Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 885: "Late Night Gallery" Defense War

"Don't you just book the airline ticket and hotel? How much can it cost? The company will make it up for you." Chu Yuanxi got more and more excited, in fact it was just a bad taste.

Ma Leu looked awkward, and a whisper appeared on the huge face plate, "It's not a question of money..."

"You have a new girlfriend?" Chu Yuanxi looked gossip. In fact, he has always been curious about Mario. Although the Ba people were all freelancers when they first started, no one showed such a strong and unique temperament. From the perspective of spiritual attributes, Mario is extremely powerful. If you leave it alone, it is the kind of wealth that can't be lewd. Unfortunately, it only has code words, saying that it is a strategy, but it is all on paper, and the range of skills is too narrow.

However, what Chu Yuanxi is most curious about is what type of girlfriend he would have if he had a girlfriend of more than 300 jin. Does it conform to the normal aesthetics, or press F?

Unexpectedly, Mario shook his head quickly: "No, no, I'm not cool enough, how can I have a girlfriend. I am, what am I, I have been with the group."

Uncle Sheng was suddenly surprised: "What's wrong with the group? Can't I retire? I thought I was with an old friend?"

As he spoke, he saw Chu Yuanxi's face suddenly showing a very strange expression. "what's happenin?"

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi's question: "You, the regiment, paid tens of thousands?"

"Six, sixty thousand."

"Thailand is so expensive? It's only 40,000 yuan for a seven-day trip in Madai. 6,000 yuan is enough for you to go to Chiang Mai alone? Even if you are extravagant, 10,000 yuan."

Uncle Sheng is also rich now. Although he has money and no time to enjoy the money, it is still possible to study travel around the world, especially with the living travel guide Monica next to him. If Monica knows how to explore, she must know how to travel. Uncle Sheng will not be able to read ten thousand books in her life. Monica can travel thousands of miles in a day. She is an absolute KOL in tourism.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi smile and say mysteriously: "This 60,000 does not include hotel air tickets and food."

"Damn, you are really good at it!" Mallor suddenly exclaimed, "How do you know so much? It's the first time, are there any precautions?"

Chu Yuanxi smiled and didn't say a word, she said in her heart that you asked me why I understand? Because you are a younger brother. How did the old man meet poppies in the original world? Just reported a group to relax.

Uncle Sheng suddenly thought of something, his expression moved, and asked, "Chu Yuanxi, is there any good news on your side?"

"Yeah, why else come and look for Mallor? The people from DreamWorks Animation came to get the license for the animated film "Enemies of Rome" and promised to complete the production within one year."


The one who exclaimed was Uncle Sheng. He was even a little sour, because "Morning Times" is a domestic fast-food TV series, and Yang Yuanmei's "Animal Company" and Mario's "Rome" were taken away by major Hollywood companies. And it seems to be very important, at least DreamWorks attaches great importance to it, otherwise it will not promise to release the film within a year, this time frame is already very important.

The production of animated movies also has a cost. Although DreamWorks has the world's most powerful animation engine, it is technologically advanced, and it also has a cost. It is nothing more than a lower cost than other companies. The production cost of a cinema movie is definitely It is calculated in units of tens of millions of dollars.

Don't talk about DreamWorks, even if it is made for the peak visual effects side, isn't it costless? Obviously there is a cost. The scenes, characters, actions, special effects, etc. in the art are all costs.

Although Chu Yuanxi had never studied the engine of DreamWorks, but I thought to know that the biggest difference between the engine of the peak visual effects and the engine of DreamWorks must be the post-processing. In order to simplify the process and facilitate all UGC users, Pinnacle visual effects directly take out the post-processing and let the engine handle it by itself without using any CG, so the cost is lower.

This promise of DreamWorks is equivalent to tens of millions of dollars or more in a year's expenses. It is the most sincere business person willing to bid for money.

