Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 890: All staff mail (below)

The first half of this all-staff email was lyrical, and then it started to make sense:

"I welcome capable people to enter the well-off society. If a person can recruit so many people with his own abilities and charisma rather than with a super high salary, it means that you deserve a higher position and you are a great person. You can even see the company's Insufficient, creatively designing some positions makes the company more responsive. This is a big deal. I not only welcome you, but also give you options for promotion and salary increase.

This is a benign use of the unspoken rules of the workplace, a manifestation of ability, and the company welcomes it.

However, the use of unspoken rules in a way that harms the interests of the company, especially for personal interests, is a moth to the company! Although the rules are completely compliant, I am sorry, I am not a reasonable president, Xiaokang has zero tolerance for moths.

In addition, some people have also been retired because the company group is a place for normal business communication. It is a place to speak responsibly, and it is not a place to question the company's decision. This is what everyone in the workplace should clearly.

I can understand the people who jumped out to cheer the moths because their vital interests are affected, but they must be retired. There is no immediate interest, but he speaks for the **** without knowing the facts. The situation is equivalent to knowing that the insider still has to show up for the assholes, because-gentlemen are not party!

In a well-off society, it is absolutely forbidden to see the fact that the relationship between cronies does not ask for the right and wrong and only looks at the relatives and groups, let alone the same party and the conflict!

I even feel ashamed for these people. The three **** already knew that the layoffs were a foregone conclusion and pulled them into the water for spiritual victory. They actually got off, stupid, stupid! In this sense, I thank the **** for the IQ recognition for the company before they leave.

In this incident, I want to talk about the old employees.

As the president, I never promote wolfishness in the company, because you are very active employees. Therefore, in the group chat that broke out in the afternoon, I saw many people arguing with certain people in order to protect the interests of the company, and even caused mutual scolding. I am proud of you, but you also have to believe that your president can handle everything. This kind of behavior is not recommended, and it is likely to split the company and cause harm.

If I need you to cheer for me, I will openly ask for help. Don’t forget that I am a Pakistani entertainment company, and I’m so powerful on the Internet.

In addition, if you don't criticize a classmate by name, you make me difficult to deal with. You must not be in the company, offline and your direct leadership scolded, whether because of pure business problems or any other reason is not advisable. He is very stupid, and he is not much better than he who scolds you. There must be a smarter way. Especially in the workplace, there are many routines that I do not advocate.

Now you are scolding him to defend my decision, but you are too arrogant! He was laid off as you wish, but your mistake has become the most difficult problem for me to deal with in this incident. I decided to put it aside first, and there is more important work to do.

Finally, the organizational structure of the three departments of logistics, supply chain and local promotion will inevitably be reorganized after this layoff. The specific arrangements are as follows:


Colleagues from the three departments please come back to the company as soon as possible. Your personnel structure has been updated. In addition, it should be noted that even if the employees were recruited into the company by mothworms, you did not have any fault in being recruited with high salaries. "

The younger brother dei who did not name and criticizes is called Feng Qin. The store control that entered in May this year is a group that connects the headquarters and the store. Chu Yuanxi didn't expect that he was really too Lu, according to the local dialect of the imperial capital, he was a Lu Sanqing, and he was not stingy.

At the beginning, there was "righteous indignation" in the WeChat group, but in that group, after all, old employees accounted for the vast majority. 100% of the "righteous indignation" were in less than a month, and there was a natural generation gap. So soon, some people made rational and irrational interpretations of the keyword "five beetles and eight evils" in a weird manner, and then more and more people joined in mockery until they quarreled with each other.

The people on the other side who joined Xiaokang were all managers, and the old employees of Xiaokang ridiculed most of the grassroots employees. Therefore, some of the old colleagues of the worms saw their lower-level employees taunting and quickly stopped.

