Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 864: The answer to the A round roadshow (below)

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Quanshi is a convenience store chain brand that has a relatively large market share in the Imperial City, but it has been in decline recently, and its APP functions are really hard to describe.

Chu Yuanxi's words can be interpreted in many ways, but whether it is interpreted as self-confidence or underestimation of the enemy is meaningless. Hu Shiheng nodded and put down the microphone. Chu Yuanxi gestured to another investor who raised his hand. The other party immediately took the microphone and asked in a gentle manner: "Chu, I want to know why you developed the Imperial City market in the first place because you are a local. ?"

"What is your opinion?"

"The imperial capital and a large number of northern cities are the'desert of convenience stores.' Can you still be unclear about this title in this industry? Looking at the data, the advantages of the South are clearer. Magic City and Yangcheng, two or three thousand people own a convenience store. Pengcheng is not bad. Imperial Capital is a convenience store for every 10,000 people. The environment is completely unmatched. Look at the "Jianfu Convenience Store" invested by Sequoia. People started from Gulangyu City. Although it is a second-tier city, it is very I’m going to stop soon, and the business situation is pretty good now."

Chu Yuanxi smiled brilliantly like a flower: "What you said is so good, have you heard the story of two salesmen going to the island to sell shoes? The one on the island who doesn't wear shoes."

Investors say that now is the time to tell this story? Besides, this story is quite typical. The problem is that when you really encounter similar situations in business, you are basically going back home and pro, you have to consider the price/performance ratio when facing difficulties.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "We are not the same as in this story. Not only do we have more calm market space and less competitive pressure, but the more deserted, the greater the release of policy dividends. You consider this factor. No? The relevant departments of the Heavenly Dynasty have always viewed the market as something others have. I have to have it, especially compared with the magic city. If there is a Shanghai school, there must be a Beijing school. Now the policy has been activated, and the emperor is the so-called price pool, of course. The Imperial Capital has begun."

When investors think about it, don’t they just see the policy dividend come over? After waiting for the bonus to pursue, the result was a 20% increase. Thinking about it this way, it is indeed better to bet on future dividends.

Thinking of the policy dividends, the well-mannered investor's thinking diverged in an instant. He also remembered the recent promotion of the "urban night economy" that the relevant departments are hoping to boost GDP. Especially in the imperial capital, a while ago, the demolition and demolition of a large number of individual practitioners who can create night economy-related expulsions have just been demolished, and now the night economy is emphasized. This is simply a gift to the convenience store!

At night, most restaurants and fruit shops are closed, but the 24-hour convenience store opens to welcome customers, so that white-collar workers who return late at night can buy meals and buy fresh fruits. There were still some competitors in the past, and now they have all been swept away. You can raise prices at will, it's not perfect!

At this time Xu Xin came out technically again, picked up the microphone and asked: "Xiao Chu, what do you think is the most difficult thing to overcome among the difficulties you expect to encounter from the management level?"

Is it a question of self-criticism? Chu Yuanxixin said that if Xu Xin's way of asking this question is always so tricky, he should talk to her well.

"Well, the most difficult thing to overcome should be such a problem. Xiaokang has some unique technical means and unique operating methods, and it is not afraid of others in a short period of time. But our business is based on the point of view, first the capital, and then all the first-tier cities. Then it sinks, and each stage takes a certain amount of time.

This leaves the copycats with opportunities for reverse operations. They can take a period of time to understand, and then develop APP functions, and then go directly to second-tier cities or even more sinking. In this case, when the well-off society enters the sinking period, there will be no time advantage. This is the most difficult problem in my opinion. "

Chu Yuanxi said with a secret smile, because he dug a huge hole here, and after falling into it, he didn't know how to climb up.

In the original world, by the time Chu Yuanxi crossed in January 2018, Xiaokang just walked on the sinking threshold, and then internally decided not to use the first-tier city style of play, and wanted to change the routine.

During the process, Chu Yuanxi and Yuan Jingbing made a game of chess and deduced them, and they can judge that if they continue to use the original gameplay, they will lose the game. How much money to lose, Chu Yuanxi doesn’t know how to save . So the conclusion is that it is necessary to explore a variety of shop models for different regional characteristics.

In other words, if someone listens to Chu Yuanxi today, someday in the future, he thinks that Xiaokang is really awesome, and then suddenly remembers, eh? They have a weakness that can be caught? That's great fun.

He took a look at it, and many investors in the audience showed their original expressions, and some were still writing notes. It seemed that they were listening...

I saw another big and tall investor standing up. He was a seven-foot man with a moustache and asked imposingly: "Mr. Chu, do you think you are in the management of fresh food, and the island’s three major convenience stores? Are there gaps? If so, where are the main gaps."

Chu Yuanxi said, could this be a kneeling clan? However, you can't put this kind of hat on people casually, because the island's three major convenience stores are indeed very brilliant, and they are indeed the ancestors of this model, or the industry standard setters. Therefore, it is normal to assume that there is a gap and that the ancestor is more powerful. Some people kneel down when they see the gap, and some people silently calculate how long it takes to catch up in front of the gap. This kind of thing has happened countless times in 40 years, and it will happen again in the future.

