Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 874: Relaxing tea party

The problem is that Shen Mengchen is an actress who does not rely on her looks but her bangs to have her own recognition. His history of changing her head is very unique, and it can be used as a textbook, and she won’t be able to recognize a person immediately after she changes her hairstyle.

So what is the effect of her performance in the play? Before Chu Yuanxi watched the film, she had no score at all. In particular, it is still a bit difficult for her to perform cutely. If she changes to Angola Baby, she can only change the script and the character.

As for the stage design, lighting, motion design, and special effects, Zhang Dongdong is responsible for this. He doesn't worry about Zhang Dongdong's professional ability.

The following is to wait for the film to pass the review again, and then set the file. After the Pakistani information has set the file, it will arrange for preheating and then diversion to Youtu. According to the contract with Youtu, the fee is fixed + floating, and the floating part depends on how much traffic the Pakistani can lead and how well users watch the movie.

The Pakistani information is very busy. Recently, not only will I have to do the homework of preheating and diversion of film and television dramas, but also the second batch of peak visual effects operations. Yang Jiangang’s platform will be officially launched soon, and the official website has begun trial operation and testing. .

So this time the Pakistani information has to be real, and it is necessary to help the peak visual effects refresh.

One of the details can be embarrassing for Lu Yu, because the peak visual effects platform is dual-ended. Users who only watch animation can only use their mobile phones, but those who do animation must use a PC. In what way can this structure be promoted to get better results? After the user clicks on the ad, where should they link to? Anyway, Lu Yu didn't think about the logic clearly, this was beyond the scope of his skills.

In fact, this is also the first time that Pakistani Information has officially refreshed others, without experience. This reflects the weakness of the Ba people. The so-called weak foundation is not a derogatory term. In an efficient company, all positions are not redundant, but have purpose and characteristics. Therefore, our company does not have a certain kind of business. It is normal that no one knows how to solve the corresponding work, especially in new companies. , Said the lack of background.

The old company can always remain efficient, but it has experienced a lot and has handled a lot of business. It is likely to receive a certain business. Now there is no corresponding business line, but employees who have done or contacted before and have similar experience are in the company You can find it here, and it’s easy to turn around. This is the company’s heritage.

However, these are not issues that Chu Yuanxi needs to consider. This is too detailed. The president level can occasionally consider similar issues but cannot be trivial, otherwise the company will collapse. He can help Yang Jiangang consider the question of whether to pull UGC first or ordinary users first.

Obviously, there is not much content on the platform now, only "Animal Company" and a few other sporadic low-profile animations support the facade. This is used as a textbook for training UGC, and it is not suitable for ordinary users. After reading it patiently, you can't kill a day, and you won't be able to pull it for a second stay.

So the platform's engine is UGC users, so new ads must also be targeted at UGC users. The question is who are our UGC users? Currently there is no, because this is a brand new model, so the potential must be cultivated.

In other words, no matter how warm-up the initial start-up is, it is also a cold start. According to the flywheel effect, it takes a while to get hot. It is impossible to get data as soon as the product is paid for, and then the flowers bloom. Cooking oil on fire.

"The road you chose is destined not to be paved with flowers and applause. It requires sweat and patience. This is why the A round will give you 100 million yuan at a time. The prerequisite for your B round of financing is to increase Ordinary users, that is to say, bring in ordinary users, and then the data is good, then the B round can be integrated. If the A round is less, I am afraid that you will not be able to support the next round of financing. In the process, the Pakistani can give you a supplement of A+, but you You can’t use A+ as a life-saving straw. A+ is to save the emergency but not the poor. You have to plan carefully where the money should be used, how it should be used, and how much."

Yang Jiangang is quite calm in this regard. As a practitioner with more than ten years of experience at the bottom of the workplace, difficulties have never been a problem, because difficulties can be overcome with hope, but fear is hopeless.

Therefore, he calmly said: "That is to say, the target user profile of our advertising is already very clear. When making a live-action commercial, it is possible to write a script according to the situation?"

