Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 880: Turned out to be my waste

Hong Xing suddenly glared, "Hey, hey, what you said is wrong. Don't think about it now. She doesn't have a lot of money. When the time comes, she will piece together or sell a few numbers. Don’t you just collect her money? You have to completely kill the advertisement of "Late Night Gallery" and let all advertisers block her. I am mainly on the West Lake side, and I can’t take care of you on your side. Mr. Lei said, be careful and don't delay."

After a series of business reforms and tossing and tossing, Langtao Information finally found that it was still making short videos to make money. However, making short videos in Imperial Capital is not only costly and expensive, but the key is that there is no good environment, which is far inferior to West Lake City. Therefore, the entire company has been reorganized and washed away in the process of reorganization.

For now, West Lake City can be said to be the short video capital of the entire planet. The entire industry chain is extremely complete, and related talents are everywhere. As a company, it is simply paradise. You can recruit any kind of talent right away. .

In West Lake City, there are companies that specialize in the production of short video content, but instead of distributing it and selling it, organizations can directly buy content from others and post to their own accounts, changing from content producers to content collectors. There is a special production of Douyin Divine Comedy, music tailors can no longer be used to describe it. In music theory, there is a scientific name called Earworm Music, which creates more than N songs every day to achieve the brainwashing effect of Divine Comedy.

As for post-production, choreographer, dubbing, and editing, there are not too many. And the most important thing is that there are a large number of young ladies who take orders, do street shooting, do jokes, and even COS.

The entire industry chain streamlined operation and all replaceable and outsourcing operations that the Tianchao Film Industry has not realized have been realized in the short video field. The standard for the realization of large-scale industrial films is actually very simple, that is, the film production process can be broken down. Each step of the decomposition step has a large number of companies and studios that can undertake production. Any link except for filming can realize assembly-line operations. It is called "industry", and it has very high requirements for directors and filming.

Zheng Tong also wanted to follow, but the imperial capital had to let go of the stall gradually, so he didn't make it for the time being. As a result, he had arranged such a worrying thing for him now.

Fortunately, he didn't show up.

"The situation you said is really not good." Zheng Tong said with joy again, "I have already figured out the situation in "Middle Night Gallery" these days, and her shareholding structure and the agreement are very awkward. It’s not good for sellers or borrowing money. Whether to borrow money or sellers is equivalent to harming the interests of small and medium shareholders. This road is locked by herself, and she can only sell advertisements."

"Okay, this is double insurance." Geng Bin, who was sitting on the side, said. When he opened his mouth, Zheng Tong noticed that he was actually wearing a full dress, which was extremely awkward.

In fact, Lei Siyun asked Geng Bin why he likes to wear dresses so much, and Geng Bin replied: "In this way, I can remind myself to be on stage at all times."

Chu Yuanxi didn't have a pit room with Shiling, it doesn't mean that Geng Bin has scruples. He is the one who wants to do big things. At this moment, everyone in this room is performing on the stage he built. It’s just that they basically think of themselves as screenwriters and directors, and they don’t know that they are all overkill.

Among them, Zheng Tong runs a big dragon set. As a capable man of Wave Information, he does content with one hand and runs operations with the other. Whether it is to pull advertisements or to scan data, he is at the proficient level. He has won the true biography of Hongxing. actor! It is not easy to do well in the advertising business, and it is simply too simple to do it well. Advertisers are taboo about what is obvious to all. What Zheng Tong needs to do is to remain quiet and to be able to distinguish the relationship at that time.

Hong Xing doesn't look at the five people and six at this time. He has a sense of ownership. In fact, he has the lowest position on the stage, and his only job is to cooperate with Zheng Tong when he checks the fake quota.

Lei Siyun is the trader on the face of this trader. He is responsible for the money, but outsiders do not know that the only investor of Huayun Fund is Geng Bin himself. And after this matter is completed, the matrix of "Late Night Gallery" will be split, and those official accounts that Geng Bin doesn't like in the matrix will be distributed to Hong Xing and the left eye as rewards.

The left eye is a very lonely actor. This kind of person is headstrong and prone to bad things. Geng Bin didn't want to bring him in. But thinking about it, Fang Shiling is indispensable to complete his plan, because she is the KOL. If Geng Binkong has "Late Night Gallery" without Fang Shiling, the operation will be more difficult, but Fang Shi Ling, she definitely doesn't know how to live broadcast, which is terrible.

Therefore, if Fang Shiling gets on the boat smoothly, it is inevitable to find a live broadcast master for Fang Shiling. From the perspective of confidentiality, we must not be an outsider, and we are familiar with Lei Siyun and Hong Xing Eyes are the best candidates.

The composition of this stage is temporarily not enough for outsiders, at least it is impossible for Fang Shiling to know, she still has a lot of bad things.

The first thing is the refund of Taishan Terrace. At this juncture, it is good to be able to refund 1 million. As a result, Taishan Terrace said that it can refund 2 million as part of the first five million advance payment. .

Fang Shiling was full of joy at first, so he made up one tenth of the 20 million gap. As a result, they said at Taishan Terrace that it takes half a year to go through the refund process...

