Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 894: Terms of Huayun Fund

Chu Yuanxi believed that the brothers could solve it, so she had been waiting to watch a good show to fight speculation, but it was not until two o'clock in the afternoon that Yang Jiangang suddenly came over.

I thought he had something else, but Yang Jiangang got off to the point: "I heard that you want to develop a UGC platform similar to traditional stand-alone RPG games?"

"I have this idea, but it hasn't been implemented yet. Did Zhao Jie talk to you?" Chu Yuanxi talked to Zhao Jie before and did let him communicate with Yang Jiangang, but the conversation was over.

"Yes, but do you know what players will scold if you open up self-made DLC download charges? It's not like before, and you have been scolded by players crazy. Have you thought about this problem?"

Oh, it turned out that Yang Jiangang was here to care for herself, and Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It is impossible for Pakistani information to promote peak visual effects all the time, otherwise it will cause visual fatigue and harm fans. So after five or six days of publicity, the intensity decreased, and Yang Jiangang has begun to seek other channels for publicity.

However, the overall number of people entering the official website and PC client downloads is the most critical. The number of finished products submitted by users is still very average for the time being. It is not cool but it is certainly not lively. Moreover, the growth curve is slowing down, and the promotion effect is increasing. The weaker.

The key is that in such a small amount of time, no explosives can be submitted by users. Not to mention explosive products, even normal works are difficult to watch. Most users are still learning tutorials, familiar with the engine, and follow the tutorials to reproduce the production process of instructional videos. The main voice of the player at present is-why not make it a visualized client?

The so-called visualization is to allow users to directly capture characters, put special effects, change scenes, etc. in the editor, and debug them with naked eyes on the spot. And to write a table is to write the parameters to be adjusted in the table to compile, and the editor will play the compiled result.

In other words, most people are very unaccustomed to making videos by "writing tables", which is called anti-human.

But in fact, what users don't know is that looking at the transferred things in the editor with naked eyes, waiting for the compilation into a video and playing it is completely another feeling, on the contrary, it is not as efficient as the editing table. This is why the director who does not understand the 3D special effects movie production process must be strong, and the finished product cannot be adjusted to achieve good results. When shooting, the real part is good, thinking that the special effects can be used to complement other places. As a result, the special effects completely played out.

For example, Director Guo's "Stunt" is of this kind, but "Asura" with the same bad script, more professional in special effects. The problem is that players don’t understand this truth, unless you develop a visualization engine for them, it will be really good after comparison. This useless work is impossible to do.

For peak visual effects, the operational skills will be tested before next spring. How to continue to maintain the enthusiasm of this group of creative users, how to form a self-confidence in the small circle, and to absorb some fresh blood in a timely manner, and to release a wave of rewards in a timely manner, so that the creators who walk in the front can get spiritual or material satisfaction , Continue to use love to generate electricity.

Of course, this process may also cause loss of users. So now Chu Yuanxi is not at ease about the peak visual effects, and she does not want to hear bad news.

He had considered Yang Jiangang's question a long time ago, "The question you are talking about does not exist at all."

"If you say that now, you will be scolded and cry by the player."

"No, Lao Yang. You are already working on the platform now, don’t you understand? Our DLC is different from those who have been scolded and crying." Chu Yuanxi was worried about Yang Jiangang’s vision as a platform, "We do, for sure It is done from the perspective of platform operation, and those who have been scolded for DLC charges are not. What is platform operation?"

While talking, Chu Yuanxi came to a tactical backward, Yang Jiangang said that I should take a photo for you and send it to station B!

"Platform operation is good for my platform. I won't be scolded by players. I will let it charge on the platform. Otherwise, there will be no charge. Don't you understand? Those who have to sign a contract must be reviewed to be listed. Every DLC must Looking at the demo data, the user has a trial and purchase process.

Just like the starting point Chinese website, not all books are charged. Only those with high praise and high data can sign, and only those who have signed the contract will be charged. And there are still some free chapters to try, users who don’t like it will not. buy. It's the same with you. You never let users buy the cartoons on your platform from the first episode, right? You can't sign all of them, right?