"Yes, shoot some deep-seated misunderstandings, indifference and contempt. The fat house is on the verge of being abandoned and self-abandoned. Use peak visual effects to reach the pinnacle of life commercials. Don't always stare at the young lady."

Chu Yuanxi turned her head and said to Lu Yu, "Lu Yu, you can't always think about making the best use of others just because there are so many young ladies over there. It's time to find a new otaku."

This is a small meeting in the nature of a symposium, so it is very free to talk about. Among the participants were Zhu Yan, Yang Yuanmei and Cao Shan.

Cao Shan, who hasn't seen her for a long time, feels no stranger to the Pakistani headquarters, and others are also unfamiliar to her, because this executive has been in the company directory for too long, but almost no one has seen it. On the contrary, some shop managers in Xiaokang know her very well, because they are seed employees promoted from the flagship store of Artifact Company.

In fact, Cao Shan has been to the headquarters many times, but the changes have been quite big. For example, Lu Yu has changed the original production room and evolved into a studio. The colleagues in the video special effects group also set up a shed to enclose the ground, as if they were afraid that the well-off will continue to expand and occupy their favorite lot. In fact, the new office opposite the company has already been put into use, not bad. Ground.

Various business models are also very different from the previous ones. Cao Shan called out a short video recently taken by a Pakistani for "Wu Dao Wu Jun" in her phone and asked Lu Yu: "You short video is okay, if I don't know which one would I think It was cut from the movie. The lights, the props, the makeup, there are actually CG special effects, awesome, much more awesome than when we played cos."

"You can't boast." Zhu Yan glanced at Lu Yu and said, "Now these are really not exaggerated. Don't look fancy, it's all about paying for it, you can only say it is improvised."

Lu Yu was not happy anymore, because the main filming work was done by the Pakistani information side, but because it was Zhu Yan who was speaking, he couldn't refute it casually, and could only laugh.

In the end, Chu Yuanxi actually agreed with Zhu Yan, and said to him: "You, Lu Yu, it's okay for you to be the leader of Pakistani information. You have this gene, but you haven't done it before, and you need to make up for the video. It's really a lot."

Lu Yuxin said I didn't do it well?

As if hearing Lu Yu’s heartfelt voice, Chu Yuanxi continued: "For example, you can rely on special effects for everything in the later stage of your video. This is not okay. Look at the Ba Ren filmed at the beginning of last year. There are basically no special effects, and lighting is mainly used. Things like that."

Lu Yuxin said that I know that those are your main achievements, but we have missiles and don't need to use big swords? Is this fair?

Unexpectedly, Yang Yuanmei also repairs the knife, and the repair is very professional: "The key is that you use special effects. You don't post tracking points when you shoot. When you do special effects later, you can't deal with it or not. The texture is all Different."

"Yes, yes, yes, you post on the short video platform, and the users are not so picky. If you give you a thumbs up, it doesn't mean that we have made high-quality and high-quality special effects." Chu Yuanxi settled the tone, "Although our video is short, But to improve quality, we still need to improve quality. We used to rely on creativity to produce high-quality goods, and now we have the ability to spend money to make high-quality goods, don’t be embarrassed, just spend the money.

Lu Yu immediately asked eagerly: "Then give me more budget?"

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "You have the same problem as Yang Jiangang. You have money, but where to use it, how to use it, and how much to use, you have to plan where to spend it."

Lu Yu looked at Zhu Yan, and asked why Zhu Yan never had a budget problem on her side. Or, after going down, discuss with your sister, some accounts will go to her in the future? It was such a happy decision!

Zhu Yan has been listening for a long time, then raised his head and asked: "Hey, you guys, do you want to make a movie after the TV set of "A Time in Trouble"?"

Chu Yuanxi was taken aback: "Why do you want to make a movie?"

"Didn't you say that my future development direction is to become a movie star? You forgot?" Zhu Yan was a little depressed.

