Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 868: Chu Yuanxi took the initiative

Chu Yuanxi had actually prepared a lot of excuses about the whereabouts of Ah-Yu, but Ah-Yu didn't even send him a message, which surprised Chu Yuanxi who was waiting to shirk.

So when Aidajin and Lao Fan came in, they found him a little distracted.

Lao Fan said he was old, much younger than short, big and tight, with a vigorous look. This is the second time that Chu Yuanxi has seen Lao Fan in person, and she rushes in for a while.

Lao Fan immediately joked and asked, "What are you thinking? I heard that you raised the price on the road show for financing two days ago. It's not like this with us."

"Ah, it's okay, it's just that a brother suddenly sent his Moments to leave his job and thought about something." Chu Yuanxi said, thinking that I will notify you in advance of the price increase.

"Oh, your company has such a good momentum and there are still people leaving?" Lao Fanxin said that Chu Yuanxi had deducted the bonus?

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi said, "I resigned from another company. I was wondering how I would refuse if he offered to come back."

Damn, this is your brother! Lao Fanxin said that you are really embarrassed to say it?

Next to him, the short and big horse was sitting on the sofa, and the sofa suddenly sank. Chu Yuanxi noticed that when he entered the door, he was holding a fan in his hand. At this moment, the "Shu" unfolded, and the fan was written-Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition.

Chu Yuanxi said it was okay, not his "odd talk". This can be regarded as a legend. The living giants of the rivers and lakes can eat all of the three teachings and nine tiers. The rich experience and the wide network can be several blocks away from ordinary people.

At this moment, I saw the vicissitudes of his face. The main reason was that his face was too wide, and he couldn’t think about it. The iconic mustache on his chin was very personal. His aura was full of enthusiasm. Naive.

In the fields of film, television, song and variety shows, Xiao Dajin can be regarded as an all-rounder, not a simple musician, but has a lot of achievements across multiple fields. Aside from this, he founded the brand and the company as far back as 2000. He has worked as an executive in the entertainment content direction in Zhalang and Sou, so it is not unexpected to join Ali Music as chairman with so many auras. .

However, in this position, he also brought Tiantian’s beautiful DAU from 10 million to 500,000 in half a year. He did not consider the difficulty of integrating resources offline, and forcibly promoted his planet plan, regardless of the result orientation and the effort. The actual proportion of returns, the result is that precious users are basically lost to the homes of friends, even Xiami Music is also affected.

Therefore, in the business field, Chu Yuanxi made observations and corrections on the basis of defining the other party as an idealist. Relatively speaking, Lao Fan is a standard business elite, who knows how to run a business and knows where the pros and cons are gains and losses, so Lao Fan is much more difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the negotiating opponent of this trip is not Lao Fan.

The acquisition of Pakistani games must go through several rounds of negotiations. This time, Lao Fan’s leadership is the first time that both parties exchange information, conditions and bottom lines face-to-face. For Chu Yuanxi, the goal of this meeting is to tell the Pakistani people. The new mode of game operation, and the other party's approval.

This is not only a theoretical basis for raising the asking price, but it is also necessary. Otherwise, it is equivalent to selling a high-tech product to a primary school student. Primary schoolchildren can play twice with a blind Jaguar, but they will soon break down, and they will not be able to use any black technology.

Chu Yuanxi felt very sorry that Ali's game ability was a pupil in his eyes.

So he spoke first, and soon after his routine formalities, he quickly entered the first question: "Excuse me, two people, how is Lingxi positioned on your side?"

"Of course it is the height of the strategy, otherwise I would not sit here. Lingxi carries a major exploration of our game field. You know from the name that we are determined."

Chu Yuanxixin said that the rhetoric was okay, but if it is too big, it is easy to be empty, because children have played the game of blindfolded how to circle their noses with a face on the blackboard. The easiest way is Draw a huge circle, you can definitely circle the nose, but the face will look very empty.

So he nodded: "This can be felt. But I am a businessman, I am most concerned about two factors, time and price. Time can also be understood as growth rate, and price can also be understood as scale."

"Shouldn't this be our concern?" Xiao Da shook her fan tightly and looked at Chu Yuanxi with a hint of looking down.

Chu Yuanxi smiled slightly, "Because I definitely can't want to sell Pakistani games at a high price, and at the same time be indifferent to the buyer's future. It is not a good thing for me to pit one. I know that your family does not care about this. Small money, but it’s a lot for us. What kind of price corresponds to what kind of obligations. Although M&A does not talk about after-sales service, I want to ensure that you are not pitted before the transaction."

"Hahahaha!" Xiaoda gave a long laugh, "As long as you don't intend to cheat us, then we will definitely not be cheated."

Lao Fan is next to him, saying that you provide such caring pre-sales service for a super high price, right?

"You seem to be full of confidence in your own investment team." Chu Yuanxi said with a bit of exclamation: "I believe that the Ali team is good at identifying inflated assets, understating liabilities, adjusting profits and cash flow, etc. Mine clearance must be eye-catching. However, how to value the game company? The profits of the two companies are the same, and the number of employees is similar. Why can the market value differ by 100%? Why some companies used to be very good, but the market value did not fall? Game companies The valuation of the company has always been the most difficult, and it is difficult to analyze it clearly by financial means."

