Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 881: Only Elizabeth can scold Chu Yuanxi directly

It makes sense to think about it this way. Chu Yuanxi did the operation last year, and then she threw the stall to Lu Yu after she washed her hands. The result is that a **** operation is remembered by everyone, ignoring specific time attributes.

But a new question came, Chu Yuanxi was right, but how to make the cake bigger? Making the cake bigger is a correct nonsense. She has always wanted to make the cake bigger, but Monica, who thinks she is not a waste, finds that she can’t ask this question now, otherwise she doesn’t know how Chu Yuanxi is going to laugh at it. She is counting on her to make a big cake by giving her the option of DKP.

However, the world is changing, and so is the industry. The Internet is the fastest to perceive changes, and the only constant is change. The tricks used to run one's own oil pipe account back then have become ineffective, just like the tricks Chu Yuanxi used to run Douyin last year. Last year, when the Ba people rose, they mainly relied on Zhu Yan’s dance + divine comedy. Even if you can still find all kinds of undiscovered divine comedies, it is not so easy to use, because the entire vibrato ecosystem has changed several times. It's already vicissitudes of life.

In this case, Monica’s weakness in execution is exposed. She has some insights, and she usually can’t see it. It can’t form business logic at critical moments, and it can’t solve the problem of low account flow in "Enemy of Rome". The question of effectiveness. This also reflects from the side that she is seeking to transform into a business as a big oil pipe celebrity, but the business background is still not enough, and she is helpless when she needs to find a way.

So, in the final analysis, I am still quite a waste?

If you are an ordinary person, you may just nod and say yes, and then go back and think of a solution. What if there is no way? Isn’t there a way that there is no alternative? In short, you can't expose yourself to waste in front of your boss.

But Monica is different. Her character is more atmospheric and calm than normal. She doesn't care about exposing her own side. Of course, she also has to talk about skills. "Well, Lao Chu, I have a very difficult problem. I may need Lu Yu and you and Zhu Yan to help me figure out a solution. On the Internet, the videos we reserve are not effective in attracting fans. What should I do?

The main thing we put on IGTV to attract fans is the batch of Divine Comedies + Dances you produced last year. The effect is actually still alive, but the IGTV platform is not up, and tiktok's performance in Europe and North America is far worse than Brazil, Southeast Asia and India. local. The tubing is a large platform, and the problem is the biggest, because the old videos we stock are not made for tubing, the tonality is completely different, and the vertical screen video is not good for sucking powder. "

"This..." Chu Yuanxi also nodded, because the problem Monica said always existed. Not to mention the video format of horizontal and vertical screens, even if they are all vertical screen fast players, they are all domestic platforms. The ability of these videos to attract fans is much weaker than that of Douyin.

"In this regard, I think it can only be solved by shooting appropriate video content. First, you have to sort out what content users like on the Internet, and what is easy to attract fans, and then see if we are capable of filming? But you have to think about the specific method. ."

Yuan Lu suddenly looked fresh, because Chu Yuanxi's tone and expression all meant that he didn't understand!

For more than a year, Chu Yuanxi had never seen a situation where he didn't understand in a certain field, but let people do it. So that Yuan Jing and Yuan Mu kept muttering, does Chu Yuanxi know everything in business? It turns out that he is also a mortal.

"Uh...what do Internet users like? Li Ziqi and Ono are the most popular ones on the Tianchao side. Um, can it be summarized as the special food show of beautiful women?" Monica counted with her fingers. It is discovered that these two numbers have a future.

Chu Yuanxi immediately clapped her hands: "Feng Xueling, have you posted the video of Feng Xueling's food discovery shop? No, don't post the previous ones. I'll talk to Lu Yu and Feng Xueling and let them match their new needs."

"Wait a minute, Chu." Elizabeth, who has been silent for a while, said suddenly, "I have a business plan to make a big cake."

Chu Yuanxi said that you even have a business plan? Awesome! We are still discussing plans. The difference between a plan and a business plan is that the plan usually does not include a budget, but "what should we do", "what needs to be paid attention to", "who will be responsible for sorting out", etc., while the business plan includes a budget.

Everyone hates losses, and the reason why a business plan is brought into business means that the plan may be profitable or lossy, because profit and loss are the essence of business. Therefore, when proposing a business plan, we must figure out a logical chain, think clearly about how to throw money, and be responsible for the money.

Just listen to Elizabeth said: "I have summarized the process of your operation of the Dad Group. It is to take shortcuts in the market that you have a deep understanding. You have the ability to take shortcuts, so you can get through. But now you are going to enter a stranger It’s wrong to want to copy the previous successful experience in the market."

Speaking of this, she made an apologetic expression to Monica, "I didn't mean to belittle Monica, she has a million youtube fans, but a million subscriptions on youtube is not enough, not the head. The head of Youtube needs at least 10 million subscriptions, and the head of Twitter and Instagram is even more.

