Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 886: Liu Lu's plan

Chu Yuanxi heard Lu Yu convey the gossip of "Late Night Gallery" after eleven, and didn't take it seriously. He doesn't care about the process, only the result, on October 15th, Fang Shiling can make up the money.

In fact, according to the normal entrepreneurial logic, what Fang Shiling should do now is to find a real big funder father, intervene as a new round of investors, and help her clear all the investors who have retreated.

It's a pity that such investors are not easy to find, right?

What if she can't keep "Late Night Gallery"?

In fact, according to the investment agreement for "Late Night Gallery" that Chu Yuanxi handed over to Yuan Jing at the beginning, Fang Shiling didn't have to live so tired. The moment Taishantai was out of the game, he was relieved, which is equivalent to Chu Yuan. In the evening, he dispatched troops and Zheng De took the "Late Night Gallery". It is a pity that this matter was a conspiracy and could not be carried out in the open. As a result, under the normal process, a group of Zheng De committee members found a steady profit expectation for Zheng De, but gave Fang Shiling room to toss.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi was a little interested in the matrix of "Late Night Gallery" but didn't have a strong desire. The main reason was that she had to wait on these female boxers and was too tired, and she felt a little painful for Lu Yu. This is not the time before the launch of "A Mountain in the Wind", when it is necessary to introduce female players to the game, so Fang Shiling's "Middle Night Gallery" defense battle will not succeed, he is not too entangled.

It's just that he still hopes to get the "Fang Ge" comics back. After all, he and Yang Yuanmei are the youngest sons raised by the two. It is really hard to bear to look directly at the traffic ads for the daily traffic comics.

So now, it's really hard to say whether you are looking forward to Fang Shiling's success in the defense battle, or looking forward to her going to the street more.

Chu Yuanxi's own eleventh was spent in the offensive and defensive battle with Banner, the holiday was over, and the agreement was finally signed.

The reason why the agreement with Disney was discussed for a day, but DreamWorks talked about it for nearly a week, mainly because Chu Yuanxi realized that his asking price was too low. Secondly, DreamWorks and Disney gave him a different feeling. There is a meaning of project reserves. After taking it away, it doesn't seem to be anxious to invest in production, but DreamWorks starts shooting immediately, and Chu Yuanxi naturally thinks a little more about the things in front of him.

For example, what is the input cost of DreamWorks? Whether or not the Pakistani people need to pay a little money, these conditions have to be repeatedly eroded.

In addition, there is the problem of the series, which gave Banner a happy annoyance, which made him have to make a few more overseas calls.

The final conditions cannot be said to be absolutely fair. The initial valuation of the entire project is $30 million. The Pakistani Group invested 5 million and the animation film copyright 1 million, which together accounted for 20% of the shares. DreamWorks abandoned the investment rights in the game field and retained the North American region. Other investment rights.

The unfairness is mainly because the original valuation of the project is too high, or the brand of DreamWorks is converted into the project too much, at least Chu Yuanxi feels a bit too much, because the cash from the other side is only $10 million. The total cost is 15 million US dollars, and there is a brand premium of 13 million US dollars.

But there is no way, this is a price that is acceptable to both parties, because there is also a contract detail that DreamWorks will invest in the first phase, and the Pakistani Group will invest in the second phase, so as to ensure that DreamWorks pays the cost first. Therefore, it can be felt that DreamWorks intends to make this animation determination, otherwise no matter what kind of work is played at the time of valuation, the movie will not make money.

In this way, Chu Yuanxi has enough confidence that the movie will definitely make money, at least in the country, and it should make a lot of money. There is a high probability that there are many profitable projects. If you want to invest in the initial stage, you must accept some premium.

However, on October 5th, not long after signing on that day, Chu Yuanxi discovered that there was a loophole in her method of calculating the probability of making money. This money was not profitable to a huge risk, and the hidden dangers from people were too great. People in Hollywood, especially DreamWorks People who are not allowed to have moths.

