Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 884: I really don't want to be a comprador

Banner seemed to probably know what Chu Yuanxi was going to say, and couldn't help frowning. Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "Moreover, this investment right is also invested by the partner in the project company in North America, not in the entire game project. The project company in North America specializes in docking and publishing, and enjoy this game in Game revenue in North America. So the whole business logic is connected.

But DreamWorks does not have any relevant resources as far as I know. How to form this investment right? We cannot accept purely financial investment rights, at least not in games. "

Although this condition is very just, it is also very harsh, at least in Banner's view, it is more demanding, and it is not something he can agree to at will, so there is no more for a while.

When Banner made the overseas phone call to communicate with the headquarters, Chu Yuanxi approached Elizabeth and asked her why she was hidden. Elizabeth's expression was very tangled. Finally, he hesitated and said, "He voted me millions."

Chu Yuanxi screamed in secret! When I say this, I really have to hide it. Don’t let the Hulk see. Elizabeth is the first pit of the American entrepreneurs in the century. According to the market value, it is worth more than 4 billion US dollars. Although there are mostly predators, small and medium-sized investors are certainly not. few.

Seeing Chu Yuanxi's eyes, Elizabeth's face suddenly became cold, and she resolutely said, "I will definitely return all the money!"

Did Chu Yuanxi say rely on a well-off Southeast Asia? It's not that there is no hope, I don't know if it is true.

At this time, Elizabeth suddenly said: "I have already thought about it. By that time, all my shares in well-off Southeast Asia will be injected into the repayment fund. I only retain the voting rights. If I'm lucky, I can always pay back half."

Since I talked with Elizabeth about the detailed conditions, assuming that the independent financing conditions of 30 billion valuation are used as the benchmark, she can get incentives after opening the capital operation. This part is the key, at least the amount can reach 9 billion yuan. She has this self-confidence, and it is also a reflection of the value of herself as the actual business operator and network resources. Working **** this basis, $2 billion is almost the same. As long as the business is really good, no one will worry about buying this financial investment.

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but frowned. "Are you too conservative about the prospects of a well-off Southeast Asia? I was already quite conservative when I set 30 billion. You have more experience in capital operation than me, and you are even more lucky. Good talent is half?"

"What's the matter? Are you all on it?" Elizabeth said, leaning against the wall, observing Chu Yuanxi obliquely. She is not as confident as Chu Yuanxi's fascination, and her heart said that if I can make up half of it, my environment has changed a lot, at least I dare to return to China in an open and honest manner! There is a person in your country who always wants to postpone it until next week before returning home. He is on the list of dishonest and still clamoring for repayment every day. I don’t know what to pay back?

Chu Yuanxi didn't have much ambition for a well-off Southeast Asia, because the size was there, although it was worth looking forward to, but no matter how hard he tossed with his ability, that would be the case. But Elizabeth was also so perverted, which really surprised him. He also expected Elizabeth to play Monkey King once, and do what he couldn't do by himself, and then hit a golden hoop to realize her ambition.

In this way, it is not in vain to spend money and labor, even if the shares are diluted at that time, it is a good thing to be able to obtain economic returns that exceed expectations.

She has this ability! In Chu Yuanxi's view, Elizabeth's greatest ability is not to run a business or to have a good network, but her ability to fool investors to make money. People like Murdoch are fooled by her for 100 million dollars. Although this aspect has been weakened to almost impossible due to the previous feat of cheating, if the well-off Southeast Asia is operated, it will indeed prove herself again, and Chu Yuanxi believes that she can still revive this skill.

"You, still have no confidence in the prospect of a well-off society. Don't even go to the hole when you are done, let's get the Gulfstream 550 back anyway."

Unknown to outsiders, this private jet is a pain in Elizabeth's heart. She snorted coldly and said to her heart that my lack of confidence is not because there are no bright spots in the current data?

Thinking of this, she asked: "Anyway, I see that your A round of financing has arrived. When will the A+ round of $ financing be done?"

"That's a matter of anytime, anywhere, A+ round is for the Pakistani people."

Xiaokang’s A+ round is mainly prepared for the Southeast Asia plan. It is expected to raise $25 million, which is almost enough to start the Southeast Asia plan.

"Well, sharing a scooter still needs some RMB. You seem to have not responded to the report I made after returning from the south?"

Chu Yuan Xixin said that the thing still needs an official reply? "You don't need to worry about normal and reasonable expenses. The A round of financing has increased in price and raised 60 million yuan, which is a lot more than planned. The cash reserves are sufficient. By the way, let me ask you something."

Elizabeth didn't speak, but raised her eyebrows.

"Don't you have connections in Hollywood? Can you help me find out why Disney and DreamWorks Animation both look at Pakistani content? The explanation that Banner gave me is too inadequate."

"Can't this situation be directly guessed with your wisdom?" Elizabeth asked strangely, "It seems that this is your old saying, "authority fan," I don't have to ask to know why."

"Then you don't want to sell it?"

"They want to use your local self-produced IP to adapt the animated film to you to show it to you to earn your money. Do you still have to ask?"

