Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 850: The circle of friends attracts the love of the master and dad

When Chu Yuanxi finished the interview, she checked her mobile phone and found that the fermentation had become worse after the anger in the circle of friends last night. Especially after Chu Yuanxi went to bed, the other party still sprayed back, what should be known or not, even people who have nothing to do with him know it, and spread from the circle of friends to WeChat groups, official accounts and WeChat accounts. On the blog, everything is said.

This is actually a surprise, because this is to help Chu Yuanxi hype up popularity. Sometimes this kind of popularity is useful, especially if it is not based on negative news speculation. Although the keyboard Ares is easy to make people feel negative, it also depends on what is sprayed.

From the perspective of hype, whether it is analyzing exclamation or disdain or criticizing Chu Yuanxi’s remarks, his name should always be mentioned. If the onlookers can remember this name, remember his company, or even take the initiative to go. Picking his background and past experience, picking his two companies, the hype will succeed, and the crowd will leave an impression.

This is equivalent to going out of the circle, because the hype occurs in the public space on the Internet, facing different types of Internet users. When many IP speculations are pursuing to be out of the circle, Chu Yuanxi is so spontaneously fired out of the circle, the effect of being out of circle is very good.

In fact, this is also the reason why many celebrity brokerage companies on the Internet do not hesitate to hype negative news by breaking the lower limit.

The Internet is a place where mistakes are spread, and many things will be interpreted spontaneously in another way, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false. But the people or things being hyped up are remembered by the onlookers, and this achieves the goal. The negative impressions left behind are not as good as they should be, but they are brainwashed. Many people don’t understand what happened, but just remember. A name, or remembering what the speculator wants others to remember, instills an impression.

But Chu Yuanxi was not negative yet. This hype itself originated from tearing. When his name was spread out and caused controversy, all controversy was traffic.

And traffic is always useful.

For example, a message from the Moments of Friends of Alibaba Cultural and Entertainment General Fan is very useful: Xiao Chu, Dagang is easy to break.

Chu Yuanxi took a look, huh? Is this what Mr. Fan thinks, or what ideas do others have to express through Mr. Fan? Or is it really just that Mr. Fan is supporting the younger generation and imparting life experience?

In short, he clicked on Mr. Fan’s WeChat and sent: Thank you for your concern, I understand, I did not continue to spray.

Lao Fan: I also think that you have so many things, so you shouldn't have a leisurely mind to talk to people.

Chu Yuanxi deliberately didn't respond in seconds. After waiting for a while, she was about to say something, and then watched Mr. Fan continue to send one: I listen to Xin said, you even sell Pakistani games? Is it true or joking?

With a slap on the thigh, Chu Yuanxi yelled: "Well, it's awesome!"

This voice scared Zhao Jie so hard, he was also so tired in this big show of removing the bra, he was all involved in interacting with the player, and his smiling apple muscles were all choking.

Chu Yuanxi glanced at him and pushed him away again because he might be more irritated.

Is Ali finally tempted? Chu Yuanxi thought that it was indeed President Fan who appeared to be more calm. If it is an executive of Ali's M&A department or a member of the Entertainment Committee, it is of course not impossible. It seems too urgent, because this news can only be submitted to Ali internally by Guan Xin. So why should Xin submit a piece of news that hasn't been determined whether Chu Yuanxi is joking or serious? Even if he submitted it stupidly, why should Ali's M&A department pay attention to it? This greatly affects bargaining.

But Mr. Fan is different. He has a higher rank in Ali. He speaks effectively. At the same time, he is Guan Xin’s immediate boss. Guan Xin went back and talked about gossip. It was reasonable for him to hear the news, and then he came to ask how ?

Light clouds and light wind.

Chu Yuanxi was also calm and calm, and it took another while to reply: Oh, sorry, I was in ChinaJoy, and I was just entangled by the player. Seriously, no kidding, as long as the price is right and the conditions are right, I'm willing to sell Pakistani games.

