Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 854: Information suppression

Fang Shiling is dressed in a girlish look today. The makeup is very light, with a little concealer, and she looks very young like student clothes. I have to admit that Fang Shiling's bones are far more slender than ordinary people can control this body suit at this age. Although Zhu Yan is also a top body, wearing it will only make people feel nondescript.

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but developed a strong desire to vomit, and asked her heart to say that Zhu Yan, you won't stop driving? But on a second thought, she might not know what Fang Shiling had tortured with him in public at the Yizhuang Google Conference at the end of March? If she knows... Then she just watched the excitement, isn't it a big deal?

And Fang Shiling, how did you do it so that you can stand in front of the old man without any embarrassment? And you have a girly feeling. You are less than 40 days younger than me, right? Does this makeup match this outfit well? Is it to remind me of a beautiful past? The problem is that the beautiful past only exists in my heart. How to break it when it has disappeared? Besides, how intense is our tears? You change your makeup as a turnaround?

However, for the first time, Zhu Yan’s face showed an expression of "apology" that had almost never appeared to her, causing him to swallow a lot of bad things back, and then stretched out his hand in a graceful manner to introduce people into it. Tea room.

Fang Shiling's heart was half down. She was afraid that Chu Yuanxi would not see her, or would collapse as soon as they met. As long as there is talk, it is a good sign.

At this moment, her mind was very active, and she didn't know that Chu Yuanxi's mind was also very active, because he thought of a lot in an instant.

From the beginning of the project being robbed, Chu Yuanxi said that he would win the project and would definitely get the project back, but he always hated one thing. If Fang Shiling is really perfect, he has a chance to keep the project without conspiracy. of. She has at least three feasible strategies.

The so-called inevitably getting the project back will inevitably leave traces of conspiracy. So far, Chu Yuanxi has used arrogance, without any conspiracy. What is a conspiracy? Just like Zhu Yan asked Chu Yuanxi when the project was robbed in March, for example, should I take some personnel to the leader of Taishan Terrace? Although Zhu Yan and Chu Yuanxi used different gears for the conspiracy, the nature was the same.

Fortunately, Chu Yuanxi realized that she did not underestimate her, as far as Fang Shiling showed. In this case, should I give her a knife today, or let her stay in the fantasy for a few more days?

Walking into the tea room, Zhu Yan did not sit down directly, but walked around behind Chu Yuanxi, attached his ears, and whispered, "I have a seal on my mouth today."

Chu Yuanxi rolled her eyes and said to her heart that although I asked you to talk to Fang Shiling and put a seal on your mouth, the problem is that you are almost an island of information. What is the difference between sticking or not sticking a seal?

Of course, it is a bit too much to say that it is an information island. Recently, Pakistani Media and Pakistani Information have worked together to promote the production of short video content related to mini-games. The workload is very full and the works are quite successful.

This makes Lu Yu take great initiative in the cooperation with the headline "co-producer plan", almost pushing this cooperation plan forward, leaving other co-producers a few blocks away. It also made people in the industry complain endlessly, and one after another angrily criticized Chu Yuanxi-how can you make short videos with the money for big movies regardless of the expenses? How do we mess this up! You are rich enough to invest in making a movie! I beg you to be human!

After Chu Yuanxi saw it, he could only reply, hehe, this is the power of Zhu Yan signing an artist at a media company and then not making film and television dramas, and fully devoting himself to short videos. And Zhu Yan hadn't fished for a long time, and Chu Yuanxi could see all these things.

However, the information related to the "Jixia Academy" project has always been closed to Zhu Yan. It is estimated that Fang Shiling is also worried about this situation, right? She was very interesting today. She had forgotten all the unpleasant pasts, which made Chu Yuanxi want to ask. Later, the big brother of Google was the one who had a sense of justice and helped her to be violently attacked. What happened to him? Like it?

But since she pretends to be okay, she also pretends. Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi asked, "I've been here for a while? What did you guys talk about?"

Zhu Yan looked embarrassed, because they actually didn't talk a few words, only a few words, Fang Shiling asked, "Why haven't you picked up Chu Yuanxi?" This in itself was a topic that could quickly open up the situation. The problem was that Zhu Yan couldn't answer this, so he went directly to Chu Yuanxi.

Fang Shilingxin said that I want to talk about something, Zhu Yan, this fool knows nothing! Did she learn this skill after one question and three questions?

She suddenly looked sad and lamented: "What are you talking about? I'm terribly miserable. If you are cruel, I will take it."

Zhu Yan was strange: "We? What's the matter with us?"

"The contract of Gao Wenming has locked me up. I am the producer and he is the director and the first screenwriter. As a result, the script can't come out. This contract now makes me feel painful." Fang Shiling's angle of searching for the problem is always so strange. And this time she happened to be right! Then she immediately changed her conversation: "Did you plan for this? I dug the hole and let me jump?"

After speaking, she carefully observed Zhu Yan's expression, and Chu Yuanxi's expression didn't need to be read. Sure enough, the surprise on Zhu Yan's face disappeared in a flash. I wiped it, it was really like this!

