Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 862: Pakistan's withdrawal of shares

August 12 was a very exciting day. Returning to the company in the afternoon, Chu Yuanxi found that Qi Yu and Yang Yuanmei had finished communicating. When finalizing the preliminary schedule and project team structure with Qi Yu last weekend, she asked Yang Yuanmei to be transferred as an executive producer.

Yang Yuanmei and Qi Yu were old colleagues in the Pengfei period. They may be more lubricated when they work together. Moreover, Yang Yuanmei is a panacea. You can eat it, but you can do anything. Although you can’t be particularly professional, it’s exactly what it is now. It's right to pull her to make up the pot at the stage.

According to Qi Yu's plan, the only person who needs to be tested at the moment is Bai Sha. He has been appointed to the position of director, just like the positioning of Gao Wenming when Fang Shiling was planning.

Then Zhu Yan became the boss behind the scenes for the first time, responsible for allocating resources.

When Chu Yuanxi returned to the company, several beauties were holding a WeChat phone conference, arguing over the space because of the cast. Chu Yuanxi quickly patted Zhu Yan and Yang Yuanmei, and interjected: "You can give me a little bit. Don't leave the cast aside the Taishan station, okay? Let's control the board, or the cooperative relationship. This kind of thing should first be communicated with Xu Yanping. a bit."

"Hey, Chu Yuanxi is back?" Qi Yu asked on WeChat, "Chu Yuanxi, look at our lineup, including the choreographers you brought in, all newcomers, okay?"

"Don't worry, there is no experience that money can't buy. If there is, then you have to add money."

Chu Yuanxi left after saying a few words, mainly because he couldn't and would not allow himself to be too attached to such things. What he needs to care about is, for example, Baidu Kuaishou announced today that it had invested $450 million in something, the official announcement, and the headline was out. This is a major event that may have a profound impact on the industry, and it needs to be analyzed.

In fact, introducing Baidu Kuaishou's traffic into something is really a win-win-win? If Paidao thinks it is a win-win-win, it is a lack of awe of traffic, especially for the community, the huge traffic may change the atmosphere of the community.

In fact, there is a lot of new sinking flow. Yesterday, on August 11, Yenching University withdrew from the special admissions program of a certain place, because the scores were too bad, and the two sides got stuck, and there was a hot spot on the stick. In the past, things like this kind of thing with a certain atmosphere would at least not laugh at Yanjing University. Those two prestigious universities have a body protection aura. But yesterday, it caused a group of ridicules like raindrops, which made Chu Yuanxi stunned.

Pushing one day forward, last Saturday, a well-known female writer living in a high-end community in the City of Magic City ran to the Internet to show off her wealth and vent because the toilet was blocked by the heavy rain. Because he is too hypocritical, he claims to be a Top5 person, and it happened to reveal that he lives in a house of 20 million yuan but his mentality is less than 200 yuan, and he was also ridiculed by the group. The usual level of lyricism is still a well-known writer, and it is also excusable, and it is not at all, but there are too many users who are sinking in the current situation, and the community atmosphere has quietly changed.

Therefore, certain user growth issues need to be sorted out carefully. Especially when their monetization source is mainly advertising and knowledge payment, especially when knowledge payment is not as powerful as getting APP, any operational error may cause an avalanche.

After the day turned, three major events occurred on the 13th. The first thing was that the video and photo social networking site Tang Buhot, which used to fight against Facebook, was sold off. The transaction price was only $3 million, which was thrown away like trash. You know, when Yahoo bought Tangbu Hot in 2013, it spent a whole 1.1 billion!

But thinking that Yahoo did this is surprisingly harmonious. In 1998, Yahoo could acquire Google for $1 million in cabbage, but Yahoo did not do it. In 2002, the acquisition was launched again, and the asking price rose to 3 billion. Google felt it could be negotiated, but the counter-offer was a mere 5 billion, but Yahoo was horrified again.

