Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 851: Fang Shiling atmosphere

Lingxi and mutual entertainment, this Ali’s game subsidiary knows Ali’s determination just by looking at its name, because rhino is also an animal, and is a member of Ali Zoo’s brand. It is named in the same way as rookie wrap, flying pig travel, and Shenma search. paragraph.

Chu Yuanxixin said that since Mr. Fan said that, it means that Ali has quickly gone through the process of mergers and acquisitions, and even the merger plan has a draft. In other words, he nodded today and can start the transaction tomorrow. feel.

Speaking of which, I don’t know if Uncle Sheng Zhu Yan supports them? If you promise to pay dividends, it should be supported, right? Even if it is only divided into 3 billion, the bonus they can get is already an appalling level.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi was not in the mood to spend time on ChinaJoy anyway, anyway, the most needed interview has been released, and other things left Zhao Jie to take care of, he didn’t know that he was going to be sold, or let him be cool first. Say it for a while.

At that time, he and Wang Le estimated that they would have to continue to work for a year after the merger, and it is unlikely that the two people who know the most about the mobile game "Troubled Times" will be fired right after the acquisition. It is estimated that after Zhao Jie knows the truth...maybe to die? Because he has special options for Pakistani people.

Then the next step is to let Zhao Jie accelerate the behavior of repeating the wheel. The functional modules that the company should fill are all accelerated. If people are drawn from Lu Yu, they must be drawn from Lu Yu. Be sure to complete the construction of the information department of Pakistani Games within this month. .

To play the mini game + IP game, the relevant wheels are necessary. Without it, this part of the valuation cannot be supported. But the Pakistani group should be one of the most experienced in this regard, and it should be handy for Lu Yu to fission an information department.

What makes Chu Yuanxi most proud of the Ba Ren Group is that although there are no such structure as eight CXOs, there are not many people with shiny titles, but these grass-roots boys can cooperate sincerely, malicious internal friction and boycott of the company. There are few goals, and some are blind Jaguar for the purpose of income. The starting point is good. When doing things, no one just yells and doesn't work hard, and even scorns colleagues.

In other words, the Pakistani people are already large companies, but they have not caught the disease of large companies. This state is most suitable for making all kinds of wheels. It is a combination of multiple functional units.

Looking at WeChat, Chu Yuanxi suddenly thought that it was time for the drama "Troubled Times" to go online in December, and found that it would be good to wait until it went online before trading. Otherwise, it is still very entangled, because the game bears the heavy responsibility of promoting the film and television. Pakistani games are in their own hands, and they can push them as they want. There is no question of sincerity, and no agreement is required. As long as the players are not disgusted. all good.

But handing over the company is not the same. Although the TV series "Troubled Times" will also be available on Youtu, the film and television information touches the interests of players and Ali, but after all, it crosses the department, and the requirements for promotion and exposure are impossible. Written in the merger contract. When the time comes, if the promotion is not good, it means that Chu Yuanxi feels good on her own, without taking into account the interests of Zhang Dongdong, Shanying and Taishantai.

Although it had little influence on the Ba people themselves, Chu Yuanxi didn't want to lose this reputation. It's the same thing to force people on the Internet. In reality, the interests of partners are involved. Even from a utilitarian point of view, Chu Yuanxi can't leave flaws, otherwise the future will be a pit. Word of mouth is built through each detail.

In fact, in this sense, he supports filming movies and TV series. At the time Zhang Dongdong wanted to rush forward, Chu Yuanxi did not resolutely oppose it because, in the most extreme case, when the film and television dramas are slowly released, what if the mobile game "A World of Chaos" is already cold at that time?

Just as Chu Yuanxi was about to end the conversation, Lao Fan sent another one: I will talk to you when you return to the Imperial Capital. Is the product line that you just said will explode, is it a small game?

Chu Yuanxi was suddenly shocked, how did he find out in such a short time? Damn it! As a result, he subconsciously saw that Zhao Jie jumped onto the podium, with a PPT on the big screen behind him, which happened to draw the blueprint of the Pakistani game. The next step is a small game.