This time it’s the turn of the opponent to keep silent, but Chu Yuanxi is very sure, because although the matter is unfolded in a chat mode, it is impossible for Ali to be easy. It involves a lot of money coming in and out, and it involves more complicated terms. .

After a long time, Lao Fan asked: Why do you want to sell Pakistani games? Isn't this a very good asset? Is there something that outsiders don’t know about?

Chu Yuanxi: I thought what you wanted to ask was, is there a steady stream of copycats frightening me?

Lao Fan: I am also curious about this. But let me first make sure that you sell Pakistani games, and you sell them with all the resources of "Troubled Times", right?

The so-called all resources are everything including IP and game user information, and even include self-media accounts that specialize in the IP of "Unwinding", such as the service account of "Unwinding", which now has more than 50 million followers.

There are sensible people on both sides, and there is no need to change the situation. Chu Yuanxi immediately replied: That's for sure, otherwise what to sell? Sell ​​a bunch of codes and programs? This can't sell at a price.

In fact, this is also a headache for Ali. Take this service account with more than 50 million followers. The switch is in the hands of WeChat. There will be basically no problem under the name of Ba people. It can be quiet for years and it is a very good thing for WeChat itself. Its own quality of service, and significantly improves the utilization rate and duration of WeChat users, is equivalent to the tuba on Douyin, and Douyin certainly welcomes the emergence of tuba.

But once the resale is in Ali's hands, this matter cannot be described. Douyin definitely doesn't welcome Kuaishou to open a large size on Douyin, the bigger the bigger, the more dazzling, and vice versa. This is the reason why the official WeChat accounts of Ali and Alipay can't make headlines more than 100,000.

Many laymen have questions about whether it is possible to aggregate these users into one APP so that they can sell to whom they want to sell. Just like the first new oxygen in medical aesthetics, starting from the official account, users will eventually be integrated into the new oxygen APP. But in fact, this APP has been around for a long time, it is the mobile game APP of "Troubled Times". This APP can send messages to players and has the ability to reach. All service account users must have installed this mobile game APP.

The problem is usage rate? What about the ability to push information flow to players? It is impossible to compare with WeChat public account. That's not to mention the collection of official account users into an empty app that is only used to push messages and send gift packages with little content.

But this is not the main contradiction. The main contradiction is whether the Pakistani people are willing to sell cash cows because of internal problems? No matter how you look at it, you can't find that the Pakistani people have fallen to the point where they are sellers? How big is this thunder?

Not to mention the question of how much money the game itself makes, just the IP of "Troubled Times", but Baren Entertainment's painstaking work, not only attracts money, but also the IP reputation increases, the higher the rating, the higher the rating, and it has repeatedly surprised people.

This kind of IP doesn't mean Jin Yong will be eaten, but there is always hope to eat into "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", right? The ability to attract gold is not better than word of mouth. If you tie up a piece of "Sword of the Immortal" from the past, and even count all the adaptations of the mobile game, you will be hanged up and beaten by "Out of the Wind". If you are willing to sell this kind of asset, it is usually the end of the poverty line. The Ba people are in a state of prosperity, which is not in line with common sense!

Therefore, Lao Fan sent very straightforwardly: Just sell it so easily? Feel like selling for money?

I saw Chu Yuanxi sent: There is no problem with the Pakistani people, and the Pakistani game is even more okay. You have this problem. Isn’t it normal for merchants to buy and sell goods? As for easy and not easy, a good deal is that I need it, but you need it more, and the money you give exceeds my profit expectations. This is the same as stock speculation, buying stocks to sell them at a high price, not to fall in love with stocks. After I bought it, I spent eight years in prison to figure out the temper of a stock. That was the work of leeks...

Lao Fan: I'm relieved if you say that.

It means you don’t worry?