Chu Yuanxi said that I want you to be a movie star behind, but if you think about it, Zhu Yan's movie star is getting farther and farther away. Instead, he started to operate a brokerage company. A particularly inappropriate example is that the oiran did not become a member. , Turned out to be a madam, this mood must be very bad.

"Uh...actually, that's how it is." Chu Yuanxi saw that others were watching him, and said carefully: ""A Time in Trouble" is definitely not a film and television project. This IP is to be installed in Pakistani games. Inside. And you can’t shoot casually, otherwise the IP will be destroyed. Wouldn’t it be like "Zhu Xian" that will be a bad sign?"

Today, Saturday, September 14th, "Zhu Xian I" was released just yesterday, and the box office hit more than 100 million a day, but the word of mouth is really not satisfactory, especially in terms of casting.

The casting of this movie is almost perfect from an economic point of view, and the leak detection has found a treasure, so the input-output ratio is very impressive. Just watching the movie will definitely make money. But from the perspective of IP, the ceiling is greatly lowered. This is also the inevitable result of the confusion and dispersion of IP copyrights. No one cares about the ceiling.

Zhu Yan and Yang Yuanmei knew about the sales plan of the subsidiary, and they all understood. Zhu Yan immediately regretted it, how could I forget it! She glanced at it, and everyone else was unaware. She just heard Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "But you now have some resources, and you know a lot of people. If someone else has a suitable film and television project, you can bring resources into the group. what."

"That's so boring." Zhu Yanxin said that with the little capital I can bring, I can't even rank as the second girl. How can my own company invest in making movies?

"Don't we have a suitable IP right now?" Chu Yuanxi said in a daze. Not only is there no one now, it won't be there for a long time, and it will be packaged into a Pakistani game.

Yang Jiangang held back for a long time, then interrupted: "Chu Yuanxi, if you just make any movies, why do you have to have your own IP? Can you just buy a script according to the process of a normal film company and shoot it yourself?"

Chu Yuanxi said how talented do you think Zhu Yan can manage a film company? She can stop this mess now and I will be Amitabha, okay?

Zhu Yan meant to cooperate with film companies in accordance with the investment model, pay out the IP and be a co-producer instead of a producer. Only Yang Jiangang did not understand. But he picked up the conversation, and Cao Shan immediately took it and said, "What kind of script to buy? Buy a web novel or a big IP adaptation in a comic and you can shoot it directly. I heard that buying an IP is very cheap this year. Don't take the opportunity to stock up some?"

"The cheap ones are all assembly line products, and the real content is good, but the price of cabbage is not seen." Chu Yuanxi thought about the several major IP-based TV series adapted this year. "Moreover, we are talking about movies. The screenwriter of the TV series blinds Jaguar change is unbearable enough, and the movie also blinds Jaguar change, the picture is too beautiful to watch."

Yang Jiangang smiled slightly: "Your words are too absolute. Maybe after the screenwriter is changed, it will look better than the original. It's hard to say."

Cao Shan is not particularly familiar with Yang Jiangang, but she is a self-acquaintance, and there is no need to meet outside on this occasion. She suddenly curled her lips: "How bad is your original work, then?"

"Hey, it doesn't matter if it's bad, just be famous, and reputation is traffic."

"Have you ever seen a movie adaptation that is better than a classic? I have seen one TV series, "Yongzheng Dynasty"."

"There are movies too. Have you ever heard of "Six Fingers and Qin Demon"? This movie is so old. It is starring Brigitte Lin and Yuen Biao. Not many people have seen it." Yang Jiangang said triumphantly: "This book is written by Ni Kuang, really. It's pretty bad. You can understand one feature. The Six-Finger Qin Demon is called the Ugly Lingguan Huang Dong. In this book named after him, he is neither the protagonist nor the villain Boss, but a dragon set. Think about it, What is it written?

But the adaptation of the film is very good, and there is almost no place to restore the original in the plot, just using some names. There are a few people with similar settings and completely different stories, but they are quite exciting. "

Chu Yuanxixin said that the plot of this movie has hardly any mode of restoring the original work. Why does it sound like "Zhu Xian I" just released?

