Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 887: Overconfident

Ah, the limit is exempted, the limit exempted, is this chapter saying that there is no outbreak because there are not enough slots?


It is normal for entrepreneurs to experience one or two entrepreneurial failures. Even many investors believe that entrepreneurs with previous failures are more likely to succeed because they know how to respect the market and are more sensitive to the factors of failure.

Entrepreneurship plans above the scale always start when they find certain opportunities, so there are more or less chances of being small, but after reaching the initial goal of starting a business, small entrepreneurs are easily lost. With this kind of "failure counseling" psychology, entrepreneurs are more likely to safely cross the stage of small success.

So Jin Xu still has a chance, and even Liu Lu thinks that Jin Xu may be more sought after by investors than she is now. Of course, if Xiaokang does it, it will be another matter.

Therefore, Liu Lu cautiously answered Jin Xu’s question: “It is indeed O2O, and local life is originally O2O. The reason why O2O is attractive is because of the updated marketing methods in the new retail environment, right? But our O2O is not online. It's as simple as buying things and delivering them to your door. We are building a new social scene and generating new demands. Different users enter our convenience store with different experiences. You can treat Xiaokang as a traditional supermarket or as a social node. Hey, don’t ask me how to socialize, I don’t understand..."

Liu Lu's style can be said to be very torturous, because the concept of socializing is still very attractive in this era. Basically, none of the people in this room are idlers. There were many people doing social networking before, but it was difficult to do it. However, what about an entity company with a national chain store using its own storefront as a social node for social networking? This is another new attempt.

"Sister Liu Lu, your company is really not afraid of being new and unconventional? It's all the road no one else has traveled."

"This is called model innovation, you understand?" Liu Lu saw Wang Bo again, and he was instantly happy. "In short, the company's financing is very smooth, there are a lot of tasks and rewards, etc., regardless of R&D or operation, it depends on craftsmanship. Suitable for capable people."

"What about salary and rights and responsibilities?" Jin Xu asked again, "I can accept entry without options. Anyway, according to what you said, some options are options and need to be earned by yourself. But the salary and power must have a spectrum? I don't want to join a new company. The company was then very frustrated, and there was no room for display, and it wasted months of time, so that everyone was unhappy."

"Salary? I believe it must be fair and reasonable, and worthy of your abilities. I am fully responsible for this. As for power...what right do you want, Xiaojin."

Jin Xuyi raised his eyebrows: "The power of internal incubation? I heard that the Pakistani group of your Chief Chu has internal incubation, and it seems that something has really hatched."

"Oh, peak visual effects, now valued at 800 million." Liu Lu pondered for a moment, and said that she could not do this promise. "This is something we have to talk about. With a well-off corporate structure, there is no process threshold for internal incubation, nothing more. It’s just a change in task design and task rewards, right? It’s just that things like incubation must be after the success of the enterprise. Chu Yuanxi is very reasonable, but he will not make out-of-the-art promises. I guess When you have spare time to toss, you can.

Internal incubation is always the stronger the parent company and the more resources available, the easier it is to incubate the company. Just like the peak visual effects, if Chu Yuanxi can only provide money, manpower and office environment, that is, the company's basic configuration and logistics can help Yang Jiangang get it, and nothing else, it is almost impossible for the peak visual effects to succeed. . It has no appeal to employees, and is not attractive to investors. It is impossible to get a bit of IP fever.

Therefore, Liu Lu's response was very natural, and Jin Xu also nodded, but then said: "Then the power to recruit people and set salary must always be there?"

"Do you have to ask more about this? I am CHO, and I have said that I am fully responsible." Liu Lu still has the confidence: "As long as the market price is met, the ability is okay, the company needs it, it is definitely possible. And our company does not If you value your resume too much, even if you haven’t gone to college, as long as you have the ability, it’s fine.

