Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 852: Fang Shiling's confidence is still there

There may be more typos these days, sorry. The author Jun has a disease that cannot sleep: coughing. If you don’t lie down, you get better gradually. Turn to lie down and get worse immediately. I tried all kinds of methods. It's better not to sleep. Therefore, codewords are sure to be codewords, and there are more codes. What else can you do without codewords? But the brain is not very good.


Fang Shiling didn't speak for a long time. Wei Ning thought she was savoring the harshness of "project survival", but Fang Shiling was in deep fear. A woman's intuition told her something was wrong, absolutely something wrong!

Therefore, she has quickly found the hot interview and found the key passages, but it is all natural, without any abruptness, and the transition is very smooth.

It is impossible to be abrupt, because the interview is based on the outline, how can it be abrupt?

She certainly understands that the project has reached a critical period. Because the first time the manuscript was hit back severely and was 100% negative, it is impossible for the manuscripts written afterwards to wait until it is finished and then throw it in, and hand in the manuscript with the second hand like the last time. This kind of treatment will not be available in the future. The system now implemented is to write at any time and submit the manuscript at any time. I want to write one third of the episode and submit it once. Therefore, Xu Yanping, as the person in charge of reviewing the content at Taishan Station, is in an extremely advantageous position. , Not only keep abreast of the progress of the table, but also have the power to kill.

Of course, the most important thing is the quality of the manuscript. The quality of the manuscript is really good. In fact, he can't stop it, because this is cooperation, not submission. No matter how good the manuscript is, Mr. Xu said no, and he was killed directly, and the cooperating party took the money.

Therefore, the focus of the contradiction lies in the content of the manuscript. Xu Yanping took a rare heart. After following up with the project team, he carefully reviewed the manuscript and expressed his opinions, and his opinions were revised opinions. There were huge internal contradictions. The three creators reached a strategic agreement and asked Fang Shiling: "Can you let Mr. Xu Biete be blind to Jaguar?"

The problem is that Fang Shiling can't... This month, she herself joined the creative team, specializing in water injection, striving for high-quality water injection, but she was shocked to find that her water injection was not as good as the two editors. After all, she had been with the team for so long.

And she didn't understand Xu Yanping. After seeing Xu Yanping's blind Jaguar gesturing, she felt that he was a hardworking person. Although the amendments made were annoying, it could not be said that they were deliberately messing up. It was just annoying. No way, this is the privilege of others.

However, Fang Shiling’s addition has indeed greatly increased the speed. The creative ability is not good, but the ability to rush to work is also an advantage. Therefore, although Xu Yanping has not seen a lot of content, Fang Shiling’s book has already made up enough for eight episodes. There is even a little surplus.

This is the situation she faces. So even though she realized that it was a bit serious, she always felt that this meeting was still possible. The big deal, she went to Taishan Terrace and talked with Mr. Xu face to face. She still had the confidence to walk on this thin ice.

So in the face of Wei Ning and Xu Yanping's overreaction, Fang Shiling was not anxious but fearful. She felt wrong instinctively, fearing that Chu Yuanxi would suddenly add new variables to her plan of walking on thin ice at this time. Now I can't add any variables! unless--

Unless it is a good change. Thinking of this, she replied to Wei Ning: I will meet Chu Yuanxi in person.

Wei Ning was stunned, the extreme kind, completely unsure of what to say. Looking at the simple eight characters in WeChat, he even felt sincerely admired, free and easy, too free and easy!

He hasn’t been idle with Chu Yuanxi for a long time. He has tried his best to display all his life’s eloquence. He has to strictly guard his and her business secrets and burn a lot of brain cells. But Chu Yuanxi There is no looseness at all, especially, people say that the well-off milestone 4 will start soon, and now there is no energy to deal with a new big project. If the cost is one or two million, it doesn't matter, tens of millions are not good, Mr. Wei.

This made Wei Ning very bitter. Unexpectedly, Fang Shiling had such courage and mind.

After a long time, he said: Chu Yuanxi is participating in ChinaJoy in the magic city. I asked him when he would go back.