Monica’s industry status is a bit similar to Zhu Yan at the beginning of the establishment of the Dad Group. Zhu Yan supported the Dad Group under your powerful planning, but now you have to let Monica do the work of the two of you alone. , Do you understand what this means? She will definitely encounter all kinds of difficulties. It is obvious that the growth curve is not good. It is your fault. You asked her to make the cake bigger. I'm sorry, because of your mistakes, you can't do much. It is impossible to replicate the success of the Dad Group. "

Monica's face was full of admiration for Elizabeth, and her heart said why I hadn't thought of it long ago? It turned out that it was not her own waste at all, it was difficult for Chu Yuanxi to be strong, hahahaha!

But Yuan Mu was very upset, how rare such a chance to scold Chu Yuanxi! It's a pity that I turned a blind eye to it in front of me!

Chu Yuanxi hurriedly made a gesture of surrendering with her hand. In fact, when Elizabeth talked about the head, he already realized where he was wrong. It was so wrong! It was because it was so smooth before, so I assumed that all business would go so smoothly, but now I was beaten severely. The terrible thing is that Monica has been beaten for herself, and Monica didn't even notice it.

"Let's say the conclusion." He made a please gesture, because since it is a business plan, summing up the lessons of failure is secondary, and finding a solution is the key point.

"My conclusion is that if you don't have the ability to take shortcuts, you will use traditional methods."

Yuan Mu knew in a second: "Smash ads to the media?"

"Yes, it's normal for advertisements to drain traffic. No users directly spend money."

Monica has something to say: "We have smashed this kind of advertising, but the effect is not ideal."

This kind of unsatisfactory is also normal. The domestic self-media environment is actually similar. If you are lucky, catching up with a tune is particularly suitable. It can attract a lot of traffic, but it is usually effect talk. There is only one situation where the drainage effect is good, that is, to drain your own trumpet.

Elizabeth thought for a while, "Actually, you don't need to drain traffic from the media. Ads can reach other places with traffic. I think the traffic of games is good. The game should be the game that Dad Group is good at? Let’s sort out Europe. What kind of games are active in North America, and then buy these DAU-type games."

Chu Yuanxi thought this way, don't talk about this method, it really works. But if you really do this, it is estimated that you will be regarded as a model of wealthy people and stupid triumphs.

In fact, the game's outward channeling is nothing new. In the overseas version of "A World of Disorder", a dazzling traffic export led to this comic's self-media account on the Internet. Netmabao recognized it with his nose.

This is still different. The more authentic game drainage is the placement of video advertisements for games. The two channels for making money for placement games are in-app purchases and the cost of the CPC for players clicking on ads.

This method is very popular with players, so that many non-placement games have begun to engage in click ads, not only earning money, but also greatly improving the retention rate of players.

It’s just that generally those who go to the game's internal advertising are so-called and so-called, especially the advertising style of domestic advertisers can basically be described by the word "money". The purpose of advertising expenses is to cut more leeks, which is extremely naked.

Some of the ads for walking apps are simply shameless. They are called walking for money to withdraw cash. In fact, you can't get a few coins when you walk. Instead, you can get a little bit by watching ads and pulling heads. So users watch other people's advertisements and download their apps, and then continue to watch the advertisements to form a loop. The problem is that users can earn a few cents or even a dollar for the platform by watching an advertisement. Some apps give users only one or two cents, completely treating users as fools.

What's even more frightening is that what is waiting for these foolish users is the advertisement for cutting leek. The knife is very sharp, because they are the users who have been screened and are very sensitive to sesame seeds and small money. A little better user has deleted this kind of **** APP a long time ago, and would not even order an advertisement that takes tens of seconds, but only in exchange for a cent or two. Therefore, users on this kind of APP are extremely accurate for some sickles. The fastest knife is often slashed at them, and the sickle is not enough to slash.

However, in such a tragic advertising environment, a Pakistani popped out with such a peculiar style of painting, and he did not expect to pay back the money after advertising, and it was directly directed to similar official accounts and Weibo. What would others think?

However, Yuan Mu did not consider the disadvantages, her eyes lit up, "Hey, this method is really good. The IP of Enemy of Rome will be a game at that time, and it will be released overseas. Purchases from game channels are definitely in the future. Accurate users. According to the traffic business, this transaction is done, and the conversion rate after the game is definitely high."

When Yuan Mu said this, Chu Yuanxi immediately thought that many domestic friends and merchants were operating idle games outside the sea. Some of them went straight to the krypton gold route without advertising at all. The difference from ordinary mobile games is that the core battle and resource acquisition mode is changed, and the system that is sent to the player in the event is removed, and it is dropped on the phone instead.

However, there are still many placement games that follow the advertising rules. There are many who have obtained a certain DAU in Europe and North America. These are the targets of advertising.

Even Zhao Jie’s mini-games can be released overseas, not for making money, but only for advertising for his own media. Although this is contrary to the previously set strategy and the time is not right, it is not impossible. Anyway, the original strategy set after the sale of the Pakistani game will be invalid.

After thinking about this, what else could Chu Yuanxi say besides like? After finishing this brainstorming, I went to Lu Yu immediately.