You just saw those who were scolded and cried for doing this. Those who were scolded and cried were just playing tickets, not doing it as a career, understand? The amount of output is small, users have no choice, and they charge directly, can they not scold it? You can also scold you if you cheat after you buy it. "

Yang Jiangang slapped the back of his head and walked away. Why are you worrying about Chu Yuanxi? He can certainly think of problems that he can think of.

However, Chu Yuanxi has a word that makes him worried-quantity is the key. Why doesn't quantity matter to him? There are 10,000 works on the platform. Users can be confused when they come. It is impossible to watch them all. They can only choose to try and buy them. They can't be scolded at all. But what if there are only ten? The range of choices determines whether the user will start spraying without thinking, and the DLC for games is the same.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon when Chu Yuanxi waited for Yang Jiangang to leave, and on Weibo, the profiteers were angry!

Since the beginning of the morning, the pressure on acquisitions has greatly increased, but in order to maintain the price curve created by speculation, I had to stand firm. I thought that such a small game would not just manipulate the price? It turned out to be very active! I can go to your uncle!

Chu Yuanxi later understood the psychology of profiteers. It was easier to control the price of this game when it was launched. However, the selection of Israeli-Palestinian entertainment and the number of game users in the Israeli-Palestinian group could not fail to give a guide, right?

Such a guide is a user bonus for profiteers, and it is a precise bonus. Every user lacks a contract. No matter how the diversion is, there are too many people, and they can only find profiteers to buy goods. Especially with the hype style, those who get the contract in the game will not easily sell, let alone sell it at the price of cabbage, it is his price alliance. But how can those non-professional players be better than professional ones? Just a high-star Taobao store will jam most people.

In the end, I never expected the game company to suddenly increase the contract exploding activity on Sunday. There was no advance notice, and the drop rate was ×5 when it opened. Is this still playing gross?

Although we die first, you are committing suicide! what--

Therefore, the number of comments on Pakistani Entertainment's Weibo suddenly increased, and many players spontaneously came up with applause and requested that the burst rate be normalized.

Normalization is impossible. After normalization, the lifespan of this game will be shortened by several times, and the shopping mall props are even less popular. The speed of your abandonment is ×10, can this work?

Another group of people are yin and yang strange, some who directly splashed dirty water, some who denounced the game company's sudden explosion rate without warning, and some who called for "Animal Company" to be chained and made into a blockchain game. All contracts are on the chain to keep information transparent and open.

In such a buzz, regardless of other circumstances, anyway, the speed of server entry is obviously uplifted, which is definitely a success from an operational perspective.

And this time, because he was doing a free-standing game, Zhao Jie personally worked on the server code and boldly tried the big server strategy. This is also a selling point of the game, all players are served together, but Chu Yuanxi thinks this is false propaganda.

Although Zhao Jie uses some solutions such as dynamic adjustment of virtual sub-servers, it is essentially a small server database storage strategy. The soup is not changed. The new server should be kept in a place where the player cannot see, otherwise the data is stored. It will be messy. In other words, Zhao Jie simply does not have the technology to design a global server that dispatches data to the same server as supercell, and the database cannot be handled.

It’s just that because the game’s player interaction only has a market, not even an arena, the scale and density of data interaction and storage are both visually low and can exploit loopholes. So Zhao Jie took advantage of this loophole and achieved the same service for all players in the market. However, Chu Yuanxi felt very vacant, especially when a profiteer was suddenly involved in contract speculation, so he quickly asked Zhao Jie to simulate whether he would be directly paralyzed by hackers.

As for the wailing of profiteers, Chu Yuanxi said that it is useless for you to mention the blockchain. This is caused by users after we officially adjusted the explosion rate, and we did not change it from the background and put it to users. The most funny thing about the blockchain is that there are still too few places that can produce practical uses. In many scenarios, the use of the blockchain is actually of no value, and it is more efficient if it is not used.

But these people probably don't understand.

In fact, some people really understand it. Geng Bin, the big man behind the Huayun Fund and the actual controller of the Huban Official Account, is one of the profiteers and one of the bigger ones.

Recently, he organized a lot of trading tests for virtual items. He didn't expect to spend a little more than one hundred thousand yuan on "Animal Company". It is a pain to say that there are too many.

