Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 888: How to solve difficult problems

Chu Yuanxi thought about it again, no, Ma Xiaoxi deducted a lot of ability points from him because he was too cautious in doing things because he was afraid of wolves and tigers. Such people have the most B numbers in their hearts. And she is still a woman, with a little more delicate mind than a man, and she is more careful by nature, she shouldn't.

In the end, it was Dong Mao who replied to WeChat first: Mr. Chu, it was my own reason, so I didn't want to do it because I couldn't think about it.

Chu Yuanxi: You can't think of asking me. You are confused! Adding me to WeChat is simply added, isn't this the best time to send me WeChat? Don’t keep posting in Moments and expect me to see that there are more than 4,000 people in my WeChat and I usually don’t read Moments at all.

At this time, Ma Xiaoxi's reply also arrived: Mr. Chu, I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm in Yangcheng. Before I left, the business lines of the headquarters were given to several directors. Dong Mao should be assigned to a new director named Jin Xu. Wait for me to ask him.

Chu Yuanxi was staring at the work system. Seeing Ma Xiaoxi's reply, several thoughts flashed in her heart, and she immediately wrote back: Don't ask.

Originally, he had a long paragraph to type, but after typing these three words, he typed and sent it immediately, so as not to ask the supervisor below when he entered the long paragraph.

After sending, he immediately typed in a line: I ask you, after you leave, how did you sign your online recruitment at the headquarters?

Ma Xiaoxi made a sweaty expression: I am a rubber stamp, and sign when I come. President Chu, I really can't help it. I have to run to both cities here, and I can't take care of the headquarters. I can still ask about business, I'm completely blind in personnel matters.

Chu Yuanxi: No need to explain, I didn't mean to blame you, just to find out the situation. Don't ask Jin Xu what to do, Yangcheng has worked hard for you.

Ma Xiaoxi: However, the rate of recruitment at the headquarters is indeed a bit fast recently, don't you say I haven't felt it yet.

Chu Yuanxi sneered in her heart, not only a little quick, you think it's a little quick because of the several directors under you, one of them is fast and the others are normal. Once averaged, it feels a little quick to reach you.

Jin Xu and Chu Yuanxi called up his resume and looked at it again. The manager of the original sales department later went out to start a business with the title of COO, the chief operating officer and co-founder of a smart door lock company.

Chu Yuanxi didn't talk about this group of people who joined the group label at first, but Liu Lu had arranged their respective positions and chatted together before they dispersed. They didn't talk in depth.

I remember when we met at that time, Jin Xu said that the main reason for his failure to make smart door locks was his failure in the supply chain. In the rapidly changing market environment, especially after the price butchers entered the market, the operation of the supply chain did not keep up with the speed of change, resulting in adequate R&D capabilities, but production capacity always failed to keep up.

Quite a little bit Gongsun Yonghao failed to complete the hammer, and then fiercely throwing Foxconn.

However, Jin Xu didn't lose the pot, but said that he also gained in the defeat. Although he didn't rush, he was very concerned about the supply chain and accumulated a lot of experience. So after entering the well-off society, he hopes to enter the operation line and continue to do the supply chain.

Xiaokang does not have a sales department, and convenience stores are all sales. Instead, there is no need for a dedicated sales department. Sales are completely controlled by big data. The supply chain is indeed the focus of COO's work, and usually companies have to appoint a vice president to be responsible, so Chu Yuanxi feels that his job requirements are fine.

As for the so-called COO title, the resume of a small company that failed to start a business is not enough for Chu Yuanxi at present, which is equivalent to a failure in the advancement of the game. His effective rank can only be the original manager level.

So there is no problem with the rank and position of Jin Xuding, and the OKR he received is normal, but who can tell me why he hired 12 people in less than 20 days? And it's eleven. Is this a sow giving birth?

Of these 12 people, two directors and two deputy directors have higher salaries. Why are the other eight so expensive? There are also fresh graduates in it, and they are actually given a salary of 7K. This is crazy, right?

