Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 856: Li Tietou comes home

Under the OKR system, when a large company turns around, the workload of the president is huge, because not only is there someone on the product line who needs to report, but also has to coordinate the overall situation.

Chu Yuanxi’s OKRs are different from those that use OKRs in China. They encourage employees to form teams across project teams, gradually diminishing fixed project teams and emphasizing temporary teams, which poses a greater challenge to management. Switch to a president who is accustomed to leaving the front line, and just overwhelming task applications and milestone schedules drawn up for him can scare people into a fool.

Once in the working state, the time passed quickly, and the time passed by August 9th.

In the past few days, the rivers and lakes have been quite uneven. The bed broke through the Pacific Ocean and made work every day, and then there was a very funny scene-the celestial dynasty was not declared as exchange rate manipulation for so many years, until the ¥ naturally broke by 7 in the past few days. Any interference is declared as exchange rate manipulation.

Immediately afterwards, the bed broke and issued a declaration of rupture in a motion that the United States does not need the Chinese market, and Apple Starbucks loves to do so and will not allow the Chinese company to go to Nasdaq in the future. Listed!

This last sentence caused an uproar in the capital market, affecting not one family or two families, but all. Those companies that have already IPO on the Nasdaq are all sitting on the wax, and the ones who are about to rush past are blind. I don't know if the baby Chuan is talking about it for fun or for real.

After seeing this news, Chu Yuanxi was in full bloom: "I really want to give the Emperor Chuan 100 likes. It's so wise, the good company of the Tian Dynasty is finally saved!"

Yuan Mu vomited and laughed: "When you like it, it's called Emperor Chuan. If you don't like it, it's called Bedbreak. You should be Mrs. Niu?"

Because of the conditions for listing, how many Chinese companies could have been able to become towering trees in a steady and steady way, just to rush into the IPO network at the expense of the future. You must know that there must be two brushes to go to Nasdaq. If you don't chase the market, your development will not be deformed, and you will not be separated from pure corporate management. However, it is difficult to become a tool of capital without running after the listing, and investors do not agree...

Then the IPO took place, and investors will find that the environment is not good after a few days of celebrating. It’s a good year to earn money, but now, the trap of exhaustion of liquidity is waiting for them. They are still unable to sell. They still have to work hard to preserve the paper value, and ultimately there is no victory in the operation of capital. By.

The response of the celestial dynasty to the Emperor Chuan was to announce the tax exemption plan for the Magic City Free Trade Zone, expand reforms and advance opening up, and face hegemony in a kingly way.

The country is relatively peaceful, and Chu Yuanxi remembers three things. One is a trivial matter among trifles. After all, the Huadeng block dog issued a runaway announcement. As expected, the three blockchain stars who came to the door that time, Quante, were not at ease, this group of **** raised it!

The other is a major event among major events. The relevant departments have refined the rules and re-allowed listed companies to acquire game-related assets. As soon as this plan came out, it shocked the capital market again. It has become the norm for the capital market to be shaken every day, especially those who like to figure out what they want, but they can't find a sense of direction at all.

In fact, if it were not for policy reasons, the revenue of Israeli-Palestinian games had already entered the head. From last year to now, the price should be asked every day. In this market, it is not a family or two who need to buy profits. Unfortunately, with the new plan, the volume of Pakistani games is already too large, and the A-share market is eligible for a sharp decline in mergers and acquisitions.

For Chu Yuanxi, the biggest benefit of the New Deal of the relevant departments is that it will help increase prices...

Finally, there is something very interesting. There were two large-scale shootings in the United States within 24 hours, and then the bed broke the second to the game, and successive orders required players to do background checks before they could legally purchase. game. So the game stocks moved after hearing the sound, especially the glass **** stock price plummeted.

Chu Yuanxi was happy, and it was obvious that throwing the pot to the game when something happened was a skill that was applicable to the whole world! It's just the glass **** that you don't rely on keeping watch **** for your income.

Amidst the threat of a broken bed, Wal-Mart removed all violent game displays and videos, but did not remove any guns. Guns must continue to be sold, and if you dare to get off the shelves, you must fight with the girl!