On this day, a silly beep NBA team manager inexplicably tweeted a hornet's nest on the social network, and Chu Yuanxi's face went black when he saw it. This time the NBA is definitely going to suffer. The critical moment of the sweater war came so suddenly. Stern Cheng Menlixue opened the door of the Tianchao market back then. Maybe it should be closed this time? Fortunately, Adam Silva, the current NBA president, is a bald man, so there is no need to worry about losing his hair.

It doesn't matter what happened to the NBA, anyway, his favorite basketball star has already retired seven or eight. The question is when it’s time for "Enemies of Rome" to be released. Suddenly, a certain Hollywood player jumped out of the street and burst into flames? Is it Hollywood or is it so irritating? Chu Yuanxi felt her lungs exploded!

Yuan Mu didn't take a vacation either, she went to the south again, this time it was Pengcheng stepping on it. Yangcheng Pengcheng is so close, it must be started together, so all preparations must be done. In Milestone 4, the starting order of the major first-tier cities is initially set to be Yangcheng + Pengcheng-West Lake-Magic City. Among them, although West Lake City is quite different in terms of size, population and area, it has great potential and high vitality. It has advantages that other cities cannot match, and it will be a big city in the future.

Therefore, on this day, Yuan Mu saw Chu Yuanxi's face black as soon as he returned from Pengcheng. He thought he had done some sunbathing, but it was because of the NBA.

"Well, you are purely unreasonable worry." Yuan Mu didn't care. "Hollywood is smart, why do you smash your own jobs?"

"It seems like the people in the NBA are not good? Why do you smash your own jobs? That is the Rockets, the team that knows the best in China, making money on our side, is he crazy?"

"Oh, right? Why?"

Chu Yuanxi curled his lips: "Personal interests, don't you understand? If I were the team owner, I would hate to kill him, but it's useless. He said that is a good deal for him. What about the team? What about Nike? Do you care? The star makes more money and less money. Anyway, he won't give him a penny. Does he care about the star's interest in China?"

"The question is what does he picture?"

"As an official, is this unclear? He is taking advantage of the political dividend on the US side, OK?"

Yuan Mu rolled his eyes and said to his heart that this person is also horrible, right? "Well, you think so that you put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Besides, Hollywood is not the same as the NBA."

"Different is not the same, but the only **** American country that can scorn the global ideological output are the NBA and Hollywood, alas."

Chu Yuanxi also knew that Yuan Mu was right, even if it was troublesome, it would be trouble after a year or even two years. However, the sweater war has not only brought about the wrestling in the economic field, it has spread to the comprehensive ideological field, and spread to the world. However, Chu Yuanxi’s business cannot be locked in place, and he has to go out. The cooperation and friction that may arise are simply It's a headache.

However, since the Chinese dynasty has decided to take this most complicated route called "Peaceful Rise" to become a big country, as an entrepreneur, he has the obligation to dismantle this complicated situation in order to survive.

In fact, this kind of thing is not complicated compared to corporate governance. After the eleventh, more complicated things finally appeared in the well-off society, and the performance was very intense as soon as it appeared, which was caused by Liu Lu.

Before Liu Lu went to West Lake City to meet the middle and senior executives of Koala, and gave Xiaokang a step by the way. As a result, Koala’s senior executives will at least consider leaving until the end of the year when Koala’s options have been fulfilled. Xiaokang gave conditions based on my own policy and its own OKR as the core business management plan. No one was hired. .

The condition of being well-off does not promise senior management positions at the vice president level. There are not many vice presidents under the flat management system. If they are really capable, they will naturally be upgraded to vice presidents when new business lines are developed. For no promotion. Nor does it promise one-time large-value options, but instead pay more for your work, and open up more key tasks for people with the ability to grab. This can be regarded as not making a fortune.

So for strangers, especially the first communication, this kind of condition is really difficult to move people, no matter whether the other party is really capable or not, at least the resume is there. When the koala becomes the past tense, always seek a better one. Of origin.

But this is not the case for no strangers.