September and October have already passed the school recruitment period. The so-called fresh graduates are actually unemployed after graduation and did not find a job. A more reliable company will not recruit fresh graduates at this time, let alone give such a high price. Salary! Ba people are well-off to recruit programmers, and fresh graduates are at this price, or even lower. Did Jin Xu find any geniuses? How can people look at this kind of recruitment after it spreads to Xiaokang?

This is why Ma Xiaoxi did not ask Jin Xu. She asked Jin Xu. Jin Xu would definitely go to Liu Lu. Liu Lu spoke first, and Chu Yuanxi would be very embarrassed to make certain decisions. Conversely, he made a decision first, and Liu Lu spoke about the incident itself.

In fact, seeing Dong Mao being driven away and Jin Xu recruiting people wildly, Chu Yuanxi had already produced several speculations in her heart, all of which were very dark and negative energy speculations.

At this time, Dong Maomo jiggled for a long time and finally replied: I made a mistake. I shouldn't ask the salary of the new colleague.

Chu Yuanxi: Didn't you say you can't think about it? Can't think about the salary of a new colleague after asking?

Dong Mao: No, it was because I was transferred.

Chu Yuanxi: Why were you transferred? What post was transferred?

Dong Mao: Transfer me to connect with logistics. As for why I was transferred, it may be that Mr. Jin reviewed my resume and felt that I was more suitable for simpler work.

Chu Yuanxi: Don't you think it's okay? Why are you leaving again?

Dong Mao found out that Chu Yuanxi was replying in seconds, so he gradually let go of his restraints, first posted a panda head peeping .JPG, and then said: No, it was Mr. Jin who recruited three newcomers to fill my original post. . After the handover, they still wouldn't. They came to ask me questions every day, so I couldn't help but asked about their salary.

Chu Yuanxi probably already knew that what happened to Dong Mao belonged to that kind of situation, maybe it was a combination of several situations.

He asked: What then?

Dong Mao: Then Mr. Jin approached me and told me that there was a stipulation in the company's articles of association not to inquire about each other's salary. This is a very serious problem.

Chu Yuanxixin said that this is true. Almost all startups require salary confidentiality. Not only is salary confidential, but options must also be kept confidential. When many companies issue options, they directly state that as long as a third person knows the number of your options, they will directly abolish these options.

However, Xiaokangli options exist as mission rewards. Although the Pakistani people are not an OKR system, they are also issued public options during the reorganization of the structure and so on, so they do not require confidentiality.

So if Dong Mao didn’t think about it until he finished asking about his salary, it’s normal. His salary as a clerk was 5,500, which was mentioned once. He was transferred to Ma Xiaoxi, and Chu Yuanxi personally transferred him again, one year. Two raises, now it is 6000. Then of course he can't think about it. If a fresh graduate picks up his class, someone has a diploma, and it is normal for him to have more than him. Three people will be replaced by Chu Yuanxi.

But I just couldn't think about it when I was transferred, so the time for emotions was more positive, because I couldn't think about it because of work initiative.

Chu Yuanxi continued to ask: What then? What is Jin Xu going to do with a very serious problem?

Dong Mao: Mr. Jin said that he also didn't know much about the corporate system when he first came to Xiaokang, so he had to find someone to study and study, including how to deal with my options. I felt very boring, so I said that I don't have options, so I just quit.

Chu Yuanxixin said that this grandson is hypocritical enough, and he did some research on how to deal with options, what does it have to do with you?

He asked: Then he didn't say that you can't get resignation compensation if you voluntarily apply for resignation?

Dong sent a 666: He said, he really said so!

At this moment, Dong Mao felt like vomiting with his coworkers. In fact, he and Liu Shen just said that. Liu Shen and him didn’t know each other. They only met after transferring to a well-off job. Later, as people who were promoted by the boss at the same time, they naturally got the same label. More links.

Thinking of this, he sent: Liu Shen actually wants to leave, but he hasn't mentioned it yet.

Chu Yuanxi obviously had a stutter, and it took a few seconds before he answered: Huh? Why?

