Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 891: Zhao Jie wants to hand in papers

"I really don't want to treat any member like this." Chu Yuanxi said while eating brown sugar ziba. "If you don't believe me, ask Yuan Mu. I originally planned to send them away as a bonus, and I didn't plan to record them publicly. Who knows them? I still want to break the net."

"Yeah, yeah, who wants to make enemies?" Yuan Mu said while chewing on the beef tripe, "Let me say that those people are really too dishes, and they don't know Chu Yuanxi too much."

Feng Qin immediately clapped his hands, "Yes, it's still dead? Don't look at the Ba people's Weibo? Chu can always tear them up. In fact, at first I wanted to enter the Ba people. Really, I found that Mr. Chu's The focus is on a well-off society, and I only put my resume in a well-off society."

Yuan Mu took a look, hey, this is still Chu Yuanxi's fan, no wonder.

Chu Yuanxi watched Feng Qin and said while he was eating, but both of them kept their eyes on the phone, which was strange, "What video are you watching? This store has wifi?"

"Hey, you don't need to waste so much wool after squeezing it in. This is the National School Flower Contest of Soli."

"You're okay with this bite?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that you are about the same age as me. At the age of thirty, what kind of school flower contest do you see? Your interest should have turned to white and beautiful long legs, right?

"No way, just love life so much." Feng Qin said while rolling his big waist: "Now, there are too many facelifts, and the makeup looks like ghosts, so it's better in school." , He sighed: "Oh, is this forcing me to go back to school to find a girlfriend?"

"Let me go, what do you call loving life?" Yuan Mu was all having fun, and said to his heart, what is your intention to say plastic face in front of the boss of the Internet celebrity company? After working in Xiaokang for a long time, she has adapted to lighten her makeup and wiped the oil from the corners of her mouth with a tissue. "You are too idealistic? You haven't caught prey in the zoo for four years. How do you go back after being out for so long? what?"

"What is idealism? I can, I can be a bodyguard for the school girl?"

Chu Yuanxi said in his heart that I, Chu Yuanxi, would like to call you the strongest in terms of embarrassing me! He raised his hand to stop, "Let me say, those novels should be read less in the future. In fact, schoolkeepers don't hire bodyguards. Then you say that you have a good taste and watch high-end programs. There are actually many good web comprehensives now.

"This show is not bad." Feng Qin called Qu for the show. "Furthermore, the Chaoyang boss said, Soli will rely on social empowerment and entertainment ecology to realize its vision of returning to the media. Hey, how can people say that is so beautiful? Why can't you tell?"

Yuan Mu suddenly coughed violently, tears of laughter came out. This burst of laughter and cough broke her cycle of wiping her mouth after taking a bite.

Chu Yuanxi had no choice but to say: "This is not pretty at all, and it's about returning to the media through the closed-loop social empowerment entertainment ecosystem. You can rest. Don't give the self-media advertising even a splash. If you can’t smash it, you still have to return to the media.

"Hey, what you said, I think it's pretty good for the school flower contest."

"What a hairy guy, who do you know other than the big Chaoyang guy on the stage? You just look at the beauties." Chu Yuanxi poured a glass of water for Yuan Mu, and Yuan Mu managed to tear down. Wiped it clean, leaving a deep impression on Feng Qin who loves life.

And Feng Qin, although Chu Yuanxi is also considered idol, but Chaoyang boss and the young ladies on the stage are even idol. Feng Qin chose to speak out of justice, so he lowered his waist and stood his palm: "Chu, I have to refute you. So. Sou is a national-level interscholastic competition. Others can’t do it, right? Although you definitely look down on the Liyou app, this social network takes root on campus, and others don’t have this gene."

"You are too layman, brother dei. If others don’t do it, it’s not that they are incapable of doing it, but they are not doing it. As long as there is a little value, it is not the turn of the search to drink soup. This does not require any campus social foundation, OK? Here, with the help of Douyin, all participating videos are tagged and ranked by the number of likes. This is called the national level. What do you think is the effect? ​​It is much better than the scores of a few judges who do not know about it, right? People don’t do it if it’s low."