August 9th was a Friday with frequent incidents. Huawei released the Hongmeng OS system and the Ark compiler, and open sourced part of the Ark's framework source code.

This is a bullet aimed at Android. It is openly stated that it is necessary to solve the pain points of Android system safety and efficiency and increase efficiency by 40%. This also means that in the future, it will be difficult for Google to ask the U.S. Congress for policies on behalf of Huawei. The moment the boots land, everything will come to a conclusion.

But Chu Yuanxi didn't care that much, because he had temporarily extinguished his heart to build a car, so I wish Hongmeng OS all the best.

Of course, he is more concerned about Milestone 4, which is about to start, but there is also a small thing worthy of concern today, that is, "Magic Capital" has finally been released.

On August 9th, "Nezha" had already had a box office of more than 3 billion, and it was rushing for 5 billion. After eating the bonuses of "Nezha", the Ba people's self-media is full of brain fat, and the marrow knows the taste and wants to win another vote. Then looking around, there is potential in the upcoming schedule, that is, "Fortress" seems to be slightly possible.

In fact, there are many voices of doubt among the Ba people, especially the problem of this cast is serious with the naked eye, but Lu Yu supports it. Chu Yuanxi asked him why, and Lu Yu hesitated and said, "Because they paid for the advertising..."

Chu Yuanxi took a casual look and found that the publisher of the film was obsessed with self-media advertising. The public size of the Pakistani people had nothing to do with the film and television. However, "High Webmaster" was a film critic, and the price was the same as that of Lu Yu. Suppressed, grabbed it quickly. "High Station Master" has become a dead end in Pakistan. The historical mission has been completed. As long as it is not a local bee-level advertisement, you can receive it.

Even Chu Yuanxi was secretly stunned when he saw the quotation. "High Webmaster" has not been serious about posting film reviews since it was taken over by Pakistani people. It is already a hip in the domestic film review account, and he actually received a unit price that cannot be rejected. What? And they don't just post the official account, even the grandmother at station B will not let go. The lowest advertising cost of the self-media has to be over 10 million, right?

If you are so confident, why don't you do a good show? "Nezha" is completely the opposite, what is the advertising from the media? Dianying is the kingly way to enhance reputation.

The unit price of this advertisement directly aroused Chu Yuanxi's curiosity, but he was too busy lately to go, so the staff of the free Pakistani rushed to the theater. The co-founders of the Lianba people have also gone. These days, they have gradually recovered from the excitement of being able to divide hundreds of millions and can work seriously. Think about it carefully. Without a well-off society, the earning power of these rights and interests of the Israelis and Palestinians can always be realized, and now it is nothing more than part of the smooth realization.

In less than two hours, the company’s WeChat group was completely unavailable, so I went to see it hoarsely and told my colleagues behind me not to come. It’s not worth fishing.

Employees who hadn't left would not do it at that time, and they had to go on half-day leave just for paid.

"It's really not worth it, I haven't finished watching it, suffer, suffer! It's work that makes me happy! But when I think that my job is to play this movie, ah--"

"Mr. Lu, how much did you charge for your advertising? Can we still have time to delete the article? If you don't delete the article, I might lose followers."

"Is it that bad?"

"Fuck, is there such a difference? A score has already come out, 3.9."

"It doesn't mean anything at first, it will pick up."

"Regaining your hair, you should be scoring mostly flow fans and original fans? This is the peak of the scoring."

"When I watched this movie, I feel especially worthless for the "Asura" released last year! The box office on the first day of this film was tens of millions, **** it. "Asura" is just a bad plot, but the special effects are awesome. The key is that the special effects are all on the same layer. Has the cost of this fragmented Nima been given to the cast? The battle is not on the same layer."

"I am very contradictory. I want to post to Moments to tell everyone not to watch it, but I don't want others to know that I have watched this movie."

"This piece is too sad, think about the end of the world aliens are coming to annihilate the race, the one who rushes to the front is not the wolf but... can you not be sad?"