Chu Yuanxi: I am willing to sell Pakistani games because the Pakistani people have no plans to go public in a few years and do not need financing, so there is no problem in turning assets into cash. You can do due diligence, our group has no secrets, everything is transparent. Besides, what kind of things do you want us to happen? What can happen to a game company? The back-end main process locked the server and ran away? At least this kind of thing will not happen to me. My company must be safe enough, otherwise the valuation will not meet my profit expectations.

Lao Fanxin said this is a reminder that I must pay a high price? The question is what is your profit expectation?

Turning assets into cash has a great impact on the valuation of companies, because cash is a constant, as much as it is, while assets are variables. According to the method of capital operation, there will be a premium. There are various algorithms. There are net assets, price-earnings ratios, market-sales ratios, market share ratios, etc. The values ​​calculated by different models are different, and they are suitable for being used as a tool to leverage capital in the open market.

At this moment of the transaction, the assets become cash. Even if the transaction price is fair, some variables of the Pakistani people have become constant. This is completely inconsistent with the trend that Pakistani people’s valuations have been rising. Only if they are flat or falling, there is an urge to sell the property. , Because a few years later, the valuation of Pakistani Games, a subsidiary, should be even higher.

Therefore, it is unscientific for veterans of capital to sell assets for cash.

But Chu Yuanxi directly said that there was no plan to go public and raise funds within a few years. In this case, he reluctantly said in the past that variable constants do not matter if they are not listed or raised. As for a few years away? With Chu Yuanxi's magic tricks, it should be another scene.

In any case, a deal that is unscientific for Pakistanis is naturally a good deal for others. Someone loses and others earn. This is a simple truth. I am afraid that there will be thunder in the subject matter during mergers and acquisitions. Very nonsense. Fortunately, there are many people who dare to say Ali in China, but not many are in the capital circle.

Thinking of this, I dispelled Lao Fan’s doubts and sent: Say I heard that you value the entire Pakistani group at 30 billion?

Chu Yuanxi: There is such a saying, but it was a long, long time ago. Yesterday, the investors in Magic City asked me the repurchase price of my withdrawal. I said that they were repurchasing at a valuation of 30 billion yuan. I said that buying my shares is not 30 billion, because what you buy is control, and what you buy is 30 billion. What you buy is only financial investment.

Lao Fanxin said how much is that? He is not a gritty person either. Knowing the conditions and the price is flexible. If the price is good, you are the father of the funder. If you ask for it, you will be hard-pressed. If the price is normal, you are not your father. Don't always think about what to ask and do. This is the truth in business.

Therefore, he asked straightforwardly: What do you think of the 30 billion package of Nabaren games and related resources?

Chu Yuanxi said that who had leaked the old man's business secrets? Is it Zhao Jie? It's also impossible. Zhao Jie didn't know that he really planned to sell Pakistani games. But how can you guess so accurately?

After thinking about it, he sent: 30 billion is more reasonable at the moment. You may think it is a high premium, but I am not satisfied. The reason is that the new product line of Pakistani Games has been brewing for a long time and is ready to release energy. Within four months, there will be a conclusion about the value of this new product line. So I hope you will wait and see until December to talk about it. These four months will also be able to test the vitality of "Troubled Times" in the face of a large number of copycats.

Yo? Lao Fanxin said this is very confident: OK, then wait until December.

Chu Yuanxi’s remarks are not impolite. For example, suppose that Ali intends to acquire Toutiao in early 2017. If the bid price has a certain premium within a reasonable range, Toutiao will definitely not do it, because the Douyin product has already In incubation. At that time, the Toutiao Department probably judged that in 2018, Douyin will dominate the world in more than a year, and then you told the acquirer that my app called Douyin is very good, and others can at best speak verbally. Agree.

So the price must not agree at that time. Of course, the price can’t be agreed, and it can’t be bought now.

Thinking of this, Lao Fan is very curious about what the Ba Ren game is doing. It seems that he needs a lot of research.

