Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 890: All staff mail (top)

Liu Lu was thoughtful, Chu Yuanxi felt that she was about to figure it out. She figured out the most important thing, because she will be very busy for a long time and there is no chance to improve herself, and this is a good opportunity for her to upgrade her knowledge.

So Chu Yuanxi continued to unblock the logic of this bastard: "What do you say that our company did not have this CXO position? Then continue to recruit people. When the tail is too big, I can only design this position for them. I can't help it. Promote him, otherwise the management will be out of balance and the work will not start.

Fortunately, I found the problem. What if I didn't find it? Why can't he be cut immediately, without hesitation, and can't wait for a minute? Because this loophole is too big. During this period of time, people have been recruited, and I have no ability to judge who is recruited because of this logic, and I can't clear them all. The three of them are cancer cells of ‘big company cancer’. People who come in this way are the targets of their infection. He has the great ability to get Xiaokang to contract a big company’s disease and it will not pay off. He must be let go immediately. "

Liu Lu nodded solemnly, "The problem is back, why did Jin Xu run on the old employees? I have no problem with him directly recruiting new people."

Chu Yuanxi sneered, and then began to elaborate. He is the president. Liu Lu had to listen when he started the long speech, and she couldn't get distracted, because she might ask when Chu Yuanxi would ask her something.

"Is this a problem? First, after the old employee has left, the remaining job really needs three new hires. He has a law to recruit.

Second, from the point of view of conspiracy theory, Dong Mao belongs to Ma Xiaoxi. At least Jin Xu saw that Dong Mao was promoted especially during the resumption of the game. He said it was unreasonable, and he was definitely trained as a parent. But Ma Xiaoxi and Dong Mao have nothing to do with each other, they are purely working. So get rid of Dong Mao first, Jin Xu may think it is a good move, and Ma Xiaoxi will not be so good either. If he wants to go up, he must arch his superior Sima Xiaoxi away.

At first, I wondered where the faces of the three of them came in and acted on the old employees? You usually have to observe for a while before moving, right? The biggest advantage of old employees is not their ability but their rich relationships with colleagues. They are familiar with the company's rules and regulations. They are too anxious.

Later, I thought about it in a different position. They really have to be anxious. Just such a window period is a good opportunity. Executives keep going out and power must be decentralized. Then the recruitment is urgent. The company is expanding rapidly, and every line is short of people. You won't be suspicious even if they are crazy about recruiting people. You won't have such a good opportunity if you don't do it right away.

It just so happens that there are a group of young people in the company. Although they are old people from the company, they have little experience and are very suitable for them to operate. The one who was run was the direct line of the boss, and the three recruited were his direct line. This is a good deal.

But they didn't make any contribution. First exclude dissidents and cut off the boss's wings. Is this fair? Don't say anything else, I must cut them on this one. They looked down on the original management and treated Ma Xiaoxi and even me as a silly beep, and they could do whatever they wanted. This kind of rebels and thieves have never come to a good end after being seen through. "

Liu Lu knew why Chu Yuanxi thought she had made a big mistake this time because she didn't strictly control the job and delegated the power of recruitment. In a normal company, there are indicators for recruiting in each department. The number of HC and salary indicators cannot be infinitely expanded. The director wants to recruit people and it is difficult, but she gave up the principle.

"Sorry, it was indeed my fault this time." Liu Lu said, holding up the teacup and taking a sip, feeling that the water was a bit cold, but Chu Yuanxi immediately added some hot water diligently.

"I'm not to blame you, I know that your OKR is under pressure. They must have spotted your special state, and they are old colleagues, so they can just take advantage of the loopholes. They all said that this kind of old rabbit is fast. But they must I said, Jin Xu’s unsuccessful start-up is justified, and if his selfishness is too heavy, it won’t work for another eight times. You don’t have to feel sorry for him."

"Thank you." Liu Lu was unhappy. The reason for her unhappiness was: "But how did you find out? Ordinarily, even if you find out, I should react first."