Chu Yuanxi was rightly proud. Yuan Lu pulled him a bit and showed him the phone. Chu Yuanxi saw that it was Yuan Jing who told Yuan Lu that Xiao Li from OTO found Zheng De and asked Chu. What does Yuan Xi think.

"Look at the valuation, you study its valuation yourself, and you can invest if the valuation is appropriate."

"My brother definitely meant to ask him if his business model works, not a question of valuation. Are you letting us play the game of drumming and passing flowers?"

The business logic has no foundation, but the valuation seems appropriate, and it is actually playable in the investment circle, as long as the valuation goes up later and you find someone with a bigger head.

Yuan Mu thought for a while. Before Chu Yuanxi could speak, he suddenly thought of a key question: "Hey, why didn't he look for Dasheng Sun?"

"You must be looking for it, but Sun Dasheng must go all out to WeWork now."

Today is October 8th, the first working day after the holiday. WeWork, a co-working unicorn on the other side of the ocean, is in a crisis of capital flow and is facing a difficult choice, whether to accept Sun Dasheng’s financing assistance or accept it. Debt relief. The reason why it is said that it is a rescue rather than the so-called debt financing or equity financing is because this behemoth, once valued at as high as 49 billion US dollars, has already pumped out, and the capital chain will be broken in a few weeks.

At this time, no money has been found. It is undoubtedly extremely passive for entrepreneurs. At this time, it is impossible for an angel in white to appear to rescue Adam Norman, the founder of shared office by means of financial investment. No matter which option, the conditions must be Is extremely demanding. Not only must the substantial impact on the company be considered, but also the founder team.

"Oh." Yuan Mu also thought about it, Sun Dasheng’s first heavy stock in his portfolio had an accident, and the valuation was cut in half. This is no longer a question of nerves and bones. It is a question of whether the huge 100 billion vision fund will shake the foundation. , Presumably Sun Dasheng must also face a choice.

For a moment, she ate the last piece of fish tofu on the label and wiped her mouth, "Hey, why did WeWork suddenly stop working?"

"Hey, now is the end of the economic cycle. When the cycle is rising, new companies are being opened everywhere. There are many new companies + office space is tight. Of course, it is okay to be a co-creation space. Their company was founded in 2011 and entered the world in 2016. It's okay to step on, so the bubbles are blown high.

What now? Just the other way round, there are fewer new companies + a lot of office space idle. Let’s not talk about the company. Even the shopping malls are shrinking. The "Mei Tai Heng" Iron Triangle on Jinling West Road, the most prosperous city in the past, will be gone. It is a landmark mall. Take a look at our building. The Pakistani Xiaokang has almost filled up this floor recently, and the neighbors are all vacant. Let's just take it. The office building thanked me. Isn't it troublesome for you to engage in shared office in this big environment? "

"But I heard it was because their founders were greedy for pleasure?"

"That's all small festivals." Chu Yuanxi said with great certainty, "Adam Norman is doing world-class big business, and the big environment is the most important thing. In the past ten years, the U.S. has had ultra-low interest rates. When a huge bubble pops up, it's just who blows it first and how it blows it."

"Is that so?" Yuan Muchao suspected that Chu Yuanxi was also an entrepreneur, and he must defend Adam Norman, who is also an entrepreneur.

She heard that Norman went to Madai to go surfing on vacation during the IPO. The New Yorkers at the headquarters were all anxious. There were a lot of thorny issues. Twelve gold medals begged Norman to come back and sign important documents. Listed in the United States, the letter approval requirements are extremely strict, professional managers have never seen such unreliable entrepreneurs, and Norman actually did not play less a day, is a wolf.

Therefore, it is only natural for Ya's IPO to announce that it was completely pornographic last month! This is also the reason why WeWork's cash flow is on the verge of breaking. According to the wishful thinking, all IPOs have raised billions of dollars at this time. Of course, there is no cash flow problem. The cruel reality is that, as a co-working entrepreneur, WeWork itself has to lay off thousands of employees to cut costs. It cannot but be said to be a great irony.