Most people say a few words less when they have a boss, and they also scold the ones that should be spit out. After the position shows, it is normal to keep alive. Feng Qin said I was no, my head was very hard, and I had to talk to his supervisor. It was fine at the beginning, but soon I won't deal with it.

So the moment Chu Yuanxi sent out the recording, he didn't know that someone in the company was about to get up to work, and then immediately heard that there was a real person arguing, and when he rushed over with the security guard, he heard a "playing waist".

Just listen to Feng Qin saying: "You open me? I don't believe it. Are you turning your face away from me?"

The director on the opposite side was called Hu Can, his face flushed anxiously, and there were so many people watching! "I'm a director, what's wrong with driving you as a staff member? I don't have the right to open you yet? Take your things and leave immediately!"

However, what he didn't know was that Chu Yuanxi was already speaking in the company group when they were fighting offline.

Feng Qin didn’t know, but with the intuition gained from working in a well-off society for five months, he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, even with a slight smile, and told the other side rationally: “That’s impossible, my OKR, my options and It’s impossible to open me without clearing the bonus, etc. You don’t have the power. You’ve been scolded for a long time. The sentence just now is the most ridiculous."

"Where do you have the qualifications to talk to me about the process?" Hu Can's face was mixed with sweat and couldn't come down to the stage.

"Why, why are you still practicing with me?" Feng Qin said and breathed out. He is a five-year-old and three-footed 1.8-meter tall in his prime of life. Not to mention that Hu Can is skinny and is also in his thirties. It's funny.

Hu Can was shivering with anger. Although no one was talking around, he seemed to be laughing at him. He couldn't help yelling: "After get off work, I will figure it out for you and let you go! I will keep you from seeing the sun tomorrow!"

Feng Qin happily said, "The question is, what are you? You may not insist on until dinner time, what else do you say tomorrow? You don't know where you will be tomorrow. What makes you think Chu can always keep you? till tomorrow?"

Hu Can no matter the public at this time, his face sank: "Oh, you still care about me? Care about yourself, do you know that there is a kind of expulsion called uncompensated expulsion?"

"Isn't that you?" Feng Qin said, really happy, because he saw Chu Yuanxi coming, and Chu Yuanxi came, naturally, just like Moses separating the Red Sea to let the crowds of onlookers move away.

Chu Yuanxi's face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and Feng Qin was irritated by Feng Qin. He said that Feng Qin was not a good stubborn, asshole! I shouldn't come here, I should let someone start a live broadcast.

But now that he is already riding a tiger, he was accidentally racked onto the fire by Feng Qin. It's impossible to criticize Feng Qin for this matter, nor can he play 50 big shots. At this time, punishing Feng Qin is in line with the regulations and not in favor of the people, let alone convince the public.

Seeing Hu Can still want to spray, he had to knock on the table to attract Hu Can’s attention, and then with an ugly face, he nodded to Hu Can twice before saying, "Brother Dei, you don’t need to say, he said That's right, you were opened. Now you are no longer a well-off employee, take your things and leave our company immediately."

Liu Lu, who followed Chu Yuanxi, quietly hid in the crowd, with nothing to say, and did not know what to say.

Seeing that Hu Can opened his mouth again, Chu Yuanxi didn’t want to hear him say any word, so she reached out to stop him and said, “You are also seriously disrupting the order of the company and fighting against the company’s resolutions. You can look at the WeChat group. He was not kicked. And Feng Qin explained the rules accurately. You really don’t have the right to drive him directly, but according to the rules I can drive you directly. It’s not because I am the president, but you are in the probation period, but he is not. So It doesn't matter whether there is compensation without compensation. You are not suitable for this company, so let's settle the salary."

After speaking, Chu Yuanxi winked at the security guard, ignoring Feng Qin, and walked away with a black face.

However, after clearing all the people who were opened from the employee system and sending a complete email, Chu Yuanxi sent Feng Qin an application to add WeChat.

