Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 867: Buyer visits

For Lu Yu, if you want to make a sustainable advertising business, you must first hire an advertising business specialist and advertising copy planning. Fang Shiling is the same.

So looking at the recruitment notice, Chu Yuanxi knew that "Late Night Gallery" encountered the same problems as Lu Yu back then. There are many capable people, but there are no competent advertising business, and it is hard to say that the competent advertising copywriter can only be from outside. hiring.

It's just that outsiders don't understand their own tonality, so it is difficult to directly recruit individuals to receive the most suitable advertisements, and copywriters are the same. This is equivalent to wanting to eat rice and now planting rice, and the time limit is only two months. Without any accumulation and qualifications in the advertising industry, how could it be possible to rush?

Even if they were barely able to rush, what if Chu Yuanxisai passed by?

In fact, Chu Yuanxi was really tempted when this option was presented, but after thinking about it, he should be a man. Anyway, the project has been snatched back. This idea is of a conspiracy nature. If it exposes its own design collapse, the cost is too great.

In the past few days, I have taken time to sign the contract with Taishan Station, and the person who signed it is Zhu Yan, because this project is to be assigned to Pakistani Media. This is also the first heavyweight word that Zhu Yan has signed in more than a year since joining Pakistani Entertainment. Before signing the contract, he reviewed the contract with great care and attention, and he was very focused and serious. People can't see and didn't understand the above content.

Fortunately, the specific executors are Yang Yuanmei and Qi Yu. The card formation is finally entrusted to Taishan Terrace, so that one month should be able to complete the preparation for the project, which is different from the "Late Night Gallery" which is not suitable for everything. The project is expected to be in September. Can start shooting. If the shooting is fast enough, the two parties cooperate well enough to complete the review procedures before the end of the year and then release it.

And this time point is very special. Next month, the film and television stills plan of "A World of Disorder" should be finalized, and then it will be released at the end of the year. The two programs are not of the same nature, and they are both on Taishan Station. The broadcast time can definitely be staggered. Maybe the synergy effect that can be formed by then is unknown. Chu Yuanxi didn't quite understand this aspect, so he was currently in a state of observing the command.

Thinking of the TV series "A Mountain in a Troubled Time", Chu Yuanxi's thoughts naturally ran to several dramas in ancient costumes that were recently screened and played the finale. With the exception of "Kyushu Misty Record", whether "Dawning", "Xijing Twelve Hours" or "Chen Qingfu", all collectively rushed to close before the end of the summer vacation, creating a quite special holiday for TV drama fans.

In fact, many costume drama crews have suffered various fancy blows due to the existence of the ancient costume, but it must be said that the ancient costume is very good for the audience. Take this summer as an example, the overall costume drama The quality is obviously improved greatly, not a little bit.

Although "Kyushu Misty Record" is not over yet, it is about to come to an end. The data is quite smashing, why did it smash? With the investment of resources, quality of completion, and cast lineup of this film, although there are some minor problems that are not as desired, in the past few years, to compete with "Pictures Not Appreciating" can completely hang people up and fight. It may not be too much to say a megaphone, I don’t know what the ratings will burst.

The question is whether the explosion depends on the level of the competitors. The competitors are "Chen Qingfu" and "Xijing Twelve Hours", and the worst is "Chen Xiyuan". In this extremely cruel competitive environment, just like the famous line in "The First Floor of the World", it's not just ducks, green onions, sauces, and pancakes, whichever is worse than others.

When Chu Yuanxi returned to the company, he found that Zhao Jie's team had come up with a new plan for "Wu Dao Faunjun". Within a few days, these animals came up with a simple and easy way to replace the currently popular mobile game advertisements with "Wu Dao Faunjun" or short videos corresponding to the IP of several other hanging games.

In terms of user experience, changing the soup does not change the medicine, because the current popular advertisements are also in the form of short videos, except that they click to reach the advertisement link, and the video of Zhao Jie's team has no link.

In fact, Lu Yu had different opinions. He quite wanted Zhao Jie to open links there. Wouldn't it be nice to hang up some e-commerce links? But no one birded him.

There is no problem with this design itself, because anyway, this on-hook game will have an APP, you can just plug in pre-installed videos, and it can be hot updated, allowing players to enjoy fresh videos for a long time.

However, this nondescript design scheme was completely flawed in Chu Yuanxi's eyes, but considering that Zhao Jie had to repeat the wheel of the self-media, many things need to be exercised, and this idea is still responsible for the self-media team of Zhao Jie. A colleague came out, so Chu Yuanxi only asked a question about the technical details: "According to your current set of plans, let’s say it’s a plan. It’s too restrictive to use video watching as an "inspiration" in traditional SLG games. , A lot of gameplay can't be used, right?"

"Oh, you haven't played the hang-up game. There is no numerical threshold for hanging for a while, and everything can be crushed." Zhao Jiexin said that players should recharge originally? How boring to play without recharging?