While Ma Lio began to be in a daze, Chu Yuanxi didn't speak, and looked at him quietly for a full 20 seconds, and then suddenly woke up and asked, "Do they want a series, a full draft?"

In 20 seconds, Mallor had already made up a big drama, and the final screen was fixed as the contract clause. All the scripts of the four "Enemies of Rome" had to be handed over within N days, so Chu Yuanxi came to mobilize him to work overtime. Should it be added or not? Isn't Thai girls fragrant? Are the young ladies from the filming group in bad shape? Tangled ah!

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi chuckled, "They still don’t know that there are two, three, four in "The Enemy of Rome". But isn’t this the first one that you have finished writing? There is no agreement on terms or conditions there, I guess. It will take a few days. I thought at least that you would come up with a detailed outline and the beginning of the second part, so that I could also talk about it. It must be different from the one episode and the series of negotiations. But you can go if you want to travel. It's okay. It's a rare step to take this step."

When he heard this, Mallio suddenly felt a great nervousness. Because only the second of the four parts in this series can be written by anyone, he himself is not irreplaceable. The second part is called "Hannibal in Canney". It is about the child Hannibal who played a supporting role in the first part. After he grew up, he led the army of Carthage to set off from the Iberian Peninsula and continuously climbed over Billy. The military operations of the Niuze Mountains and the Alps into Rome were a relatively simple military text with very detailed historical data.

And from the design, it is still a cool routine, the Battle of Cornell, the Battle of Lake Trasimino and the Battle of Canney three battles and three victories, until Canney hit the pinnacle of ancient Western war history. Of course there are some conspiracies and conspiracies and tactics in the process, but anyone can write, it's just that the finished products written by different authors are different. Did Chu Yuanxi mean that?

This situation is embarrassing. What if the second part is handed over to Uncle Sheng for writing? It is even estimated that even Yang Yuanmei can write, this thing is really not difficult for insiders. If you sit in the center of the town, no one can take it away, but after traveling on your own, with such a big gap, it is estimated that others will start writing when you come back!

In the past, it was impossible for someone to **** it. Whether it was Uncle Sheng or Yang Yuanmei's assets, it was no longer possible to **** a codeword from him. But how good is the reputation of working with Hollywood?

Why was he in a daze just now? Isn't it because of sudden love from the sky? "The Enemy of Rome" was taken by DreamWorks, and it was produced within a year. The Pakistani group has gained momentum, but how much can it increase? Judging from the current size of the Pakistani Group, the overall valuation must be less than 50%, right? But what about him as an author? It may be more than a hundredfold.

But at the end of the inner play, Mallio suddenly calmed down, and Xin said that even if the second part was handed over to someone else, there seemed to be nothing wrong. In terms of the close relationship with Chu Yuanxi, both Uncle Sheng and Yang Yuanmei are a hundred times better than him, even if they really have this plan, it is natural.

And as long as it turns out that I have already made a profit, I still remember that Chu Yuanxi Xu gave me a fixed contribution fee plus the number of fans from the media. This time the number of fans must skyrocket, right? We are a series. Can anyone who has watched an animated film come to take a look?

So being drunk is nothing more than monopolizing the reputation or sharing it with others. Drinking water and thinking about the source itself is the bonus that the Pakistani Group's arrogance brings to you. There is no need to entangle whether the bonus is all to yourself. Then, isn't it a feud against the rice?

Thinking of this, he suddenly discovered that if this second part must be let out, it is best not to let Yang Yuanmei write it. In the end, it is the result of my own wisdom, and the mood of raising a child is a nanny, and the milk of Uncle Sheng is much stronger than Yang Yuanmei.

Thinking of this, he tentatively asked: "Then I will go on a trip, and Uncle Sheng is responsible for writing the detailed outline of the second part?"

Uncle Sheng was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't know that Mario had already made up a five-act drama, and said to his heart that you still think I am not tired enough? We are already working overtime in our country! Wouldn't it be more tiring to write about this stuff than usual to go to work?

