Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 893: Fight against profiteers

The author wrote DLC as DCL and was ridiculed by the crowd, but there is no way for this. Many wrong first impressions can't be changed once they are formed. I still call Maserati Maserati...Hahaha, everyone.


In the age of content, creativity is valuable, but it also needs to be implemented. Creativity must reflect value, accompanied by awareness and determination to execute.

What is consciousness?

When the Warcraft III editor was made by players in 3C, if the glass **** was conscious, it should naturally sort out the current limitations of their products, and then transform the editor into a platform mode.

You must know that even in the stocking state, this editor still gave birth to several 3C and later DOTA. As for the glass slag, treat DOTA as an RPG game.

So the question is, how much is the MOBA industry driven by DOTA worth? This is hard to say, but as long as the glass **** spends some manpower and material resources to make the Warcraft editor into a platform and operate it in accordance with the normal company platform model, there will be no LOL and later DOTA2. A company far away in the United States disappeared, and the entire process of the Chinese gaming circle had to be rewritten, and even pesticides for the dead would be affected.

In this sense, the slack of glass **** has consolidated Penguin's dominance.

Both LOL and DOTA play have different operations, but the most essential difference is that LOL is developed and operated according to the network platform model. Hundreds of millions of players on the entire network play together, while DOTA is only an online mode. What was the glass **** doing at that time? Producers who are keen to invite Red Alert to take the lead in "StarCraft 2".

From this perspective, the glass **** not only lacks commercial awareness, but also can't clearly see the situation. It is impossible to see that the future of the game circle lies in MOBA rather than RTS games.

That's why they can make a cartoon-style "Diablo 3". I don't know what the players like.

The experience of the following two games is actually lackluster.

Although "Animal Meal" does a good job of cooking food + cute things, especially in terms of retention rate, it draws on the model of baby son travel + mailing in "Traveling Frog", so that the animal restaurant The chef went out to study and kept sending back his learning experience, giving the players several thoughts of going online again. But this subject matter is not new. To fight against a large number of competing products in the market, the ceiling appears to be relatively low.

And the last one, the original plan was to make an operational abuse game. In the end, Zhao Jie's team absorbed the essence of successful pioneers such as fat bird flying, jumping and jumping, and designed a "fly-landing" pixel-style mini game that ambushes a large number of emergencies.

In fact, Jump Jump is a flight-landing game. It just doesn’t require the player to control the direction. You only need to control the power and determine the landing point. It is supplemented by magical sound effects. It has a strong sense of operation and is easy to immerse the user. Without immersion, users will obviously feel the power of time killers.

Therefore, this game has the biggest bonus of the WeChat mini-game function, and the gameplay is simple enough to be playable, but if it is played too much, it lacks freshness and cannot last.

The game made by Zhao Jie’s team not only has route selection and requires players to control the direction of the pixel bird’s flight, but also a large number of unexpected events will occur during the flight. Maybe I chose a Kangzhuang road at the last intersection. As soon as I flew to the next node, a demon wind blew up in front of me and it became very difficult to fly.

The essence of this game is that before the bird takes off, the player accumulates the strength to determine the flight distance. After taking off, the player can still click on the screen to increase the altitude of the flight, thereby exerting influence and struggling twice more against the vortex-like cyclone.

In the end, like Jump and Jump, the endless level mode compares flight distance, and then uses the WeChat system to do social rankings, which is a serious WeChat game.

But Chu Yuanxi is not particularly optimistic about this game, because the abuse is not cool enough, the operation is difficult, but it is not magical. There are several games on the market that have become popular because of abuse of people, and the abuse is particularly tricky. The game characters give players a feeling of untamable wild horses. After success, it is easy to produce the pleasure of conquering.

The abuse of this "Stupid Bird Flies" is mainly reflected in emergencies, making players surprised after choosing a route and then scolding their mothers, which creates a sense of frustration. On the contrary, in emergencies, players basically have no room to struggle, magical powers are difficult to defeat the number of days, it is difficult to grasp the effect of clicking, either fly far or fly close, anyway, Chu Yuanxi's hand is disabled, often no matter what. No point can fall on the opposite island.

Therefore, in the final comprehensive ranking, the most anticipated one is "Wu Dao Hun Jun"; then, the products of "Animal Company" are considered to have made special features, but the content is too alternative. The key is whether the target users agree or not. It is estimated that only urban white-collar workers compare Hardcore is the only way to play; "Animal Feast" requires luck, basically all the work that needs to be done, success depends on the probability; "Stupid Bird Flying" is not expected to be high, I can only say in case it becomes popular ?

The last three of them are in a relatively complete product state, and you can go online to see the effect after polishing and doing productization. For small games, there are relatively few functions and systems, and this work will not take a few days. Only "Wu Dao Hun Jun" still needs a big change, and acceptance of all the art resources, and then wait for the version number to be released, it will take some time.

