Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 873: Jianghu Road Far

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable! It is equivalent to being pulled into an environment where the opponent is good at and then fighting, the opponent has a wealth of experience. And this side, although there is a huge group, it is lacking in high-quality content, otherwise it will not be positioned as an engine to expand vitality.

Wipe it, why does the Pakistani Group have so much high-quality content? No, these little game IPs have not been verified as high-quality content. I should ask, why is Chu Yuanxi so confident that he can definitely fill in "high-quality" content when the first two stages of the three-stage rocket are successful? He is not afraid to fill a pile of **** and destroy the first two stages of rockets?

Zhang Ming didn't know that Chu Yuanxi was also afraid, but wouldn't it be sold out?

In fact, Zhang Ming also wanted to buy the mobile game "Out of the Winds". Today we played Chu Yuanxi on WeChat. In fact, the "Ba Ren Game" that was originally envisaged to be purchased can almost be equated with the mobile game "Out of the Winds". The headline system has been holding back for so long, and there is also the idea of ​​scratching a piece of territory in the game empire, but how to draw it? Zha Yi was able to remove a piece back then because people had game genes, and there were several end games that they became famous, and this kind of background is what the upstart lacks.

But with the "Truthless Times" mobile game is different, it can greatly drive the full space development of Toutiao's own game industry.

This should be regarded as the third place where people frown, because the new situation is happening too quickly. Is the original idea appropriate? Not sure. As a successful businessman who runs a huge traffic empire, his business instincts make him prefer IP plans with many variables.

The mobile game "Unwinding" is a finely crafted jade, but it has been "finished" with little change. This IP is very closed, it cannot form the XX universe, nor can it produce unlimited sequels like Mickey Mouse or Cat and Mouse, and there are few ways to transform it. After the acquisition, it is nothing more than operating on the basis of IP and existing players, such as the development of "Unwind 2" or other types of games with the same IP.

The small game IP plan also enters the content field that the headline department lacks, but uses a brand-new method and is full of adjustability. There is a lot of unearthable space for the deep correlation between traffic and IP, which may not be able to drive headlines. Department of own development space.

It’s like the mobile game "Unwinding in the Wind" is a dish that has already been fried, and the small game IP plan provides the ingredients for several dishes. The dishes are prepared for the dishes and all kinds of seasonings are prepared, and you don’t need to wait for the chef to come up and fry. Start preparing with grocery shopping. Which one can exercise cooking skills?

So the idea came here, he sent: How about you split the Pakistani game into two? What Ali is interested in is the mobile game and the team of "Troubled Times", how about you sell me the part of the mini game IP? Anyway, the small game IP is planned to be sold to Ali, and Ali will lose money, but the value can be realized in your hands or in my hands. I did your great experiment for you.

Chu Yuanxi said the beauty you want, the mini game IP plan is given to you, you can save your worry, you don’t need to analyze and imitate, I have configured skilled workers for you, and you will have a mitosis directly. After a hundred IPs are created, the Pandora's box in the copyright world of Heavenly Dynasty is about to open. Where is my drama? The point is, you can’t sell it at a higher price, and you can’t help it. Selling to Zhang Ming can only be sold at the value of the existing content or IP value. Even if the four existing mini games are all functional values?

But this is also a good reason to reject him.

So Chu Yuanxi sent: How much is it?

Zhang Ming bit his posterior molar and wrote: 2 billion?

Who knows that Chu Yuanxi immediately replied: The great experiment that subverts the entire cultural and creative content industry is worth 2 billion? Do not sell, do not sell.

Zhang Ming: It's only worth so much to me. What is your psychological price?

Chu Yuanxi: I'm sure that this part can increase Ali's price by 10 billion.

Zhang Ming: You are sure of a ghost! Let Ali increase the price by 10 billion yuan and get you a meal!

This is the end of Zhang Ming's first communication. He is not particularly anxious, because although the impulse to acquire Pakistani games is there, it is not necessary to buy, and there is still plenty of time.

