Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 861: Fang Shiling PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

The atmosphere in a well-off society is joyful and peaceful, but on the other side of the imperial capital, the atmosphere in "Late Night Gallery" is not quite right. This Monday, the editorial department could not hear the discussions that must have occurred in the past, could not hear the intensive sound of crackling keyboards, could not hear the screaming of investigators who collected hot events, everyone held their breath and glanced at the tight glass door from time to time Closed editor's office.

Doing variety shows has long been known to the entire company, and some people have been excited about it, but financing and gambling have only recently emerged. Many people are deeply worried about the courage of Fang Zong. If "Late Night Gallery" really changes the actual controller, their work will inevitably be affected.

At this moment, there was a scream in the office, only to hear Fang Shiling asked with a mixture of crying and questioning: "Stop cooperation! Why! I invested money!"

For a while, everything was silent, and the newsroom could breathe. Many people keep their eyes on their way, they have something to say but they dare not.

In Fang Shiling’s claustrophobic space, Xu Yanping’s peaceful voice came from the phone: “Oh, Mr. Fang, your manuscript has improved but the distance to meet the requirements is too far away. There is no one in the station who said yes. Your time has been delayed for too long, and we have clarified the suspension conditions last time, so we have to make the best move."

Cold all over, Fang Shiling knows that there are several possibilities to face today. The lowest probability is to directly pass the draft, but she thinks that the probability of terminating the cooperation is the second lowest! And the highest, in her mind, has always been grind, nothing more than how to grind, the grinding process is hard to say. For this reason, she is even prepared to fly Taishan. Isn't it a common thing to repeat a notebook several times? I didn't expect Xu Yanping to tell her that the cooperation had ended? Stop your uncle!

Although her mobile phone is occupied, the computer WeChat is still on. In so many seconds, she has launched a series of fatal calls to Wei Ning, but the opposite side has fallen to the sea without any response.

Just listen to Weining continue to say: "Oh, yes, since we talked about the money for the real estate owner, after terminating the cooperation, the initial payment of 5 million yuan is used as a prepayment, which can be negotiated to return a part of it, and then it will be refunded to you. But second It’s impossible to get back the ten million yuan this time. It has already been spread out. You have signed a supplementary agreement."

This relaxed tone made Fang Shiling's heart cold, and she found that Xu Yanping seemed to hang up? She shouted like a mad tiger: "Wait for Mr. Xu, wait a minute, Chu Yuanxi, do you know? Chu Yuanxi of Pakistani Entertainment, he promised me to name me in the last few days. Our project has already requested You have paid in! It only takes a few days. Can't you wait?"

On the phone, Xu Yanping seemed to have a laugh? He only listened to him slowly saying: "I know Mr. Chu, Wei Ning said that you found him. Originally, the station really considered this factor, but he didn't just post to Moments and said that after careful consideration, he will not be named. Any variety shows?"

Fang Shiling suddenly turned black, and asked desperately, "Mr. Xu, can we change to a variety show?"

Xu Yanping said he would change to a funny variety show? You are indeed quite talented! "Well, I can't decide to re-establish the project. Why don't you talk to Wei Ning for more information, Mr. Fang."

After speaking, he directly held up the phone and then laughed out loud.

At this time, Wei Ning, of course, already knows what happened. He is not a three-year-old child. The colleague in charge of the legal contract in the station has changed, and he can still feel it as the vice president. In particular, it is not only necessary to draft a new contract, but also to terminate the contract with "Late Night Gallery". This contract was originally signed by him, so how could it not disturb him.

The problem is that if you know it, you will know. At this time, Wei Ning's heart is ashamed, and he is not even in the mood to read the phone. The project leadership is definitely gone. This is the most direct loss. Fortunately, Chu Yuanxi has to take control of the project. In other words, it's only a matter of whoever connects here. You can use this to comfort yourself.