Zhu Yan’s face couldn’t hide things. When Fang Shiling said, she suddenly remembered that after Fang Shiling left the Ba people so proudly that day, Chu Yuanxi was talking to her, but she was suddenly caught It reminded me of sending WeChat to Gao Wenming. Asked him why he didn't hold back a good idea, but Chu Yuanxi still said triumphantly: "It failed by digging the wall."

I didn’t think about it at that time, but now I think it’s very scary...

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi's chuckling again, so similar to the laughter of the day, saying: "We know that people don't talk secretly. It may be difficult for others to solve the problem. Isn't it a matter of one sentence for you to solve the problem of high civilization? "There is another way to understand this, that is-what can you do if you know I dug a hole for you? You can jump out if you have the ability.

Is Fang Shiling angry? It must be angry, but being angry is useless: "We also know that people don't talk secretly. When I wanted to change in May, it was too late. Give me another half a year and I promise to change!"

Chu Yuanxi nodded slightly, not only nodded but also a pity, because the white-eyed wolf Gao Wenming would not thank him.

At this time, Fang Shiling was extremely depressed, because the crux of the problem was not to solve the problem of high civilization, but not enough time to find someone.

The reason I was depressed was because he was bound to Gao Wenming too early. In order to tie Gao Wenming to death, he had to sign a formal contract under the offensive of his WeChat screenshots. Those screenshots are so special that they just sign a contract with me quickly, otherwise Chu Yuanxi keeps tempting me. Look at this price, one million, two million, three million going up, and I can’t control my predecessor. Power of it!

Therefore, Fang Shiling's original plan had to be adjusted. Originally, she planned to use Gao Wenming's name to bluff Wei Ning, win Wei Ning's approval, and then calmly determine the best candidate. Gao Wenming obviously ranks high in this candidate, but if there is a better solution, it doesn't have to be him. At least it is good to draw a few strong people to get together and get bored. After all, the reputation of "High Station Master" is still very great, and it is very reliable for people who don't know his current situation.

As a result, the things that had time for layout were directly finalized. Especially at the Google Conference before the competition for High Civilization and Chu Yuanxi were tortured in public, so that Gao Wenming knew about it and sent it to the circle of friends to celebrate, of course, after blocking Chu Yuanxi.

Then it made it like this... Oh, now you tell me you can change people at will?

Chu Yuanxi said that even if you give it to you for another half a year, it won't be any different, because Baisha finished the draft not long ago. Bai Sha is the real project initiator. He has enough knowledge to write so slowly, let alone find someone else.

He was actually observing Fang Shiling, don't look at what she said miserably, but looking at her heart through words, her heart was still very strong and not miserable enough. In this case, even if she is given a knife today, how many days will she still be able to do it?

Thinking of this, he said calmly: "So what are your needs this time?"

Asking "needs" would be very blunt if it is among friends, and not among businessmen, but on this occasion, Fang Shiling gave some hope, which can be understood as helping but not The meaning of Bai Gang. At least she understood that.

This is very good. Originally this time, it was also a demand. Fang Shiling immediately said: "I want to know why there is no comic for the new "Wu Dao Faunjun" you have launched from the media?"

In fact, "Animal Meal" does not have a comic, but to outsiders, "Animal Meal" and "Animal Company" are the same IP. "Animal Company" is organized and there is no need to start a comic. "A Time in Trouble" is not the same IP. According to the rhythm of "A Time in Trouble", how come there are no comics?

"Because, no need." Chu Yuanxi raised her eyebrows, but didn't want to explain. This IP is a change of routine, and it depends on IP + mini-game expansion, which is different from "A Troubled World".

But in Fang Shiling, it was understood that this IP should be directly filmed, in one step. She suddenly felt that there was room for movement: "Then can the comics of this IP be authorized for me?"

"It’s not necessary. I still have a cosmic country. There’s nothing to do. The hard-line painter paints the cute animal company all day long. I already want to go back to the cosmos country. I didn’t let him paint "Dao Fajun"."

Chu Yuanxi actually knew what she wanted when she asked. Her request can be said to be ingenious, and it fully demonstrates the skill of squeezing wool and has insight into possible opportunities. The problem is that I fully understand why she came here for the title of "Ji Xia Xue Gong". I and you are knife-to-gun and gun-to-knife. What are you doing with one shot, two shots and three shots? Huh?

Fang Shiling didn't realize it, she immediately softly asked: "Help, old classmate, you won't do it anyway. I'm too difficult..."

This attitude surprised Zhu Yan. She had never seen Fang Shiling beg for help in a low voice. Chu Yuanxi had never seen it either.

In fact, Fang Shiling had another calculation in her heart, but she did not expect that she had put on such a low posture. Instead, she was accurately interpreted as four words by Chu Yuanxi through complicated brain circuit inferences-retreat as progress. Oh, I didn't want to squeeze the wool of the comics, but saw that there is wool in the comics, and deliberately aggrieved, and then didn't get it, so as to reach the realm of not squeezing. High, really high!