In 2006, the second year after completing a share swap investment with Ali, Yahoo took a fancy to Facebook again, and the price was also $1 billion + stocks, just like investing in Ali. It was really a golden age for investors. Bargains at this price were all over the floor. As a result, Facebook happened to have a small internal problem. Yahoo immediately cut the money to 850 million. Xiaozha is such a staunch person. ? I was so angry that I tore Yahoo TS on the board.

This was also the beginning of Yahoo’s decline from prosperity. Originally, there was a chance to jump in 2008. Gates’ father took 40 billion US dollars in cash and hoped to accept it, but Yahoo Palace refused after a period of fighting until 2016. , $4.6 billion was sold to operator Verizon.

This is the investment in Jack Ma back then, otherwise Yahoo estimates that it is not as hot as soup.

The first one is just to watch the excitement, and the second one has something to do with it, because Kuaishou, a stubborn company, finally learned from the pain and launched their fast version, which is the version of Shanzhai Volcano. It's a volcano in Shanzhai, isn't it just a step away from Shanzhai Douyin? After hearing the wind, Lu Yu immediately established a series of independent accounts in Kuaishou and uploaded works suitable for the tune of Kuaishou users.

What Chu Yuanxi didn't expect from this version was that it was actually a cash-sweeping version where users could earn coins and withdraw cash after watching short videos. Moreover, the quality of this APP is extremely high, especially the optimization aspect is extremely rare. After a small withdrawal, you can just press the phone off for half an hour and then click on the window just now. It can be as far as the starting point of the reading APP Batiaojie, reading the text. The programmer who went to Kuaishou to find a job is probably not able to apply.

With a body like Kuaishou, if you go shirtless and spend money to play, you can see to the naked eye that the DAU growth of its single APP must draw a beautiful arc, because the so-called fast version of the APP and the Kuaishou APP itself are connected, and the user’s attention and Likes and so on go through the same system. In other words, users who used the Kuaishou APP originally had to use it for an hour a day. After switching to the super-speed version, they can get extra money. Even Chu Yuanxi himself experienced it for a while.

The third thing is very relevant.

A long time ago, Zhayi released the news, saying that he has been carrying out business expansion with an open mind, looking for business strategic partners, in order to bring more vitality and development to Koala’s cross-border e-commerce and other business units. .

Interpreted as a human being, Zha Yi wanted to sell koalas and started looking for a next home.

There was wind on the 13th and Ali was ready to take action. Chu Yuanxi saw that this was a rare good opportunity, and hurriedly pulled Yuan Mu and Liu Lu over.

"So..." Yuan Mu wondered, and said while guessing: "Are you going to dig Koala's executives?"

"It's not digging, how can it be called digging, it is to contact first." Chu Yuanxi typed out a list of koala's executives, "the people here, I guess it will not be more than half a year, they have to leave koala, right? . And I don’t think we will be on Koala’s professional ban list."

Liu Lu nodded, saying that it is almost inevitable to use Ali for mergers and acquisitions. It may be less in half a year, but there should be few on this list that can last a year. The key is that everyone knows that once the merger is reached, the subsequent process is almost transparent. There is only one main theme for the incumbent executives, how to get enough benefits and leave the job gracefully.

To get enough benefits, it is nothing more than options, and options, as a person who has resigned from a startup company, Liu Lu judges that the big difference is based on the rank and entry time. The focus of the contradiction is nothing more than when the option will be redeemed. No need to guess at this moment.

She read the list that Chu Yuanxi had typed out again. Some were responsible for goods, some were in charge of supply chain management, some were in charge of sales, and some were in charge of warehousing and logistics. This was all normal. Why were there some people in charge of global stores?

"Hey, who said that we can't provide overseas shopping products if we do convenience stores? Although our model is destined to be impossible to do koala logic, it is always good to provide some differentiated products with high unit prices. We are a convenience store, and continuous updating of our models is the main task. Besides, how high is the profit of this kind of online shopping, and users will only think that it is expensive, not bad reputation and think that we are deliberately selling high prices."

"Alright, but many of your lists were originally directly reported to Koala CEO. Do we have suitable positions and ranks?" Liu Lu continued to ask, "In our corporate structure, the middle and low levels are very delicate. The senior management was simple and rude according to your wishes, showing the true nature of a startup."