Chu Yuanxi was also stunned, but the place of stunnedness was different from that of Uncle Sheng. He didn't expect Mario to be quite transparent. Although he didn't mean it, it was very interesting for the other party to consider it.

The so-called human sentiment training is the article. On the other hand, if the article is well written, the human sentiment is also developed?

"Uncle Sheng is almost exhausted by me." He said and smiled apologetically to Uncle Sheng, "I'll wait for you to come back and write it, it's okay, without text content, I'm the same as DreamWorks' population statement, anyway, yours I’ve seen the summary long ago."

Mallor was immediately taken aback, and after making a writing plan for the holiday, he went to the holiday happily. And Uncle Sheng asked Chu Yuanxi quietly: "What does Hollywood see about us?"

Chu Yuanxi said yes. Uncle Sheng's priority in thinking about problems is the same as his own. First consider whether there is a problem instead of being dazzled by victory.

"Fancy us... well, it should be said that we are interested in our marketing capabilities in the content age."

"God's horse mean?"

"It's very simple. In the content era, many marketing methods that have been proven effective in the past are not working well. Real money and sincere money will have no effect, but many ways that do not spend money are very effective. Pakistani Group has already It proved that it is a company capable of effective marketing in this situation, and at the same time it has good content, so I was attracted by others."

So Uncle Sheng also went to have a happy holiday.

Some people can spend the festival happily, and some people must not have a good time at this festival, but Fang Shiling will have a bad time.

It’s not that she has a bad life alone. The entire advertising line has a bad life, because these days before the festival, on a limited number of large-scale advertising platforms, the accounts in the "Middle Night Gallery" matrix are not available to receive orders. Up. After entering the advertising platform, I can’t see the ads, and occasionally I can see the aphrodisiac and movie ticket version. The former is simply impossible to just eat, and the latter is a pure scam. Even if the advertisement is put out, it will be useless.

Advertising is to save this self-media matrix, not to turn it into ruins. The key is that there is no money to send it out, which becomes very embarrassing.

In fact, since Zheng Tong entered the company, the employees on the advertising line have breathed a sigh of relief, because after Zheng Tong’s "sharing of interests", Fang Shiling has gradually accepted the form of advertising platforms to accept limited advertising, and is no longer entangled with and Advertiser dads just talk about customizing the copy of the ad. The latter is very laborious, and it is not good at serving. The former is short and fast, everything is standardized in process, low loss and high efficiency.

Moreover, Zheng Tong can find some advertisements with high unit prices and good copywriting on certain platforms, but the copywriting is not allowed.

This technique of finding advertisements makes Fang Shiling very mysterious. She doesn't understand the working mechanism of the advertising platform at all, and the official account must declare its own attributes to receive the advertising platform, even the main traffic function of the WeChat official account.

So at the beginning, Fang Shiling filled in the attributes of his official account truthfully, and there were so many advertisements on the platform.

But it wasn't when Zheng Tong declared. She changed it, and it seemed to Fang Shiling to be silly, but some magical advertisements were able to come out. Even the traffic owners of WeChat official accounts are different.

This feature of WeChat traffic owner pays according to the user clicking on the advertisement column. For wild official account owners, if they fill in their own attributes truthfully, the advertisements that appear are very random. Basically, each click is worth two cents, three cents. Are rare, even only a few cents when it is low. But after Zheng Tong's change, he can actually get a click of one dollar, or higher, which is incredible!

So in the beginning, the advertising business of Midnight Gallery took a big leap. Fang Shiling was very moved by the growth rate. Let alone October 15th, the holes can be filled before the National Day.

But goose, this gratifying touch lasted for less than ten days and there were problems. First, there was a decrease in advertising orders, and then there was a problem with the advertising platform. Change to an experienced marketing account. This is not a problem. Direct business one by one. Communication is over.