Chu Yuanxi actually had a heartbeat for a moment, because 30 billion was his price for Pakistani games after he made the mini game series IP. Now that Mr. Fan has given this premium in one step, he can actually nod his head. Especially in the cold winter of capital, cash is extremely important. Many seniors who have been in the world for 30 years have said that cash is king, 30 billion, it is impossible to say that it is not tempting.

But in business, no one is unwilling to sell a high price. Although it is not certain whether Ali is still interested in Pakistani games by the end of the year, Chu Yuanxi hesitated a bit and found that he really did not have the reason to sell at a price of 30 billion, because - after all, it was not originally. It must be sold, it is a good deal to sell, but it is not "smashing hands" if you can't sell it.

Of course, selling high prices has the problem of selling high prices, such as the M&A model.

Chu Yuanxi felt that he should just start talking now: Mr. Fan, since you have an idea to buy, have you considered the specific model?

Lao Fan: What model do you mean? Cash, if you want, cash + part of Alibaba's stocks are also available, and private placement of some stocks for mergers and acquisitions is also very cost-effective for us.

Chu Yuanxi: Not this, I have to go back and discuss this with the founder team. I'm talking about mergers and acquisitions like or mergers and acquisitions that promise performance.

In fact, this is about whether to merge the core team of the other party during mergers and acquisitions.

The so-called hungry style is a relatively absolute acquisition that Alibaba is currently making. Within a year and a half,’s executives basically resigned or were about to resign through personnel adjustments. Few of the huge executive team remained. The business structure has undergone tremendous changes, and the city manager system has been reformed. To the place. Such an acquisition does not require the profitability of the acquisition target. The asset is bought, not the core team, and the subsequent profits and losses are completely conceited.

This kind of pride and confidence is only available to Ali Penguin, allowing the acquiree to take the money and leave without owing each other.

Commitment to performance, which is the core of the M&A transaction, is the counterparty’s team and business model. The acquirer is only responsible for auctioning money to provide resources, and will not point fingers at the original team, at least not within the agreed period, but the controlling rights change hands. Only in this way can the original team be responsible for the company's future performance within the agreed time period. Otherwise, the acquirer will blindly command Jaguar and whose performance will not meet the target?

But this model Chu Yuanxi feels that Ali may not be willing to Ali has no game genes, they are not allowed to control it and it basically takes up to three years as usual. Ali only produces cash. There is no shortage of things. This is not in line with Ali's temperament!

In fact, Chu Yuanxi didn't want this either. Three years was too long for him.

I saw Mr. Fan sent: Ah, it must be the hungry style. Ali needs the Pakistani game mainly to transplant the game genes into our own body, not the external suspension style. Otherwise, we won't be able to chase penguins.

Chu Yuanxi gave a big smile: to catch up with Penguin, you have to conduct a lot of mergers and acquisitions. Penguin has invested in more than 30 game companies and teams overseas in the past 10 years. The key to Ali is to make great efforts to cultivate his own game genes.

Lao Fan: We trained it.

Chu Yuanxi: I know I know, right? Three Kingdoms SLG, right?

Lao Fan: Huh? Do you even know this?

Chu Yuanxi: I also know that it will be launched in mid-August, and Xiaodajin will speak for it. It hasn't been a few days since it's definitely not a secret. But your genes have cultivated... Do you believe or believe in yourself?

Lao Fan: Just say what you want.

Chu Yuanxi: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms SLG, this SLG category is not suitable for cultivating genes. It is suitable for overseas distribution. It is popular in Europe and North America. It is not suitable to be released in China, which means that the novice village in the game will challenge the highest difficulty.

Lao Fan: Hahaha, don't worry about it. We must have repeatedly demonstrated before we selected the first shot for this category to operate. In other words, if Pakistani games are acquired, they will probably inject assets into Lingxi. There will be many areas that need to be biased at that time.


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