I saw Lu Yu raised his hand weakly: "I've seen it, I've seen it, and I've seen it in books and movies. In the book, the Six-Finger Qin Demon is a male. The Six-Finger Qin Demon played by Lin Qingxia is the older sister, and Yuan Biao plays her younger brother. Not complicated, but as a fast food, the rhythm is very good, the content is very substantial, and it is not procrastinating at all. It can be said to be a rare masterpiece in martial arts popcorn movies. It is better than most Jin Yong martial arts movies."

Cao Shan was aroused by curiosity, but immediately thought of another thing, and asked Chu Yuanxi: "Zhang Ming really offered 2 billion for your little game?"


"It's crazy! It's irrational!" Cao Shan shook her head, and she shook the hair that was used to cover her big face and the plate. She shook it aside. "How could Zhang Ming give 2 billion to him? He's not a good man?"

Chu Yuanxi didn't confide the plan to sell the Ba Ren game, and Cao Shan didn't know, but the wind that the mini game sold separately was blown out inside. First of all, this is a fact, and secondly, it is a huge incentive for Zhao Jie’s team. In the future, he will not be overly shocked when telling him about the Pakistani game sales plan. The key is not to mention the intention, even the consensus opinion has not been reached, so in business There is no obligation of confidentiality.

However, it would be a very good thing if the internal air blow could reach Ali. Someone offered a price of 2 billion yuan, but the Pakistani Group refused to consider it. If the price is real, it means that Pakistani people are indeed dealing with this part of the business. The psychological price is very high.

This is equivalent to pulling Zhang Ming to memorize an endorsement, but the endorser may also be converted into money-spreaders, which does not have much impact.

At this moment, when Cao Shan said so, Chu Yuanxi raised her chin: "Then what do you think?"

"Huh? Two hundred million? It's a little bit less, 300 million, it can't be more. And if your four mini games are all successful, IP is valuable."

Chu Yuanxi Yile, "Although these 2 billion do imply that I need to make them into this premise, but you are the money to buy IP authorization, sister."

Cao Shan slapped her hair back, showing her big face and popping out the plate, and said with a crackle: "The problem is that there is nothing but IP authorization, right? How could it be 2 billion? He has too much money to burn his hands, or believes you. It’s so evil, what a disruptive upgrade to the cultural and creative industry, what you said is called eloquent empowerment, you can’t deceive ghosts, right?"

"Hey, don't tell me, you can't cheat But in the past, Fatty Luo opened the ceiling to the domestic self-media industry with the help of his mouth. Otherwise, who would dare to believe that the value of self-media is to use Calculated in units of 100 million? The key is the fact, which later proved that the self-media industry is indeed worth so much money. So although the deceiver is almost a good one, it can tell a good story with the capital. Especially this matter is brought by the Pakistani Group It is the most convincing. We are now very convincing in the cultural and creative field."

After finishing talking, he decided to fight against Cao Shan's arrogant arrogance, "You have too little contact with the IP field for physical business, so you apply for a franchise right. You are not a real soldier, and you don't understand tactics."

At this time, Cao Shan glanced at her phone and found that Yang Yuanmei had sent her a message in WeChat: Talk to Chu Yuanxi politely, don't be so aggressive-conservative advice from the old driver.

This reminder from my girlfriend made her smile slightly, and said to Chu Yuanxi: "Then you can tell me a little bit."

"It's very simple. Most IPs on the market are not worth a lot of money. They need to be valued in your own way. I call them tradable IPs, such as "Fang Ge" and "Animal Company" authorized to Disney two days ago. Whatever the price is right."

Chu Yuanxi began to talk eloquently, "The other is a strategic IP. An IP can be a company, can be extended into an industry, and can attack the track hegemon. You tell me how much its content is worth. Do you know why Zhang Ming gave me 2 billion? This is a strategic investment. The valuation of strategic investment is not the same as yours. What you consider is what you can do with how much money you spend, and what strategic effects you can achieve. Two dates."

"You three melons are too expensive!" Several people said in unison.


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