Waiting for Feng Qin to pass, Chu Yuanxi immediately sent a crazy .jpg in the past: Why are you taking such a big shot with him?

Feng Qin: If I make things bigger, don't you come out?

Chu Yuanxi almost squirted. Damn, how come he still has such talents?

Then Feng Qin continued: It is mainly this kind of person that I ignore him, and he may have passed by. Other groups have similar situations. It's not that the director of our group jumped out to stop us from talking, but their group of people kept talking in the group. Want to fight for the right to speak for his virtue? I have wanted to spray him several times in the past half month.

Chu Yuanxi said that Feng Qin's thinking cannot be said to be unreasonable, but he cannot think about it like this. Because stopping employees from talking on WeChat may be a ghost in their hearts and doing other types of camping, but it may also be restricting grassroots employees not to participate in right and wrong. And even those who didn’t jump out wouldn’t be okay. Chu Yuanxi and the pushers, it’s the old yin force, and they certainly won’t come out at this time. You can find opportunities to go to camp after you keep your useful body. ?

Therefore, he can’t rely solely on this judgment to judge other people. His plan is to spend some time to sort out the work of this group of people during this period, and then to review and see if anyone else has used other undetected methods to harm the public and private. .

He replied: But how dangerous is your way?

Feng Qin sent a black question mark face: Am I invincible?

Chu Yuanxi: You must win a fart! You are such a huge pit, what if I can't bear to leave the other group of people together? If I want to keep them, I have to pay attention to their feelings and take the initiative to show okay? Then what is the name of that stupid fork? Ah right Hu Can. Then he opened you up! "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? This is called slashing the tears.

Feng Qin: It's impossible—

This question is actually Liu Lu is asking Chu Yuanxi, does he plan to clear all these management posts?

"Surely not, why are you asking that?"

"Then why do you slap Hu Can in the face like this? Are you not urging others to leave too?" Liu Lu said with his fingers and counted. There are still three old colleagues who joined this time, but they are all clear. It is not a big problem.

"Hey, you are narrow-minded Liu Lu." Chu Yuanxi made a palm press, "After all, Hu Can deserves to be stunned by the old employee. I have already opened three of them, and the tree fell apart. He should know and must know that if he wants to continue working in a well-off society, he has to be honest for a while, no matter if he has made a bad idea before, right? His most correct choice is to come to me immediately to show his loyalty. You can confirm if you are sitting in a row.

At that time, he wanted to calm down the public opinion of this group. This idea can be there. After working hard, but not calming down, why does he pursue to force it down? Even being stunned, he could only retract, without any capital to hit the gun. He is not a big bull like Cao Xiang, so high-profile enough to be shot ten times. Instead of you, if you don't shoot him, you are an easy person to deal with, and everyone can bully you in the future. "

Yuan Mu whispered in a low voice next to him: "You think so? The man's thinking is terrible."

Liu Lu looked at Yuan Mu, and it was impossible for Yuan Mu to fail to respond to such a big event. She wanted to agree with Yuan Mu, opened her mouth but made no sound. Isn't this moment when she should keep a low profile? However, Chu Yuanxi didn't mention herself in the emails of all the staff. It should be an intentional return, which is not bad.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "It can be said that the recruitment of Wang Bo and Ma Jun did not communicate well in the normal recruitment. It is a very obvious mistake to recruit people like Jinxu. You are a good person, but you can't Others think so well, how do you know what other people think? Besides, you have been apart for at least five years, five years, how much change a person can make? Just like me, I was one five years ago Sankei, can my mentality be the same as now?

You are a more professional HR than me. Let's not talk about the details. In fact, it doesn't matter if you recruit the grassroots, you have to pay attention to the other's vision and mentality. People who are eager for success will bury a lot of pits for the company, and they are pits that we may not be able to find in a while. In the future, they will be called cheating when someone stepped in. Our basic conditions are actually okay, we are eager to recruit but we cannot recruit such people.