There are no fools in the advertising platform, the development and utilization of big data are very efficient, and advertising is distributed intelligently. Once the advertising conversion rate of a certain official account fails, the power is immediately reduced, and even one advertisement is judged to be fake.

But with an old public account such as "Late Night Gallery", with its reputation, it is always accommodating to find someone to explain it directly. The problem is that Fang Shiling doesn't know where the problem is or who to look for. There is always a lack of high-quality business talents in the company, and no one can see where the problem is and how to solve it at a glance.

After all, "Late Night Gallery" is long enough, but it has always been content-oriented. Even Fang Shiling's identity in the company is called the editor-in-chief. He is usually light and accustomed. In the past, he has not even contacted the public account advertising platform. It was due to Zheng Tong's fascination that everyone knew that there was a problem, but could not see how the problem was caused.

Therefore, returning to the pre-liberation one night, "Late Night Gallery" became only selling classes and comics to attract money. The comic number uses a split mode. It doesn't make any sense whether to cancel the fake amount. Advertisers are still endless, and the selling of lessons is the same, so it will not be affected.

But at this time, Fang Shiling was already in a hurry, and couldn't think with a normal mind at all, because if this goes on, it's all over! But Zheng Tong was very aggrieved: "Brother don't know what's going on? Do you want to stop contacting those advertisers?"

At this time, the only thing Fang Shiling could keep awake was that it was too late to find advertisers, and the efficiency would not be higher than before.

So she had only one way, borrowing money to make up the hole.

As everyone knows, "Late Night Gallery" is like a baby chicken exposed in front of a cook, which can be cut anytime, anywhere. Even after Zheng Tong came in, he could find out what Fang Shiling could do and how to seal her up.

Therefore, the company has just begun to operate the matter of raising debts, Daxia Investment's lawyer's letter has arrived.

Fang Shiling's face suddenly turned pale, thinking that Daxia's presence had been weak recently, so she habitually ignored Daxia and several other small investors.

However, in accordance with the company's articles of association, all non-financial investors must agree to the company's major loans. Daxia is a strategic investment. If Daxia disagrees, the company can repurchase Daxia’s shares and clear Daxia before continuing to implement the plan.

The problem is that National Tsing Hua University also needs money! And Daxia came in early, the cost is low, and the shares in his hand are not old or young!

In fact, the introduction of Zheng De's financing also required Lao Gu to sign the shareholder agreement according to the process, but Daxia became a rubber stamp.

Ordinarily, at that time, he agreed to the relevant terms to introduce Zheng De, but now he shouldn't suddenly come out of the constraints. I didn't expect Daxia Investment to cry: Daxia's investment terms for "Late Night Gallery" are equivalent to son to father, Daxia is son. But the son also has dignity! Why should we be responsible for borrowing? Do you still have to pay the father's debts? You are deliberately causing losses to the original shareholders!

"Late Night Gallery" slowly hit one? If you want to say that, the company's sluggish advertising, collecting money, and liquidating Zheng De also caused Great Xia to suffer losses? Why didn't you send a lawyer's letter before?

As a result, Daxia said: It’s not illegal for you to operate normally! I can only watch when I have trouble saying. But it is illegal for you to bypass the huge borrowings of shareholders!

Fang Shiling was so angry that he vomited blood, and he said to his heart. Are you staring at your sister? what--

Immediately afterwards, letters from several small investors' lawyers also flew to "Late Night Gallery", Fang Shiling almost had a brain congestion, not to mention how depressed, anyway, it is strange how they know? I didn't notify them?

In fact, "Late Night Gallery" is still willing to borrow money, because Fang Shiling's dissatisfaction with the speed of attracting money is already terrifying to ordinary people! I made nearly 10 million in a month, which is more than 100 million in a year. At such a speed of grabbing money, I have to borrow usury turnover? This is simply great, the repayment ability is leveraged! Many P2P in this era are looking forward to such high-quality borrowers. The result was not borrowed.

Fang Shiling started her eleventh in this state, and there were two weeks left.


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