In fact, up to now, two young people with junior high school culture have started from the lowest level of clerk positions, because they did a good job, and to a certain extent because they were from Cao Shan’s Banana and Chu Yuanxi himself. Claimed over, so get additional development options. Then they unanimously chose to jump out of the low ceiling system of clerk-store manager-regional management.

Store-related positions including quality control, shop inspections, standard products and non-standard products are actually quite abundant on this line. Benefits and salaries are also available, but the highest level can only be managerial, not the type of business department. Manager, general manager and regional manager are not the same manager. So one of the two entered the supply chain and the other entered the logistics. The salary did not increase, and the work was a little harder, but they could go up to the vice president.

Of course, if you want to be promoted, you have to keep up. It is almost impossible to get the vice president by seniority in Xiaokang. With their background, they want to be able to break the class barrier and reach the pinnacle of life. They have to be extremely strong to make up for the debts they owed in the first two decades of life. The reason why Chu Yuanxi talked to them personally when he visited the store and suggested that they consider changing a business line was because they felt that their desire to learn was quite strong.

Generally, company recruitment must use academic qualifications as the standard line. For example, undergraduates, it is not because those who have not attended a university must be scum, but chances are. The undergraduate line can help the company to screen out people that they don’t need at all.

However, people's initiative in learning will change with age. High school students may become negative when they arrive at university, and they may re-recognize the value of learning after being beaten up in society by the tail of the crane.

Xiaokang happens to be a technology company that provides human-intensive labor positions. It is also in the early stage. The recruitment of personnel within the store system mainly depends on whether it is suitable for entering the store. Therefore, the number of employees with a low starting point is not in this system. Less. Chu Yuanxi didn’t necessarily have to promote some leftover beads from employees with a low starting point. There was no leftover beads and he couldn’t pull it out. The main reason was to check if there were any better seedlings when visiting the store. It just gave people a chance. .

In this way, even if they are not particularly good enough to break class barriers, at least they have a resume and accumulated work experience. For those who do not have a diploma, having a strong resume is a very important supplementary lesson, and you can definitely learn more online than being a salesperson.

In fact, these are not the key. The key is that for employees with a low starting point, the work experience of many positions is normally difficult to obtain. For example, in the logistics and supply chain, young people with no resume and no education can basically do silly and rough jobs. If there is no old driver to take you in key positions, you can't start at all, and no one will appoint you to this key. Position, unless you can find an old driver yourself.

And Chu Yuanxi recommended them to enter the logistics and supply chain as the well-off president, apparently directing the old drivers to lead the way.

This is enough to show how much gold the choice given by Chu Yuanxi has, and it is also the reason why two people can make the right choice without much consideration. If you really want to make money, the takeaway guy earns more, but that is hard money, and there is no room for further growth.

This development method Liu Lu feels healthy and gives employees hope. The company will naturally release positive energy to attract more motivated people. Therefore, Liu Lu thinks Jin Xu is asking about a similar situation.

The promise she gave seemed very reasonable, but it was also here.

This group of "capable and group-labeled" middle-level managers entered the well-off society around September 20. Chu Yuanxi welcomed them at first because things were indeed as Liu Lu estimated that he could accept this kind of group recruitment.

Diseases of large companies usually start with personnel. Although there are too many members with a certain group tag, it is easy to cling together, causing the company's hills and even the tail to fail, but three reasons make Chu Yuanxi judge that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

There are already quite a lot of the first well-off people, and only less than ten people have joined this time. Just like talking about toxins and not talking about dosage, it's a rogue. If the company is large enough, the effect of group labeling will not be too great, unless they all work in the same department. But Liu Lu's old colleagues are almost not in the same department.

In this regard, Chu Yuanxi talked to Liu Lu when Xiaokang was established. At that time, he talked about the example of Dagoudong. In terms of employment, Dagudong has a very simple one-delay-two system for acquaintance relationships, that is, a manager can only recruit two lower-level employees who have acquaintances with him or her. So what if there are other people with acquaintances who need to enter Dagudong? Can enter other departments.