Liu Lu has worked at Xiaomi for many years. According to the time of entry, it is no problem to claim to be an entrepreneurial veteran, and I know more people. In the past, the position of the well-off was basically set by Chu Yuanxi, and the business line was the same. There was no behavior like koala that never refused to serve one pot at a time, so Liu Lu did not think much.

But in the case of koala, what if the middle and senior management of koala collectively agree? It will definitely have a huge impact on Xiaokang’s existing personnel structure, opening one or two new business lines, as well as topology and expansion in the original structure. In other words, Chu Yuanxi can accept the expansion of this situation.

Xiaokang must be short of senior management, and the gap is very large, because in the process of replicating the imperial capital in several major first-tier cities, the relevant management personnel must be replicated. The supply chain has to be managed by someone, the logistics has to be managed by someone, and similar things have to be replicated. Either the newcomers should be added to the posts in the imperial capital and the old people from the imperial capital will be recruited directly in the new city. It is impossible for the logistics managers of the imperial capital to take care of other cities at the same time.

This is all necessary, and it is also the biggest OKR hanging on Liu Lu. She has been desperately recruiting people, but she always has to ensure the quality of recruitment, the bottom staff are easy to handle, and there is an urgent need for high-quality middle and senior management.

So if you can dig people from koala, why can't you find her own old acquaintances? Those who were at the same time or a few years later than her, some are still in their original positions, some are promoted, some go out to start a business, some are incubated in the Xiaomi ecological chain, and some have changed jobs. But the feelings and connections of old colleagues are still there, which is also the so-called brother culture of Xiaomi. As her own human resources, Liu Lu originally had a large number of resumes and work needs of her former colleagues.

Therefore, Liu Lu gathered a group of old colleagues who needed to change jobs, and began to scream well-off, not only on WeChat, but also offline gatherings. Xiaomi is already a giant company. It not only sells mobile phones worldwide, but also extends a long ecological chain. The business chain is very complicated. However, what kind of talents are needed for a well-off society, Liu Lumen is clear, even better than Chuyuan Xi also knows that many of Xiaomi's business lines can find suitable benchmarks in Xiaokang.

The value of trust accounts for the largest proportion of all communication costs. When Liu Lu initiated the call in mid-September, many people were interested.

So she started from the vision of a well-off society. The scale of 300 billion is the goal. This alone has exceeded the current market value of Xiaomi. Some people are in awe, and some can't help but vomit.

Liu Lu said: "What's so bad about this? A valuation of 300 billion is calculated as 20 times PE as an annual profit of 15 billion, right? You know that the founder of Xiaokang, Chu Yuanxi, and a company called Baren Group have annual net profits. Has it exceeded 7 billion? It's half of the merger. Anyway, I don't think it is unreliable now."

Money has a fascinating magic. Many people stopped talking when they heard about this annual profit. As an old workplace, Liu Lu will not talk nonsense. Net profit and annual income are not the same concept. Xiaomi's performance broke out last year, and its annual profit was only 8.5 billion.

However, they don’t know that the annual income of the Pakistani Group is actually more than 7 billion, while the annual income of Xiaomi is more than 170 billion...

"As for how to rely on convenience stores to achieve such a large volume, this has never been done in our country, so although I am responsible for the well-off enterprise structure, I don't know. It all depends on how Chu Yuanxi operates. I can tell everyone. The thing is, my feelings after working for more than half a year are reliable, and pure feelings have no scientific basis.

For example, the company Xiaokang started doing business after the Spring Festival this year, but Chu Yuanxi came to me during November last year, and it has been a year in the blink of an eye. Why I am now the second in command of the well-off society is because Chu Yuanxi regards a reasonable corporate structure as the basis for the company's survival, attaches importance to the role of people, and values ​​the initiative of employees. He even looked for someone else before he went to me, but he didn't talk about it. In the end, he was more satisfied with my corporate architecture ideas, or more consistent with him. "

Someone asked: "Did you make the OKR system of that variant of Xiaokang?"