After stopping, he couldn't help but ask again: By the way, when you decided to grab the Chu Yuanxi project, did you ever think of retreating?

Fang Shiling quickly replied: No, it just feels so refreshing, better than anything else. It feels like drinking two catties of coffee in one breath, completely drunk with coffee. I want to faint but can't do it, my hands cramp but my mind Very sober and refreshing.

Wei Ning hit a string...

Fang Shiling eagerly looked forward to Chu Yuanxi's return. But Chu Yuanxi couldn't. He also wanted to return soon, but there was still a speech from him when he removed the bra. This trip of removing the bra, regardless of Durex's words, Chu Yuanxi was positioned as her own zhuangbility trip.

Chu Yuanxi's tireless Weibo through Weibo is now considered a KOL in the gaming industry, and it is estimated that there will be tens of thousands of online games in the game live broadcast. Therefore, it is essential to take the opportunity to take off the bra and interact with the players, otherwise it is not conducive to maintaining your own personality.

Of course, he can't just take the stage to interact with the players, because the organizer feels that the efficiency is not high. Of course, Chu Yuanxi should give a report from the perspective of the president of Pakistani Entertainment, focusing on company management and game operations. After all, not all players come to ChinaJoy.

This speech was scheduled in the afternoon. Chu Yuanxi did not eat with Zhao Jie at noon, but went out for a meal. After he calmed down and walked around, he didn't want to worry about all kinds of tangled things, he immediately realized that he seemed to understand why the Magic Capital Syndicate collectively looked down on Xiaokang. Even Anqi, even though he recognizes his abilities and recognizes that a well-off society can make money, but they are also cautious about the difficulty of developing a well-off society.

Convenience store culture in this city has become quite popular, and there is no need for market re-education, but it is also very compact and the density of convenience stores is very high. However, the magic capital is the magic capital of the whole family, and the magic capital of the island country's top three convenience stores. The people of the magic capital really recognize the brand of the island country too much!

In the original world of Chu Yuanxi, it was at the end of 2016 that Laimo Capital supervised the promotion of Milestone 4. At that time, the whole family had dominated the city, and 724 and Rosen followed closely behind, but they were not as exaggerated as they are now. And now, there are as many as 1,500 Rosen.

Investigating the reason, Chu Yuanxi suddenly discovered whether the new documents issued by relevant departments catalyzed the city's convenience store penetration rate? This is not a good thing. In this case, I am a magic capital syndicate. I live at this time every day, and I don’t think other convenience stores have any future.

However, Internet thinking is playing subversion, and it is playing dimensionality reduction strikes. Before the three islanders have found their pulse, there are still opportunities! Even if it was the most difficult magic city in the original world, wouldn't it still have a one-third share? Now holding a Yitian sword from the Ba People Group, what are you afraid of?

With a determined mood, Chu Yuanxi returned to the venue and began to interact with the players to report.

The reason for this is interaction, because this is a report after collecting a lot of questions. The main content is based on the extension of the question and talk about my own experience.

This left a lot of room for manipulation, because Chu Yuanxi had the final say on what to choose. In order not to be like Yang Jiangang and not so eager to brag like Zhao Jie, the question of Chu Yuanxi election is more professional but does not involve confidentiality. It is a question that most participants in the market can understand but do not understand. Many people simply Did not think about it. Chu Yuanxi added the finishing touch and pierced this layer of window paper. It must be regarded as dry goods, enough to make a difference.

Therefore, the audience was mobilized in the first place, because Chu Yuanxi benchmarked against Big Penguin as soon as he came up. The topic was-Ba Ren game and Penguin game's growth path, to discuss the gains and losses.

Although Pakistani games have all kinds of magical auras, the most eye-catching one is the growth of "Troubled Times". This is an era when traffic is king, and growth is new traffic. Growing into a game that will rise to the top of the bestseller list once you cut the leek, relying on growth rather than other operations. As for the Pakistani people, they don't even have an SVP for the growth of a specialist company. In the entire Pakistani people, except for Chu Yuanxi, only Sanjing Wang Le and project manager Yu Wenhui can explain clearly how the traffic increased.

