Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 883: Standing on the other side of the causal line

In fact, the copyright manager of DreamWorks is neither here to wipe the oil, nor is there any good thing. It is a very common copyright introduction, which is not essentially different from the introduction of "Animal Company" by Disney. The reason for this is all because of the large-scale advertising of Pakistani people in North America.

The Pakistani people's actions are very fast, and the meeting will be executed immediately after the meeting is set. The operation of advertising is not a complicated process in itself. Facebook and Google both have extremely powerful advertising engines, automatic quotation and automatic bidding. The types of advertisements are divided into categories, and each bears different traffic functions. The system even helps to identify traffic owners. Whether the user portrait is appropriate or not is very good for advertisers.

Therefore, all the Pakistani people need to do is to ask the domestic small game businessmen if they have more affordable prices. The result is no. Then there is nothing to say, the video material of the advertisement is basically ready-made, and it is nothing more than a subtitle and a voice, and Monica directs the advertisement to go.

The first investment was in North America, and then after a week of work, the users in North America were stupid, and they had never seen this before.

I used to see advertisements with gusto. The most important thing in North America’s advertising is quality. Because of a short period of time, there is a rigid rule that only the first five or six seconds can be skipped, so advertisers provide materials. I had to rack my brains to use this short time to attract the attention of target users.

But the ads provided by Pakistani people are not so, basically only ten seconds, super short, users can't see it when they want to look down, but they want to continue watching, no more! So I can only click on the ad to jump over, and then realize that it is neither a game nor an APP, but a comic on social media? What is this picture?

Moreover, the Pakistani people’s advertising volume is large and full, giving full play to the "seeing more effect". They spread out like locusts in transit, while the users in North America are more authentic. The more weird the more confusing things. To explore, so there was a short-term enthusiasm. The topic of "Google Trends" continued to rise, which is equivalent to a hot search on Weibo, with a lot of discussions.

Of course, there is the result of Monica's trading operations, and even the duration of the material was deliberately controlled by her. The result not only achieved good results for users, but also aroused the curiosity of predators.

But DreamWorks actually cannot be called a predator in the face of the Pakistani group. DreamWorks is very famous. Two of the three founders are Spielberg and Katzenberg. Megatron Hollywood, but they separated in 2008. Spielberg went to Disney with DreamWorks movies. , Katzenberg continues to have DreamWorks Animation.

Today's people are of course an animation company, with "Shrek", "Kung Fu Panda", "Madagascar" and Chu Yuanxi's favorite "How to Train Your Dragon" and other works that are well-known in the history of animation in the world.

However, the capital market is naked, hard currency is market value, followed by valuation, and DreamWorks Animation was acquired by Universal Pictures for $3.8 billion as early as 2016, and there is no reason to increase prices based on its performance in recent years.

It is totally incomparable with Disney's more than $200 billion.

The word "only" is not to look at people's dishes or to look at people's inferiority, but the rules of the capital market.

Of course, Chu Yuanxi didn't dare to be big because of this, because Americans are sometimes very stubborn. For example, film companies don't like to make games, and games are obviously very profitable. Maybe a big guy like Katzenberg doesn't like this little money? Or perhaps their generation has formed a stubborn business logic, so it seems very "duty."

Therefore, this kind of company has a low market value but strong foundation and strong explosive power. It retains the possibility of sudden explosion anytime and anywhere, and it has come up with a hugely influential IP adaptation game and ranks among the best sellers. Don’t you see Yamaguchi Mountain followed the "Kung Fu Panda" to launch the Pandaren race, and then a mobile game "Yin Yang Panda" followed the trend in China. The gameplay is all popular, and the character modeling desperately used "Kung Fu Panda", making billions of dollars. ¥.

Katzenberg's popularity will not be less than this amount for any snack on the game.

The key is that they have cultivated for more than 20 years, and many of the IPs they have cultivated are real big IPs, which will last for a long time and will not die with the wind. Compared with "Troubled Times", it is more like a nouveau riche who can quickly hold money. But the foundation is not deep.

This is also a problem faced by many domestic network IPs.

After Chu Yuanxi replied to confirm, she had to temporarily cancel the vacation, and then waited for Banner, the copyright manager of DreamWorks, on the 30th.

This person has the same surname as Dr. Banner in Marvel, and his facial features are a bit like the Hulk after Dr. Banner’s transformation. The eyebrows are thick and the face is big, especially the nose. You shouldn’t need makeup to play an orc.

I don't know why, Elizabeth avoided it, so it was Monica who came to be a translator. She originally wanted to leave the ship half a day in advance, but the plan was pretty good, but it was completely ruined, so she had a sad expression on her face.

Unexpectedly, when Banner opened her mouth, her voice was very mellow, with a pure North American accent. Through Monica’s translation, she first expressed her intentions: "I saw the ancient Greek-themed comics that your company recently advertised on a large scale. Recently, many forums have published them. When discussing this comic, I mainly don’t understand the purpose of your abnormal operation. Many users have never seen a way to spend so much money to promote a comic. Is it convenient to tell?"