Chu Yuanxi vomited fiercely: "They are so lucky. Dong Mao and Liu Shen are not named but they are actually equivalent to my Guan Peisheng, not to mention Du Zetao. You three old men who do things Colleagues were all on the line, 100% hits, and none of the shots were missed. Would you say I would find out? I was shocked!"

Liu Lu immediately became happy.

Just then Elizabeth knocked on the door and came in, took a look at Liu Lu's presence, and asked Chu Yuanxi: "Chu, you haven't read WeChat for a long time, have you? The company group can be lively."

Chu Yuanxi immediately opened WeChat and took a look, oh, three scumbags came to say goodbye together. Don't tell me, all three of you are fighting on the front line these days, and there is no rest during the holidays. The hard work is obvious to all. In particular, they recruited thirty or so people, and these people all lost their backbone, and some people had big opinions!

At this time, those who have some workplace experience know that those who jump out and beep are likely to be laid off. So the well-off old employees basically do not beep, and those who have blown up hair are newcomers, most of them are in the 30-year-old mouth. Yes, but it also includes a few that are also labeled as groups.

Chu Yuanxi scratched his head. They were trying to die, and they lay their heads around to see if my knife was fast enough? At this time, it is not even possible to judge who is because they have a sense of justice in their hearts but mistakenly believes that the three scums have been wronged, which ones are irritated because they are bound to be affected, and which ones are the direct lines of the three scums? At this time, the comments of five beetles and eight evil spirits have appeared in the group, and someone's tail may have been stepped on.

"I am aggrieved by them? Do you think I have no evidence?" Chu Yuanxi glanced up and down quickly. "Chu always feels" and "Chu always suspect" are one of the most frequent words, yin and yang. "Wipe it, didn't Huo Dongjue tell Jin Xu? He has been beaten!"

Liu Lu also turned on the phone, and just about to type, she couldn't help asking, "Who is Huo Dongjue?"

"It's the so-called fresh graduate that Jin Xu recruited. I asked him to be pounded. I wanted to give him a bit of face, but I just gotta **** off honestly. You have to die. You don't have to say anything. "Chu Yuanxi smiled and turned on the laptop computer and began to write the group announcement, and at the same time said to Liu Lu: "I have changed my mind. Together with Jinxu and the others, all those who have been expelled have no bonuses, and their basic salary shall be settled in accordance with the law."

Soon he posted the group announcement: @Everyone, I posted a recording. After listening to it, I can still speak, but order must be ensured. The company group is not used by the group. In addition, all those who were kicked out by me were in the probationary period, which seriously disrupted the order of the company and failed the probation period. Please consciously go to the financial settlement of wages and welcome to apply for labor arbitration. All staff will be sent an email later.

The group was silent immediately after posting, because Chu Yuanxi was operating both laptop and mobile phone. The computer made announcements and the mobile kicked people. First select the person to kick according to the chat history, and then post the announcement. After sending it, kick it directly. Send the recording file again when finished.

As soon as I heard that I wanted to talk about recording, many of the old employees who had followed Chu Yuanxi from the Ba and even Pengfei era immediately disappeared. Chu Yuanxi is really obsessed with pressing the recording button. The nicknames given to Chu Yuanxi on the rivers and lakes are not accurate. The most accurate one should be "Recording Man"!

The downside of WeChat groups is that they cannot be muted, let alone all of them. The function is extremely imperfect, but the advantage is that the people who have been kicked still have the group news and can be viewed repeatedly, but the recording files are not visible.

Liu Lu shuddered. Regardless of the recruits, two more old colleagues were killed...

"Hey don't, they may not be that, not necessarily that..."

"Isn't it? The loyalty is too heavy, not professional at all. The company is important and loyalty is important?" Chu Yuanxi continued to sneer, "Look at you and see, where is this, starting to form a party for private business. Well-off Lishantou, rely on them? I really look down on your old colleagues, they don't even understand how Lishantou, Lishantou has to **** up the boss first!"

