Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 889: 5 beetles and 8 traits

At three o'clock in the afternoon, three strong professionals were invited to the office of Xiaokang's new president.

It used to be a Ba people’s place, but Ba people are also expanding their enrollment, so a new large office on the same floor was also moved. A lot of people moved there and part of the old office was vacated. Chu Yuanxi didn’t need to treat the tea room as a tea room. Ba Ren & Xiaokang’s co-president’s office is now.

According to the taste of the original world, this president’s office has been transformed into a small multifunctional hall, a long sofa, a coffee table in front, and a round table in front, which can be used for meetings of several people or for a rest alone. It is a pity that this office building is still a bit low-end and does not support the reconstruction of toilets and bathrooms.

As soon as Jin Xu entered the door, he found that something was wrong, because Chu Yuanxi did not ask them to sit down. Chu Yuanxi was not in the mood to invite them to sit down. After lunch, he did some research, and he was able to speak well and he was already well-trained.

When the last Ma Jun also came in, Chu Yuanxi said directly: "The three hard-working people rushed back to the headquarters. You have no mistakes or omissions, and the work is very hard, but you are not in harmony with Xiaokang, so it is not suitable to stay in Xiaokang. Work. On the coffee table is a list of your work status and settlement since you joined the company. If there are no problems, please go to the finance to settle your salary and bonus."

Wang Bo’s face was visibly flushed with blood, just like the drinking head, “No, we are working overtime throughout the eleventh period! Why don’t we get this?”

And Ms. Ma Jun's face was not very pretty, she picked up the printing paper on the coffee table without saying a word and glanced at her. The freckles on her face were wrinkled, and then she asked: "How do we calculate the OKR we have received?"

"The bonus is paid according to the schedule, and the options will obviously not be given."

"Aren't you authentic? The president of a big company like you hacked our options?" Wang Bo couldn't accept that he had been struggling day and night for so many days and was swept out all at once. He didn't know others, he was indeed very The hard work has found the long-lost passion. "Why are you ashamed to tell us in person?"

"Ah, in order to avoid face-to-face embarrassment, the general company will let people pass it on, but I make the decision. Even if it is embarrassing, as long as I have time, I am obliged to inform the three in person. As for options, you are all professionals in the workplace. An option without an option contract is not an option, so there is no need to explain it."

"Okay, Wang Bo. We have already had a glass of wine to release military power, but unfortunately we don't even have a glass of wine." Although Jin Xu was also sinking, he made a gesture to stop Wang Bo from continuing to spray. His face covered with haze was naturally very depressed, and asked, "Can you tell us why?"

"Although you are in the probation period, I am not obligated to explain my thoughts. But in fact, I guess the three of you must have communicated with each other before. If you really don't, you should know why you happen to be you when you go back and communicate."

When Chu Yuanxi said this, she felt that she was too hypocritical, so how cool would it be to scold him directly? Do you have any misunderstandings about history? A cup of wine to release Bingquan is for Yuan Mu and Liu Lu, you think of beauty. The security guard is outside. It's too tiring to have to maintain such a good manner!

It's a pity that I have to, this is no way. The Ba people and Xiaokang are no longer small grasses. Chu Yuanxi swears and loses it casually. After it is spread, it will cause a negative corporate image for any reason. You must know that because Ba people have media attributes, Xiaokang does not even have a PR team. If it is really hard to clean up negative events, Ba people’s media voice channel is only suitable because of their own attributes.

Therefore, both Yuan Mu and Xu Xin have told Chu Yuanxi to pay attention to his image. This is also the reason why Hongyan still asks "What\'syourproblem" very rationally and calmly after getting the water. Of course, it may be that the boss knows that it should be in English at this time, and it is likely to search for advertisements in Chinese.

But Jin Xu didn't know Chu Yuanxi's concerns. He felt that his face had been beaten by Chu Yuanxi, so there was a fire in his stomach. Wang Bo fought so hard, did he paddle himself? The fight is as ruthless! Even Ma Jun, as far as he knows, a female stream still wakes up and gets dark every day, and takes one day off in eleven or seven days. Why?

Therefore, it seems that the well-mannered Jin Xu is even more angry: "Do you know how much opportunity cost we lose by joining Xiaokang? Ma Jun did not go to you with Sinopec's position. You just cut us off so lightly. There is no saying. You are the president and you have this right, but is it appropriate? After we go out, people ask us what is going on, what do we say? You are not afraid to give you a good publicity after we go out?

"Oh, then I'm too welcome." Chu Yuanxi sneered, "I don't disclose the reason to the public because I have something to worry about, and I need to save some face for others, not how good you are. But you speak first. I don’t have to worry about anyone, don’t I have any points in my heart?

As he said, he pointed his finger at the door, which meant he was here. Ordinarily, it's almost here, but the freckles on Ma Jun's face refuse to agree!

She put down the A4 paper, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Mr. Chu, let me call you Mr. Chu again. What have we done wrong? Is there anything that violates the company's articles of association?"