"Fortunately, people look down on our Zheng De." Yuan Mu said with some fear. If someone came to the door, my brother would have closed his eyes and cast it. "Hey, wait, why did Sun Dasheng help? I heard that Sun Dasheng’s plan is to spend 9.5 billion US dollars for the vision this time, and then add in the previous rounds of investment, totaling 19 billion US dollars, and get 80% of the total. Shares. But WeWork’s valuation was cut twice, and it collapsed without bailout, and now it’s around $10 billion, right? Sun Dasheng suddenly failed in math?"

Chu Yuanxi suddenly said sourly: "People Dasheng Sun is a war investment. Alas, you are usually financial investment and don't understand the psychology of war investment. War investment is based on valuation. What I consider is what I want to achieve. How much money is willing to spend. Maybe Sun Dasheng is willing to do whatever it takes now, right? It's just the suffering of the rich Saudis..."

Among the 100 billion shares of the Vision Fund, nearly 50 billion is the money of Saudi princes, so Sun Dasheng can do whatever it takes.

"Hey, I'm digressing, let's talk about OTO, how come to WeWork? Is OTO's business model okay? Can you make money?" Yuan Mu said, staring at other skewers in the pot, but considering The increasing age and the continuously reduced fitness time finally restrained their desires.

As for whether OTO can make money, Yuan Mu is not at all embarrassed by his inability to make judgments, because entrepreneurs' routines are too deep now, and many model innovations do not know whether it is a success or a collapse. Therefore, as an investor, Yuan Mu can no longer look directly at these entrepreneurs who are subsidizing users with large coins, especially those who are well-off.

As a result, she became a lot more modest and stopped making subjective judgments.

"Okay, what's wrong? The OTO set is not new?" Chu Yuanxi had actually thought about the misunderstanding of Yuan Mu and Yuan Jing's thinking, "Do you think that he is the only one in the world engaged in hotel tourism development? In fact, a lot of similar to his model."

With that said, he turned his head and asked Feng Qin, "What kind of room are you renting?"

Feng Qin is thinking about the conversation between Chu Yuanxi and Yuan Mu. I don't know what OTO is, but he has heard of WeWork's famous name, and it turned out to be dead.

"I rent easily. But how do you know I rent?"

"Because you applied for subsidies for renting a house near the company, I want to sign."

This is a benefit for Pakistani and well-off people. These two companies work a lot of overtime. You can't let the employees go to crowd the bus when the company leaves at ten o'clock in the evening? What should I do if there is no bus? Therefore, it is necessary to reimburse the taxi-hailing invoice, otherwise the employees have to leave work normally.

If you live far away, you will be reimbursed for one hundred yuan for the car. It is not a lot of money for a month. It is better to encourage employees to rent a house near the company, subsidize two thousand yuan, and work overtime.

Therefore, this is a good governance. At least Chu Yuanxi has succeeded in raising the rent prices in nearby areas, and has made a huge contribution to the sluggish real estate economy of the imperial capital.

"Then do you feel comfortable pitting?"

"It's okay, it's a bit more expensive than the black intermediary, but the black intermediary doesn't pay the deposit. The quality of the free house, furniture and electrical appliances is much better than that of the black intermediary, and someone cleans it regularly."

Yuan Mu interjected: "That's the service fee, right?"

"Oh, compared to the high rent, the service fee is not bad."

Chu Yuanxi nodded and said to Yuan Mu: "What do you think of Ziruo's model? Can it make money? Ziru is now a company with a valuation of tens of billions, which is of the same magnitude as OTO."

This game of Ziru is called long-term rental apartment. Last year there was a lot of thundering news. Some entrepreneurs have used real estate as a capital market for life, using various low-cost subsidies to trick tenants into signing a three-party contract with P2P. After taking the tenant’s pledge and paying three, I loaned out the whole year’s money with P2P to let the tenant repay the money, and then ran away with the money, no longer paying the landlord, and dumping the tenant to the landlord and P2P. Repair, leaving a chicken feather.