Liu Lu, who was speaking, has downloaded the recording file to WeChat and played it directly. Chu Yuanxi’s voice came out: "Huo Dongjue, right? I want to know why you seduce Dong Mao to ask your salary. First, let me explain today. You must be laid off. The only difference is whether to lay off employees normally or to prosecute you for commercial espionage."

This is Chu Yuanxi who bullied Huo Dongjue with no workplace experience and defrauded him. Initiating public prosecutions for this kind of thing will create a serious negative impression of the company. In particular, the risk of losing the case is very high, and the negative is even greater and not worth it. However, the deceitful thing is that it is not impossible. Xiaokang has the power to call the police and prosecute. Huo Dongjue is unable to measure the possibility.

This time it was cold for more than ten seconds, making Liu Lu think that something was wrong with the recording.

Then a very young male voice said: "Are you kidding Mr. Chu?"

Although her voice was young, it was very unnatural. In fact, Chu Yuanxi's expression at the time when she saw Huo Dongjue was unnatural, and it was not the humiliation and grievance after being slandered.

Chu Yuanxi: "I'm not kidding. Some things that the parties think are very light are actually very serious. For example, an adulterer puts someone else’s wife in bed and was known to block him with a stick every day. He thought this would not work. I was waiting at home to be beaten up. My husband brought someone in and beat him up. He begged for mercy, gave a bank card and told the password, which contained tens of thousands of dollars. When he received the bank transfer text message, he immediately called the police.

Do you think that husband is guilty? The money was offered by the adulterer with both hands, and finally the husband was sentenced to 15 years. Now it's your turn, let's talk, don't think it simple. You made it clear, I believe it, no matter what the situation is, I promise not to prosecute you. If you have no comment, I will ask the police to help me. "

This was after lunch. Before lunch, Chu Yuanxi had another chat with Dong Mao. It was Dong Mao's question about Huo Dongjue's salary. No matter how much he thought about this detail, Chu Yuanxi felt that the other party seduced him to ask, and asked Dong Mao, isn't it obvious that he was being tricked by Old Youzi? It was his own psychological factor to get Chengdu too, and he couldn't think about it.

So Huo Dongjue, who happened to be in the company, came over.

This Huo Dongjue's school resume and grade points are very average, and he can't see anything, but he can feel greasy in the face of it. 22 years old makes people feel greasy and that is not simple.

When speaking, he looked like a falcon, staring directly at Huo Dongjue, staring at the other party uncomfortably, and hesitated: "That, that..."

"Don't be embarrassed to say that you are now hidden, you are in great trouble behind you. I will not entice your confession, you can consider it yourself, you can also turn around and leave. But I am the president of two large companies, worth several hundred Billion, when I doubt you, I must figure it out. It’s impossible to sloppy and I can figure it out. To figure it out, the cost is very low for me, but the cost is extremely high for you. You don’t actually have any Ability to resist."

Huo Dongjue immediately said: "It was President Jin Xujin who asked me to test."

Chu Yuanxi also said immediately: "You lie. Look into my eyes, I'm not good to lie. You don't fool me, I fool others every day."

Huo Dongjue was stupid, and he babbled for a long time before saying: "Yes, it was Mr. Jin who asked me if Dong Mao had asked me about my salary. I probably understood Mr. Jin's meaning, and then..."

Chu Yuanxi: "Oh, you are still a pretty person, and your acting skills are also good. Okay, you can be regarded as an instruction from your boss. You have a fault but it is not very serious. I will not pursue it. I will go to the finance to settle the salary and bonus. , The task is paid according to the progress of completion, and don’t take a penny less when you leave the company.

In the end, I have a few words of advice. When looking for a job in the future, try to be more refined in your work, and not be so refined in human relationships. The workplace is a complicated place. You don't know which cloud is raining. It is miserable to be shrewd in the wrong place. The average boss still prefers capable and honest employees. Don’t write this section of the well-off life on your resume. When the time comes, others will not look good. You can say that you have some relevant work experience in a certain position you have interned in well-off. "

Huo Dongjue immediately paused a hundred prayers: "Thank you, thank you very much, Mr. Chu." This work experience does not write a resume, but the interview can be said, which is actually quite a plus.