"Then I'll make it clearer." Chu Yuanxi didn't mean anything because the other party was a woman, and spoke even more ruthlessly: "Have you seen Han Feizi's five beetles? It's you, the process is completely correct and impeccable. Your first mistake is to bully me and I am young and inexperienced. The second is that you know what you have done since joining the company, but you don't feel that your approach is wrong.

Even, you feel that it is only natural to harm the company's interests and enhance your personal value. Xiaokang is not in line with your three views. If you don't cut you today, you will be cut later, so let's do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, the opportunity cost of your delay will be more, and the damage to the company will be more. "

"Your accusation is heavy enough, President Chu." Jin Xu said gloomily, "and you are totally suspicious, without any basis, and then you don't talk about layoffs? Humph! You are right, you are on your side. We really can't do long-term with such a president!"

After he finished speaking, he picked up the paper on the coffee table and waved his hand very imposingly to leave, but he didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to say very playfully: "Is it completely unfounded to suspect you? How did you know that Dong Mao asked someone else's salary? What?"

Jin Xu paused, then hurried away.

Chu Yuanxi snorted and immediately opened WeChat and asked Dong Mao: Can you not do the job for you Jin Xu?

Dong Mao may have been guarding WeChat for several hours, and Miaohui said: I definitely can't do it, President Chu! How many days did I work?

Chu Yuanxi: If you can't do it, it's the right thing to do, but I have a way to promote growth. Now let you do Jin Xu's work, but the title is acting director. If you have any questions, directly ask Xue Jianhua, Senior Operations Director. I set up an OKR for Xue Jianhua and let him take more responsibilities.

After he said that he added Xue Jianhua into this two-person chat and turned into a small group of three, @薛建华: I now leapfrogged Dong to promote Dong as acting director of the supply chain department. I will post the reorganized supply chain organization later. Architecture, but he certainly has a lot of things that he doesn't understand, and you need to take care of it for a while.

Xue Jianhua quickly replied: Isn't this just for me to do part of the supervisor's work? Like Du Zetao instructing Du Zetao to push the ground? But at noon, didn’t you just tell me to meet all the senior directors who left the headquarters? My feet are already busy!

Chu Yuanxi: Then it's settled.

After sending it, Chu Yuanxi gave Xue Jianhua one in his heart. He said that this would help you give up your brain holes, so it's time to take care of it.

When Du Zetao entered the well-off society, he did not start from the most basic level, but became a small boss. However, Dong Mao's situation is more special and his adaptation time is shorter, unlike Du Zetao's father who constantly advises him. However, if Dong fails, he can still be removed, hoping that they can also appreciate the existence of this possibility.

As for Xue Jianhua’s complaint, this is the job responsibilities of your senior operations director. Originally, Chu Yuanxi's idea was that under the steady operation of the headquarters, the senior directors of various fronts would go to other first-tier cities to reproduce the well-off milestone 3. However, this side is not stable, so someone has to take care of it. Who do you call?

However, this arrangement made it more difficult to restore the organizational structure on several lines, because after all, Dong Mao was young. It’s not easy to keep people down when they are young. The three scumbags did this because "the president is only 30 years old." They don't dare to lend them 800 courage when they are replaced by Huawei's president.

Chu Yuanxi had a headache for this matter from noon to the present. The reason why he was struggling was because what about the OKR that was currently running? These are all OKRs that have been disrupted by the three scums. Even if the personnel structure can be restored, the OKR restoration will not go. It is also the first time that Chu Yuanxi has used the OKR system. The original world has never used it before, so today's sudden interruption must be handled as a case as far as possible to set an example for the future.

But fortunately, these three scumbags were basically things that happened shortly before eleventh. Because it straddles eleventh, many people shouldn’t find a job yet, so let the administrative department staff call them on the phone. The person who ran them is gone, so it should be easier to talk. The bad thing is that people may go back to their hometown for the holidays, are they still willing to return to the imperial capital?

When he was thinking about something, Liu Lu knocked on the door three times very quickly, and then looked inside.

She is definitely coming, and she is probably still holding a big fire. It's strange not to come. Chu Yuanxi happened to have a good talk with her, so she pointed to the seat opposite the coffee table, and poured water herself.

Liu Lu was not in the mood to drink water, her face was overcast, but when she sat down, the wording she had just thought faltered again.

Chu Yuanxi smiled and sipped his tea, "I won't explain it to them, but I will definitely explain it to you."

"I don't want you to explain to me, no, I want you to explain to me, but first of all—"

"First of all, do you think it's possible to invite them back?" Chu Yuanxi sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and smiled, "Old rabbits are good at slurping food."

"I don't actually care what you think of them, but you can't be the president like this."

Chu Yuanxi knew what she was talking about, layoffs were a matter of the standard human resources department, and it was a field directly under her jurisdiction. Although Chu Yuanxi could do this as the president and CEO, in the eyes of outsiders, she stretched her hand directly into her arms, making her faceless and discredited. This is not the case in the workplace.

"Do you find it difficult to be a man now? But you can now push two, six and five. I don't know that Chu Yuanxi is fooling around. If I tell you first and then dismiss them, you can't push. Wouldn't it be more difficult to be a human being."