"I know this, but why don't you talk to other people? Is it because I am more generous and easier to talk?"

Ask yourself, Chu Yuanxi really didn't take it seriously in these two negotiations. According to the model of ordinary authorization, IP adaptation of animated movies, or the famous Disney and DreamWorks, how can the authorization fee cost more than 10 million? Otherwise, it will not match the other party's industry status.

However, this kind of authorization cannot retain many valuable related rights. The value of these rights after being amplified by the movie is what the big IP players value. However, in the negotiation, this belongs to the needs of each individual, at least in Chu Yuanxi's opinion, it is already relatively generous.

Unexpectedly, Elizabeth sneered, "Why are you more generous? How about Kangkang animation movies at the box office on your side, okay? Also, "Crazy Zoo", "Dream Travel" and "Daddy 3" Yes, "Kung Fu Panda 3" was placed high hopes by DreamWorks and only received 1 billion box office.

The global box office of "Toy Story 4" has exploded by one billion dollars, how about you? Two hundred million is still ¥. This is still Disney's film. Disney relies on Marvel to kill all over the world. It should have the highest voice among all foreign film and television companies.

Not to mention DreamWorks, the global box office of "How to Train Your Dragon 3" is also a big hit. You have more than 300 million here, which simply does not match the hot movie market on your side. Explain what? "

Chu Yuanxi scratched her head: "Explanation... it means that our audiences don't like to watch cartoons? It's not right. "Nezha" and "The Great Sage" are also cartoons, and the box office is very good."

"Yes, it's not that the audience doesn't accept the form of animation, but the publicity. The publicity is a big problem. In your words, it is beyond reach. Especially all Hollywood films basically have to go to your two state-owned distribution companies. This is another area where you have very strict controls, even if Hollywood studios want to announce it themselves.

Live-action movies can also invite actors and directors to engage in activities. Almost every year, Marvel invites movie stars to go to the magic city to engage in activities to meet fans. The question is, what about animated movies? But you show up, and there are content and announcements. Banner is not wrong at all, what he values ​​is the ability of the Dad Group to continue to publicize. Especially the bad boy cartoon a while ago, called ‘take catch’? "

Chu Yuanxi corrected: "It's "Nezha"!"

"Whatever! The box office grabbed 5 billion, more than 700 million US dollars in the box office, did you know that Hollywood animation companies have gone crazy? And how much is your company's promotion of this movie on Douyin? The least? More than 200 million, right?"

"To be precise, it is 320 million. The data I looked at a few days ago, the heat has passed recently, and it should not have risen much."

"Yes, the Dad Group's announcement of this movie is 320 million broadcasts of promotional materials. When this data is taken to Hollywood, all publicity companies have to kneel down and call Dad. Have you figured out your own position?"

Chu Yuanxi listened to Elizabeth's crackling and spraying for a long time, and he probably understood where he was defined by Hollywood film companies in this type of business. To put it in a somewhat hurtful but appropriate way of describing it, it was-comprador!

As Elizabeth said, don’t watch Hollywood, especially Marvel movies, invade the domestic film market. When "Reunion 4" was launched, almost all the films were monopolized. However, the introduction of foreign films is not purely market-oriented, and these film companies cannot. You can't get past the Lei Chi to declare it yourself. Once you stretch your hand too long, you will be dead. People know this well.

It is important to know that there is a limit to the number of Hollywood blockbusters introduced each year, so that some masterpieces cannot be introduced due to limited quotas. If anyone commits a taboo, there will be cheating, and some are substitutes.

This is no wonder.

Celestial filmmakers have always had a distorted industry value, that is, publicity accounts for more than 90% of the factors that determine the box office of movies. Therefore, the awareness of focusing on publicity and disregarding content has prevailed.

This value seems to make people angry, but it was formed at the expense of a large number of high-quality movies on the market that failed to pass the announcement. I thought that when Chen Peisi made a movie, he squatted at the gates of several movie theaters and counted the box office of 200,000 people, and then the box office of the entire imperial capital reported a total of more than 200,000. Who is going to make sense? Box office stealing and anti-theft are of course also included in the distribution link.

The so-called existence is reasonable, at least this set of logic is effective before the mobile Internet penetrates the world. There is nothing new under the sun, presumably Hollywood filmmakers have a similar plot, and it is a consensus formed over decades.

What about the mobile Internet era? The popularity of social networks has led to a rapid increase in the speed of word-of-mouth communication, and a huge number of communication platforms like Douyin can easily make high-quality content widely disseminated. So in the past, the smell of wine was also afraid of the deep alleys, but now it is much better. The truly phenomenal works are difficult to be buried, and can be quickly detonated through social networks.

But for works that are above the standard and not yet phenomenal, the role of publicity is even more important, especially online publicity, which greatly boosts the box office. This is also the reason why many movies directly buy high-value advertisements from the film critics. Because of their strong penetration and wide spread, the impact on the box office is extremely obvious.

But those can only be used for a while and cannot be sustained. Hollywood film and television giants originally did this at most.