The recording ends here. At that time, Dong Mao and Liu Shen had been recalled to the company by Chu Yuanxi after eating a meal. They didn't know how to arrange them, and then the two listened to the recording together.

Dong Mao had already communicated with Chu Yuanxi’s WeChat account, but Liu Shen hadn’t. At noon, he was the monk of Zhang Er. He caught something and asked: "Chu, I don’t understand one thing. Why did they give Xin Hiring people with such a high salary but not giving us a raise? Obviously we do better."

Dong took a pretentious look at Liu Shen, "You really care a lot. How can they see the problem when they are not highly paid to recruit President Chu?"

Liu Shen quit: "Zong Chu has a sharp eye. Isn't it a matter of minutes to see through their tricks?"

"Stop!" Chu Yuanxi made a gesture like directing traffic, "Don't hold it. Actually, I didn't notice it at first, because their high-paying recruitment operation was originally normal."

The two said in unison: "Huh? Is it normal that the salary is higher than ours and lower than ours?"

"It's normal. Let me tell you that in one of the strongest prefecture-level cities in the south, Dr. Turtle will give 5 million existing homes and 5 million venture capital to start a business. It's not a corner, the economic vitality in the free shipping area. Yes, it is known as the strongest prefecture-level city in the heavenly dynasty. Why don’t you give a turtle doctor to a local doctor? Local doctors are worthless? Because the country wants to attract overseas talents back. As for your local doctors, you have already stayed in China. Can't go without attracting you.

Recruitment is the same. You are already a member of the company. He does not need to adjust your salary from the perspective of company costs. Your salary increase follows the company's process. He is not wrong. But when recruiting new people, an ordinary leader has only one trick, which is to make a considerable salary.

Don't feel unfair. Unfairness is a typical state of illness in large companies. It's not fair to you, but it's worry-free for managers. The logic pursued by disease managers of large companies is not to cause trouble, not company health and fairness. Since the company is so big, getting sick has no direct impact on them, and they are far from death. And when the company is big, there will be more positions. You can get a promotion without making a mistake, understand?

I hope you will always remember your own experience and do not become such a person. "

The last sentence is the key point. The turning point of God has left the two workplaces speechless for a while. In the end, Dong Maozheng took the initiative. UU Reading asked: "Then, how did you find out that they had problems in the end? Is it because we are special?"

"On the one hand, the main reason is that the high salary he gave to the newcomers is abnormal. Moreover, these newcomers are not worthy of the exceptional high salary. You need three people to do your job alone. What kind of level should you give such a high level? Salary? I can hire a programmer for the salary of three people."

This answer was also written in all staff’s emails, Chu Yuanxi wrote:

"Some unpleasant things happened in the company group just now. Some colleagues who have recently joined the company were eliminated. They are very capable and work very hard. There is hard work without credit, and there are complaints without hard work.

However, complaints are too strong to prevent intestinal breakage.

First of all, I want to reveal to you a hidden rule in the management. The more people you can recruit for yourself, the more important you are in the company. This is something that the president and CEO cannot reverse.

Secondly, Xiaokang coincides with a special period, hiring a lot of people, and because all colleagues have been united for a long time, the company has never made any mistakes, so it has relaxed its slack, neglected management and failed to do a good job in internal control. This is all my fault as the president.

So something went wrong. After verification, a similar situation appeared on several job lines, namely, hiring at an unreasonably high salary and an unreasonable speed. Even today when the well-off is increasing recruitment, it is still speeding.

At the same time, the new management also squeezed out the old employees at the grassroots level. So far, the turnover rate of the well-off business is extremely low, but it has accelerated recently. I believe colleagues on the relevant business lines can also feel it. An old employee who has resigned needs to recruit three new employees to get the job, or even fail to get the job. Each new employee's salary is higher than that of the old employee. How can such a good thing happen? "


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