Does this method work well? You can tell by seeing whether the management of Big Dog East has shaken sharply. For example, the magnitude of the shake in the first half of this year is not small.

Chu Yuanxi didn't want to deceive herself, and it was unnecessary, because before and after Liu Lu joined Xiaokang, Chu Yuanxi explained to her his own expectations for the Xiaokang management system-not flat, but precise.

Precise management inherits the high efficiency of flattening and fewer hierarchical relationships, and the penetration of the line of sight is as deep as possible, and it can penetrate into a very deep level. Under this premise, as long as the "degree" is well controlled, such as the "concentration" of group tag members, several types of problems that are common in large companies' diseases can be avoided after dilution.

The second group label itself has its own advantages and disadvantages, not just the disadvantages. Having more acquaintances in the company also makes it easier to quickly integrate into the company and release higher combat effectiveness. In this regard, Chu Yuanxi must trust the vision and choice of the company's second-in-command.

Moreover, the group label also depends on what the label is. The Xiaomi label is definitely much stronger than the label of the Eighteenth Stream Pheasant Enterprise. The key is to match each other. This group of people is capable of fighting. After joining the company, they only need to be familiar with the business and do not require professional skills training.

From the perspective of a company, cultivating one's own soldiers is a choice that requires patience. It can be regarded as cultivating resident birds, and Liu Lu's introduction can be regarded as a flock of migratory birds. As long as they work in the company with peace of mind and make their due contributions, it does not matter if they continue to fly away in the future. .

The third is that the well-off society is indeed short of people at this stage. There is no shortage of strong labor in the economic winter, and there will never be too many management talents, especially experienced ones. Otherwise, Chu Yuanxi wouldn't let Liu Lu try to communicate with Koala's senior management.

Therefore, the insertion, the decentralization, and the well-off operation has been a company with a very low turnover rate until now. This is enough to show the employees’ recognition and satisfaction with the company. The OKR system ensures the initiative and motivation of the employees. Under these conditions, Chu Yuanxi didn't think there would be any major problems with recruiting a group of management posts with a common label. This is also the reason why he hopes to accept koala's middle and senior management. Migratory birds are not incapable of staying, and the group label is not indigestible. This is called institutional confidence and cultural confidence.

As a result, he found himself too confident just after eleven. Chu Yuanxi defended Liu Lu's old colleagues from making the mountain, but the mountain did not appear, and another major company's disease occurred.

The cause of the incident is the two jumper young people, one is Liu Shen and the other is Dong Mao. They are very similar. They are all rural children who have been left-behind children for many years, so that they missed the most time to learn. At the end of last year, they joined Cao Shan’s artifact company and worked as a clerk in the flagship store of the Banana brand. In fact, it is to provide training for the well-off.

Therefore, the two of them actually had a face-to-face meeting with Chu Yuanxi long ago. Before starting Xiaokang, Chu Yuanxi personally went to the southern Panamanian flagship store to pick people, and all the employees who transferred to work had talked about it. In this case, they had an advantage over the newly recruited employees in the Imperial Capital after Xiaokang, and it is not surprising that they were transferred by Chu Yuanxi.

Because they were transferred from Banana, they must be the early clerk in Milestone 3. Chu Yuanxi transferred them in July, and then paid more attention. Although it is not necessary to pick up legacy beads, if there is such a case, if they do well and can get ahead, the future will be the publicity material for the recruitment of Xiaokang, very good material. Even in this sense, Chu Yuanxi was willing to allocate more energy to pay attention to the two of them.

Liu Shenjin is in the logistics team. The work of this team is very challenging for him, because the logistics team has been adjusting its working methods to meet the new needs of the well-off society. In addition, it is necessary to prepare for the logistics under the milestone 4 super framework as soon as possible ready.