This problem must be interpreted from the perspective of business, and it must be the first part that is missing. For example, Penguin has unparalleled advantages, traffic advantages, and big data advantages under traffic.

After a period of opening remarks, “First of all, it is necessary to clarify what growth is, and buying volume is not growth. Otherwise, those who spend money on buying volume are big growth players. This is obviously not the case.” Chu Yuanxi said, flipping the PPT, “Growth must be energy. Make a substantial positive cycle, whether it’s refined buying or washing your own private domain traffic. I found that many friends leave messages asking questions about growth. In fact, the core problem of growth is that low profit margins cannot support buying The ratio of CPI to ARPD must be low, and ROI must be high."

The so-called CPI is not the inflation index, but the promotion cost per download, and ARPD is the return per download. "Why can't I buy money even if I make money? Because the price will rise, boys, it will form a vicious circle. But this is still a good thing, because in the past You can't even buy the quantity, and it's monopolized by the president.

Large factories have a lot of money and orders are large, and the discount rate is high. If you go back three or four years, "Troubled Times" will not buy the amount anyway. But it's not anymore. People with a lot of money don't have good creatives or the game itself, and the amount of purchase is useless. They will be killed by more accurate creatives. You can vote 1 million better than my 10 million. "

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi smiled strangely, "This is also the reason why the Pakistani people are not particularly active in buying. We can't do this. Without the accumulation of big data, we can't make particularly naive advertising materials, and we can't work. . In this regard, the penguins are so powerful."

The following suddenly laughed. In fact, among the heroes bought in the domestic market, the top three are not Penguin games, but the penguin stall is big, there are too many products, and they are all at a high level, which is very scary.

Why are penguins so awesome?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: “Because Penguin masters algorithms and user data, when it pushes its own game, it can judge in advance whether it is worth pushing an advertisement for a certain user. But other advertising platforms cannot let others’ game products and their own The recommendation algorithm is so well connected. When we define portraits for users, there are only a dozen or 20 portraits. Sorry, when Penguin’s data center gives users 2,000 tags when creating portraits. So the efficiency of penguin purchases The cost can be as good as the industry can't imagine."

At this point, he emphasized his tone: "Head-to-head with the Penguin is definitely a dead end. Doing a volume-based game can be a similar level. It can be used for a few months, but it will not last. Penguin has virtually shortened the **** removal process. In addition to the life cycle of all the products of friends, this is the result I observed, and then I put the pot on the penguin's head. Why is it easy to remove the dregs? Let’s talk about it right away."

Although the tone is light, the topic is quite heavy. Fortunately, there is still a way to survive on Douyin. Everyone is fair on Douyin. As Chu Yuanxi said, it is more than the production of advertising materials.

"The difference between Zappi and other companies is that they have their own private domain traffic. Although it is not particularly large, it is incomparable with huge engines and Guangdiantong, but after all, it is backed by portals. As seed users, they are rich. More than rich.

"Seed user", this is a keyword, and it is also asked by friends in the comments. In the past, the advertising operation method did not talk about seed users. Public domain traffic was fully expanded. At the same time, the product was optimized by increasing the retention rate. This is called exclusion thinking. Eliminate non-users and keep users as much as possible. But now in this era of more and more expensive traffic, there are more and more competing products. This can't be done, at least we small households can't afford it, so we must use growth thinking.

What is growth thinking? To put it bluntly, public domain traffic should stimulate the spread of seed users as much as possible and rub the dividends of traffic; then it is best to build your own private domain traffic and convert public domain traffic into private domain traffic; finally, private domain traffic The flow of intensive farming operations.

We do this better than Penguin, our private domain traffic is smaller, but more means. This is thanks to the valuable environment provided by traffic platforms such as Douyin, and Penguin does not have this environment for the time being. Penguin also operates its own private domain traffic, but the operation method is still very traditional, that is, the operation of various game communities, and it is relatively simple to distribute some UGC content. This kind of operation makes it difficult for users to satisfy their curiosity about the worldview and IP outside of consuming official games. "

In fact, there is another reason Chu Yuanxi didn't say that Penguin really wants to do it, at least the self-developed IP game can achieve good private domain traffic operation. You only need to introduce gamers to the IP production locations of Penguin Animation and China Reading Group, and private domain traffic operations are readily available. However, Penguin basically doesn't do this, so the reason is needless to say.

