Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 865: Well-off acceleration mode

Mobile payment is an area where Chu Yuanxi, the original world, did not intervene. To do this this time, he also needs to accumulate experience, recruit the right people, and trial and error. In addition to powerful online content and a huge user base, Chu Yuanxi actually hides a third inference, which is speed. The speed of mobile payment must be fast, and things must be done before everyone can react. .

It is not one family or two families who want to push mobile payment. Why are there no new forces? Because it does not have the use scenarios of WeChat and Alipay, and there is no long-term effective way to attract users. Chu Yuanxi treats online content as both a scene and a way to attract users. If the speed slows down, friends and businessmen will definitely be able to taste it and pay tribute.

The overall gameplay of Xiaokang is a complicated structure, which is not good for copycats, but it is relatively easy to analyze by pulling out the mobile payment link alone. Others don't say that at least Goudong has the hardware strength, and UnionPay is more flexible, so it can't leave people with room for late development.

Later, someone asked about Xiaokang's new live broadcast function, someone asked about how to rob parking spaces, and some even asked about the IPO plan. Regarding the IPO, five years of non-listing is a secret agreement with Xu Xin and Hu Shiheng. Chu Yuanxi can't talk to the outside world, so some people ask that Xiaokang always keeps an open attitude and sees under what circumstances is the best for the company.

Soon the roadshow finally ended successfully. Chu Yuanxi came down to chat with the investors and gave the time to Yuan Mu. The next work was up to the CFO.

In fact, he still has a guest, who just watched the road show. This person is Wang Yinyu. Chu Yuanxi, a sacred player who licked him a long time ago, often uses the game nickname Chenangong, runs a small chain supermarket offline, occupies the East Second Ring Road, has more than a dozen stores under his hand and hundreds of employees.

He is also one of the shareholders of Parana, an artifact company, and five gods jointly invested in Parana with his share of money. However, the rate of return on this investment is very mediocre, because Panama mainly used the money to consolidate the brand foundation, and then trained a wave of employees for Xiaokang, so it has just entered the profit release stage.

In fact, even if it enters the profit release stage, Barnana has already fulfilled its historical mission for Chu Yuanxi, so the next step is to make it independent. The biggest role of Panama is to ensure that Pakistani people can still maintain a rolling cash flow and can afford to support employees after they sink in from the media. This is for the company to use. In the current situation of the Israeli-Palestinian group, even if all the self-media accounts are blocked overnight, Chu Yuanxi may cry to death, but the company has only suffered a severe blow and will not hang up.

Even if it takes another 10,000 steps back, the cash reserves on the Pakistani account can ensure that the company can toss another ten times. So it's better to let Barna Naa go out independently, so that Cao Shan can let go of her hands and feet and do it casually, maybe she will make more money instead. However, this matter has to wait for the sale of Pakistani games to be completed.

Chu Yuanxi invited Wang Yinyu to attend Xiaokang's roadshow this time. In fact, the purpose was very simple. He wanted to acquire his supermarket chain.

"Wait, you mean let me join Xiaokang?" After Wang Yinyu understood what Chu Yuanxi meant, he didn't ask the price first, but asked: "You are just starting now? The brand hasn't started yet. Has the franchise mode started?"

"No, it's impossible to join. Joining will have to wait for me to subsidize users. Otherwise, the franchisee will not lose money." Chu Yuanxi laughed, took out the documents he had prepared, and handed them to Wang Yinyu, "I have prepared two plans. You can take a look or refuse, it's okay."

Wang Yinyu opened it and saw that the first set of plans was an ordinary merger and acquisition. He set a price for his supermarket and then received all the assets and employees. As for the price, it is not very attractive.

The second set of plans is slightly more complicated. Xiaokang provides a full set of decorations, which is equivalent to Wang Yinyu’s shop changing the signboard, and then fully integrated into the Xiaokang system. The clerk returns to work after taking turns training, and sells the money in the Xiaokang supply chain system. The warehouse also Give it to Xiaokang. This is equivalent to all being remodeled by Xiaokang, but it is not a merger. Chu Yuanxi defined it as a lease and gave Wang Yinyu a rent.

"Anyway, I want money for the store, so I just rent your store. It feels more cost-effective."

"But is your rent too low? Your one-year rent must catch up with the money I earn in one year now? Your rent is lower than my profit. What's the point of letting me rent it to you?"

Chu Yuanxixin said that I am willing to rent you because your annualized profit is low, and the reason for the low annual profit is because the turnover rate is not good. Compared with Xiaokang or convenience stores in the three major island countries, I am completely younger and younger, and hire There are too many people. However, if Wang Yinyu was originally profitable, it would not be worthwhile for him to rent it.

So he said: "But I work for you, Lao Wang, you can relax, and you don't need to be as busy as you are now. Don't you often complain that you are more tired than the real estate agent?"