Saturday of this week is a legal working day. On the 12th, Chu Yuanxi posted this article on the Moments of Friends and Baren Entertainment's Weibo at the same time: My little broken company is about to go bankrupt, can you believe it? I've never played an on-hook game that abuses IQ. In reality, it's not that difficult to run a company. The key is that this game is still made by our company!

As soon as the public information that clearly pays tribute to Principal Wang came out, it immediately aroused ridicule, because Chafan's posture was so obvious! The circle of friends is okay, you have to give Chu Yuanxi a face, not on Weibo.

If this is posted on station B, there will be no trouble. For the behavior of chafan, station B, as the main battlefield of young people, has a relatively large tolerance. As long as it is not chafanfan, it is easy to say, even users Will participate in the barrage frenzy. But the hostility on Weibo is very heavy, and the atmosphere of the two communities is very different.

"Isn't it just a new game released? As for it?"

"Let me Kangkang, H5 game? Don't play or play!"

"The cold rice of "Animal Company" is still being fried? Isn't the Ba people exhausted?"

"You can find a better copywriter!"

But there are also people who can't help being curious. Although H5 games are not as convenient as mini games, they are also more user-friendly. For users, they are all good applications without downloading the APP.

As a result, the style of painting on Weibo changed after a few hours!

"Fuck, I'm really dead, my company actually closed down! Since I played Monopoly in junior high school, I have never played a business war game and closed down! Baren Entertainment, you did it!"

"No wonder Mr. Chu doesn't believe it, and I don't dare to believe it! The biggest problem in this game is not the disease of big companies, it is the market! This market is really too bad, right? What the **** is just selling contracts? Is there no props?

"President, you should take medicine!"

"Upstairs, only selling contracts is magical!"

One thing that makes Chu Yuanxi more satisfied with "Animal Company" is this market. After polishing, it highlights the networking function, allowing players to buy and sell contracts with each other. In other words, my company can't continue to operate, there is no business, no profit, and your business is quite good, then you can sign a contract that is expected to make money and put it on the market, and I will buy it.

In reality, layers of subcontracting to short-selling actually mean this, but the subcontracting process requires exploitation. In the game, players who cannot continue to operate and cannot sign a profit-making contract obviously do not have a game currency purchase and sale contract. If there is, it must be used to improve the operation. Therefore, the diamonds that can be used for the purchase and sale contract are diamonds purchased in ¥. Or use ¥ directly offline.

In fact, any game that supports transactions between players is unavoidable for players to directly trade offline, but later this type of transaction channel is basically blocked by game companies. Since players are willing to buy, why don't game companies sell directly as an official? Why should professional players earn this money? In an online game novel, the protagonist sells a superb artifact and sells for one million. The game company will run the code and the equipment will cost as much as possible. This kind of foolish buyer can buy a more amazing artifact with less money.

Ever since the journey started, the game companies behind have all kept their profits in the system mall.

This is especially true in the era of mobile games, forcing professional players to play gold in the card game and become a gold coin farmer. Generally, games that collect cards based on online time do not sell equipment, and rely on the number of heads instead of in-app purchases.

But the goal of Pakistani mini-games is only DAU, so they don't compete with the people for profit. Besides, it is not easy for players who have spare capacity and contract to sell if they can play the game well. This operating strategy, logically speaking, should be able to attract some players, at least it has a unique eating style, and the original non-unique operating method becomes unique under the background of friends.

In fact, when Zhao Jie submitted this game design plan, Chu Yuanxi also hesitated. The hesitation was not about income, but whether it would trigger high-pressure supervision. Although the relevant departments have recently shown signs of loosening the game, the supervision is still extremely strict. All game makers in the country are walking on thin ice, for fear of stepping on something that they have not paid attention to but is actually very strict.

However, this in-game transaction is really small, and it is not a malicious act. If it is to cause regulatory problems, how popular is the game?

Therefore, he is willing to take a little risk, through this design, because this kind of elegant eating is easier to get the recognition of players. There are a variety of props that can be bought with diamonds in the game’s mall, but only the funds in the game are not sold. Therefore, no props can intuitively solve the economic problems encountered by the player’s company. Only the contract can be used. With ten years of gaming experience, this setting is the easiest way to get player loyalty.

This kind of business game is extremely exciting if you open up a guild and battle mode between players. Many years ago, when Chu Yuanxi was still in middle school, online games had just become popular. It was a simulated business + battle game wrapped in the skin of interstellar battle. The two guilds of the two sides in a fierce battle overnight used the resources in the server. It was almost sold out, and if the resources consumed by the bomb were bought with cash, it was close to 3 million yuan, which caused a sensation at the time.

However, Chu Yuanxi did not intend to raise the intensity of the game to such a high level. That would almost certainly trigger supervision, and taxation issues would also trigger supervision. Playing the game like this is suspected of money laundering.

What this design means in the player ecology is very obvious, and Chu Yuanxi has also simply deduced it, but he never expected that the player in the game would evolve spontaneously faster than he expected.

