Even he thinks it's time to pick up commercials, right? Why are there no ads yet?


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