Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 855: Internal harmony

In fact, although Fang Shiling can only get one shot today, she can have a better start, just like the special effects of the characters in the game, or the facial makeup in Peking opera, which can bring different feelings.

In Peking opera, Cao Cao had a red face at first, and after killing Lu Jiaman, he said, "I would rather take the world, not the world." Then he turned into a white face, and his role changed from loyalty to treacherous.

The same is true for Fang Shiling. If she says "what can I bring to you" or "what can I get for the Ba people" when she comes today, then under normal circumstances, Chu Yuanxi will listen to it even if she despises it. .

In fact, there is another and more high-end, called "I am here to save you". What these bring, gain or save is not necessarily business and resources, but also intellectual achievements.

It is a pity that she neither understands this truth, nor does she have any wisdom that can be obtained. She is still the original style, which may be woolen, scalloped, and change to various tricks if you can't directly squeeze.

This made her image even more disintegrated. At this moment, when she was about to do her routine, Chu Yuanxi felt that she was liberated.

As soon as his thinking was liberated, his thinking became active. He decided to give Uncle Sheng a vaccination early tomorrow morning.

One of the benefits of the Ba people's restructuring into a group is that they set up multiple levels for others and added special effects. For example, IP grading. The IP owned by Pakistani people is graded. Authorizations above S grade need to be signed by Chu Yuanxi, and uncles below A grade directly sign. Therefore, Uncle Sheng must take the company's rights more seriously, otherwise such an older single man would be a joke in case he gets caught by the green tea bitches!

At this moment, both Zhu Yan and Fang Shiling were waiting for Chu Yuanxi's following, because this was obviously only half said.

But he closed his eyes briefly. Although the symbol is broken, the instinct is still there. I have to say that the image of Fang Shiling is quite confusing and seductive. It would be better to wear a short skirt with exposed thighs. It doesn't matter if the girl's legs are still perfect. How many boys who fell in love with girls in their teenage years have unilateral favors because of their hazy fantasies, and how many of them are because of their spiritual harmony? what a pity……

He had such a brief moment of hesitation. The frog boiled in warm water for a week, and the beautiful girl Fang Shiling is about to face the trial of fate. Is it cruel?

not at all! If you don't judge her, will you judge me? Chu Yuanxi found that she had no choice but to wait a week before giving her a huge surprise.

Thinking of this, Kanfang Shiling still wants to speak, and he waved his hand: "I can't promise you this matter now, but Milestone 4 of Xiaokang will begin soon, and it will only take a few days before it can be decided. I can only agree now. Your "Jixia Xuegong" is under consideration. Besides, no one has said that Xiaokang can't name two variety shows at the same time, ok?"

The little person in Fang Shiling's heart yelled with excitement, even the girly makeup she deliberately showed a sincere smile. Sure enough, licking the dog is still licking the dog, saying a thousand words and ten thousand can not change the essence! Chu Yuanxi, you can! Sister, when you are improving, it turns out that you are eating soft words. After that, I can’t be tough. I was too strong and tough when I faced Chu Yuanxi in the past, Emmmm...

Some people tossed and couldn’t sleep this night. For example, Zhu Yan didn’t sleep well, because she was either blocking the car or watching the excitement. She chose to watch the excitement. She knew that the Google conference was torn apart. How intense. Monica is a few of Zhu Yan's good friends, so she almost broadcasted her live.

For a while, the question of whether the stock of the old aunt still has not stopped falling has filled her mind. Under the careless package, this is actually a sensitive and fragile mind.

But Chu Yuanxi slept well, it was a very fulfilling and meaningful day.

The next day, the founders of the Baren Group gathered in the meeting room early, and even Yang Yuanmei had to wake up early in the good time on Saturday. When she rushed to the meeting room, she found that she was the last one. Fortunately, it was not too late.

Zhu Yan had big dark circles under his eyes, and he didn't know what he thought he had painted some smokey makeup; Jiao Tu was sitting and napping, maybe he was too high last night; Uncle Sheng was talking to Chu Yuanxi, Yang Yuanmei leaned in and listened , Chu Yuanxi urged him: "Just find a girlfriend quickly."

Damn it? What qualifications do you shameless have to urge others to quickly find a girlfriend?

Uncle Sheng responded in the same way: "You persuade me to find a girlfriend? You should find one first."

Chu Yuanxi said that I was kind, and it made it clear. Isn't this afraid that you will get guilty by dating a white lotus or green tea bitch? Besides, I searched hard, sift through one basket after another, you? You don't even look for it! If you don't look for it, green tea **** will look for you if you can't help it.

The problem is that Zhu Yan is here, so he dare not say that. Unexpectedly, Zhu Yan suddenly said, "Yes, do you persuade Uncle Sheng to find a girlfriend? You should find one first."

The atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly fell into a weird...

Yang Yuanmei was in place at this time. As soon as she was in her position, Chu Yuanxi found the target and immediately broke the silence, "Mei Yangyang, you can't do this, you will herd the sheep as soon as Uncle Sheng comes back. Every day, I walk so early and come so late. Unlike the executives of startups, others think you are a female president without knowing it. Or you can also transfer to the copyright department of Uncle Sheng and give him a hand."