Chu Yuanxi had to bubble up, and couldn't let them party like this. "Hey, you should watch the movie with a working mentality. Watching a movie is the content of your work, not for your leisure and entertainment. It doesn't matter if it is bad, but it must be able to bring traffic to the company and then vomit."

The group became quiet for an instant, and Chu Yuanxi watched with satisfaction for a while, and continued to send: "I need high-quality comments. Are there any high-quality comments? I want something to say."

Wang Le: "Let me just say a few words. From the perspective of product operation announcements, this film is outrageous. Isn't this a children's movie? When we were young, didn't we like to watch cartoons about wearing uniforms to defend the earth? Isn’t "Fortress" good? The plot is not important at all, okay? If the target audience is elementary school students and junior high school students, take the campus route and the school approves the filming expenses, the box office of several hundred million should be easy.

Lu Yu: "I have summarized the opinions of several technical officers of Pakistani Information. The visual effects of this battle are too vague, and the fighting is full of enthusiasm. I haven't seen what is actually fighting for five minutes because there is no frame." "Transformers" has this problem. In "Bumblebee", the bug was corrected, which slowed the speed of the battle. This kind of film will be distorted without details, and the action special effects must be adjusted. The animation of "Spiderman" was deliberately drawn Frame, the hit feel is immediately different."

Someone echoed below: "Yes, there is no correct motion blur, no accurate motion adjustment, the higher the number of frames, the more blurred."

Chu Yuanxi frowned as she watched. This is really high-quality and tangible, but it's not easy to make the content. Isn't it possible to write an official account to diss the show party's technology? This just took other people's funds, it is too immoral.

At this time, Jiao Tu suddenly appeared: "Wait when I go back to make a video, I promise to be awesome."

As a result, when he came back, he made a comparison between the Great Wall Motors advertising video and the wonderful moments of "Fortress"...

This cheating comparison video was thrown on Douyin and got millions of likes, which became the only reward of this movie watching activity.

However, Chu Yuanxi didn't have time to appreciate it, because Li Jingfei had come, as he requested, to listen to the semi-annual report of the Pakistani, confirm the transfer of gambling matters, and talk about the feasibility of withdrawing by the way.

The Pakistani semi-annual report has been officially released. This official report cannot conceal overseas income. Even the accounts receivable must be reflected in the report, so the number is still very moving. Correspondingly, it will take some time for investors to confirm this report. Even the Magic Capital Syndicate clearly sent the financial "assistance" the audit agency hired by the Pakistani people to do the review together, and they still took it back for research carefully and carefully.

Only Li Jingfei has been pushing the threshold of those who dare not to depart three times and four times.

"Li Tietou, you said you are like this, like a grandson, why are you?" Chu Yuanxi sat at the tea table and laughed, "Can I still eat you?"

Li Jingfei laughed dryly, because Chu Yuanxi, the grandson, didn't take the initiative, and it was okay to let the wind blow up, and he attracted attention when he opened the door. Especially after doing an exclusive interview, the Pakistani people reported their half-year performance, and I don't know how the attention of these people was distorted. They all focused on the Pakistani group shares he held.

The shares are now valuable! At the beginning, I blindly voted 30 million with my eyes closed. It was too wise to vote. Now it is worth hundreds of millions. It's a pity that the cast is a little bit less, and I should have missed the opportunity of Allin. I don't know when I can come again, and I don't know if the opener is this opportunity. The point is that he is equivalent to being in Cao Ying and money in Han. The more profitable the investment, the less comfortable he will be.

Thinking of this, Li Jingfei was holding a question in his neck, feeling that his neck was about to burst, but he couldn't ask anyone, and he couldn't ask Chu Yuanxi.

His mixed feelings of shame, grievance, and anxiety were completely written on his face, and Chu Yuanxi was very hesitant to engage with him. Should such Li Tietou cheat him? Just like bullying honest kids in kindergarten, I'm so embarrassed. But after thinking about it, he's not honest!