This question refers to the very flat problem of the high-level of Xiaokang. The president and vice president are at the director level. Chu Yuanxi can directly plunge into the large middle-office structure, but it does not follow the way of business group or business department. The division is still a project group system, and it is broken with OKR and reconnected.

Therefore, the well-off organizational structure below middle management appears to outsiders to be extremely complicated, but at the director level, seeing the president directly upward is very unfavorable for airborne executives.

"Is this a problem..." Chu Yuanxi scratched his nose, "I think this is the problem. If the other party thinks that the koala is very powerful, and he is married when he comes to Xiaokang, he is wronged if he is not a CXO or a vice president. Pull down, let's withdraw our intention. Xiaokang does not need so many vice presidents and CXOs."

"Damn!" Liu Luxin said that you are your younger brother? Is it appropriate for you to take the initiative to hire others and still have such a high profile? You don't need so many CXOs, but you even hired the chief scientist!

When Chu Yuanxi saw Liu Lu burst into swear words, of course he knew what she was thinking, and he immediately laughed, "You have to think like this, how much is a slag-y koala worth? It's not more than 15 billion yuan, right? It’s just so-so, and GMV is so-so. When an ordinary company’s executives drop to a high position where we all control, then our ceiling will be visible to the naked eye. It’s impossible. We will start with 300 billion in the future, executives The seat is very expensive and will not be easy to make a wish."

Yuan Mu suddenly said: "I think Chu Yuanxi is right, Liu Lu, think about it, we are so serious and cautious in recruiting. This is what we look like with ambitions. You can come here with anyone who has never worked in the company. , I don’t know the details, just because I have a relatively bright resume, I entrusted with the important task. The title is better than the other. This is the style of a small company. When we make early investments, we are most taboo to put together a team. "

Affirmed by Yuan Mu, Chu Yuanxi directly decided, "Hey, the perspective of Yuan Mu's observation is very reasonable. Let's strip off the various bright adjectives of the target company, and don't care about it as a cross-border e-commerce company. What is the market share? Just look at the valuation. This is very clear. If it has a valuation of hundreds of billions, it is awesome. The executives in it are amazing. Just relax with a valuation of tens of billions. Is the logic okay?

I mean, Yuan Mu, through Zheng De's relationship, help Liu Lu get to know these people and express our attitude. We are thirsty for talent, but ‘talent’ is manifested by doing tasks, and rewards for tasks are obtained through OKR. We leave ample space and opportunities for talents to display their talents. This is our system advantage. Be sure to explain clearly when communicating. "

After setting up to work, Chu Yuanxi thought that there would be three major events today, but in the evening, a bigger one happened. The girl in the rice circle set out late at night and violently slaughtered the Internet.

This makes people have to sigh, the other side of Kowloon has really reached a critical moment, even the girls in the rice circle burst out with huge energy, and it also allows those brain-dead people who like to control reviews on Ins Twitter to see how professional control reviews are. Control, emoticons and jingle can make some people angry.

From the perspective of the game, this matter becomes clearer. The giants over there are just like the high-level elves in the mountain pass. They think that their loyalty will usher in a god, and the result is the Burning Legion.

It was August 16, Saturday, when Li Jingfei and Modu Syndicate withdrew from the Pakistani Group. Some people resigned and returned to their hometowns. Someone rushed to the examination room. It happened that tomorrow was the roadshow of Xiaokang's Series A financing, and they were all in the same room.

Only Chu Yuanxi, Duobi, Li Jingfei and Yuan Mu were in the huge conference room, which seemed quite deserted. Chu Yuanxi spread out the contract prepared by the three parties and placed it on the table. It was written in five large characters: "Retirement Agreement". The first line below reads: Based on the principle of voluntariness, XX signed this agreement, and Declare the following matters XXX.