Not to mention investors, there are not a few convenience store entrepreneurs who have this kind of mind. They have to learn and also learn the image, preferably pixel-level reproduction, so that they can make money without thinking.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi did not fry her hair, but said, “In my understanding, as long as the fresh food supply process can be run through, the quality and freshness can be ensured in the fresh food field, and the supply chain can be guaranteed to have no problems and orderly turnover. , Then there is probably no absolute gap. In fact, almost all the money burned by Xiaokang at the beginning was in logistics and supply chain management. Now it has realized some OEMs and some self-built fresh food factories, and also realized digital management and monitoring , Can be delivered multiple times a day.

I don't know whether the fresh food supply chain of the island country is a big data management mechanism. Anyway, we are, and can provide early warning. So I am more at ease about Xiaokang’s fresh food, desserts and even coffee beans, both in terms of quality and quantity. Convenience store fresh food is a supply chain problem on the surface, and behind it is driven by user demand, which is in turn restricted by factors such as store density and logistics preservation capabilities. A well-off development path needs to ensure a balance between the two. It can be said that there is no difference on the surface. "

This gentle explanation made the seven-foot man frown slightly, but he sat down without saying anything. Someone next to him immediately joked: "Mr. Chu, do you have confidence in your coffee beans? Your well-off freshly ground coffee is very awful!"

"Oh, this means that you don't understand commercial coffee." Chu Yuanxi shook the pot without changing his face: "All commercial coffee is very awful, but it has different characteristics. We are not drinking. Standardize competition on the scale."

The following laughed suddenly.

However, this is a convenience store investment roadshow after all. There are not many fans of the ancestor, and he quickly stood up and asked: "Mr. Chu, I heard that the mantra of the island country convenience store is'let everyone visit three times a day. A convenient store is a good convenience store', what do you think?"

"This repurchase rate is high enough. We don’t need to be strict with the island country’s unique convenience store culture." Chu Yuanxi has also heard similar arguments. What he wants to say is: "I think the essence of pursuing repurchase rate is The above is to let users not want to leave after shopping, for example, they want to go shopping for a while to see what new styles are available, or sit down and take a rest. To achieve this, it must be that the convenience store branding is achieved on a large scale. Only by operating methods can I fit the user experience. This is why I use APP as the cornerstone of the convenience store. It is more convenient to use APP to recommend new styles to users and increase the customer unit price."

It can be seen that the investors' questions in the second stage are more specific and in-depth. In any case, it is no problem to call it more knowledgeable. But it is precisely because of knowledgeable, so it is more suitable for the island country convenience store system without APP, while Xiaokang has. This led Chu Yuanxi to discover that most of the problems were raised for the operating system related to APP.

Especially with coupons, many people have tried the Xiaokang APP, and the coupons that tortured Hu Shiheng also tortured them, and the problems were frequent.

Chu Yuanxi saw that this was not okay, and quickly clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, your focus is not right. You are all rich and not well-off potential users, so your focus on coupons is off the track. Coupons , The most important thing is the new user experience, understand? It’s mainly for new users. It’s the experience of new users, not the discount rate. It’s not the ultimate squeezing of wool. We can’t cultivate the bad habit of users who have wool to squeeze. "

A lot of people immediately understand, because this is the same as the mobile Internet. The most important factor of a mobile Internet business is the user experience. They are familiar with this.

"Xiaokang's coupon experience was tuned by myself. I just say how good it is. You are not intuitive. Let me give you a negative example and compare it." Chu Yuanxi said, opening a certain coffee app on the phone, "I just Use this app to explain the user's novice process and experience. It has a huge discount, but the experience is not good."

The following suddenly burst into laughter.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "People have super strong ground capabilities, and I am ashamed of my well-off, but the ability to do APP is really good, how to put it, high-quality product managers are too short, let the Pakistani game's Sanjing Wang Lefang In the past, you can hang the feeling. This coupon is divided into categories, and it is relatively similar. The coupon atmosphere is all discounts, dessert discounts, beverage discounts, etc., but it clicks to use this category coupon to jump directly to the purchase list. Do any screening.

This experience is relatively poor, especially its category is not clear at a glance, it is not friendly to new users, it is difficult to correspond to each type of coupons and categories in the list. What is the direct result? Add a shopping cart and find that the coupon cannot be used. When you come back, another one cannot be used. It would be better for new users to go with friends.

So what is the correct approach? Instead of simply adding a filter during the jump process, first divide users into new users and old users and implement different strategies. For new users, don’t give all kinds of coupons to a lot of people making it difficult to choose. You know what your competitive products are. Pick the best two products and give them a discount coupon with a huge discount. The category sends out some general discount coupons, and guides users to use them through discounts. Users simply choose and skip directly. "

Yuan Jing raised his hand: "You seem to be thinking of a mobile game? Novice compulsory guidance?"