This time he beeped the dog, Fang Shiling cursed at the air happily, and then had to pin his hopes on the advertising business.

Therefore, Zheng Tong, who is skilled in advertising business, is very important to "Late Night Gallery". He can find ads that count by click, and the quality is better, not shameful, not disturbing, and is used in comic promotion and selling classes. Open up a new cash input channel outside.

But it still feels unsafe. If something happens in the process, there is no room for fault tolerance.

It was already September 19th, let alone the room for fault tolerance, even less than a month, so when Zheng Tong suggested to her to adopt some unconventional hand stop, Fang Shiling did not directly refuse, but "consider a bit".

A big event happened on this day. Ali’s boss Tsai bought the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets and bought the stadium at the same time. Because of the Pakistani game, Chu Yuanxi has already added a lot of friends from the Ali family, and saw a carnival in the circle of friends, and many people are very positive about likes.

Then he had the old bad feeling that he couldn't hold back and wanted to vomit, and he didn't dare to vomit in the circle of friends, so he had to tell Yuan Mu.

As a result, Chu Yuanxi opened her mouth and found that Yuan Mu was also very excited.

But Yuan Mu found that Chu Yuanxi was going to sing the opposite, so he gave three question marks: "What? Are you not optimistic? Why?"

"Why are you optimistic?" Chu Yuanxi was strange, and she didn't usually see Yuan Mu watching basketball.

"I don't understand this? According to the logic of investment, the NBA is a very difficult company to invest in. Outsiders want to buy shares and can't buy it. Boss Cai bought it. Isn't that promising?"

"The Madoff Fund was the same before 2008. If you want to buy it, you won't sell it to you." Chu Yuanxi immediately poured out a pot of cold water, without saying anything later. This is the biggest scandal in the history of U.S. finance. No one. Madoff, the founder of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, and the most prominent capital player in New York, played a $50 billion Ponzi scheme.

Yuan Mu suddenly rolled his eyes, "Can that be the same? How high is the revenue of the NBA? And it's all transparent."

"The question is if you think of buying an NBA team as an investment, shouldn't you care about the price? Shouldn't it be whether the valuation is reasonable?"

"Hey, do you think it is unreasonable? Are you smarter than Boss Cai?" Yuan Mu finally found a place where he could disss Chu Yuanxi without worrying about reality. "I admit it is a premium, but premium mergers are normal. , It happens every day in the capital market. Whether a premium is not a premium depends on whether it is good for you. Sometimes you buy not the commodity itself, but the added value. After Boss Cai bought the Nets, look at the momentum, the popularity is 欻欻It came up, and even the whole Ali benefited. The money is so worth it."

Chu Yuanxi nodded in a rare nod, "It does make sense for you to say that, but..."

"You can still but? How hard is your mouth?" Yuan Mu said as he suddenly saw Elizabeth knocking in, so he rolled his eyes and asked Elizabeth how she felt about it.

Unexpectedly, the U.S. people speak very directly: "For death, do you say that in Chinese? It is pure performance art for death."

This made Yuan Mu stunned, only to hear Elizabeth continue to say: "It was originally a group of oldmoney, and a newmoney suddenly broke in. What do you think will happen? If you are oldmoney, are you in good faith or malicious? Do you want to see newmoney show off in front of you or do you want to see newmoney face landing? If you buy a toy, this toy is too expensive. If it is an investment, the premium is too high and there is no margin of safety."

Chu Yuan Xiongdong applauded: "It's so good, I didn't even think of it."

"Then what do you think?" Yuan Mu asked angrily.

"I, I just think that the NBA and Hollywood are unique cultural output tools of the United States that can overlook the world. Do you think about how many young people in China adoring NBA stars? So..." Chu Yuanxi said, pointing up with her hand. He pointed, "How many people do you think would want to close this opening? Especially at this point in time, both sides are turning on the meat grinder. Is it good to stand in the middle? Any turbulence is a target."

After that, he asked Elizabeth why she came, but he did not expect that Elizabeth was actually doing things on the Pakistani side, saying that Monica had a document to show him.

"Huh? Why is she so big? Why didn't she come by herself?" Chu Yuanxi felt a little confused, and said to her heart that this was not a resignation report? I thought about it again, if it was a resignation report, Monica's heart would definitely come directly.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes: "Look at it first."

When she opened it, Chu Yuanxi suddenly let out a "Huh", which was a comparison of the two data.

Because of the intention to sell Pakistani games, the game development work of "Enemy of Rome" has been affected. The mobile game development team has been suspended, and the VR development team is still doing the underlying work. Those related to the engine have been transferred to the Pakistani group. Below the head office framework.

But Monica’s overseas self-media construction has not stopped. Mallor has been writing, Jin Yonghan has been drawing, Monica has been translating, and so far, she has got some fans on social media. However, the number is limited. There are only 50,000 to 60,000 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and the progress is very average.

According to Monica's understanding, this speed is not slow, because the external network lacks more powerful global weak social aggregate giants like WeChat public accounts and Toutiao APP. The three major platforms are all places for modern social networking. The strongest in modern socialization is celebrities, and the community ecology determines that travel photos of handsome men and beautiful women are especially easy to be liked and spread.