This made Chu Yuanxi be speechless! Can't we make it first and then blow it? Blow first and do it later. What if someone else copies it? Are you afraid that others will defeat you with efficiency?

Fortunately, Zhao Jie is not particularly clear about how to build IP, even if he blows it, he will not say anything good or bad. IP for small games is a sophisticated chain that requires seamless connection between the various subsidiaries of Pakistani people, but at the same time, the working mode is that each department completes its own tasks according to its needs. It is not necessary to fully understand all colleagues’ work like a well-off OKR. do what.

It can be said that the well-off work system puts forward higher requirements for employees. It is suitable for excellent employees, and can also turn the unexcellent into excellent. The Pakistani people do not provide this kind of environment internally, but simply rely on DKP incentives.

So Chu Yuanxi glanced at Zhao Jie. The Yunshan mist cover blowing over there is actually a preheating of the mini game. This is also one of ChinaJoy's original functions, to bridge the gap between the game company and the players.

What he is talking about is "Wu Dao Faunjun". The Pakistani people have four IPs and four mini games at the same time. After a month, the mini games have already promoted their ideals. Instead, they are Lu Yu and Zhu. The cooperation work of Yun has not been neatly organized, and therefore the production of art resources is stuck. Art resources should be taken according to the content of the short video.

Chu Yuanxi replied: Yes, I made you laugh. The mini game has a big purpose. The whole set of play I have prepared now needs to pass the next four months to verify. Let me put it down, and you will know the effect at that time.

Lao Fan is not completely ignorant of the game, otherwise he would not take on the task of contacting Chu Yuanxi. Mini games are basically idle mobile games. The ceiling is obvious in China. About a mini game earns 10 million yuan and the essence is too much to be discarded. This is determined by the effect curve of the purchase and the life cycle of the mini game. However, it is very strong overseas. Lilith's AFKArena, let alone daily life, has a strong ability to attract gold, and ranks among the top ten mobile games of all the celestial dynasties in the United States.

So... Lao Fan shook his head from side to side, asking Chu Yuanxi to say that this single product capped at 10 million, called a product line explosion? Do you burst eight hundred at the same time? Is there so much capacity in the mini game market? This is not the same size as the mobile game "Troubled Times"? Even if the eight hundred bursts together, the money earned is a lot, but for investors, the attractiveness is not comparable to the mobile game "Troubled Times".

This problem lacks enough information, and Lao Fan doesn’t want to. Send: So, if we don’t do mergers and acquisitions, mini games will be the core of Pakistan in the future?

Chu Yuanxi quickly replied: No. Pakistan is a cultural and creative company, not a self-media company, not a game company, nor a film and television company or a brokerage company. The cultural brand is our core, and this core is still in the process of continuous establishment.

In fact, this is the true essence. Mini games reverse the IP play style. The core is cultural brands. There is no cultural brand. Even if the DAU of the mini game goes up and the reputation of the IP is played out, it is difficult for gamers to pass the mini game. Actively or passively understand the content of IP.

Mini games have an absolute advantage in dissemination because they are small, but because they are small, they cannot carry too much content. It is impossible to infect players through the narrative and plot of a grand book like a regular mobile game. It can only be short and fast. Quickly build a persona, highlight a certain characteristic, and then leave you!

Therefore, the cultural brand is the hub and core of the whole game, but it is invisible. There is no department to build this brand in a targeted manner. Only a few people understand the samādhi.

Lao Fan doesn't understand, what's the point of your heart? You haven't established this core after a valuation of tens of billions? In what year do you plan to build it?

On the other side, Chu Yuanxi ended the communication with President Fan and wanted to return to the imperial capital immediately. As for Zhao Jie, it was enough to follow the original schedule, and they didn't have to stay together.