"That was not what I meant!"

"Then you mean, let me promise that I won't go beyond power to seek politics? This is not an example?" Chu Yuanxi said as he saw the obvious change in Liu Lu's expression, he suddenly smiled, "Impossible. The embodiment of the company’s precise management, my vision can penetrate the hierarchy into the middle and low-level management system, and I can correct it in time when you make a mistake."

The word "error" was emphasized by Chu Yuanxi, which made Liu Lu obviously startled, and Xingshi's feelings of questioning guilt suddenly trembled, "Me? Am I wrong too?"

"What do you think?"

"I--" Liu Lu took a deep breath and re-bred her emotions. "It is obvious that you suddenly opened three directors and caused great damage to the already weak organizational structure. I am here to make up for it!"

"It's normal for you to think so, but it's mediocre. You don't want to think about why I suddenly opened them with great harm?"

Liu Luxin said that I want to know too, but you don't know what to say, just referring to the sang-huai and other evil creatures, I don't understand if I have no education! Who knows what they are doing?

"It seems that you still think they did a good job? Saved your human resources department?" Chu Yuanxi became very serious, the joking expression on her face disappeared, "I know you are busy, who is not busy at the company? Have you seen their recruitment efforts? Do you think they are helping you? I don't think so. Your three old colleagues are very, very selfish, and they don't hesitate to sacrifice the company's interests to give them weight. You see this phenomenon If you don’t come out, it means you haven’t done your job well and you have no face to get angry. If your face hurts, then you will learn your lesson next time."

"Wait, what is weighted weight?" Liu Lu really didn't understand this time. "I told you that Jin Xu is a very good person. He was very talented back then. The entire company knows the business. Strong thief ability."

Chu Yuanxi nodded painfully, he had heard Liu Lu say. But in this way, the ability is high but the morals are low, and a well-off society cannot control it. He has no ability to sprint to the top, but also to surrender to the top, but also to control a group of careerists in the company to contribute their abilities to the company, not to engage in a moth.

After all, Chu Yuanxi also knows what his strengths and weaknesses are. If this is an investor, he would not want to fight! But company internal control is not so good. It is a pity that talented people cannot use it for themselves.

And Liu Lu, at Xiaomi, she is neither CHO nor vice president, she only works as a senior director. However, Netmabao's Greater China area is much smaller. So in terms of human resources and corporate structure, she has passed the test and has a lot of experience, but she has no experience in managing diseases in large companies, especially in the overall situation and thinking from the perspective of CXO.

Xiaokang so far Liu Lu's work is part of the enterprise structure, part of the specific and normal work, she can do it, nothing more than the level of work. But Chu Yuanxi could see that someone made a riot.

"Weighting is adding weight to the company." Chu Yuanxi told her what Liu Lu needed to listen to. "You said Jinxu is awesome, do you have me? Yes. He joined the company for less than half a year. In September, 12 people were recruited, and it was eleven, which is equivalent to one a day, which is much better than me. As a senior staff, do you feel that there is a problem? What is the problem you don't want to think about?"

Liu Lu actually felt that something was wrong, but the reason was not the same. "They recruit fast, which really relieves me a lot of pressure. You know how stressful my OKR is, there will be no more people left after that time. You are because the salary of new recruits is relatively high. Any comments? But how can we quickly recruit the right people without a high salary? There will definitely be a premium for recruitment at this stage."

"The salary is higher than the general sense is one I understand the situation you said very well. You can just answer one question to me. Why do you want to transfer an old employee and then hire three people to fill him? Is it to train these three newcomers? No, it does need to recruit three, or else it can’t hold up the vacancy left by an old employee. This case makes sense. Just answer me Jin Xu’s motivation."

Liu Lu does not know the specific situation as much as Chu Yuanxi, nor is he familiar with Dong Mao, let alone why the old employee asked to resign, only to see that an old employee did propose to resign. As for whether someone resigned and then hired three people to fill his position or the other way around, it was impossible to sort out for a while.

So she couldn't answer this question at all, opened her mouth, did not speak for a long time, and finally asked: "You mean, I was used as a gun? Wait a minute, what you said just now to increase your weight in the company refers to them hiring?"

"Yeah, isn't this one of the more famous unspoken rules in the workplace? The more people you recruit, the more important you are. The greater the right to speak in the company, the easier it is to get resources. Recruiting three of them This recruitment speed is just around the corner for the senior executives of the well-off future, at least twice as fast as normal. After a year or a half, it will be CXO."

Liu Lu opened her mouth into an O shape, because she had never heard of this so-called unspoken rule of the workplace. "Well, isn't this your conspiracy theory? What is CXO?"

"You are too loyal." Chu Yuanxi gestured to Liu Lu with a thumbs-up, "but did you tell them about loyalty, did they tell you? This is not a conspiracy theory, but this is what he actually showed. Jin Xu will do it again. If he is not a senior director in one or two months of development, he will have to manage hundreds of people directly under his hand next year, and he will properly follow CXO."


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