But Chu Yuanxi didn't put down his phone, but watched Liu Lu's live broadcast in West Lake City. September 10 is the 20th anniversary of Ali, and it is also the day when Jack Ma officially retires. The alleys in West Lake City are empty, and countless big, medium and small people flock to the 20th anniversary venue. Why does Ali claim to be a 102-year-old shop? Because it opened in 1999, the year 102 happened to span 3 centuries.

Liu Lu didn't join in the fun, but went to meet the koala executives. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the people are very complete and can be chatted at once.

However, this trip is not easy, because many of Koala's senior executives have already taken root in West Lake City, and it is not easy to bring them to the imperial capital.

This is a carnival and a curtain call. If it weren’t for Chu Yuanxi’s too many things to do without, he would really like to join in the excitement and see with his own eyes Jack Ma, wearing leather clothes and leather pants, piggybacking his dirty braids and singing "Blooming Life" ". In the final speech, Jack took the force to the highest level and set a very high tone for the mission of the company. He should work hard with the goal of exporting talents to the society and export massive talents with Ali genes to build a corporate culture. , Use the system to ensure the company's inheritance.

Speaking of inheritance, Ali is indeed full of its own style. For example, everyone has to take a fancy name, and they are basically Jin Yong martial arts, Feng Qingyang, Xiaoyaozi, etc. Only a handful of people like Aidajin, who took "Tian Boguang" for the first time and "Skinny Tou Tuo" for the second time, were ruthlessly rejected, and only used "Dwarf Dajin" which is not another name for the Jin Yong martial arts series.

At the end of the final, Jack Ma still concludes with a martial arts style-the green hills will not change, the green water will flow long, and there will be a period later. This is his romance.

Looking at Ali’s 20th anniversary from a distance, watching Jack Majin wash his hands and leave freely, Chu Yuanxi's mood is complicated. What will it be like when he is well off for 20 years? What is the outcome of your future? Don’t ask for a grand retirement ceremony, and it’s better to be able to ride the horse all the way without any disaster, right? I hope Xiaokang can live longer than myself.

Some people can't let it go anymore, such as "Late Night Gallery", the recruitment results seem to herald the finale.

Judging from the news received by Lu Yu, "Late Night Gallery" was still very confident of paying back the money a month ago. At that time, Fang Shiling wanted to cut his own leeks at a rate of 500,000 yuan a day, and formulated a KPI, so that the gap would be filled in just a month, and there was still 20 days for fault tolerance.

But KPI is not a panacea. Although the editor-in-chief asked everyone to work hard with this goal, they also pulled out a few backbones to form the advertising business line, but when they really started to do it, the talents on the next line were surprised to find that Why is the world of Mar. public account advertising different from what you think? Why do advertisers run Douyin Kuaishou to post ads?

In fact, the behemoth Focus Media has asked this question a long time ago, but some people don’t care, and only find out when things happen, huh? What about ads with high customer unit prices? What about high-quality ads?

In fact, there are still some to find them, but they have to be found, and not everyone can find them. At least they can't find them like blind flies in the galleries late at night, which will kill them.

Blind Jaguar searched around, but found some high-priced advertisements that were unsightly from the beginning of the title, such as selling tea girls, saving farmers, antler impotence, special releases, and some comics to promote.

The promotion of comics in the public account advertisements is not much less than that of the so-called new media novels, but compared to the pornographic style of the novel, the comics are much better, although they do not match their own tonality, it is very abrupt, and it is not shameful anyway . It’s a pity that the entire cultural and creative market is not good this year. Not only is the number of comic advertisements small, but the asking price is also very low. I heard that the previous year and last year were the golden period of public account comics, even called the money-grabbing period. It is cruel to race a high!