It is certainly impossible to win a transaction of tens of billions of dollars in a single communication on WeChat. A merger of tens of billions of scale is already an epic level in China. It is not a merger of a whole group but a part of it. Face to face. Talk about many rounds. The boss determines the basic terms for at least two rounds, and then the business managers of both sides fight and finalize a specific agreement.

Chu Yuanxi still knows a little bit about business work, and knows what the biggest obstacle facing this transaction is. Ali is one of the best companies in the celestial dynasty and even in the world. Business elites will definitely promote various possibilities, and they will not fail to see what Chu Yuanxi might make when selling games. This obstacle cannot be dealt with by the business manager when it comes to terms. The bosses of both parties must have another round of courageous PK.

When I just wanted to put down my phone, Wei Ning’s message came: Mr. Chu, I saw an interview saying that you plan to name a variety show with 100 million names?

Chu Yuan Xixin said that your response was so quick: Yes, milestone 4 on my well-off side is going to be promoted nationwide. The imperial capital will focus on the expansion, and other first-tier cities will open flagship stores. Don’t use traditional methods to promote it? The budget of 100 million naming is not very abundant. My well-off financing has not been completed yet, and I will know how much money can be used after the completion. Do you have a cost-effective introduction? Needless to say, I can’t afford the fast and longing life.

Wei Ning is really back in seconds, and it may have been finished by the time Chu Yuanxi responds: You can name it "Jixia Academy"! Don't need one hundred million, thirty or forty million is enough. Don't you know that our platform is the most cost-effective?

Chu Yuan Xixin said that although I did release the wind to target you and Fang Shiling, and I didn't really want to name a variety show, but your urgent appearance made me unable to speak. Why are you in such a hurry? Where does this strong desire for survival come from? It must be knocked on the side...

He didn't ask anything else, but instead asked: "Ji Xia Xue Gong" should have sufficient funds, right? I remember that it was a one-million-dollar plan, isn't the funds in your station in place? And the project hasn't got a head start, and no shooting has started, there shouldn't be a funding issue at all. Why should we rush to find a name? You are not in your current state, and I feel that it’s okay to lower the price to 20 million. Suppose I pay 20 million now, sign the contract, and the show will blow up after the show, don’t you lose a lot?

Wei Ning: President Chu, your Prime Minister can hold a boat in his stomach, I am very ashamed to come to you with shame. What is stuck now is not the issue of funds, and it is impossible to talk about the lack of funds.

Why didn't he understand this truth? Finding other sponsors could not even be recognized by someone with 20 million yuan. Only Chu Yuanxi understood the content and value of this project because it was the golden idea he put forward. Therefore, only Chu Yuanxi could recognize the value of the project.

As for past grievances, even though there was a little unpleasantness, Wei Ning always thought that Chu Yuanxi was a generous person...

Chu Yuanxi reasoned, assuming that what Wei Ning said was true, and that it was not a problem of insufficient funds, and that it had encountered a more serious problem. However, at this point in time and in this state, what are the more serious problems that may occur than funds?

Assuming that what Wei Ning said is not true, there is indeed a problem with the funding. According to the project management process, the naming fee cannot solve the funding problem. Because it was obvious that even if Chu Yuanxi signed the name, it was impossible to pay immediately, at most a deposit of one or two million yuan.

Suppose what Wei Ning said is somewhere between true and false? Use lingo to mislead others. In the end, it doesn’t matter if others understand it wrong. Anyway, the explanation is good, and this method is familiar to you. Probably a more complicated situation than imagined.

Fortunately, Chu Yuanxi doesn't need to guess, because there is still a Mr. Xu Yanping who is indifferent to him in Taishan Terrace.

Thinking of this, he clicked on Xu Yanping's WeChat and directly deceived: Mr. Xu, "Jixia Academy" Taishantai doesn't want to do it?

Xu Yanping’s reaction was very strange. It showed that the other party was typing and disappeared, and it showed that the input disappeared again. After flipping back and forth several times, I finally sent it: No, no, no, how is it possible? The province has approved key projects and not only needs to continue. Do and do it well. Who spread the rumors with you?