No authorization to create comics can save Fang Shiling. Time is too late. The copy of the financing agreement signed by "Middle Night Gallery" and Zheng De is in Chu Yuanxi's desk drawer. He basically doesn't put anything in his drawer. If he puts it, they are all time-sensitive documents. For example, this investment agreement will soon complete its historical mission!

In other words, Fang Shiling had already calculated that she would not agree, so she was deliberately wronged. When she refused, she took the opportunity to propose a naming issue, which is equivalent to a garbage equipment "handling" in the game, so as to increase the success rate of really strengthening the hammer.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi wanted to agree with quite nasty fun, and see how Fang Shiling had successfully strengthened the garbage equipment as soon as she touched her hand.

But he couldn't agree so easily, it was too easy to be inconsistent with his personal settings, and someone would say that he would kneel and lick Fang Shiling or something.

"Then, what authorization do you want? Or what is your purpose? Draw the comics and use IP heat to attract fans?" Chu Yuanxi asked with a serious look at authorization, and then secretly observed it. Shi Ling's face showed incomparable shock for an instant. It is a pity that reality is not a game, and there is no way to continue to lay hands.

"Uh... I, I'm definitely not just sucking fans haha." After a short astonishment, she immediately became happy, and she let out a silver bell-like laugh as if she was sincerely happy, but what authorization is needed? What kind of authorization method has become hesitating: "I need...I need, yes, I need to grant me the right to apply for rights based on comics-based intellectual property innovation."

Hesitating, indicating that she had not made preparations. Normally, the authorization must have to be prepared. She planned to shed some light on the right, but Fang Shiling did not. Only because of this, Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but conceal his thumb, saying that your talents are enough to be a copyright manager. Not only are you good at the structure of intellectual property rights, but you can also think of something that you will definitely reject in an instant. It is not easy!

Come on, this can't continue to agree, just play it, don't digress.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi shook her head: "That won't work. This right is given to you. You can authorize game adaptation based on comics, and authorize film and television adaptation."

This division of rights is also a more significant point in the creation of non-original animation and must be clarified in advance. Although the non-original animation is an adaptation, it has also designed many character images and some so-called "original plots", which are plots that are not in the original work and were made up by Jaguar when they were adapted.

Among them, the original plot in the "Naruto" animation is particularly stunned, which completely destroys the original setting, and makes the original setting that is riddled with holes even more unjustified.

But these newly added content also have intellectual property rights. If you don't make it clear in advance, animation companies can authorize the adaptation of games and even stage plays and live-action dramas.

Seeing Chu Yuanxi finally refused, Fang Shiling breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she felt a little regretful. In case Chu Yuanxi really agreed, she really didn't know how to use it.

Putting aside the regret, she quickly became a little wronged, and said pitifully, "Then, can you consider "Jixia Academy" for the title of your variety show? The old guard and I need a strong heart here. needle."

Chu Yuanxi made a thoughtful gesture, that is, she did not speak, and her eyes were out of focus. Although there was no focus, his eyes touched Zhu Yan's, and then he found Zhu Yan's face blank, as if he hadn't even heard of any variety show titles. But this shouldn't be enough to make Fang Shiling think of anything, because she knew that the name was Xiaokang, and it had nothing to do with Zhu Yan.

After such a pause, Fang Shiling felt that there was a door, and his face was pale and continued to beg: "I have not only signed the right bet this time, but also assumed unlimited joint and several liability, even the house is mortgaged. If there is no strong needle, maybe even " "Late Night Gallery" can't keep the control..."

Hiss...Chu Yuanxi suddenly thought of a key Through this wonderful performance, he finally knew why Fang Shiling's heart was still strong, she hadn't even realized that she was in a desperate situation. In, this is a fan of the authorities!

So although Fang Shiling has done a good job of tactical action, she did not develop her power to the right level today. She is not strategically confronted with a life-or-death attitude, so she said that the control of "Middle Night Gallery" might change hands. , Trying to impress yourself by selling miserably.

If it is a matter of life and death, this intensity is not enough...

What's more troublesome here is that before the date agreed by Taishan Terrace and "Late Night Gallery", you can't do it directly, you can only make preparations before doing it. In other words, the following week is Fang Shiling's probation period. So, I can't slap her in the face today, because in fact she still has a way to survive.

It is nice to add a knife, but it may force her to survive, and once she realizes the desperate situation, she will have twists and turns. For example, if she gave up, Fei Taishan directly approached Gong Xing and said that we should change to a variety show. God knows that the old leader who is so old can not afford it? You will have to spend more time and effort.

Fang Shiling had to release some information while unfolding the routine. Unfortunately, Chu Yuanxi was in the upper reaches of the information level. The suppression of the information level made him immediately discover that the most stable strategy for the next week was to hang her. Let her live happily until the end of the day.

Seeing Zhu Yan also looking at herself with questioning gaze, Chu Yuanxi pretended to rub her forehead with a very headache, and then said slowly: "It's about naming it. It's not written yet. When will it be crowned? I have to consider what price is best for me."


Bragging to write more, but I haven’t written anything in the past two days, and the manuscripts are exhausted...


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