Except for comics, the copywriting set by the fathers of the gold masters is not allowed to change a word, and threatens to change a word without paying money, which is super fierce. The part-time business of "Late Night Gallery" looked up along the way. After crossing the barriers to find the sponsor, he fumbled for a while, and finally got the right to customize advertising with a huge volume. Then a lot of things such as "The Central Enterprise" appeared in the matrix. What happened to the Tsinghua female schoolmaster who lost one million after resignation?

I thought that this would be enough. The road to advertising went smoothly, and the rest was sailing and cutting leeks. However, I didn't expect the good times to last. Fang Shiling was happy a few days ago. The first day that Rijin Doujin even gave her the idea of ​​"what the **** did my sister fight for so many years", cutting leeks was cool for a while, and cutting leeks was always cool. But soon, the fathers quit.

Because the business of "Late Night Gallery" is directly approached by advertisers who have crossed the layers of obstacles, it is not possible to check out in the same way as CPS and CPC, only the whole package can be paid for. Regardless of the CPS model based on turnover or the CPC model based on clicks, it is necessary to pass a set of advertising ordering system for verification. Advertisers do not have this system. If there is no middleman to make the price difference, there is no middleman to provide services, only one bite The price is thirty-five thousand yuan per advertisement.

It’s okay for those who have a bad conversion rate after the posting, and the sponsor’s father is not satisfied that they no longer send orders. Anyway, they shouldn’t make this money on their own, but some are obviously not bad, thinking that they can make a round in the matrix. Different numbers are developed and then cycled. Unexpectedly, in just three days, almost all advertisers called stop.

Fang Shiling said that I posted very scientifically. An account is only posted once for an advertisement, and it is effective. There is absolutely no situation where a certain account will post this one today and post it again tomorrow.

In the end, the fathers said straightforwardly: You have similar users on so many accounts, right? This repetition rate is too big! Not at this price!

At this time, Fang Shiling began to panic, and then suddenly looked back and found that there were only two that could provide stable cash flow.

The first is "Fang Ge Fang Jie".

This account was originally posted as a manga, and the manga is also a manga. It publishes paid comic ads. The user's tone is not a perfect fit, at least it does not feel awkward, and the conversion rate is much higher than other accounts.

Even so, there are not so many comics available on the market, and the supply is not enough, and if you want to make money, you can’t make much. But the market itself is alive, and the response is very fast, especially the public account comics and public account novels, the copyright relationship is so messy that there may be several companies that can send advertisements for the same comic. As a result, a large number of comic businesses moved after hearing the news, and found that one who had the ability to carry goods immediately created a new order and then flocked to the backstage of "Fang Ge Fang Jie", full of business messages contacting advertising.

This situation was completely unaware of this situation before Fang Shiling advertised. He didn't realize that a comic advertisement could be done many times in a short period of time until he was approached, as if a brand new world opened the door.

The second is to sell classes.

In the first half of last year, Chu Yuanxi could earn tens of millions of dollars in knowledge sharing once, but he created more than tens of millions of GDP, because many of these inputs were distributed by the knowledge sharing platform to the official account. Both the official account and the platform Split accounts.

Now Fang Shiling is starting to split the accounts, selling other people's knowledge if he can't generate knowledge. This is also a highly compelling way to make money.

As a result, Chu Yuanxi didn't understand after seeing Fang Shiling starting to sell classes. Isn't she not going to the advertising platform to receive ads? How come the knowledge sharing is an exception? Knowledge sharing must be received on the advertising platform, and there is no such thing as a single price for advertisers.

Lu Yu immediately popularized science, because selling knowledge sharing, he could write his own copy, as long as the last QR code and link were correct.

Chu Yuanxi said how Lu Yu knew so clearly?

But even if these two survival channels are left, the money is not enough. The main reason is that the fault tolerance time is too short and the error is too large. Seeing that the time for fault tolerance passed day by day, everyone was anxious. The job advertisements were madly posted, and the kind of red envelopes that were successfully recruited to take out a meal requires a ghost-level advertising director and copywriter to enter.