"Don't, the brokerage company is very suitable for me." Yang Yuanmei tried her best to make herself cute, mainly because she was hanging on Zhu Yan's side after returning from the southern cruise, so no one cares about her, and the brokerage business is not like her. It's a perfect match, just let the manager do something, and there are reasons to be on the sidelines. Going to Uncle Sheng's side, she can do more.

"That's OK, you can do both. Uncle Sheng, you hand over part of the copyright work to Mei Yang Yang, otherwise her work is too short and not worthy of the money that is about to be allocated."

"Fucking the money again?" Jiao Tu immediately became energetic when he heard it, and the carp jumped up like a fish.

Uncle Sheng blinked and asked, "If Mei Yang Yang is not good enough, is there any way you can not send it to her?"

"What do you ask this for?" Yang Yuanmei scolded angrily.

Uncle Sheng straightened the glasses and said very seriously: "Because the agreement we signed at the beginning is quite safe, and there is a parachute clause. I have been thinking about it, assuming we don’t work hard, can we also lie on our merits? I’ve got too much work lately! I envy you too!"

Yang Yuanmei is obviously deflated, which implies that you have to be diligent when you are under Laozi.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi quietly saying: "Do you know how Zuckerberg cleared Savelin? Reorganizing the company, inflating the huge incentives of everyone else. Without Savelin, his share naturally fell. This method was relatively fierce, and Savelin later got back billions in a lawsuit, but he was still far behind the status of Facebook seed investors.

For those who fish wholeheartedly, we don't have to be so fierce, we can be reasonable. For example, the Pakistani people are now valued at 30 billion. We all ostensibly recognize that Comrade Yang Yuanmei’s contribution and the proportion of rights he holds are appropriate, and we praise her for being worthy of this part of the rights. But she already wants to lie down, what should I do?

simple. The next step of the Pakistani people is to achieve a valuation of, say, 100 billion, and then carry out corresponding equity incentives, and give us all proportional incentives. Everyone's completion of their own incentive work will inevitably increase the company's valuation to the corresponding level or even higher. But because Yang Yuanmei couldn't keep up with her business, why didn't she work well? She became a superfluous person in the company, so there was no business suitable to motivate her, do you understand?

In this way, Yang Yuanmei can still eat the previous 30 billion capital, but the later part of her growth did not contribute, so she can't eat it. "

The few people who said this laughed straightly, because Chu Yuanxi had always buried Yang Yuanmei in this way. This time I continued to use it as an example, vivid image, no one felt strange. Yang Yuanmei was the only one who laughed, because her family started a company, and she recently read a lot of business management books, and her heart suddenly shook.

Why didn't Chu Yuanxi say such things before? Because the financing of the Temoba people has not been completed or the time has not arrived, it is not suitable for new equity incentives! Isn’t it sensible and reasonable to end a luxurious gambling with investors and start new incentives?

Think carefully! What happens if I object? It's too simple. Since Chu Yuanxi has recognized her share of 30 billion li, she doesn't need to consider any parachute clauses, just open it and it's all done. All promises are given, but the bigger ones are gone... …

Wipe, did Chu Yuanxi do such a thing? Yang Yuanmei couldn't help but looked at Chu Yuanxi bitterly, and found that he was also looking at herself with a smile, as if she was saying, "Did you see? It's for your own good to let you stay on the side of Uncle Sheng..."

Closer to home, Chu Yuanxi retracted the devil's smile and said, "I wanted to convene a meeting with you when I came back last night, because I plan to sell the Pakistani game."

These shocking words stunned everyone, even Zhu Yun rarely asked questions, but stared at Chu Yuanxi blankly, waiting for him to explain further.

"No one has any questions? That's it? The meeting ends?" Chu Yuanxi clapped her hands.

Jiaotu quickly raised his hand: "Who and how much?"

Chu Yuanxi said that Jiaotu’s problem is so low. He has been immersed in love for too long, and he needs to exercise and grow up. Otherwise, he always has the title of art director, and it would be awkward to be the co-founder of the Pakistani Group. Ah, I can't take it out.

"The closest buyer is Ali. Ali wants to inject game genes into Lingxi. If there is a good target in the market, you can bid for money. It will probably sell 30 billion, part of the cash + Ali equity. But 30 billion is too low, I think If you sell it to 50 billion, 40 billion is acceptable."

"Hey, didn't you just say that the Pakistani Group is valued at 30 billion yuan?" Yang Yuan said stubbornly, "The subsidiary is greater than or equal to the group?"

"You don't understand this? I can send myself an incentive related to sales tasks, sell Pakistani games to more than 30 billion, and then how much incentives the company gives me, how much is more than 40 billion, and the exercise price Go at a reasonable price, understand?

I complete the incentive task and the company makes a profit. Doesn’t the valuation increase? As for me, it is said that I should get a sales commission. If I sell higher, the commission should be higher if the task is overfulfilled, but it is all motivated and perfect. "

Perfect ghost! You definitely planned today! Yang Yuan Meixin said that this was really troublesome, and she had to find her position quickly.