Isn't Chu Yuan Xixin talking nonsense about you? What players want is to be able to pass in time. The so-called "encouragement" is a common pit money gameplay in SLG games. It usually costs ¥ to add a comprehensive buff to the player's legion, such as an increase in damage by 25% and an increase in defense by 10%. It is more common in PVP games. Such as gang warfare. But in PVE, such as copying, encouragement is absolutely not allowed, because once the encouragement is allowed, the numerical card points that numerical planning has worked so hard will no longer exist.

Zhao Jie is doing the opposite here. They are all focused on PVE, such as the learning of martial arts moves. After learning, he can break through several times, every time there is a chance. Watching the video increases the success rate. The problem is that in the game, players can get a lot of props to increase the success rate, and they can also buy props, and these props are incompatible with watching videos, that is, watching videos can only be used as a supplement when there are no props. Therefore, the failure of the breakthrough must still fail.

Thinking like this, it seems a bit redundant? However, considering that this kind of detail itself is not something that she should be concerned about, Chu Yuanxi swipes a big pen, "Do it according to your ideas."

The reason why we should care about the system planning of this game is mainly because this is the first time that Pakistani games have linked the game with their repeated self-media wheels. At least in terms of scale and structure, Zhao Jie’s self-media construction is almost the same, and it can be integrated. Although the newly-built account has few fans, it can train people. When selling the company in the future, there will be many accounts that will be cut for them.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi is willing to support all the methods that are beneficial to this team, even if it makes mistakes.

Of course, his main energy is on the side of Xiaokang. Xiaokang's operation seems to be stable, but every time he opens the acquired data and looks at the data, Chu Yuanxi feels very upset, because the growth curve is simply incomparable with the original world. Among all the curves, the bicycle riding, which is the least promising, has a bright spot.

Xiaokang’s bicycles use almost the same rhythm as in the original world. The time and the number of bicycles are roughly the same. The gap in the riding data is not obvious. This data, which is relatively high compared to all the current data, is mainly reflected in the use of riding coupons. on.

I don't know if there are so many shared bicycles in the original world, and a large number of entrepreneurs hurry in to lose money, but now there are only a few remaining, and the bicycle density is not so great? Or because at any time, no matter where, ordinary people are always able to maintain a great enthusiasm for the wool at their fingertips.

For a long time, Chu Yuanxi’s performance on bicycles and other situations is like two people. He is very hard-headed. Without any trial and error, without any verification, he directly throws money into the bicycle. Listen to any persuasion and directly bid for the money.

If it weren’t for the fact that Wang Qingtuo’s car factory had nothing to do with Chu Yuanxi, many people would think that this was a transfer of interests, and it was arrogant to the point where it was written directly into BP. Investors only need to believe it. Will be pitted.

So after seeing this data, Yuan Mu first dispelled the last little doubt in his heart for a long time. He didn't expect Chu Yuan to say triumphantly: "Where is this? The impact of bicycles on the data has not been fully displayed, OK? ?"

"What else to play?"

"This is an advertisement for the event. Do you still have to ask? These cars not only reach cyclists, but those who pass by on the street, ride on the opposite side, and ride next to them, all have to watch our advertisements. This kind of The effect is that it takes time to ferment. You can watch it in a few months."

The most important thing about a well-off bicycle is that the shape of the bike is different from that of an ordinary shared bicycle. It is shorter. If Xiaohuang Xiaocheng is a 26 model, then Xiaokang is a 24 model, and it has a large basket, which is wide and deep, which is very suitable. Put things so that Yuan Mu was afraid that someone would take the basket with the child.

The most important feature of this model is that it is suitable for posting slogans.

On the front of the basket, it says: "off to a comfortable bicycle, free and deposit-free riding."

On the side body chain guard board, it says: Download the Xiaokang Life APP, live within your means, simple and happy.

On the other side, I changed the word: Xiaokang convenience store, enjoy life and free ride.

These are huge and bright fonts, which are equivalent to the big-word loud-speaking mode of elderly feature phones. The effect of the ad words is so eye-catching that the number of maintenance personnel for bicycles must be gradually increased because a large part of the manpower is used to post small advertisements. It’s our own struggle. Nobody is allowed to post it! Of course, for advertising to be effective, the riding experience must be awesome.

In order to achieve a better riding experience on bicycles, Chu Yuanxi can be said to be fine, and even personally participate in the acceptance. Compared with other units of Xiaokang, the style of grasping the big and letting go can be said to be uncharacteristic.

For example, the mudguard must be strong and must be able to block mud. The disadvantage of shared bicycles is that they don’t know which car’s fender does not block mud, and let alone it’s raining. After walking through the road the sprinklers have walked, it feels good in front, but there is already muddy water behind. The thread can't be washed.

Then there is the positioning problem. This is a technical problem that Chu Yuanxi has caught many times. For this reason, the bicycle development team was forced to use Beidou's short message system for precise positioning and kicked off the GPS. Chu Yuanxi’s requirements are actually not high. It is absolutely impossible to show that there is a car on the map in the user’s mobile APP, but the car cannot be found in reality. If it is parked in an underground garage, you must give a reminder, because the underground garage only It can be located by the base station, and the system is obliged to identify it.