Although today is just a form before the payment, the withdrawal of shares is still more delicate. Generally, the repurchase of shares by enterprises is mostly written off, thus reducing the share capital to increase the profit per share. However, considering that the Pakistani people are in a relatively special stage of entrepreneurship, Chu Yuanxi decided to adopt a relatively rare method to lock the recovered equity into the equity warehouse, waiting for new investors in the future to buy it, or use it for equity incentives.

This time, the Demon Capital Syndicate was simply neat, only Dobby came, and the other was Angel. He was the person who matched the deal at the beginning and the initiator of the capital injection from the Magic Capital Syndicate. He has done a good job at this stage, but he does not look very happy.

Yuan Mu talked with Li Jingfei and Duobi, but Chu Yuanxi pulled Angel aside and asked him about his current situation.

During this time, An Qi had closed his coffee shop, because she didn't make any money, she barely made a loss, and she became a part-time worker for real estate.

Chu Yuan Xixin said that the profit margin of the coffee shop is so high, how can it not make money? It turns out that every other row is like a mountain. People do not make freshly ground coffee. The gross profit margin is high but the cost is also huge, and the turnover rate is very low. After the deduction, there is nothing left.

"In that case, are you interested in going back to your old career, An Qi?"

Chu Yuanxi asked very quietly, and An Qi suddenly excited, "What's the situation?"

"The situation is more complicated, but anyway, your game company has also been handed over, and the coffee shop is not open. I don't think you have any interest in the white gloves. There has been no improvement in more than a year."

An Qi was quite sullen, because after barely squeezing into the circle of the Magic Capital Consortium, she realized that her position was more embarrassing than that of a fund manager. Fund managers can be regarded as senior white-collar workers at any rate. They have a set of rules. They contribute their experience like a tool man and ask for returns.

And he did not have any organization and became a scout role similar to a football club.

The reason for this is mainly because he doesn't have much money. Only if you have money, you have a share, you are the investors, and the people in the circle are the ones who have wisdom and vision but no money. Although it looks very lively, looking for various investment opportunities everywhere, the return model is very vague.

Take the intermediary of the investment of Pakistani entertainment, if there is no Angel, the money of the magic capital syndicate is definitely not related to the Pakistani. This is not to say that Chu Yuanxi does not need the Magic Capital Syndicate. He needs, very much, an investor who is willing to give a high valuation and Zheng De to vote for the Pakistani round, and at that time he was willing to recognize the 1.5 billion valuation for the Pakistani. There are not so many investors financing.

To this end, Chu Yuanxi has made various efforts, gave lectures to investors, led the investment of snow projects, etc., but in the end it was the magic capital syndicate that was thousands of miles away to invest in so An Qi made a lot of contributions and endorsements to the communication and mutual trust between the two parties, so that Magic Capital Syndicate can make this determination and recognize this high valuation that other people are not willing to recognize. In the end, no matter what happens in the middle, you can Everyone is happy.

But An Qi has nothing to please. He has gained a bit of fame, just like a scout found Ronaldo. But unless you become Melo's broker, the direct income is very small, at least incomparable to the return from the one-year investment of the Magic Capital Syndicate.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi felt it was time to bring Angel over. If Zhao Jie is sold, although Ali’s tonality will always put Zhao Jie away, but in a short time, at least one year will not return to Pakistan. people. The colleagues of other Pakistani games are similar, so if you want to start up again, you can't rely on Wenhui alone.

And An Qi, a valuable and trustworthy character, is a research and development background, understands games, has made good products, and has also been the CEO of a game company. Isn't this a ready-made candidate?

Unexpectedly, when his brain circuit was spinning, An Qi also thought a lot, and then asked: "Is the old industry you talking about games or investment? In fact, I think I should be able to invest."

Speaking of this, he lowered his voice, looked at the three investors over there, and whispered: "At least not better than Li Jingfei. I just lack the start-up capital. What's the matter, you voted me hundreds of millions for me to start. ?"


Then push the book, Cheng Zhi's "The Grand Master of the Tang Dynasty".

It is said that the Silencer cast a spell in the comment area recently, but the sudden increase in rewards made the author feel warm. It turns out that the readers can still tell me this way.


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