"The reason? Why do you want to sell Pakistani games?" Uncle Sheng asked, and Chu Yuanxi was waiting for this question.

"The reason..." Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, and said: "First, we can divide a large sum of money, probably five or six billion, right? So that everyone can realize financial freedom together. Second, we You can also reincarnate in the Ba Ren game and change the name."

"Wait, Ali is stupid?" Jiao Tu raised his head. "How did you sign "High Webmaster" when you bought it. Didn't you specifically add clauses to not allow reincarnation? Ali is so professional, he must also sign the agreement. Rule out this kind of operation, right?"

"You don't have to worry about this. It's all business work. If they don't allow me, they will spray them until they are served."

Chu Yuanxi wanted to end the topic, but Uncle Sheng became serious: "Wait a minute, how do you plan to spray? But Ali, if you don't spray it, isn't it? 40 billion is more than the perfect market value. To be reincarnated, I feel like you are looking for a spray."

"Hey what you said, Gao Wenming’s reincarnation and my reincarnation are not the same reincarnation. Gao Wenming’s reincarnation is a direct harm to "High Webmaster’s House" because I don’t want the high webmaster’s attention users to know that the person who wrote the article has This is the reason that has changed, right? Try to minimize it.

But our reincarnation of a game company will not cause direct damage to the assets of Pakistani games. All IPs and directly related self-media must be injected into the transaction, such as the service account, such as the Weibo that was originally split. Wait, pack a price. So what happened to me opening another game company? What are you talking about? Players still care about who the game company belongs to? "

"That's how it is said, but many of our game players are led by the main accounts of the media, right?" Uncle Sheng said while thinking about the logical chain at a high speed. I’m definitely not happy to hand it over to Ali. And you sold the Pakistani game, our comics have always been updated on the service account. It’s not finished yet. How can I change it in the future?"

"The latter is a technical problem. I think it should be like this. You determine a complete outline, and then attach the outline to the contract. The unfinished part of the follow-up is still created by us. You write scripts and pictures, but you continue to submit them as materials. To Ali, this is our unfulfilled obligation. This is very important. Don’t make it too long. The final payment is estimated to be the end of this content as the time point. There is a very small possibility that Ali will ask them to complete the follow-up creation by themselves, no Need us."

Uncle Sheng was very surprised when he heard that, because no matter what was possible, the situation that was originally planned to be written in the Sui Dynasty or even the Tang Dynasty should not happen, at least not by him. This is the work of his life's skills, and it is not much worse than his son, but the capitalists don't consider it. The sentence "Don't take it too long", considering the money, determines many factors.

The so-called world is unpredictable.

Then, Chu Yuanxi went on to say: "As for the previous question, I guess Ali will raise it, but this shows, uncle, I'll just say it, you don't have a game gene to ask. You may be playing games. Okay, it’s not like doing games, so Ali also needs to inject game genes..."

"Okay, don't sell it."

"If the game itself is well done, your users' attention will naturally be concentrated, and you are not afraid of being divided by others. The **** made by your game, then the user's time should be divided by me. What can I do if it’s rotten? Have to throw the pot for me? Give you a Pakistani game. You can’t do it well. Do you still have the face to cry? Hurry up and kill yourself.

Uncle Sheng said that I have to see how you spray Ali.

Chu Yuanxi waved his hand, "I have postponed this transaction until after the end of the year. I will not sell it recently. Let Zhao Jie leave a few months to work hard. We have recently worked together to help Zhao Jie push his mini-game mode. Right? This work is very important. UU reading mini-games + IP can't be done, it is related to the tens of billions of dollars in the sale of Pakistani games."

All of them seemed to understand, but only listened to Yang Yuanmei's question: "What is the origin of that Lingxi?"

"A subsidiary of Ali, which is also a member of the zoo, seems to be serious about playing games. It is already developing games."

Think about it, meow meow? "Then Ali has injected genes into Lingxi?"

Chu Yuanxi chuckled, "Yes, it was injected with a gene of tribute."

What does Jiao Tuxin say is a tribute gene? Can we not be so literary?

When Uncle Sheng heard it, emmmm... "That's not bad. After a few months, they will need Pakistani games to adjust their genes."

Zhu Yan saw that the meeting was about to adjourn, and after waiting for a long time, he quickly asked: "Are you all okay with this price? Pakistani games can earn more than 7 billion yuan a year. Why do you all think that 50 billion is a lot? Many game companies have a P/E ratio of dozens of times."

Jiaotu scratched his nose: "In fact, there are, but I don't understand anyway, so I don't want to ask."

Uncle Sheng laughed: "Don't be too greedy, what about 30 billion in cash?"

Chu Yuanxi was very pleased, Zhu Yan has made progress, and the questions asked are very reliable. "Alibaba only offered a very reasonable price. I wanted to agree to it for a moment."

After speaking, he immediately slashed the mess to end this small meeting of internal harmony, and urged everyone to keep it secret and rush back to Xiaokang. Well-off is four steps away from the milestone, so there is no concept of a weekend at all. There are so many things, it is not easy to allow Chu Yuanxi to run for two days.


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