"Late Night Gallery" in this time period is the most chaotic, and there is everything to say. It is said that many official accounts can receive large orders from the father of the gold master because they often send advertisements, and the user tune has been adjusted, and the conversion rate is high; it is said that the simple and rude advertisements in the past are no longer good and must follow the market. , Learn from others; it is said that official account ads also have rankings, look at the top rankings, all have their own "advertising characteristics", subscribers will leave a negative comment as soon as they look at the ads, now it is too late to learn.

In short, the local bee advertising disappeared, the WeChat advertising ecology has changed, and the old calendar must be discarded.

Fortunately, Fang Shiling has been in the self-media circle for so long. He may be the best in business, but he still has some contacts. After all, "Late Night Gallery" is a matrix with relatively luxuriant branches and leaves. There are more than a dozen public accounts of various tonality. Once the recruitment machine is activated... Chu Yuanxi finally saw Zheng Tong as a senior advertising director anyway. Joined in.

Zheng Tong, a general under Lang Tao Information Hong Xing, the nominal leader of Neptune Studios, became popular by stealing Chu Yuanxi’s "Sorrow for Li Ren", that is, he became a superstar and also operated. He has not appeared for a long time. Chu Yuanxi's sight.

The main reason is that there are too many people with poor size, and I don’t know how he turned into an advertising expert?

However, when you see Zheng Tong, you have to think of Hong Xing, and then Heizui and their brush business, brushes with advertisements, this is absolutely nothing.

All encounters are not accidental. When Chu Yuanxi saw Zheng Tong's name, he had a feeling of seeing the finale, but he didn't know what the ending was, and it might be too far away.

Soon Liu Lu returned to the imperial capital from West Lake City, and the first thing she saw Chu Yuanxi was not to report to her work but to vomit! West Lake City actually wants to abolish the street trash cans. This is the most shocking experience of her trip to West Lake. Is it because the city is overwhelmed by too many tourists?

Chu Yuanxi was reading the new report submitted by Lu Yu regarding robot procurement. Therefore, he put down the report and said mischievously: "Hey, Liu Lu, it's wrong for you to vomit like this, and things might go for the better."

Liu Lu's expression is: I believe you a ghost!

"Hey, don't you believe me?" Chu Yuanxi said with a smirk, "Look, let's go up and guess, have you heard that West Lake City wants to promote smart cities on a large scale? How do you land? Robots. Those smart traffic smart cameras and the like are all low. Look at my plan. Smart garbage robots took to the streets. Seeing who has garbage in their hands, they ran directly, opened their mouths and threw the garbage in. How convenient is it to classify directly?

It has not only boosted GDP, but also improved the compulsory standard. The factory has orders, the tourist city is more convenient, and it can become an Internet celebrity streetscape. There are countless people who come here to check in. How great is this? It only needs about 10,000 robots. It's done, the cost is very low, and it's super cost-effective. what do you think? West Lake City is the site of Ali and Zha Yi, I think it is completely fine. "

Liu Lu asked angrily: "Why are you in such a good mood?"

"Is this unclear? The film and television series "Unwinding" has come to an end. I watched it as a film, although only the first few episodes have been cut, it looks good, not ashamed, and not disturbing."

To say that the filming time of this film is actually not long, but it is long enough for the rhythm of the TMT startup company, and it has been very hard to endure not to interfere. The best way to resist non-interference is to build a fence and avoid contacting relevant information at all, but how can it not be possible? So Chu Yuanxi has been looking forward to this film for a long time.

What he worries most about this drama is the male and female protagonist. The male protagonist Li Zifeng is his own. During the filming process, he also cooperated with Lu Yu to do a lot of useful work for the Pakistani people. He also made a short video about the popularity of Nezha. Chu Yuanxi's only concern was whether his strength as a male number one was enough.

The heroine Shen Mengchen must be strong enough. Although she has been a host of Mango Channel for many years, she graduated from the department of decent performance. She was highly praised by the teacher when she participated in "Everyday Upward".


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