In the afternoon, some players quickly discovered that as long as they dared to sell these contracts, someone would walk away with diamonds in seconds. After a day's work passed, Chu Yuanxi looked at the market again, and the goal was that no matter what the contract price was, the price was uniform 999999.

This is a price that absolutely no one can afford. The one who sells the contract is definitely to receive emails and add WeChat or Taobao to follow the offline transaction process. Chu Yuanxi said that he developed so fast? This market has changed abruptly, and it has become an oligopolistic market in just one day? For players with good skills or luck, they should make a lot of money.

However, those who want to buy contracts can also enter a virtuous circle the next day, so the supply will increase accordingly.

As a result, I never expected that the next day, just the next morning, someone broke the news on Weibo, and @巴人娱乐 said that a professional businessman appeared in the game.

The so-called game merchants use cash to buy contracts with players, then buy low and sell high, and sell virtual in-game items as commodities and sell them to the wronged players.

In fact, it’s not taking a lot of money. Chu Yuanxi suddenly discovered that with the number of players entering the game, the total number of contracts that can be generated at the point where the game entered the game was not much. There are still many personal use, so the number that can flow into the trading market is fundamental. Can't compete with commercial funds.

In other words, can this market be monopolized?

Chu Yuanxi hurriedly registered some small accounts to contact the seller as a buyer, and then discovered that the horrible thing was not how high the contract was fired, but that the price was always rising!

Damn it!

The biggest feature of the Celestial Kingdom is that as long as someone speculates on any commodity, the price can be increased. As far as this year is concerned, there has been a strange situation of fried shoes. If the fried shoes are understandable, how about the fried blind box? Isn't that stuff like the gashapon of the island country? There is nothing new and does not have any value, because an obvious common sense is that anyone who buys all the lottery tickets at the lottery station will definitely lose money.

However, as long as the person who did this in the first earns money and can find someone with a bigger head to hand over the drumming, there will be countless smart people rushing in and thinking that they will not be the last one. Even in my big A shares, there has been a phenomenon that the existence of a daily limit daredevil team is reasonable, and a completely worthless stock is smashed. Who is silly than anyone else.

Chu Yuanxi thought that the props of her game were monopolized by game merchants and then went viral. Wasn't it terrible? After such a speculation, it is possible that more people will enter the game with a keen sense of smell in a short time, but the game will be ruined when the game merchant ships!

The most fearful thing about on-hook games is that the players show up their passion and then let go, just like the super fierce battle of 3 million a night that year. After the game, the suit becomes a ghost suit.

What's more, the voice most likely to appear in the player circle is "conspiracy theory". For example, game companies plan this kind of hype for the purpose of raising popularity and so on. When it comes to the Yellow River, it will be unclear.

Can't let them ship! The "Animal Company" mini game has to pursue a good start, close the door and hit the dog...

Chu Yuanxi immediately brought the small game operation team that was still asleep to the company, and said: "Let's engage in activities! Increase the contract drop rate! You can arrange it and increase the burst rate from 2pm! Pay attention! All the necessary adjustments are arranged. Don't just change a contract, or the game experience will be distorted."

"Let's just start the server, Lao Chu." A Sankei of the small game group said, "The opening of the server activity was particularly stuck in the contract. All activities did not involve the contract. Now the boost rate is harmful to the game."

"I know I know." Chu Yuanxi paced back and forth, "but now there are two evils, the only way to do this is to clear out those game merchants and not let them make trouble!"

He briefly talked about the effects he observed and the dangers of being fired on props. As a result, there was a plan after listening to it, and he broke the water: "Then we should secretly adjust the burst You mean... …Secretly?" Chu Yuanxi frowned instinctively. He doesn't have many bottom lines, and it is one of them to make games without secret changes, so he is more accustomed to calling "Yin Yang Liao" as "Dark Change Master".

"Yes, let's increase the explosion rate first, so that more players produce, and game merchants have to spend more money to monopolize the market." The planner said while thinking, "Then say, for example, when the other party's economy The pressure is very great. Let’s announce activities to increase the explosion rate, and then increase it a bit. What will happen to those who hoard contracts?"

"Can't sell it?"

"I can't sell it for a while, right?" Zhao Jie interjected. "Our animal company doesn't just need to have a contract and everything will be fine. Before the contract, it was because of scarcity and low output, it became a shortcoming. If the players don’t lack contracts, they will do other things, such as talents in key positions, and the contracts will become rubbish."

"Hmm, it makes sense." Chu Yuanxi thought, the ingenious thing about this game design is that the contract items are all time-limited, just like real contracts, they all have a "validity period." Therefore, when the contract is redundant, it is really redundant and can only wait for it to expire.

"But will this seriously hurt the player's experience?" He asked again. From the player's point of view, I have a very good thing that ended up expiring, which is equivalent to forgetting to use a coupon of 100 minus 90. accurate.

"Leave it to our numerical planner to adjust it, and it will definitely find a balance." Zhao Jie saw the numerical planner roll his eyes when he said, and then realized that the adjustment would be made at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. This is very much more than ten o'clock...

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "Then it's settled."


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