But Ziruo is the head player, and there is no risk of running away. As for whether he can make money, Yuan Lu hasn’t studied it, but from common sense, it is nothing more than occupancy turnover and vacancy rate, which can be boosted by brand, operation and service.

"Wait, are Ziru and OTO really similar?" Yuan Mu suddenly reacted. These two are nothing more than looking for a landlord and a hotel. They both signed long-term contracts for many years, and then they were all decorated in a unified style. Provide standardized services and give the landlord and hotel a guaranteed reserve price.

In this way, OTO appears to be stronger, because Ziran only guarantees the landlord. OTO is still willing to share a portion of the profit to the hotel when the guarantee is OK. What's more, I told the hotel that it was because under the management of 0T0, the hotel's occupancy rate would soar, and then more waiters had to be hired. This part of the profit is used by the hotel to balance rising labor costs.

"Yes, O2O, it's actually the same. WeWork is the same, it's nothing more than shifting the target to office buildings."

Yuan Muxin said, is it possible to make money? WeWork is less than a month away from bankruptcy! The same hundreds of millions of investment to Freedom and investment to WeWork is not a concept at all.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "So in the final analysis, it depends on how much valuation you give."

Yuan Mu finally understood Chu Yuanxi's lingo, no matter any investment behavior, in the final analysis, it will fall on the valuation, and it will never change. Just like starting a business, no matter what the model is, it will ultimately fall on cash flow. No matter how loud the concept is, there is no point in not making money back.

It is a pity that OTO did not seek financing from Penguin and Ali, otherwise Zheng De would get a very precious opportunity for observation. Just like Penguin led the investment freely this year, once the Penguin made a big bet, those who were ready to follow the investment immediately got into the car.

Thinking of this, Yuan Mu has a new puzzle, so Penguin is fine. OTO has Sun Dasheng as a bond with Ali. Isn't it justified to come to alms? Just like Didi, under Sun Dasheng's contact, didn't he also invest 100 million dollars?

But this is not a problem for Chu Yuanxi, because he was also extremely hungry when financing in the original world, but he did not dare to take a cent of the money he was scrupulous about.

Presumably OTO is the same, and would rather go to retail investors for alms.

Yuan Mu can leave after dinner. Chu Yuanxi can't leave yet, so he has to go back to the Pakistani side for a meeting. After eleven, it was time for Zhao Jie to hand in the papers, and Chu Yuanxi needed to switch quickly between Xiaokang and Ba Ren's business and thinking.

Since the plan for four mini games was decided on July 1, it has been three months now. While the four mini game project teams have been working together, Pakistani Information and Pakistani Media have also cooperated with each other under the premise of their respective tasks. Provides high-quality materials and creates a pre-heated environment very well.

Among the current Pakistani active users, there may be people who are not interested or even dismissive of small games, but they will never have heard of this. These video materials may be interesting, exquisite, elegant, or funny, but if Zhao Jie’s mini-games are not fun, nothing will be mentioned.

In fact, some of these four mini games can already be experienced during the development process. Chu Yuanxi has experienced "Animal Company", which is also the first to be completed in the end, but it feels not so ideal.

Mainly, "Animal Company" has already made a TCG mobile game. The theme is entrepreneurship, but the core content is the battle between companies. The small game I made this time is still entrepreneurship, and the focus is on company building. Although it is different, it lacks freshness for Chu Yuanxi.

Therefore, he felt that when the project was established, the project was not rejected. It may be a bit too conservative. Presumably, Pakistani users, especially the old TCG players, are likely to feel similar.

But the product has already been made, and in order to make something different from the famous "Game of Cairo" series, Zhao Jie has racked his brains and added a lot of "company infighting" type of gameplay and events. At this time, I objected again, saying that we should stop it, even if he is the boss, it is not allowed.

In particular, Zhao Jie has also made a growth curve of a large company disease, which can be described as originality. As the company continues to grow, the company's internal fights continue to increase. These internal fights are new ways to play. Players must play well, otherwise hanging up may cause a decline in strength, causing a decline in valuation and drying up of cash flow.


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