"But, but what? Now that the policy is out, it is good for convenience store companies." Wang Yinyu actually wanted to rent in his heart. Indeed, as Chu Yuanxi said, he can be used as a shopkeeper. However, friendship is returned to friendship, business is returned. In business, you can always ask for more money.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi smiled: "Those benefits are prepared for me. Your convenience store and mine are not a convenience store. Are these benefits good for you? I'm sorry they are bad for you."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because we have several generations, you are one generation ahead of the mom-and-pop store, and I'm at least five generations ahead. This good and convenient thing is that a convenience store like me opens next to your house, grabs your business and puts your convenience store Damn it, do you understand? If I don't rob you, people on the same track as me will also rob you. Yours is the second ring of the East, a golden spot, and it must be robbed."

Wang Yinyu drew a breath of cold air: "Hi...I still made money if you say that? Then you give me so much?"

"Hey, have we known each other for so many years? Almost enough, the point is that I need it too."

"I'm very curious, what do you need me for? Ordinarily, you can just shop at the pace of your shop, and it will be over? The same is true for how others steal my business. The cost should be lower than renting me?"

"Why do you still want to know your own value?" Chu Yuanxi laughed, "speed, time, transfer station."

He said and stretched out three fingers, "Did you just listen? My speed is still inferior to coffee making, and you may think that I am fast this week, but I must be slower and slower later. Logistics and supply chain are actually It's the same with wars, especially when I build my own fresh food factory. When I open a store, the supply line is getting longer and longer. People can maintain a high speed no matter where they are.

So I have to think of a way, the easiest way is to directly take a forward base, or take an enclave, and then two ends. Although your shop on the East Second Ring Road occupies a small area, I can add another knife to use it as an enclave, and build its forward base as a transit port. The speed at which I can prepare will be up. Do you understand?

Moreover, your scale is not very large, and the rent is not very stressful. It is just right. It saves me a lot of time. I really need plenty of time. This is your value. I call this model an accelerated model. Once you are done, I can treat it as a case, and discuss it with others in the future. In short, we are a win-win situation. "

When Wang Yinyu heard that the truth was indeed the case, in fact, this situation has already occurred, but it is not a well-off society, but the whole family. There are signs of copying his whole family, so the name is called the whole family?

So, it seems a good choice to put Chu Yuanxi to PK with the whole family? So he happily initialed a plan.

This is the new store promotion model that Chu Yuanxi has been thinking about for some time. He immediately called Xiaokang to the relevant person in charge of store decoration training, etc., to meet Wang Yinyu face to face, and start to promote this matter tomorrow Monday, early in the morning.

In fact, when researching, Yuan Mu asked before, if this model is feasible, why not adopt it on a large scale? Looking at the plan to launch a well-off store, it is still based on acquiring land and opening new stores. This model will not account for too much.

Chu Yuanxi replied at the time: "Because I don't know how to write this model, I have to try the effect first and then raise the bet, you Tie Han, how can you do this business?"

Yuan Mu shrank his neck, forgetting that there was a key link of trial and error. But she immediately reacted: "Wait, you are renting, it is actually very convenient to transfer to join. Your model is quite routine, right?"

The rented shop has been completely remodeled according to the well-off standard, and the clerk is also trained according to the well-off model, but the relationship is still with the original company. In this case, if Xiaokang is indeed very profitable, the owner of the original small chain brand must be in his eyes. Once the lease expires, it is almost inevitable to transfer to franchise. Of course, the premise is that the well-off is open to join.

Wang Yinyu hadn't thought of this routine, but he felt it was indeed a win-win situation.

Soon, Wang Yinyu returned to his live game studio on North Third Ring Road East. He is more than just a supermarket, he is rich and willful, and he opened a studio in the imperial capital.

Speaking of speaking, the cost of opening a studio in the Imperial Capital is much higher than elsewhere. This is also the reason why the number of serious studios in the Imperial Capital area is relatively small, whether it is games or live broadcasts. But Wang Yinyu's head is relatively hard, and the key is that he is richer, so he opened a game live studio, which is quite in line with his identity as a game player.

It was OK for Dousha and Pan Ta. There was no big anchor but he managed to squeeze into his waist. Unfortunately, Pan Ta Live suddenly closed down and caused him a lot of chaos. Fortunately, it has stabilized. At present, the main direction of the studio is Penguin's Genting Game. As auto chess type games become popular, this game has also risen, which can attract the attention of water lovers.

When Wang Yinyu walked in, he suddenly found a group of rascals who were not playing games or live streaming, they were all looking at their mobile phones.

"Seeing that the meal is ordered, what are you doing? How about ordering?" Old Wang was very curious, stretched his neck and wiped it, what they opened was the well-off life app that Chu Yuanxi showed off for a long time today.

"The boss is back."

"Boss, did you have lunch?"

"Why do you come back at this point? Entrepreneurs financing don't invite you to eat?"

All of a sudden, Wang Yinyu said that Chu Yuanxi, the stingy great immortal, would invite me to dinner? After talking to me, immediately went to eat with the beauty and dumped me, did you?

Soon, he finally realized that these rascals were not ordering takeaway, but choosing what to eat for lunch. The new Xiaokang store opened nearby was followed by them. In the Xiaokang APP, you can select the store to see all the goods on the shelves. Some shelves in the APP are available, and the quantity on sale is displayed.