Dong Mao: He has also been transferred. We both felt whether the company changed our minds and didn't need us anymore, so we discussed whether to return to the store or what to do. He didn't make any mistakes, so he didn't particularly want to leave. I thought I could find a job elsewhere, so I left. In fact, I always thank you.

Chu Yuanxi: If you thank me, then the best way is to let the company thank you in the future. Therefore, I have rejected your resignation application. You can stand by and follow WeChat at any time.

It's quite hard to say, but how to solve this problem is a certain degree of difficulty, especially when Liu Shen also had the same problem, which shows that this is not an exception, and we must first check and sort out the situation.

Chu Yuanxi probably knew what was going on, but it was a headache to look at the work system, because his so-called "precision" management didn't care about the bottom employees. If no matter how big the company is, the president will squeeze in the end, what do the grassroots managers do?

Therefore, only employees of a certain level will be prompted to sign for approval when they leave. The problem now is that he can browse the work system with the authority of the president and find that the first, the recent turnover rate has increased, and the second that all departments have left. The question is who is normal to leave and who is abnormal?

But immediately, he discovered that Liu Shen was later assigned to a supervisor named Wang Bo, and Wang Bo, like Jin Xu, was also a member of the group label.

After wiping, Chu Yuanxi instantly focused, only checking the personnel changes under this group of people!

The speed of this sorting has increased sharply. After reading it, I found that it was okay. Only three groups had large-scale recruitment and transfer, as well as the phenomenon of old employees leaving.

After reading it, Chu Yuanxi just wanted to knock on the table, my day is TMLGB! This group is too arrogant, right? It's all exactly the same. Was this technique the result of collective training or collective wisdom? Is it because there is no such shop after passing this village? If you don't do this now, there will be no suitable time later?

But think about it, it’s true that at present, because of the re-engraving work of the other four major cities and the re-engraving of Milestone 3 of the Imperial Capital, the main persons in charge on each front take turns on business trips, and the work can only be delegated to the director level. The picture is The imperial capital is advancing steadily, and the backbones have completed the preliminary preparations for the re-engraving of Milestone 3.

Especially in terms of public relations, there is a high possibility of pitfalls because of the need to cast bicycles and the policies of different regions are still different. Therefore, the situation that the backbones frequently leave the base camp may be just like that for a while. Even if they are promoted to the whole country, they will not be the vice president and senior director level backbones running all over the country. They will also arrange their work.

Was Liu Lu's timing of recruiting people too strange? No, the causality is reversed, because Liu Lu is so recruiting because of a large shortage of manpower. But now the basket is out.

Chu Yuanxi did the following four things immediately after combing.

The first one is to call Xue Jianhua, who is the senior operations director, and the logistics supply chain is within the scope of his work. Previously, he was drawn by Chu Yuanxi to familiarize himself with Xiaokang's system and online content, etc., but that didn't mean that his work was so leisurely. Xiaokang does not have a COO because neither Yuan Mu nor Liu Lu can be COO, so Chu Yuanxi has been concurrently in charge of all operations-related affairs. In fact, Zhao Xue Jianhua does not have the title of COO but has to perform half of the COO function.

Therefore, he is now required to perform certain related duties in place of the executives who have left Beijing, such as signing recruitment and resignation. It is necessary to prevent those who have the right to sign from being treated as rubber stamps.

The second thing is to skip the line of the existing OKR with the privilege of the president and restore the personnel structure as much as possible. This is a very troublesome task, because the personnel structure has changed greatly, and one-click reduction does not exist. It is impossible to say a new recruit People were all laid off, they left their business and no one took it. These businesses represent well-off and external contacts, especially the old employees who have left, and they will not go if they are restored.

This part can only hold on to the disability. The key is that Chu Yuanxi doesn't know who among the newly recruited people is the direct line of the group, who is the normal recruit, but according to his own speculation, the normal recruits should be the majority.