Now, many people want to ask questions on the spot, because, how are Ba people better than Penguins? Some people looked like they could not sit still and wanted to get Chu Yuanxi's attention. Of course Chu Yuanxi noticed, so this one turned over, and then talked about other things, such as community experience, user reach, content differentiation, etc., and then transferred to the brand.

In his hot way out interview in the morning, he also discussed that Pakistani people are a cultural and creative company, and cultural brands are our core. Therefore, the throbbing in the audience gradually calmed down and they all listened attentively.

"Many practitioners think that branding and marketing are linked. That's right, but it's overkill. By injecting Internet thinking into the operation of the brand, the brand can become a new growth engine, not a marketing aid. It depends on it. When you set up a brand, the strategy you set was to establish a brand that is easy to market and facilitate the acquisition of users? Or to establish a brand that contributes to growth. So these contents today are holistic and mutually cause and effect. These are all Is growth."

The report came to an abrupt end here, shorter than expected, but full of information. Seeing that Chu Yuanxi had finished speaking and was leaving the show, many people immediately quit and grabbed the microphone and asked directly: "Mr. Chu, I want to know how you converted private domain traffic into seed users? These two cannot be equated directly. Right?"

Chu Yuanxi’s so-called private domain traffic, everyone present understands that it is the users on the self-media matrix. Their game tune cannot be that high, and the conversion rate cannot be 1:1. As a result, the entire Pakistani network has tens of millions of fans. After the operation of the game, the daily livelihood of the game is more than 30 million. This is no longer a question of conversion rate. This is what many companies most want to hear from Chu Yuanxi.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi said, "Huh? That experience is in the past, and we will have a new mode of operation. Interested students can pay attention to the recent actions of the Pakistani Group, or show their faces or eyes. I don't know the effect, let's stay tuned."

At this time, in the opener of the Imperial Capital, Cheng Huilin was entertaining a distinguished guest in the tea room. This person is a star entrepreneur from India, Xiao Li of OTO Group dumb in the tea room accompanied, and the three people chatted while looking at their mobile phones. This is a scene when Internet companies have meetings and meeting guests. Chatting requires mobile phone assistance, which is not only impolite and efficient. The three people's mobile phones were all interviews from Chu Yuanxi that came out in the morning. On the screen hanging on the wall of the tea room, there was a live broadcast on the breast cover removal, and the people on the front line were under Chu Yuanxi's stage.

It is normal for Xiao Li to visit Cheng Huilin. Although OTO is a subversive hotel leasing contractor, although it has entered the celestial dynasty a long time ago, it has already experienced frantic expansion, confusion, layoffs and refinancing, and has no similarity with the opener, but Graby is the OTO Group Investor, and Cheng Huilin is the co-founder of Graby, this relationship links them together. These Asian capitals coincidentally took a fancy to the dividends of the Chinese market and open policy.

Why should Graby invest in a completely cross-border category of OTO when his own funds are severely insufficient? Because of Sun Dasheng. OTO is Sun Dasheng's key investment company, with a cumulative investment of more than $1 billion, ranking in the top 20 in the SoftBank global investment list.

Of course, Graby is even ahead and immediately overtakes the headlines. Toutiao is second only to Ali and Didi among the celestial companies invested by Sun Dasheng. Under Sun Dasheng's connection, Graby and Didi both invested $100 million in Xiao Li.

Xiao Li listened very seriously, watching Chu Yuanxi talk freely on stage, he couldn't help nodding. "This person is very reasonable, I think the concept of Yitianjian is very good."

Seeing Chu Yuanxi say "Look forward to it", Ah Ya squeaked: "He is going down soon."

"Let the people on the front line ask a question." Xiao Li said immediately, "I probably understand his core."


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