This is a lot of information? Chu Yuanxi sneered and sent: Don't worry, no one dares to spread rumors, I guess. Okay, then I wish you all the best.

Xu Yanping said in his heart that I had a smooth fluffy ball, and I was so cold! Who told this? Is it Weining?

In fact, he won't have any problems after the matter is cold, because he is not the main responsible person, just a support. However, he doesn't want to be cold. It is best if Wei Ning is killed and righted up. Otherwise, there is no room for profit without a project. What is the use of just watching Wei Ning's jokes?

Thinking of this, he clicked on Fang Shiling's WeChat: Mr. Fang, do you know that Chu Yuanxi is going to name his new company Variety Show? Why don't you go ask?

Wei Ning would never say this to Fang Shiling, because he knew that Fang Shiling was making trouble with Pakistani entertainment, so how embarrassed she was to go to Chu Yuanxi now? But Xu Yanping is fine.

Fang Shiling didn't reply for a long time. In fact, he didn't see it, but was calling Wei Ning crazy.

This is the way of communication nowadays. Instant messaging software has changed the way many people think and do things.

Fang Shiling: Old Wei, isn't there a few more days? Why are you guys?

Wei Ning: I've said that the book you changed is not good. I can't read it. Let alone others, you are too watery! It's only a week, we are very pessimistic!

Fang Shiling sent a screenshot of Xu Yanping's message: Then you can't contact Chu Yuanxi now!

Weining: Not all for you yet! Now you have to find a reason for the project to survive, do you understand? At least it has to last until you turn it on! You have paid 15 million in advance. Now I tell you that "Late Night Gallery" failed to meet the start-up standard. What do you do?

Fang Shiling needs to pay 30 million yuan in the joint venture project, and Taishantai 70 million yuan. Of course, this kind of payment cannot be a one-time payment. Both parties have a payment schedule. The first batch of "Late Night Gallery" only needs to pay 5 million. Originally, if the project went well, it would have entered the next stage when the second batch of 10 million was hit according to the schedule, which is very natural.

But her manuscript was never done.

Usually in this case, the initiator has to consider stop loss. For example, Chu Yuanxi will do it, and 5 million is not needed. This matter is over.

Of course, he will not pay as much as 5 million at the beginning. The amount of advance payment needs to go through business negotiations, depending on how much money the project needs at this It should be reasonable. This has nothing to do with how much money you have. This is called rules.

But Fang Shiling is different. Her business time is not short. In fact, her development is okay. She has a good tone. However, because she hardly receives advertisements, her income is not high, let alone, the key is that she has no chance to accumulate business experience. Business experience is negotiated one after another, and it is promoted time after time, but "Late Night Gallery" can't negotiate money a few times a year except for financing.

So she hit five million in the first batch, and then faced the dilemma that the manuscript might be broken, naturally, she thought not to stop loss, but to save.

But there is a price to save, because it cannot be called nominally. If that happens, Taishan Terrace can only be broken, it doesn't depend on Fang Shiling's desire to stop the loss.

At the beginning, Chu Yuanxi didn’t understand why Taishan Station was so easy to talk about. I didn’t know it was because Fang Shiling’s solution was-Parallel. The second batch of the schedule was launched directly and proceeded according to the Taiwanese draft, anyway. The operation of the period is all about the construction of the crew, communicating with the preset casts, etc., only the concept is needed, no script is needed.

In this way, as long as the Taiwanese book keeps up with the progress, as long as it can pass the review within the time limit, it will be on the right track. Such an elegant and majestic solution is easy to pass by anyone, and the technology can not cross the process, cash can solve it.

Chu Yuanxi was too busy to give up the close-fitting press on the Taishan Terrace. I didn't know that there was such a case. If he knew it, he would show his flying knife in August. Because the second batch is also to be paid, "Late Night Gallery" will have to add 10 million funds to the group, otherwise the second phase will be impossible to talk about.

This is the origin of Weining's vomiting, sister, your sunk cost now is 15 million!


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