But the comics are almost the same, especially the story-type comics, the communication attribute is obviously weak, and it is even far inferior to the way of using comics to record their lives, because the latter has social attributes, and the story does not exist at all. Directly linking story-based comics to social media such as "A Troubled World" and "The Enemy of Rome" does not conform to the tonality of social networking on the Internet. In less than four months, cold-start comics can be used. The 50,000 or 60,000 fans are the result of her hard work.

Chu Yuanxi agreed with this explanation, but according to the original routine, it should be the Pakistani's own social account to divert the "enemy of Rome" from IGTV and YouTube. IGTV and YouTube are equivalent to the vibrato of the original WeChat public account and Weibo, and copy the minimum volume of the comics of "A Time in Trouble".

One of the data that Monica transferred to Elizabeth was the minimum amount of data, and the other was the data recorded when Chu Yuanxi actually performed the minimum amount of "Out of the Mountains" last year.

Chu Yuanxi took a closer look, and suddenly knew why Monica had to change her hand from Elizabeth. She found that something was wrong, and she had no face to see people!

"Hurry up and call her. If I want to cut her down, I will be tortured and let her die happy." After Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, she found that Elizabeth didn't understand, and she couldn't understand this kind of ancient Eastern wisdom.

As a shareholder of the Ba people, Yuan Mu was not polite at all, and he took the paper in Chu Yuanxi's hand and looked at it. After checking it in this way, he found that it was completely wrong. In terms of the absolute number of fans, Pakistan's Douyin number is of course far beyond the tubing and IGTV. This set of data mainly compares relative values ​​to reflect the diversion effect. If the effective ratio of traffic from Douyin to the official account and Weibo was counted as 100 last year, it is now less than 30. In short, the feeling is two words-no way.

"For your project, the fan base was originally small, and then the drainage efficiency was low. Is it going to be cool when you watch "Enemies of Rome"?" She didn't worry at all and said cool words, because she had been observing it for so long. In the end, what exactly is the positioning of Ba people and Xiaokang, she must know the most apart from Chu Yuanxi, and she does not need Chu Yuanxi to explain.

Precisely because it is clear that the key to Chu Yuanxi's business success lies in the well-off, so a simple calculation knows that whether the "Rome" is cold or not will not affect the well-off. Even if it is cold, the Pakistani people’s cash reserves are almost enough for a well-off. It’s of course better if it explodes. This is great news for Zheng De, but even if it bursts to the level of "Troubled Times", the result is nothing more than the Pakistani cash reserves. If it overflows, you can give more money to shareholders.

This kind of Buddhist mentality made her look at many things easily, but Monica couldn't. Monica entered the meeting room in panic, and it was not ordinary panic. Since entering the Pakistani for so long, she has not been so panic, because she was shaken, began to doubt herself, and felt uneasy.

Is the way of operating Pakistani overseas accounts wrong? Otherwise, why is the drainage effect so bad? This is a fatal problem for her, because she knows that her value for Pakistani people is to operate an external self-media account.

Raising an account is the same as raising a child. It must be taken care of and educated. The most feared thing is that after a long time of raising a scum, it will hit the parents too much. Parents can accept that they are not worthy of such a good child, but they absolutely cannot accept that the child is abandoned, so Monica lost her self-confidence for the first time.

Chu Yuanxi's expression amused him, "What are you doing? Didn't you do a good job?"


The expressions of the three girls in the conference room were similar. Elizabeth had forwarded this data to She had already seen it.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "I mean this drainage effect is not as good as Douyin, isn't it justified? I think it's okay, right? Acceptable."

Yuan Mu quit, "Wait, let me sort out my thoughts... Do you mean that the domestic drainage is easier than the external network? Our users and external network users are not the same user. ?"

"What you said is not accurate. It is not the ratio of domestic users to external networks, but the ratio of Douyin users to all other users last year."

Chu Yuanxi stood up as she said, and made gestures on the blackboard and found that she couldn't draw, so she had to continue saying: "Douyin is an invincible existence in 2018. People block and kill gods, and gods block murder. There are so many new effective users. Those who have not lost must have been brainwashed by the Divine Comedy, as long as the fans are very active and follow the instructions. But the oily turtles are not, and the oily turtles are all long-standing old users. The freshness has passed long ago. What have you not seen? Reasonable, numb, and even have their own community style, they can't command at all.

So there is nothing wrong with Monica's data, and it's not shameful. If you look at IGTV, isn't the effect obviously better than that of oily turtle? It's not as good as Douyin, because IGTV is TikTok for the oily soft-shelled turtle. A large number of users overlap with the oily soft-shelled turtle. "

As he said, he patted Monica exaggeratedly on the shoulder; "I was in good time last year when I operated the operation, and the data was exaggerated. You look asymmetrical in comparison. Your question is how to make the cake bigger. After making the cake bigger, everything will be available. Let the fans on the video side increase, and the fans on the social side, don’t take the rest to heart, understand?"

Monica breathed a sigh of relief suddenly and took a long breath. It turned out that she was too wasteful?


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