As for the other people who followed, I didn't follow the booing this time, I have to observe, not that I don't trust them, but it is easier to trust them this way. "

"Right, right, right." Yuan Mu accurately grasped that now he should mainly explain Liu Lu, "Don't be ashamed of anything. You don't need it. It's normal to make mistakes. Chu Yuanxi often makes mistakes, but he is the president, so it's convenient for you. Cover up, we don't know."

Chu Yuanxi said that you are too talkative sister! But reason is indeed this reason. "I think you should be thankful Liu Lu. Now Xiaokang is not a big company, and the HR department and frontline employees have not had a big conflict, so this accident can be solved firstly, and secondly, the problem here is not too big and does not affect it. Keep going. When you come out of Xiaomi, you should know how big a conflict is between the rival Huawei's HR and frontline employees, right?"

Liu Lu was taken aback, why did you ask this? "We are not the same. They are so famous that they have become famous. Some people gradually lose their humanity after mixing in the workplace for a long time."

Chu Yuanxi suddenly sighed: "Oh, actually, Dong Mao is also a rookie in the workplace, with no experience and lack of experience."

"What's wrong?" Liu Lu and Yuan Mu said in unison.

"When Jin Xu asked him, he said that there was no such thing. No, I never asked Huo Dongjue's salary. Will Jin Xu still dare to confront Huo Dongjue? They didn't record it again." Chu Yuanxi said, and felt that he was replaced by himself. At that time, I had already been transferred, and it was boring to do it, and I felt that I was cheated by the company. I was young, so I might choose to leave too.

"Hi, fortunately, the company didn't suffer too much." Yuan Mu said that he was still a little bit afraid, fearing that Chu Yuanxi did not find the problem, or Jin Xu's work was more concealed and slower.

"Why there is no loss? Negative public opinion is indispensable, and it has offended people. It must be exposed to the outside, especially the dismissal of Hu Can's character is too bad for me." Chu Yuanxi was rather unhappy, "These three silly Fork, I can’t stand them anymore! I didn’t want to make it difficult for the three of them to find a job in the future, it’s unnecessary. Let them go and it’s over, I have to give out a moth, naive! I thought Jin Xu was more shrewd Finally, I have reminded him that if he just made trouble for himself, he wanted to tell you not to get angry with him."

The last sentence was for Liu Lu, and Liu Lu hated it too! Originally, this matter should go straight to the point of not affecting the corporate image. As a result, some people asked for it.

Yuan Mu couldn't help but laugh after hearing this: "You are kind! Bring good people, let's go to dinner?"

"Hey, don't be busy, what about the salary?" Liu Lu asked.

"They are innocent, but the salary needs to be discussed again, one by one, and now there are more than a dozen people." Chu Yuanxi said without hesitation, "If someone thinks he has lost, then I think he has made a lot. Take a lot of internship salary, and also get the opportunity to go deep into the well-off experience of different work processes and models. Now I can re-examine whether I should stay, and think about whether staying is beneficial to my own growth and value realization, and reasonable What's the salary. Do you think it makes more money?"

"I'm going! You're such an amazing!"

Liu Lu left, preparing to talk one by one. Chu Yuanxi and Yuan Mu went out to search for food. In fact, they just ate something nearby, but they didn't go to the well-off store.

Although the well-off store offers hot meals and bento in the evening, they can’t eat them every day. They are for the community animals.

Yuan Mu took Chu Yuanxi to a newly opened skewers restaurant, saying that there was an opening discount and also selling skewers. As a result, as soon as he walked in, Chu Yuanxi found that Feng Qinzheng was with that kebab, eating at the desk, eating while looking at his phone.

Chu Yuanxi was still a little embarrassed, and was about to change another house, but Feng Qin looked up as if telepathically, "Oh, President Chu and President Yuan, come and sit down!"

Chu Yuanxi said that you love being a light bulb so much? The problem is that it will become darker and darker.


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