However, this kind of spiritual comfort was useless. Wei Ning felt as if he was seriously ill. He didn't want to move or meet people and just wanted to stand up. As for how Chu Yuanxi snatched the project, she didn't even care about it. Blame Chu Yuanxi? Is it weird? I have a bit of B number in my heart...

Therefore, Fang Shiling's mobile phone immediately switched to a serial call after the liberation, and it was still a dead end, and the silent sound was set here.

Feeling two drops of tears slipping silently from her cheeks, Fang Shiling's heart suddenly shook. Now is not the time to cry! She immediately wiped off her tears and patched up her makeup, even if she was in desperation, she couldn't give up her hope of life!

Soon, the editorial department watched Fang Shiling, dressed in high heels, walked away in awe. Suddenly, the office felt like a pit was suddenly exploded, and there was an earth-shattering noise.

"Sister Fang doesn't care about the situation, at least she has never lost her momentum."

"Hey, hey, it's all a small case, just a small case. We haven't experienced any big storms? The main account was almost blocked last year, isn't it okay?"

"This time is different. This time I signed a right bet. Have we signed a right bet before?"

"It's as if you know it well? What's the gamble? Take Jaguar."

"You have to believe in Fang Jie's public relations skills! Yes, the public relations skills should be drawn into the comics of "Fang Ge Fang Jie"."

In the chaos, there is only one girl who has been sullen and silent, and that is the one who has entered the creation group of "Jixia Academy". In the creative group, she is the only editor who is still editing, the other two are Gao Wenming, and the other has left.

Soon, someone discovered her anomaly: "Hey, why don't the people who know variety shows the best not to speak?"

The female editor slowly raised her head and pressed her mobile phone. The WeChat group was originally opened in the mobile phone. In the group, Xu Yanping was chatting with Gao Wenming. One is the main creator, and the other is responsible for reviewing the manuscript. However, Fang Shiling was involuntarily speaking in the group, Gao Wenming was already in anger, because this time he added a lot of content.

In the eyes of a third party, Xu Yanping is actually talking about civility and politeness. Otherwise, he wouldn't even have to say anything, or even just leave the group.

The reason she was in a daze was not how wonderful Gao Wenming sprayed, but Gao Wenming's exhausting questioning: "Do you know that a company with a small house like this might lose it! When she raised funds, the organization asked her to bear unlimited joint and several liabilities!" Did you do it on purpose?"

A little bit of common sense understands this consequence, and the female editor can't help asking herself, would it be better if the two of them hadn't tried to squeeze out Gao Wenming in the past few months? But in any case, these are not suitable for telling colleagues.

In another corner of the office, there are others thinking. For example, the editor of the "Fang Ge Fang Jie" team responsible for docking with the Pakistani people is whispering: Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, our house manager is out, and the visual inspection is to go to your company.

In fact, Lu Yu had received news from this channel many times, and some were quite useful. Chu Yuanxi specially asked him to maintain this source of information.

So today this news is also very useful. After Lu Yu was ventilated, he immediately turned to Chu Yuanxi, and then Chu Yuanxi finalized the afternoon's itinerary—to go out to sweep the shop.

The staff composition of the newly opened stores in Xiaokang is as old as they are, but the so-called "old" is not too old, because more than ten stores opened in the early stage adopted a rotation training system for the staff, and the staff is not fixed, or The battalion soldiers called Tie Da used the previous milestones to train a large number of shop assistants. They are all considered old, but not many people are always on duty. They need to make room for others after training.

Only the store managers and deputy store managers are truly valuable assets and have a lot of experience, but there are more than 20 people who are full. So after Milestone 4, these twenty-odd store managers and deputy store managers must move forward collectively, and the old store will be handed over to the newly promoted store manager, but it is definitely not enough.

Therefore, it is necessary to promote the backbone from the ordinary shop assistants. Chu Yuanxi's shop sweeping is not pretentious, he has the right to directly promote the future shop manager across the process.