There is another headache here, that is, the salary problem of these employees recruited by that group of people has to be solved. The trouble is that the new employees are all in the probation period and can be laid off immediately, but they can't be so simple and rude. Once they are laid off, there will be a problem of who will pick up their business.

Therefore, either slowly, while recruiting newcomers with reasonable salaries to top the tanks of these newcomers, recruit one by one to open one, or cut the mess quickly and talk again. But you can still talk about it if you want, especially after they find that personnel have changed drastically.

Although troublesome, it is impossible for Chu Yuanxi to recognize this loss. If he recognizes it, it will break the company's salary balance on a large scale. Although this situation of breaking the salary structure is understandable at this stage, Chu Yuanxi can only understand normal recruitment. Chu Yuanxi can actually think of many objective reasons for why these people offer high salaries and quick recruitment, but hehe, the real reason is simply unsightly!

The third is that the old employees who are resigning directly refuse to apply for resignation. Those who have resigned should contact them as soon as possible. However, this matter is not urgent, and Liu Lu will come over and talk about it later.

The fourth thing is to invite Jin Xu, Wang Bo and another girl named Ma Jun directly. Chu Yuanxi thought that this elder sister was a man at first, but it turned out not to be on the ground.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi was a bit hesitant, because Ma Jun's ground push ability is estimated to be very strong. After all, the Mijia’s ground push ability is not only famous, and sales can be so strong, there must be other abilities besides hunger marketing.

Liao Xingxing was not in the imperial capital either, but fortunately, Chu Yuanxi called Du Zetao's son Du Zetao directly to ask about the situation. Du Zetao is now at the supervisor level, the youngest of all the supervisor levels in Xiaokang, not only because his father is a VP, it is indeed a bit special. He is one level lower than the director-level Ma Jun, and he is not in a group, but he should be able to hear something.

As a result, Du Zetao answered the phone, "What did you say about President Chu? Know Ma Jun's work status?"

When the tone of the latter sentence was down, Chu Yuanxi felt that there might be some problems as soon as he heard his tone, so she said: "Yes, you and I don't have to talk about it."

"Then I'm really out of sight. She looks down on me. The point is that I and her are not in the same area. Why did she look down on me because of her mistake?"

"She doesn't know Old Du? Why does she look down on you?"

"Then I don't know. She always talks ill of me to Zhu Rui."

Zhu Rui is the director of the local push team, and is at the same level as Ma Jun. He is Du Zetao's direct But Du Xie is the vice president. Although he is the most professional vice president in well-off, he is also two levels higher than the director. , Is one level higher than Liao Xingxing and Xue Jianhua. Therefore, the relationship between Zhu Rui and Du Zetao is quite harmonious, and it will not work if it is not harmonious. Du Zetao was appointed by Chu Yuanxi to enter the local push team long ago and handed it to Liao Xingxing.

Chu Yuanxi was happy, "Then why don't you tell me directly? Didn't you tell your father?"

"No, I'm the pillar of the family. I have to let my dad retire and take care of the sick. I can't go home crying and complain."

"Hmm." Chu Yuanxi agreed with this mentality, "Then what did she say about you? When did she say it?"

“In fact, it’s not about me, but an example of me.” Du Zetao recalled a little: “It was probably because she had just arrived. She said that our company is developing too fast and the team building is a bit distorted. Especially the field department, the team Many people with low qualifications and low qualifications occupy key positions. This is not appropriate. We should increase recruitment and let in suitable people. Then take me as an example."

"Our hiring efforts are not small, and no one in the entire Imperial Convenience Store has more hiring efforts than ours."

Chu Yuanxi reassured him and hung up the phone, saying what Ma Jun said. It doesn't make any sense, but isn't it the pursuit of process justice? Give a plausible suggestion, and then ignore it if others listen to it. Anyway, I can endorse her, and my team began to make drastic changes in personnel.

This is quite good at using the power in his hand, and he is very adept at the rules of the workplace. Without years of office warfare experience, it is impossible to be so light, it is perfect! Unfortunately, I ran into an imperfect president.

Then there is nothing to say, please ask these three.


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