When Lao Fan saw that Xiaoda was a little bit questioned, he hurriedly said: "Ah, oh, Xiao Chu, how do I think you are a prelude to the lion's opening?"

Chu Yuanxi said sternly, “It’s not that the lion speaks loudly, but it’s the need to help the buyer fully understand the advanced nature of the goods they are buying.” Seeing that Old Fan wanted to speak, he shook his hand slightly and continued: “Mr. The world is constantly changing. Every day, even every hour, fresh affairs are emerging, the worthless are eliminated, and the valuable will be used by people, and even quickly shine.

The gaming industry is an industry that is particularly sensitive to cash. According to the life cycle of an enterprise, the start-up period is particularly short, the growth period is particularly long, and the maturity period can be long or short, but once it enters a recession, it is fatal and irreparable. In different life cycles, the activity factors of an enterprise are different, and the requirements for operations are also different. If I sell you a very advanced thing and you still play it according to the old model, it is easy for you to play in the growth period directly into a decline period, then in the end, should I take it back? Outsiders should say that Chu Yuanxi is not authentic, even Ali dare to say, can this work? "

In the process of speaking, Chu Yuanxi's momentum continued to rise. The aura is actually a very imaginary thing, but it does exist, at least the short, big tight has no feeling of looking down at all, the heart said that you are afraid of outsiders? Are you afraid that people inside us think so?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi finally said: "So not only do I have to make it clear in advance, I will also submit a white paper after the transaction is completed. You can understand it as an operation manual, I sold you a thing for tens of billions of dollars, so you can’t stop playing. , That's it."

"But what does this have to do with the two issues you just cared about?" Lao Fan was not moved by Chu Yuanxi's momentum. What is the white paper for? It's for shaking the pot! I've said everything that should be said, and in the end you suffer from picking up the pot yourself, that's just such a use. But Lao Fan's thoughts were not messed up at all, and asked: "What do you care about the growth and scale of Lingxi?"

"Because you said that you want to put Ba Ren games into Lingxi." Chu Yuanxi looked at Lao Fan, "That Lingxi must be able to accommodate the chin game, your stomach is only one hundred, eat five. Ten of them can be digested and digested. How can it be good to eat one or two thousand? That must be problematic."

"Oh, do you want to help us build an appetite of one or two thousand?" Lao Fan smiled, short and tight, feeling a little lack of presence. He closed the fan again and nodded with the head of the fan. Point to agree.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Then you have to add money."

After speaking, all three of them suddenly laughed like sand sculptures, making the employees walking by outside look at each other.

After the laugh, the atmosphere improved unexpectedly. I only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "I'm not bluffing. If a serious game company acquires Pakistani games, I don't need to be wordy. They can't rely on me if they play it. But I don’t dare to sell it casually. If you play it, it will ruin my reputation."

"That's how you look at us? Let me tell you, we have been on this new tour, but it has been ten days." Aida said tightly and unfolded the strategic edition of the Three Kingdoms on the fan. "This is a glorious legal authorization. Saying that we are gaining experience playing IP."

Chu Yuanxi said you dare to mention this? Let me not mention how you pay tribute to Li Tu! "I was worried when I saw this game. It's too old. The model is too old. Don't listen to me when I speak. Ali's technology is absolutely world-class, at least on the server. When it’s top-notch, there shouldn’t be any technical difficulty for developing games, right?"

Aidajin and Lao Fan nod their heads together. This is the highlight of Ali's most worthy book and special book. In fact, Ali's server technology is also more worthy of being made into a movie than "Offense and Defense". It is one of Ali's few in the past 20 years. Truly quality **** technology.

This is a bit long to say. It has to start with the increasing traffic on Taobao after the 2008 Olympics and Oracle's servers can't cover it. There is no such server requirement in the world that needs to load one billion traffic, but Taobao has it when it is engaged in activities, so Alibaba had to abandon Oracle's set of servers and build better servers by itself, and only then did Tengyun plan. The world's leading cloud service-Alibaba Cloud.

Although the other two of BAT have also caught up in this field, Alibaba Cloud has gone a few years earlier after all, and the blue ray of the road is more worthy of a special book.

But only in this way, this game can't stand it! So Chu Yuanxi asked: "Then why do you still use the rollover strategy in your new game?"

The so-called roll server strategy is to quickly start the server and uninterruptedly wash players, not only wash new players, but also players of old servers will continue to migrate into new servers to play new accounts. Many game operators even regard this phenomenon as glory, opening three new servers a day, indicating that the game is popular.

Correspondingly, it is a product of Super Cell, and there is only one server in the world. Whether it is clashes of tribes or royal wars, Raiders of the Seas, or upcoming new games, a game will always have only one server, and global players are fighting. Certain types of games are not easy to make this kind of MMORPG, such as Yamaguchi Mountain type of MMORPG is not easy, because a player has to walk to make movements to release skills, all data is real-time, will be stuck. But card games are suitable, so are the so-called SLG games.