Some of these clerks are newly recruited young great guys, some are old people who followed the Ba people's push operations, and some are trained from Cao Shan early on. They are very mixed, but they are also very excited. The speed at which Xiaokang expands stores will obviously create a large number of gaps, which means a large number of opportunities. For them, it is a golden opportunity that is tangible and visible.

The so-called shop sweeping is like a shop patrol commissioner, taking a look at it with his own eyes, and also boosting morale by the way. Chu Yuanxi must do it sooner or later. As a result, just after scanning the second store, Chu Yuanxi came out after inspecting the warehouse, but before leaving the house, the automatically sensing store door suddenly moved horizontally, and a hot wind accompanied Fang Shiling's figure "whooping" in.

In the imperial capital in August, the light at 1 o'clock in the afternoon was very dazzling, forming a bright halo behind Fang Shiling, and the hot wind blew her shoulder-length Sassoon hairstyle to flutter. Chu Yuanxi couldn't even see her face a bit, but looking at her height, her walking posture, listening to her footsteps, and even if there was a scent, she told him clearly that Fang Shiling was here.

Especially this scent, Chu Yuanxi swears that it is absolutely impossible to smell it from such a distance, but it is like an instinctive conditioned reflex. Seeing Fang Shiling, the brain will deceive the sense of smell, pretending to smell this inscription into the nervous response system. The fragrance.

A small floral skirt, a black sleeveless top, a string of amber hanging on her left wrist, and a thin and large leaf-shaped earring. Chu Yuanxi was really surprised at this moment, but immediately felt not surprised again, because she has always been such a person, with a very strong purpose, and will not give up unless she achieves her goal.

Chu Yuanxi felt sorry for Fang Shiling when his thoughts turned here. She just can’t handle it. The starting point of life seems to be higher than that of ordinary people, but the foundation that should be laid is the same, the experience of the experience is no experience, and she lacks a direct concept of operation. As for how to deal with people, she started early. Own methodology. All of this, like a holographic projection, focused on the "Ji Xia Xue Gong" project, leaving her with perseverance. She can't always find a limited number of correct solutions. It's a pity for her perseverance.

When guests enter the store, the staff in the store are uniform: "Welcome to a well-off life, a 30% discount for registered members, free bike rides, free coffee for a cup of coffee—"

This labor-like welcome gave Fang Shiling a trance. She seldom fell in a trance. This momentary trance made her expression extremely natural. There is no such exquisite self-interest drive, no purposeful nature.

Seeing Fang Shiling's slightly silly look, Chu Yuanxi was stunned, if she could have been so silly forever, maybe she could re-symbolize. The old memories seem to be beating with the dazzling sunlight. Unfortunately, although Fang Shiling's appearance has not changed for many years, as if she can escape the invasion of time, the impact she left on herself has formed her soul Chu Yuanxi knew that he would never go back to the past.

I don't know when I will forget her, right? Maybe soon, maybe, never forget.

Chu Yuanxi took out his mobile phone to check the time, and then, without asking what he was coming from, made a gesture of reaching out and led Fang Shiling to the dine-in table of the convenience store. The space of this shop is a little narrow, there are no seats, and the dining area is a long L-shaped table crooked along the corner. The feeling of well-off loneliness is evident in this small dining area, and no clerk comes up to bother, as if it forms a closed space with the shelves.

Although Fang Shiling was on an isolated island of information, at this moment, it seemed that he suddenly understood something and looked at Chu Yuanxi's serious and rigid face seriously.

"You, you have never thought of naming me, right? No, not naming, but you have always wanted to get "Jixia Xuegong" back. I understand, I understand, you basically, simply You have been manipulating behind, right?"

The more Fang Shiling said, the paler her face became, as if she suddenly thought of terrible consequences. Her tears circled again, but they did not fall.

Chu Yuanxi neither spoke nor changed his expression.