Lu Yu was busy with his feet up to the sky, and he couldn't separate three shadow clones.

In addition to the daily operations of Pakistani Information, the group quickly completed the order after the demand for the robot was raised. One month later, some Party B has already started delivery, and he must take care of it.

The promotion of the mini game IP has entered a critical period, and the development progress of the mini game by Zhao Jie has almost gone. He and Zhu Yan are at the node of power. The content is produced in different categories, maybe one IP needs to produce three or four kinds of materials, and then they have to be cast on the correct short video platform. The quality must be controlled, the timing of the release must be coordinated, and he has to deal with a lot of things.

Yang Jiangang's UGC user promotion has just entered a critical period. He took the interview video a few days ago, and after sending it out, he can’t leave it alone. It doesn’t matter if it is a small splash. The Pakistani information side must invest energy and traffic to let this interview be spread. It is currently at the end of the fermentation stage and will soon stimulate the second spread.

You must know that under the management of Lu Yu, a large part of the daily work of Pakistani information is interacting with fellow people in the world. The hand of the gift rose has a lingering fragrance. When you think that this key link requires a lot of stimulation, the accumulated character is also realized. A force that cannot be ignored.

Chu Yuanxi understood Lu Yu's difficulties very well, so she said to him: "Guide Lu, I'm here to trouble you again."

"Ah? What's the matter? I'm under a lot of pressure." Lu Yu said with a look of lovelessness. I felt sorry for me, because he knew that resistance was useless. Strong X couldn't resist and could only accept it.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s words: “Men have to learn to resist stress reasonably. You must think about how to allocate time reasonably, how to organize work effectively, and how to transfer your workload to the appropriate The staff will help you share the burden, which is a good exercise for you."

Lu Yu didn't look back busy, "please say thank you."

"Here is an important job for you to do."

Chu Yuanxi knew that he was not trying to neglect himself, but that some work could not be interrupted. The complex structure required to be completed at one go. Once interrupted, it would be reorganized and re-remembered, so who would stand it? There must be emotion when you are about to be interrupted.

As for Lu Yu, when he heard these words, he felt very bad. The important job that Chu Yuanxi was looking for was definitely not an easy job, right? At least it should be comparable to the demand on the peak visual effects side?

As a result, when I heard Chu Yuanxi's new requirements, wasn't it about redesigning the position of the subtitles and controlling the horizontal and vertical screens? Wouldn't it be over if you shoot two versions at once? "That's it? It's not a big deal, I see."

"This must be a major event. The first is related to the effect of attracting fans overseas from the media, and the second is also a matter of great benefit to Feng Xueling. In case of a fire, she will go to the Internet. This has many aspects. Ah? Her big internet celebrity came to our side. Although she did a good job in the shop, she could leave at any time if she learned what she should learn, right? If she leaves quietly, what will others say about us? Anyhow, it's a beautiful spot for people to walk around, and we also look good here."

Lu Yuxin is the reason why Feng Xueling comes to Pakistan. More than half of the factors are to learn how the leading institutions in the industry operate. But why should you care about Feng Xueling?

But he is not thinking about gossip now, because the second spread of peak visual effects is about to begin. Chu Yuanxi also cared about this dissemination, not only about the effect of Yang Jiangang's propaganda, but also about how much the Pakistani information can play after the full firepower.

It is said that it is a sword that slays a dragon, but how big a dragon can it be? The Dragon King of Jinghe and the Dragon King of East China Sea are still a bit different. If you can't support even a peak visual effect, let alone support the promotion of national-level Yuanxi in the next few days Relying that he is the CFO of Peak Visual Effects, he has been driving the backstage of Peak Visual Effects and found that there are more problems, but Yang Jiangang can handle it by himself.

The so-called problems encountered are mostly retention rates. One of the main tasks of game planning is to dismantle each step, find problems through data, and improve retention. The professional game R&D team can focus the problem on every step. After the game is launched, all the behaviors of the player, from the login to the right to operate freely, that is, every step of the novice guidance stage can quantify the problem, because it can See all churn data at each step.

The UGC users of Pinnacle Visual Effects and game players are actually very close, and all they need are novice guidance, but the guidance tutorial of Pinnacle Visual Effects is more complicated.

To some extent, Pinnacle Visual Effects also relies on standardizing the animation production process to reduce costs and improve efficiency. It's just that the cost is extremely low and the efficiency improvement is extremely high. If you want to be inefficient and costly, you can't do it, and you must sacrifice image quality.

Compared with large-scale production animation, this UGC production method has many key links that are difficult to improve. For example, the baking effect of ambient light can only rely on the standardized baking of the engine, and it is impossible for users to manually bake, otherwise the production complexity will be greatly increased, and the gain will not be worth the loss. Lighting is a very important part in live-action dramas, but it is more important in animations. The effect produced by the engine is inevitably unsatisfactory.


I pushed the book and advertised, "I Can Pass into the Language Document", which is a very different and novel story about making trouble in the language document.


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