After reading Monica, she explained: "The content creators in Europe and North America are still relatively simple. Even in the Internet age, there are fixed channels for publicity and distribution. They all rely on content to naturally attract fans. Rarely do the content creation stage Introduce the model of capital power. That's why we confuse them when we cast advertisements.

"It's not inconvenient." Chu Yuanxi smiled after hearing it, "but you came here not to satisfy your curiosity after traveling thousands of miles to satisfy your curiosity? What's your intention?"

Originally, DreamWorks of America participated in a joint venture in the Tianchao as early as 2012. The Oriental DreamWorks established in Magic Capital is very powerful. The "Longhair Xuebao" that will be launched on National Day is a joint product of Oriental DreamWorks and DreamWorks of America. However, because of the aftermath of the acquisition of DreamWorks by Universal, Oriental DreamWorks was wholly-owned by Tianchao Capital last year. Although it still has a deep cooperation with DreamWorks, it is no longer a family, so the people at DreamWorks only want to talk about things. Can run across the ocean.

Just listen to Banner said: "My intention is very simple. We think this manga feels quite interesting, and we want to obtain the right to adapt it to an animated film."

In terms of animation film production alone, although DreamWorks is not as capable as Disney, regardless of the number of works, the ability to publicize and even the box office, the reputation is quite good, and the production process and content are very suitable for setting up a memorial. That is to say, a single case of a certain IP made into a cinema animation film. Comparing DreamWorks and Disney, the amplification and dividends brought to Pakistani people should be of the same order of magnitude.

Just look at the domestic box office, and even DreamWorks relied on the "Kung Fu Panda" series to be tougher than Disney in recent years, but "Rome" focuses on Europe and North America, which is of little value compared to the mainland box office.

Then why did Chu Yuanxi characterize this meeting as an ordinary copyright transaction? Because DreamWorks and Disney are different, their influence is different, and the boundaries of desire are of course different. The difference between them can be seen from the market value, and the difference in size is dozens of times larger.

Chu Yuanxi is accustomed to looking at problems from the perspective of results, first considering the opponent's boundaries, and then how much his own side gains. Just like in a transaction, someone considers how much this thing is worth to them, and then regards it as an acceptable bottom line. Some people consider the other party's bidding psychology and specifically look for this line to bargain. The latter is to look at the problem from the perspective of results.

Facing the people from Disney who proposed the authorization of animated films, his first reaction was "It is impossible for a business as big as Disney to only authorize animated films, right"? Sure enough, Disney also proposed investment rights covering games and peripheral derivatives.

But when DreamWorks proposed the same authorization, Chu Yuanxi had no doubts, it should be an ordinary copyright transaction. What if people’s original intentions are not ordinary? Then make it ordinary.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi said: "Then our purpose of spending advertising fees is actually very simple, that is, we don’t understand North American comics publicity channels, and we don’t have relevant resources. Then we see that the advertising price is acceptable, so we use advertising. It’s not bad to promote it faster than normal."

"But the comic companies in North America make money by publishing comics. How do you make money by posting comics on social networks?"

Banner was confused at the time, because this money was extremely difficult to make in the Internet age, and the Marvel Animation company with a long history of decades was on the verge of bankruptcy, and had to sell the compilation rights of popular characters such as Spider-Man and Venom to Sony. The film industry continued to take a bite, and then it still didn't work, and finally had to sell the whole body to Disney.

The Baren Group’s operation has not only increased its costs, but the key problem is that the advertisements are promoted to all Internet users, not to comic users at all. However, the traditional channels are directly aimed at comic users who have been nurtured for decades. How do you think the Ba Ren’s gameplay is a rush?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s cheerful answer to the question of making money: “It’s very simple. If someone is willing to pay for it, we can make money. Now advertising is to accelerate the search for customers who are willing to pay for it. Why do you promote milk and fried? Chickens can advertise, but I can’t promote comics? As for how to make money, it’s the age of the mobile Internet. There are so many ways to make money. The content is good and there are users. Do you worry about no one to pay?"

Li seems to be such a reason, but what is always wrong?

But Banner didn't mean to delve into it deeply. Thousands of miles are for officials, and thousands of miles are for wealth. His purpose of traveling all the way is just to get the animation adaptation rights.

At this time, Chu Yuanxi asked instead: "Mr. Banner, I am also curious, what is the attraction of our self-made content that makes Disney and DreamWorks suddenly want to get our license? You are getting licenses on a large scale. ?"

Large-scale authorization of animated movies, then the IP of the Pakistani is taken away and the authorization becomes an ordinary event, which is not worth exploring.

In the end, Banner shook his head, "No, no, we don’t. As far as I know, Disney does not have large-scale purchases. Let me just talk about us. Our DreamWorks is the earliest and most deeply involved company in your country’s animation field. The cooperation is also more specific, and the landing situation is better."