Because Xiaokang does not engage in the pre-warehouse model, the loss of logistics costs is not high, but it needs the logistics center to carefully calculate the SKU and also simulate the test to enter the practice. Then Chu Yuanxi, who didn’t want to add to the chaos, rejected the Qifu technology warehouse plan of the vice president of logistics, Zhang Jian, and replaced it with the logistics warehousing service of Dagoudong, which made all the people under Zhang Jian’s hands toss. enough.

Liu Shen joined the logistics group in this situation with almost zero foundation, and the only experience he had was the experience of connecting with logistics as a clerk. In this case, it’s already very good to complete the task without dropping the chain, and he did more than just complete the task. When his veteran driver fell ill, he watched the progress of the logistics center and was sent by Zhang Jian. Mail praise.

Dong Mao's supply chain is relatively less complicated, but it requires meticulous work.

The person in charge of the well-off supply chain is Senior Director Ma Xiaoxi. This elder sister was in charge of the well-off supply chain in the original world, but she never mentioned the vice president because her ability was always lacking.

So Chu Yuanxi knew that there was a limit to her ability, but the well-off at this time would not trigger her limit, and the key was to rest assured that she was not familiar with herself but she was familiar with her, so she directly dug over. She is also one of the few well-off middle and high-level backbones in the original world who were still dug up by Chu Yuanxi this time.

Dong Mao is more reusable under Ma Xiaoxi. Because it was Chu Yuanxi who transferred her posts personally and explained Zhang Jian and Ma Xiaoxi privately, she arranged for Dong Mao to maintain the purchase channel.

This job is quite training people, and it needs to be dynamically adjusted with the continuous expansion of the well-off territory. Milestone 4 needs to constantly communicate with different people, which exercises a kind of soft power. Although the job looks tiring, as long as you can persist until the moment when the well-off is promoted to the whole country, you will gain a very valuable full-link experience.

Chu Yuanxi did not pay attention to them recently because they were already on the right track, and the rest was up to them.

As a result, just after the eleventh, Dong Mao proposed to resign. Fortunately, Chu Yuanxi took one more look, otherwise the personnel will be approved?

What kind of plane is Ma Xiaoxi doing? Chu Yuanxi was shocked at the time, and he added these two guys to WeChat at the beginning. He said that young people are arrogant, and wouldn't he vomit with me when he left? How about a squeak?

Then he immediately thought that there seemed to be something wrong ~ and when he called up the working system, Ma Xiaoxi was not in the imperial capital at all? She didn't rest at all during the eleventh period. She went to Yangcheng, and now she should be running at both ends of Yangcheng Pengcheng at this time. Moreover, the entire supply chain system remained open during the eleventh period. It was one of the few well-off departments that had to work overtime during the eleventh period, but Dong Mao stayed in the imperial capital.

What is the situation? Chu Yuanxi first rejected Dong Mao's resignation application with the authority of the president in the system, and rejected it. Then I asked Ma Xiaoxi on WeChat: Do you know about Dong Mao's resignation?

Send another WeChat to ask Dong Mao: Why?

It wasn't how old Dong Mao needed Chu Yuanxi to chase Han Xin in person, Xiao Heyue, but that there was nothing right inside and out. Dong Mao personally promoted him. Although I don't necessarily know what Ma Xiaoxi thinks about, at least she should mean the same thing as Guan Peisheng, right? Although Xiaokang has not managed trainees yet.

If she opened this, wouldn't it be equivalent to the emperor doting on a concubine, and then the queen empress blatantly killed the concubine?

Throughout the ancient history of the heavenly dynasty, there are certainly not a few queens who did this kind of work, but they all did it sneakily. Only the empress Dugu Jialuo of Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian dare to slap the emperor blatantly, no one else.

What is the relationship between Dugu Jialuo and Yang Jian? Does Ma Xiaoxi have no B numbers in his heart?


The book "The Mountain Spring Inn is a bit fairy" has been hovering on the edge of 404, but survived tenaciously... This book is really not at all Q. Although many chapters have been sealed, the works related to them can be found.

It's on the shelves on Friday, fat enough to kill.


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