Fang Shiling took out a tissue and wiped his eyes, "I lost this time. You won. Have you signed a contract with Taishan TV?"

"That's not so fast." Chu Yuanxi finally said, "It's not that I won or you lost, but why do you think that I have deep cooperation with Taishan Station and have a lot of related interests. Next, you, a person who has nothing, can take away my project, so I can’t do anything? All you can rely on is Wei Ning. When did you realize that Wei Ning is not biased towards me is already too much , When will I understand a little truth."

"You have changed..." Fang Shiling really understood everything. In fact, she had a foreboding on the way when she drove. A woman's instinct was always accurate, so she was dead or alive!

She took a deep breath in silence, "The way you used to be is really disgusting, naive, unreliable, clever, you have all the traits of annoying boys, especially when you look at girls, think I don’t dare to look, it’s really awkward. You are all transparent."

"It's normal for me to change. People are not the same. Besides, it's a long time ago." Although Chu Yuanxi didn't change his face, these shop assistants could all recognize him. They are all well-off migrant employees. Do you listen to gossip one by one while hiding behind the shelf?

But it doesn't matter. It's rare to see Fang Shiling personally and pass a few small gossips? But he couldn't think that this was not a little gossip, and saw Fang Shiling tilting her head and pulling her hair with her hand, and said with her face sideways: "You have indeed changed, you have really changed a lot, Chu Yuanxi. You are sinister, There is a city mansion, and the cheating people don’t blink. Do you know what kind of man women like?"

Chu Yuanxi finally changed color slightly, what on earth did Fang Shiling want to say?

Fang Shiling said: "Women like men who are a little bit bad. Men can be undressed, but they have to be mature. If you are like this early, I don't know how many girls like you."

She said that she took off her glasses, revealing the real face behind the glasses, and said seriously: "I have to apologize to you."

Chu Yuanxi's super self told herself not to listen! But I want to hear the self part. So he leaned back, his upper body leaned back and leaned against the edge of the table in the dining room, with his arms spread out on the edge of the table.

This is a very comfortable posture, easy to listen to, Fang Shiling's voice is still so nice, the pleasant fragrance and serious look made Chu Yuanxi reluctantly refuse to listen to her.

He watched Fang Shiling carefully. Fang Shiling raised his head and stared at him with his eyes removed from the lens. At this moment, Fang Shiling's eyes were full of silently saying what she wanted. This hot and intense emotion, crystal-clear emotion with tears, no matter Zhu Yan, Feng Lin, or other women can't catch them, like a spider cast a big web, trying to tie an eagle, a spider I think I have this possibility!

I only heard Fang Shiling say: "What makes me really sorry is that I used to treat you as a waste wood, and then I treated you as a dick. The outdated impression blinded me. I couldn't see your excellence for a long time. It was too late when I found out. I have been looking for someone who can break my heart in all aspects throughout my life. I didn't expect this person to appear long ago. If we had the opportunity to live together for a while... …"

Can this passage be regarded as a confession? It sounds so good, Chu Yuanxi has a feeling of spring breeze. What does Fang Shiling want to hear at this time? It's probably like "it's not too late to start now", right?

So he blinked, "It's not too late to start now?"

Suddenly, Fang Shiling's eyes lit up with tears of excitement. Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "When your company is dead, you can go to Pakistani Information to work as a part-time worker and learn about how a real modern enterprise operates."

The heart and hope Fang Shiling just mentioned, the rain was blown away by the wind, and the tears could no longer be held. All the hopes flowed out with the tears: "How can your heart be so ruthless and so rushed!"

Chu Yuanxi showed a faint smile: "If I have liked you in the past, it is not because I am blind, but because you are filled with pride and self-confidence. What attracts me is definitely not filled with cunning and scheming. I still prefer to see me. The way you like you, goodbye, I didn't rush to kill, there are still several battles waiting for you."


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