Chu Yuanxi thought this question was shocking, but didn't expect that Lao Fan and Aida Jin were all at a loss?

Their black question mark faces obviously don’t know what rollover is...

Chu Yuanxi decided to be succinct and to the point with his hands. He didn't explain the operation strategy and only said objectively: "It is the small server strategy. One server can hold tens of thousands of people at most, and it can support thousands of people. Is it possible that your Ali's ability can't make a big server? People Penguin spends 60 billion to acquire super cells, no matter how many people will always serve the world, can this game experience be comparable?

You may make some money in a short time like this, but what kind of money do you make? It is the money to realize Ali's traffic. It is already on your plate, and you can make a lot of money in other ways, and your game does not expand the plate. This is why I look down on it. "

Lao Fan keenly grasped the main points: "So, can the Pakistani game roll up the plate?"

“It’s already a lot bigger. Didn’t you pay attention to the process of "Unwinding in the Wind" growing? Many players entered the game through zero-cost natural fission. In time, it is not difficult for me to turn them into IP fans of "Unwinding in the Wind". It’s okay to sell Pakistani games and become fans of Pakistani entertainment, as long as they still play the game."

Lao Fan and Ai Da looked at each other closely. They have studied this. Indeed, as Chu Yuanxi said, the total number of fans of the Ba people must be less than 100 million. This game has more than 30 million DAUs. It is impossible for Shang to be a subset of Pakistani fans. That's why it is attractive and valuable, but this value is clearly expressed by Chu Yuanxi-expanding the value of the plate.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi hadn’t finished saying: “Our past gameplay has actually been interested by many colleagues, but we haven’t seen anyone copy it successfully for such a long time. Now we plan to evolve the gameplay a little bit. Strength, roll a bigger plate, do you think that this mode of operation can be eaten by ordinary people?"

Xiaoda shook his head tightly: "Mr. Chu, are you thinking about your new model that has not yet been verified?"

"Young lives are always impactful, and old lives are always to be impacted. Even if you are an e-commerce overlord, aren't you also being impacted by Pinduoduo? This is the law of history. You are familiar with Spring and Autumn, this is Yu Gongzhi's chasing Zhuo Ruo."

Speaking of Pinduoduo, the two had to look at each other again. It is true that this new player has been making great achievements recently, and the momentum is too strong. After Ali Q2 made such desperate data, it is still not slow. Chasing, completely replaced the impact of Goudong in the past.

It is said that after Ali's reopening, after Juhuasuan was merged into Tmall, a blank was left. In the e-commerce shopping scene, there was a gap between customers and customers. As a result, Pinduoduo seized the opportunity to get in. Therefore, Ali had to restart the cost-effectiveness and brought the old brother back to the stage. Unexpectedly, the Pinduoduo family changed their minds and recently started to throw coins. They took the initiative to drill out this gap in the form of tens of billions of subsidies, which is unpredictable.

To say that coin throwing is really specializing in all kinds of bells and whistles. During the 618 promotion in the first two months, others were wondering how to operate it. Only Pinduoduo frowned and decided to throw coins. In the end, he became the most beautiful boy in the posture of being born, and then it was like taking medicine. I can't stop it, and it has been spread to this day.

Originally, Chu Yuanxi thought that Dagoudong was the most sincere person in the electronic business to throw coins. There was no routine when throwing I didn't expect Pinduoduoqing to come out of blue. Speaking of this powerful competitor at this time, Lao Fan simply stopped talking. The short, big tight on the other side was after all the old rivers and lakes. Dialogue skills are naturally sensitive, and Chu Yuanxi is full of concealment from the moment he enters the door. Offensive, not to mention aggressive, but also very difficult to deal with, and seldom agree. At this time, I deeply realized Chu Yuanxi's strong willingness to raise the price.

He glanced at Lao Fan again, then turned around and took his briefcase.

Lao Fan immediately said: "In fact, at the beginning, Xiao Chu said that he was most concerned about price and time. I agree with this. What did the big penguin rely on when it entered the entertainment field? It was the starting point of acquiring Chinese from Shengda. Net established Reading Group. This acquisition has both time and price factors, and it has completed the 15-year road of others in one year. At that time, many people said that the premium of this acquisition of 5 billion was too high. Looking back now , It must be very cost-effective."

Chu Yuanxi said inwardly, what's the situation? Help me raise the price? In fact, my biggest concern is money.

I saw Aida tightly took out a few pages from his briefcase and said: "Lao Fan said very profoundly, but today we are not here to discuss the price, so let's talk about the model. If the model is negotiated, the price is actually a The result of the negotiation should be close to each other. This is the model we drafted before."

Chu Yuanxi took a look at the results and found that the other party's preparations were indeed very adequate, highlighting the investment team behind it in the competition and adjustment skills, and has a deep understanding of self-media, fan management, etc.

It contained what Jiaotu had expected at the time, and it really put forward a request for exclusion from the industry, requiring the Pakistani Group not to continue to develop games or any games within three years.


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