What if Pakistanis, a media with a certain volume of voice, make the voice they need? This is a local company rooted in Zhengmiaohong. The key is that it is not promoting Hollywood movies, but its own IP. Is it wrong every day? Not only is it right, but it also has a lot of face! The imperial army does not grab food.

Will the Naba people be obedient?

Disney and DreamWorks really made the movie, and according to the model introduced by Hollywood blockbusters, it was released in China in a fair manner. The prestige bonus to the Pakistani group is simply not too high. If the box office lands on the ground, it is estimated that many people will rush to laugh at it, but if the box office explodes, the entire public circle is estimated to be crazy, and even the entire sky over Northeast Asia may be the voice of the Pakistani group. Familiar with foreigners, just holding Hollywood and calling him father

This difference is the difference between the North and the South. The Pakistani group has no choice but to passively blow it up, even if it is awkward.

In this aspect of temptation and search, Disney and other Hollywood giants have never given up trying, especially after "Star Wars 8" plunged into a long street in China.

In fact, this is also inevitable in the film market. Since the domestic film market has blown out and released huge box office purchasing power, all powerful foreign film companies have been frantically looking for oriental elements. However, the most common form is still the addition of movie stars from the sky, or a more special form that cannot be replicated like "Mulan" live-action movies, and "Long Haired Snow Monsters" that are truly cut and produced.

But today, Chu Yuanxi suddenly discovered that the Ba people group, or companies that are similar to the Ba people, with high-quality content and a certain amount of voice and propaganda ability, may be in the eyes of the other party! This mode is simply a sword to seal the throat, it is much more useful than hiring a movie star! The influence of movie stars may not be small, but what about propaganda skills? The overall voice of the Ba people is louder and professional, and their voices are spread fissionally through the Internet.

This is that the Pakistani Group happens to have a ready-made IP that is suitable for Hollywood companies to take away and adapt it. If there is no ready-made IP, maybe someone can customize one directly?

"It wiped it, so speaking of it, is my asking price lower?" Chu Yuanxi covered her face, and it turned out that the onlooker was clear, and Elizabeth was awakened by a word.

"Huh? Don't you object?" As soon as I heard that Chu Yuanxi had understood it, Elizabeth suddenly smiled coldly: "I thought you were a nationalist. You didn't always talk about the cultural output of our Hollywood to you before. Is it aggression? Why is it your turn to leave it alone?"

"Ahem, I really don't want to be a comprador, but you have to look at this matter in two." Chu Yuanxi coughed and said plausibly: "I am not a nationalist, so I can analyze objectively, no Preset position. If this matter is really done, it will be a good thing to enhance the cultural self-confidence of the people of the country. The Pakistani group will benefit the country and the people, and it will be in line with the country's grand strategy of'going out'.

Hollywood can indeed make more money through our voices. That is to get what we need, and the Pakistani group cannot get all the benefits. And isn't Hollywood just to make more money? This is our own IP, so we don’t need to worry about cultural invasion. Well, I have to write down this passage and use it to adjust the caliber later. "

"Chu, your success is not accidental."

"Huh? What do you say?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, and her eyes looked like a girl: "A flexible person is always easier to succeed, isn't it?"

Chu Yuanxi said that this is really not true. Who would be better than you if you want to say "flexible"? Century giant pit, but have you succeeded?

Although the matter was not settled, he went to Mallor in a blink of an eye. During Mallor's Eleven, he decided to travel abroad, mainly because the first "Last Sparta" of "Enemies of Rome" was finished~www. second part hasn't started yet, just relax during the interval.

Before it was time to get off work, Chu Yuanxi went over and saw that Mallor's bag was packed, and he was talking to Uncle Sheng, and went to catch a plane after work. The passports are all done, and when I arrived in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I got the visa on arrival. What about the beauty street and the bar street? It is said that everyone in it is topless.

Uncle Sheng said in his heart that you are the same as the Roshan Devil. Who would dare to look at your **** outfit? I'm blind after reading it!

Then he saw Chu Yuanxi smirking as he walked. He knew that something was going on at the time. He only heard Chu Yuanxi gloomily say: "Ma Lie is a giant, what if I arrange for you to work overtime on National Day? Three times the salary. Oh~~"

Mario suddenly turned around: "Three times the salary is a ghost!"

In the company, Mario speaks harder to Chu Yuanxi. One is the coercion brought about by his body shape, and the other is as a content creator, especially a freelancer, turning around, not afraid of the heavens, and not afraid of it. Words still support themselves, and there is nothing to fear to break into the workplace with this mentality. Therefore, his mentality is very obvious, everyone is equal, and there is no hierarchy concept common in modern enterprises.

Uncle Sheng has vomited before, and this seems to be no different from the mentality of the writers in the codeword studio. Maybe Mario understood it this way, but the salaries and conditions of Pakistani people are much higher than those of ordinary codeword studios.

"Why, three times the salary can't satisfy your appetite? Five times!"

Seeing that Chu Yuanxi really wanted to work overtime on National Day, Malle felt guilty, "I can't do it, I have to go."


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