"Yes, this is a well-tempered idea. Don't let the user bother with his brain at the beginning. After he is familiar with it, he will think about it. Then the second point, the second point is that it doesn't work at the bottom level, and there is no feeling of using any big data, such as the first one. Where does the user go after the coupon is used?

The use of big data is to make predictions based on the results of numerical mining, and then guide the formulation of plans. The second coupon is very important and directly affects the user experience. It is very likely that the user will buy the second cup on the spot after buying the first cup and feel good. At this time, there must be a suitable coupon, a suitable coupon, a suitable category, and a discount. The rate is acceptable, and repurchase will be stimulated immediately. This is a manifestation of big data capabilities. "

"There is a problem with your logic?" Yuan Jing is still the same, "You force the user to guide the initial operation, then your real data collection effort for users is about zero, how to use big data?"

"Hey, you also have different products in the same category. Cappuccino, mocha, latte, black coffee, etc. are all considered coffee, fruit tea, milk tea, cheese tea are all considered fawn, and there are many kinds of Rena ice. You can still guess according to the user's initial selection. If you really can't guess, you can also give a large discount coupon for the entire category.

This APP is just the opposite. The first coupon is a brainless free coupon for all categories. This is definitely close to the worst solution. When I tried it on my own, I chose Hantian milk for the first cup, and the second coupon gave me food coupons and coffee juice coupons. It didn't stimulate me at all, I could only wait for me to take the initiative to repurchase. Such a product manager will not live for another day with me. "

After Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, there was a round of applause from below. During the applause, Xu Xin smiled and asked: "Hey Xiaochu, don't just bury others. Their mobilization ability to open a store is a benchmark, and the backstage is very powerful. The entire order and distribution system is correct, and the supply chain coordination is very good. ,can you do it?"

"Uh, there must be a gap in the speed of opening up stores. The team from Shenzhou does have super powers." Chu Yuanxi was rarely humble, and then said: "For Xiaokang, the preliminary preparations are quite adequate. Milestone 4 will definitely not. There is a problem. Our complexity is far beyond that of the background system, because we have added a lot of online content, and the quality of the APP has always been my focus.

As for offline, I estimate that it will operate to more than 1,000 stores, which means that there will be a more severe test when a large number of stores are opened in other major cities. At that time, it is necessary to coordinate the supply chain, recruitment, training, construction of logistics, etc., and to maintain the high-speed expansion of stores in different cities, the difficulty curve will be exponential. "

"I'm relieved if you know this. Then how are you going to solve it?"

"It's useless to brag right now. The Eight Immortals will cross the sea at that time. Does anyone have any questions?"

"Yes!" An investor in the back row immediately stood up, "Mr. Chu, when will your mobile payment and blockchain be available?"

"The blockchain has now completed the technical development. This version did not choose to go on the chain mainly because the domestic 5G environment is not mature enough." Chu Yuanxi said for a while and released some dry goods: "In the process of researching the market, we found more It is the 5G environment itself, and there is still a lot of market space in supporting services, especially cloud services.

Our blockchain itself is also an integration of user computing resources and integrated into the cloud, so we are also planning to increase investment and construction efforts in this regard. In addition, we are also considering whether to directly invest in the construction of our own public cloud resources and formally provide standardized cloud services. "

This means that, after calculations, the demand for cloud in the 5G era is huge, but the current domestic cloud service providers can not provide enough. This is the so-called huge market In this way, Xiaokang’s original plan was to integrate computing resources from users on the blockchain, that is, users’ idle computing power of 5G mobile phones. What they want to add now is the construction of a formal IDC center to provide laas services.

The so-called laas scientific name is "infrastructure as a service", which can be simply understood as building a house on the Internet and providing rental services when the time comes. Naturally, social animals will rent it.

In the past, many interested people also wanted to build a house online for rent, and from the perspective of access, the land on the Internet is unlimited, and you can build it if you want to. The problem is that the demand is not unlimited. Although the total demand is huge, the supply is there. The new entrants are actually competing with the stock. Experience, technology, and network resources cannot compete for the veteran real estate development. Quotient, so few people head iron.

However, the demand in the 5G era will blow out. After research, Chu Yuanxi found that this dividend is not small, and Xiaokang itself has a cloud block construction plan. It is logical to become a network real estate developer, and he can do some toB as new entrants. Business.

However, this dry goods is not interesting to anyone. Chu Yuanxi glanced at it, and then said: "For mobile payment, the problem is very simple, that is, how to make other people's stores hang a well-off payment code, and how to let users go shopping in other stores. Use the Xiaokang APP to scan the QR code to pay.

In fact, there is no need to worry about users, as long as there are enough users, I have enough means, and the matter of hanging out is essentially to expand the influence of Xiaokang and expand the usage scenarios. My solution is to rely on online content to push the payment channel from my convenience store and rely on the power of well-off users to push it. So the time point is after Milestone 7, when Xiaokang will have a sufficient number of users and online content. "


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