Then after some explanations by the old drivers, Yang Yinyu understood the logic. The newly opened stores in Xiaokang all issued large-scale discount coupons, which are more affordable than 724 and the like. You can choose the bento first. What you want to buy is taken away in one go.

"Why is it so troublesome? Wouldn't you pick it faster when you arrived at the store?"

"Coupons, boss." Someone snorted, "When you go to the place and pick it up, it is not easy to discuss how to use the coupon. First discuss what to buy, and calculate whether the discount is appropriate or not. All the apps of one person are on the shelves. Then everyone went to buy it directly, it was not easy to make a mistake."

"Then why are you all going? Isn't it good to buy it alone?"

"Bento is cold. There are many microwave ovens in the store. It heats up quickly. What we eat is the atmosphere."

"Fuck you guys are good at picking up wool?" Yang Yinyu happily said, "If you count me, I can eat too!"

Soon, the wool party calculated an optimal solution in terms of taste and price, and then someone began to issue cycling tickets, not too far away, and cycling was just right.

I only heard a little brother say: "Oh, fuck, I only have six ride tickets, not enough to send them."

"I still have it. It must be enough for noon."

"The thirty bike coupons that I gave me are used up?"

"Boss hasn't registered yet? Register one now."

"Grab my voucher before registering."

Yang Yinyu felt very fresh when he looked at it. In the studio’s WeChat group, someone was posting and someone was grabbing one. He also touched one, and then followed the instructions to authorize WeChat to log in, download the APP, and log in to the account. Finally, he asked: "Why do you grab first? Sign up?"

"Count me out, I have other coupons."

"But there is actually a limit on the number of this stuff? Isn't the general APP promotion unlimited? I hope the more people get it, the better."

"This is not the case. There are only 30 tickets a month for non-members. Joining members are free to ride."

"Not only free rides, there are 99 tickets a month for membership, which can be used as gifts. I am wondering whether to buy one or not, we should all be enough to buy one."

Yang Yinyu's heart moved, "Are there other benefits to membership?"

"Yes?" A little brother said puzzledly, "I haven't studied it carefully."

"It's quite complicated." The other brother reported in the same way: "There are membership prices and so on, but you have to pay for membership. It is too bad to pay for more than 100 years."

When Yang Yinyu followed the younger brothers to gather the well-off wool, there were people in Xiaokang who couldn't even have time to eat. For example, in Pakistani games, they played chicken blood from top to bottom. They did not rest on Sundays and all worked overtime.

Of course, it's not that you don't give you food. Zhao Jie has contacted him. Next to the company is the Xiaokang flagship store. When the time comes, he will directly deliver the whole stack of hot lunches.

The reason for fighting like this is that Chu Yuanxi revealed a little wind to him. This wind made Zhao Jie faint, but quickly turned into excitement. On the other hand, Pakistani Information and Pakistani Media’s IP push is too strong, and it feels that it is too powerful, so he has to rush. Otherwise, God knows which day the IP will start to cool, wouldn’t it be all over before he finishes this little game?

In fact, the development progress of the original mini game should be much faster than the normal game. Zhao Jie's development of four at the same time here will not be slow, but three of them are normal. "Wu Dao Fajun" has encountered certain problems.

This IP was originally intended to be an on-hook practice game. It is supposed to be able to work in a month at most. It is similar to the "This Is Cultivation" type. It has a set of practice systems with a strong sense of substitution as a feature to strengthen the world view, and there are some small plots. As an embellishment of growth.

But after Uncle Sheng handed in the outline, the planning team on Zhao Jie’s side came up with some new ideas, and felt that they would make an on-hook practice game without thinking about The content of the game is no different from other people’s on-hook, but the IP is different. It's a bit of a delay in materials.

Zhao Jie thought about it too. The original process of this mode was to reverse the IP of the mini game. The mini game started to fire before the IP could follow the fire. Later, through the efforts of Lu Yu and Zhu Yan, it became an advanced version. The IP was first warmed up by the media. , The hot start of small games, with certain IP fans as the core seed, and then spread to the outside, much better than the original, but in the end it is to reverse the IP and make the IP popular.

So if the game itself has no special features and only relies on the natural fission of conventional tactics, it really means almost. The key is that it doesn't conform to the genes of the Ba people. Chu Yuanxi mentioned the genes several times when he was blowing the air. What is the genes of the Ba people? Anyway, a simple tribute is definitely not in the genes of Pakistani games.

So Zhao Jie re-adjusted his staff. As a small game, "Wu Dao Faunjun" is equipped with a planning team of eight people.

Chu Yuanxi didn't know this process, but got the final plan, a very moving plan.

Although Zhao Jie’s team packaged the plan of "Wu Dao Faunjun" very well, for Chu Yuanxi, who has been a sacred manuscript for several years, they decided not to pay tribute to "This Is Cultivation". Change to tribute to "Plague Company"!

"Plague Company" itself is a stand-alone on-hook game, once popular, even now there are still many players. The game method is that the player puts a virus into a certain area on the world map, and then exterminates all mankind through infection.

The planning team of Ba Ren Games successfully packaged it into a martial arts worldview, and then put on the content of "Wu Dao Hun Jun" at the bottom of the sound box.


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