Thinking of this, he continued: "I know that you are holding Pakistani shares. Pakistani and Xiaokang are under my control. Xiaokang and the door opener are a bit verbally at odds with each other, so you are in trouble, right? Wouldn't it be over if you withdrew the Pakistani shares?"

At the time of investment, the agreement was very clear. Shareholders cannot trade freely. Only when certain financing nodes come can they exercise certain rights and sell them to investors who subscribe for the next round of equity. The so-called certain financing nodes do not include the B round.

In other words, investors who want to exit have only one way to buy back shares of the Pakistani Group. Fortunately, although the winning or losing agreement is great, it includes the corresponding exit activation, especially when the management has finished the betting, Li Jingfei wants to withdraw, confirming that the time when the betting and transferring is an option Exited.

After this village, the Pakistani Group took the initiative to propose a repurchase, and investors would lose their initiative to withdraw.

The Demon Capital Syndicate also wanted to retire. Recently, I have been competing with Chu Yuanxi's internal strength for a long time, mainly because the price is not satisfied. In fact, Zheng De also wants to retire, but the purpose is different. Only after quitting can he have money to invest in the well-off.

Li Jingfei had mastered this situation. Not only did he master it, he also wanted to wait for Chu Yuanxi to increase the price, and he was the first to withdraw from the increase. Can't use his own money to invest in the door opener, he is really a professional CFO!

What they didn't know was that Chu Yuanxi also wanted them to retire now. After refunding, you don't need to divide their money to sell Pakistani games, it's that simple. Although this matter may be kept secret by the Pakistani people, if Ali tells it, it is something no one can do, although Ali may not say it.

In fact, before a major transaction is concluded, the participants should remain silent, otherwise there will be too much room for manipulation. But no one can guarantee this, so Chu Yuanxi also hopes to operate as soon as possible.

However, Zheng De can't retreat like this. After retreating like this, it is inevitable that people feel that they have pitted Zheng De together. Both of them have jumped off the car. Zheng De got in a well-off car. Therefore, he has been persuading Yuan Lu to adjust the exit price to a valuation of 36 billion in the past few days. Are you satisfied?

Yuan Mu: "We are satisfied."

Chu Yuanxi: "No, you are dissatisfied."

This kind of communication is beyond Li Jingfei's grasp. But Yuan Mu seemed to understand something.

Therefore, Li Jingfei came to the door today, and Chu Yuanxi changed his old style of probing and determining, instead of driving the other party’s psychology and inducing their feelings, they organized a WeChat conference call in a few words. Here is him, Yuan Mu and Li Jingfei, and over there is the Magic Capital Syndicate, discussing the exit price.

In fact, the Demon Capital Syndicate has received the news, and Chu Yuanxi is willing to increase the price to 36 billion, which has increased by 20%! It is not easy to be able to eat two daily limit in Chu Yuanxi. Although they are not particularly satisfied with this price, they have reached the bottom line.

So the meeting started in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, but soon, when Yuan Mu said that we would not retreat, all of them had their own minds.

What the Magic Capital Syndicate thought was that Zheng De had a good relationship with Te Mo Chu Yuanxi, so there was a possibility of withdrawing whenever he wanted to, at least greater than their possibility, so Zheng De could continue to wait and see.

As for Li Jingfei, he was surprised that he knew a little bit more about Yuan Jing, Yuan Mu, or Chu Yuanxi than the Modu Syndicate. He knew that Yuan Mu expressed his attitude on behalf of Yuan Jing, and Yuan Jing was a result-oriented person. When considering entering and exiting, he did not consider emotional factors at all. He only looked at the contract and terms, and only looked at whether he should operate.

In other words, he didn't know if Yuan Jing felt that the Pakistani people would still appreciate in value, so shouldn't he withdraw at this time? Or did he reach an additional agreement with Chu Yuanxi?

After all, exit conditions are one aspect, and valuation must also be considered.

"Hey, I said Chu Yuanxi." Li Jingfei screamed beside him, "You don't have a secret agreement. Although our investors have different shares, you should treat them equally."

Chu Yuanxi said that you are thinking too much, and I have worked hard to get you here this time today. It is more than an agreement that I want to cheat you.


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