Liu Lu tilted her neck and spoke from a middle-level backbone of Xiaomi. "Yeah, Wang Bo even knows the well-off management system, he's caring enough hahaha."

"That's not it, Sister Liu is calling, shouldn't I do my homework first?"

"Accurately speaking, this system was proposed by me and Chu Yuanxi modified it a bit, so it is different from the OKRs of other companies." Liu Lu said that this is not vague at all. "Now other domestic companies also use OKRs. , But it’s not much different from KPI, at least in terms of organizational structure. We are not, we are... Do you play online games? We are task/reward-team mode."

As Liu Lu explained the essence of this model in detail, especially how to coordinate the time of the project team and the task team in the cross-project teaming model, many of the following old workplace fritters suddenly felt insight, but in which direction? , Liu Lu didn't know.

Then someone asked: "Then what is the core competitiveness of your well-off society? Is the Pakistani Group helping to promote the well-off society?"

"No." Liu Lu has been with Chu Yuanxi for a long time, and she can basically understand the business model Chu Yuanxi said. "There is a lot of promotion knowledge, I don't understand it, it should be a kind of competitiveness. What I want to talk about is the well-off mid-stage and back-end systems. This research and development is just an APP for users, but the moisturizing is silent and very useful."

"Sister Liu, all of us are here today. The creators of the domestic mobile Internet, are you okay? Being a system becomes a core competitiveness?" Someone below talked about and looked around, and they got it. Many agree.

Most of the people who Liu Lu convened were early employees of Xiaomi. Even if they can’t claim to be the creators, it’s okay to say that they are the pioneers of the mobile Internet in China. For them, APPs and the like have long been commonplace, and they have no feeling at all. Liu Lu actually uses APP and the system to talk about things, and others will feel awkward if they don't say they themselves.

"Can't the system and APP be the core competitiveness?" Liu Lu thought of Chu Yuanxi's theory and smiled arrogantly. "What about the understanding of the age of traffic and the age of content? What about the mechanism for quickly responding to user needs in the new retail format? Everyone think about what is digital? If you want to achieve any goal today, you need a system. The system is ordinary, but whether it is useful is the most important. And if you look at domestic convenience stores, we only use three apps in total. , Why don't so few people think about it?"

With that said, she thought of Chu Yuanxi's other high-level theory. She said that with her aunt's eloquence and the theoretical knowledge she learned from Chu Yuanxi, she might have fooled many investors when she went out to start a business~www. More than half of the people who came today are online operations. Have you felt that the operations have been poor in the past year or two? Do you feel the marketing effect plummeted? Do you feel that all the methods that have been proven to work before have failed? "

This time, there are no more beeps, and many people nodded. This difficulty is not in one family or two, but in all industries. Whether it is still sticking to Xiaomi or has left, there are similar confusions.

Just listen to Liu Lu said: "But Xiaokang did not encounter similar problems, because we put the convenience store business online, digital operation and intelligent decision-making, so we can quickly reach users."

Someone raised his hand below: "Aren't you talking about O2O?"

Liu Lu immediately became serious when she saw it. The person who spoke this time was Jin Xu, but Xiaomi was promoted the fastest in the year, a little younger than her, but she had been promoted from project manager to senior director when she left. Not to mention that riding on a rocket is also walking on stilts. On the other hand, she was promoted to the first rank in more than four years.

However, the trajectory of the two was much different later. Jin Xu and Liu Lu left their jobs and went out to start a business but did not go smoothly. In the Hundred Regiment Battle of the smart door lock, they failed to persist until the clouds closed and the rain came out. Mergers. According to the high standards, it was a failure to start a business. It is said that I went out to study and charge for more than a year.


Tweeted the book and advertised. This time the work is called "Using a Greater Devil". I heard that this author arranged for me to write how to update "Salted Fish's Self-help Strategy". They are all fake, don't believe it! But he has a lot of manuscripts, which is absolutely true. It is really a lot. I have never seen anyone with so many manuscripts.


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