Chu Yuanxi listened to him quietly, didn't he always say that the box office of "Kung Fu Panda 3" did not meet expectations?

Just listen to Banner said: "As for the purpose of obtaining authorization, of course, it is to make a movie to make money. I think Disney and our goal will not be different. Our animated movies are very popular in your country."

Chu Yuanxixin said that it's hard to say how popular this popularity is. In fact, you should have come a few days later. "Longmao Xuebao" will be launched soon, and you will be able to see the lineup a few days later. You said that an animated movie of yours picked the National Day file to go online and competed with "My Motherland", "Captain" and "Climber". I don't know if you should be confident or strong?

In fact, if you change to any other schedule, videos that are confident enough in the content can participate in the PK directly, except for the National Day file. The National Day file is indeed abolished, and the attendance rate is as high as the Spring Festival file, and it is super profitable, but this is the time for gifting. If a movie theater line in the 70th anniversary of Daqing is not lined up with gift films and full of animated films, it is estimated that it will be guided by window. Therefore, conventional publicity, roadshows, etc. are not effective at all. Ordinarily, Oriental DreamWorks is already wholly-owned domestically, so this kind of mistake should not be made.

But it's not advisable to vomit now

Today is September 30th, "The Long-haired Snow Monster" will be released on time tomorrow National Day, and it has already been screened on the 28th, and the data is not bad. In particular, the content is really very good. The Hollywood-level industrial level and the heavenly elements are very grounded. It can be said that it is very attentive. It is worthy of the product that Oriental DreamWorks participated in the production. Even the map of the celestial dynasty in the film is correct, and even the nine-dash line of the South China Sea is drawn correctly.

In contrast, some domestic film and television dramas don’t know if it’s lacking in mind or what's going on. The map loses a few pieces of land at random and doesn’t know where the food is going.

No wonder people are ambitious.

Now that the relationship is not so close, the emotional intelligence is too low. It is just like "I speak up and you don't blame me". It is true but annoying.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi skipped this section of the inner OS and continued to ask: "But as far as I know we have a lot of popular comics, our company can only say that it has a place in it. Whether it is Disney or DreamWorks, the introduction of the Pakistani Group’s animation film copyright is a good thing in my understanding, if there are no additional requirements. What I particularly want to know is why such good things continue to fall on me?"

Monica blinked her eyes and translated Chu Yuanxi's words truthfully, especially when she said "No additional requirements", she slowed down. Banner sitting opposite didn't know if the expression management was exceptionally good or really nothing Anyway, Chu Yuanxi was not aware of the move.

Then assume that he really has no additional requirements.

Just listen to Banner said: "You don't know your advantages? For our company, there are indeed many works on the content market in your country, but it is unique that meets the following two conditions at the same time.

First, the ability to continuously output influence. my country is the first country to start the Internet and social networks first, and the application of social networks is the most common. In this regard, your company has both impact factors and content, which is very unique.

Second, your company is a rare institution in your country that explores the influence of overseas social networks. After we see the advertisements you place, although we can't figure out the logic, it can be defined as a behavior that increases the influence of North American social networks. There are very few companies with this kind of awareness in your country, which is very rare.

So, let's cooperate and give me a copy according to Disney's agreement? "

"That's not bad." Chu Yuanxi said counter-intuitively, and then turned around as promised: "But there are two clauses I think I need to iterate."

This description stunned Monica. How can the terms be described as "iteration"? Finally decided to paraphrase.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "The first is the deadline. Disney’s deadline is too long. I was scolded by investors for I hope that the deadline can be included in the DreamWorks contract. Try to be as early as possible."

Monica said that your investor is now Yuan Mu. She will scold you for this? Are you a liar?

After she finished flipping, Banner immediately agreed: "It's okay. We can produce an animated film within a year, but the time for the official release of the film cannot be so hasty."

In the film industry, there are many people who have been cut and put on hold for a year before going online. Unfortunately, they will be put on hold forever and have no chance to go online. In fact, this is the norm. It can be said that the issue of the scheduled launch is a direct reflection of the ability of a publishing company. DreamWorks has been established for fifteen years, and has not released its own products until now. They have signed contracts with Paramount, Disney and Universal.

Chu Yuanxi said, why is it so fast? It's a bit beyond imagination. Is there no other content on your product line that needs to be produced? But this kind of problem doesn't need to be delved into, what if people do not have no content but expand the product line? It is not impossible.

So he went on to say: "The second is the issue of investment rights. The terms between us and Disney... Wait, Defoe will show you the terms? We have signed a non-disclosure agreement!"

"No, no, I haven't seen it." Banner laughed as he said, but he looked like a cover up.

Chu Yuanxi smiled and skipped the matter, "That's good, my question is, when the IP-related games developed by our side are launched in North America, the partner requires that the investment right of the game is reasonable only under certain circumstances. Yes. For example, the partners themselves have game resources and can use their own game resources to add value to IP games. Therefore, the transfer of investment rights is equivalent to using our shares to exchange channels. This logic is fine."


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