Various similar strict requirements are finally reflected in the excellent quality of bicycles, which can cost as much as several hundred dollars a car, a huge development team, and even a map project team that burns money, making Xiaokang the most able to do data after the real effort. It's a bicycle.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "After waiting for the other big cities to enter the well-off city, the Pakistani people will also push a wave of well-off bicycles, and let Zhu Yan take pictures of the back of the bicycle in the sunset. There is also a wave of self-media dividends."

"Don't you think that pushing ads like this is overflowing?" Yuan Mu still didn't understand the logic. "You push bicycles so that users notice the advertisements of well-off convenience stores on the cars. Then you can just do convenience store advertisements directly. Up?"

"Oh, the knowledge of this operation is deep. You don't understand, don't understand, don't understand, don't understand." Chu Yuanxi suddenly remembered the business lesson plan that Feng Lin watched at home some time ago, and asked: "You know The business case for the three different models of selling bottled water?"

Yuan Mu shook his head blankly.

"The first one is to buy bottled water to send a drinking fountain. This is a promotional product.

The second is to pay a large sum of money as a deposit for the purchase of bottled water, and most of it will be refunded after one year. Users can drink bottled water for one year at a very low price. This is a cash flow game, as long as the cash flow rolls up, you can continue to play.

The third is that the bottled water is free to drink without a deposit and delivered to your door. "

Chu Yuanxi finished speaking quickly, and looking at Yuan Mu, he saw Yuan Mu's face dumbfounded: "I understand the second type. How can the third type make money?"

"Don’t you realize that the second type is the previous shared bicycles, and the third type is the well-off bicycles? Well-off bicycles don’t need to make money, they are all expenses." Chu Yuanxi said directly to solve the mystery: "The third type is on the barrel. Posting advertisements directly into the household, relying on advertising fees for income, and relying on user scale to make money, is a serious Internet thinking, understand?

In fact, you can also post ads on the first two modes, but the speed and number of users acquired by these three modes are different, and the costs and operating modes are definitely different. Moreover, the value of this kind of advertising is unexpectedly high, and it can even be accurately delivered based on big data. When you send water, you can choose which advertisement to post on your bucket, so this model is valuable. This is the subversion of Internet thinking. "

However, things like business make no sense in Yuan Mu, but in Poppies. In the evening, in the Yue-style villa, Chu Yuanxi turned on the laptop computer, intending to see the financing process. The specific matters of financing have always been Yuan Mu’s roadshow in Zhangluo on August 18, and then collected intentions, communicated with Chu Yuanxi for a while to determine the share, and it will be possible to complete all the processes in early September to get the money. At present, it seems that the subscription is still relatively good. Actively, even when he raised the price by 20%.

As a result, Feng Lin and Yu Yanan came back and forth, and Yu Yanan walked gently behind Chu Yuanxi, leaned down on his shoulders while looking at the screen while quietly asking: "You have What are your plans, eh?"

Chu Yuanxi was looking at the file and said casually: "Oh, I have to do an S-P-A tonight."

He was talking about the three separate letters S, P, and A. After speaking, Yu Guang saw Feng Lin covering his mouth and preparing to laugh.

Yu Yanan pressed **** his shoulder, and said with a loud voice, "Oh, you guys also do SPA? I also like SPA. What kind of oil do you push?"

"Cough cough cough!" Chu Yuanxi realized that Feng Lin was about to laugh, and immediately cheered up and said, "It's just tea tree essential oil and lavender essential oil."

The so-called S-P-A, is it not an equity subscription agreement? Feng Lin blinked his eyes and thought for a while, quite surprised at Chu Yuanxi's answer, and then stretched out his thumb to gesture to him.

So that night a few people went out and pushed a SPA.

Two days later, on August 23rd, Chu Yuanxi heard about two things. The first thing is that Douyin has launched a major Short video UP owners can hang up like electricity Like the commercial link, the game download link is linked in his short video. In other words, the UP owner is allowed to go directly to the mobile game to "carry goods". The user clicks on the link to go directly to the download page. This video of the goods can be animated or real. The gameplay is simply not too much.

For the average UP owner, this is nothing more than a kind of goods with the goods, and there is no big difference in receiving the money according to the advertisement. It is nothing more than the price.

But for organizations like the Pakistani Group that are simultaneously working on short video content production and game products, this is no different from suddenly winning 5 million. And five million is too little, far from enough!

Especially for the small game-IP project that needs numbers to promote, good news fell from the sky. Zhao Jie even temporarily added a team building, but because of this, he missed a visit to the Pakistani group. Aidajin came with Lao Fan. The reason why he is "Aidajin and his party" instead of "Lao Fan and his party" is because he is the chairman of the "Entertainment Strategy Committee" and can represent the spirit.

But Chu Yuanxi never planned to call Zhao Jie to see him together, because he was sold.

And Chu Yuanxi saw another news just before receiving Xiao Dajin, that Ah Ya, the COO Yang Zheng who opened the door, had left the company.

Kaimenke’s Weibo and Ah-Yu’s circle of friends almost announced the matter back and forth. Of course, they said it was a beautiful flower, but this belongs to the first to die before starting a teacher, and the following message is not so lucky. Chu Yuanxi didn't know what happened there, we didn't know, we didn't dare to ask, anyway, Li Jingfei should have done something.


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