Externally, what he claims is that he is evaluating the possibility and space of various blockchain technologies, and gaming on the chain is indeed one of the few effective application scenarios of blockchain. But only he knows what the real purpose is.

But this is just a trivial matter. The most important thing surrounding Geng Bin in the near future is to intervene in "Late Night Gallery" and nothing else. But the process is more difficult than expected.

The main reason is that his goal is too tricky, not only needs Fang Shiling to actually transfer the control of "Late Night Gallery", but also Fang Shiling, as a KOL, will broadcast a live broadcast in this matrix that originally belonged to her.

It is difficult for ordinary people to reach one of these two, but for Geng Bin, it is easier to get the two together, because it is convenient for him to set the conditions.

The situation is extremely clear, the funding gap is still several million, and there will certainly not be a few days left, and a penny will stump the hero. Therefore, now Fang Shiling's only way to keep the control of "Late Night Gallery" is to find a wealthy financial owner's father to buy shares and help her liquidate her. And it can’t be an arbitrage investment, otherwise the rights of small and medium investors will be infringed, and people will also have to sue.

Fang Shiling now really realizes that the SHA signed with the building and other investors seems to have taken a big advantage, but she still retains the basic self-insurance rights. Looking inconspicuous, it is really two big heads. So it's best to clean up with them.

The question is why should others help this without good terms? Especially for Geng Bin, if it is just a loan shark-style financial investment, it is meaningless to him. What he is staring at is the wallet of the 30 million pan-female boxing users of "Middle Night Gallery".

The kind of real female boxing that reaches the depths of the bone marrow is not easy to rectify, because the real female boxing has a strong spiritual barrier and seals her brain in a small place, stubborn, self-oriented, and does not listen at all. The truth of others. Geng Bin’s routine is inextricably changeable, and it is still the routine of cutting leek. The target user must listen to the words of others to be driven.

On the contrary, it is a pan-female boxing, or called a keyboard female boxing. There is no such a strong spiritual fortress. People are very easy to be deceived. If their brains are not good, they feel that they are particularly smart, otherwise they will not become a keyboard female boxing. This kind of person has a KOL and immediately enters the hub.

Therefore, Lei Siyun, on behalf of Huayun Fund, has talked with Fang Shiling twice, but the gap between the two sides is still a bit big.

All this is in Geng Bin’s abacus, because Fang Shiling's purpose in looking for the father of the gold master is to not lose control of the company, so if his condition is to control "Middle Night Gallery", Fang Shiling is equivalent to Qianmen Shuhu Entering the wolf through the back door is meaningless.

And the reason why he showed his demand for control in the first two times was nothing more than trying to get rid of it. Today is a good day to close the net!

In a coffee shop, Geng Bin even prepared paper and pen to write a TS to Fang Shiling on the spot, and Fang Shiling looked sadly at the A4 paper in his hand. The paper was the core clause proposed by Lei Siyun. .

Just listen to Lei Siyun saying: "Boss, you'll be up in two days, but there is not much room for persistence?"

Fang Shiling calmly said: "I can ask Zheng De to postpone the payment. We should be able to see the speed at which we make money. Zheng De Fund should also be able to see it. The real high cash flow and high yield. Zheng De wants to make money. We pay a certain interest. It is not impossible to give a grace period."

Lei Siyun smiled noncommitantly, and Geng Bin next to him promptly cheered, "Lao Lei, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing, alas, I'm laughing that the house always treats my old club as a shantang."

Fang Shiling frowned. When the watermelon head next to him introduced himself, he was talking about the actual operator of the public account "Hupi". He had never heard of it. I don't know why?

I saw Leith Cloud take a sip of coffee and said, "My old company, I know too well. What they are evaluating now is nothing more than three situations. First, you can harvest as simple as yours. A large amount of cash flow, then in accordance with the contract, take the company's dominant power, merge the finance, and then Zheng De will harvest it. How much money can be recovered.

Second, your recent payment rate has dropped, and it has dropped rapidly. So if Zheng De takes control of the company, can you still reproduce your previous payment rate? Is it because of your poor management, or the essence of "Late Night Gallery" has been exhausted and the successor is indeed weak?

Third, after Zheng De obtains most of the stocks and control rights, can he resell them and sell them at a higher price, such as 40-50 million? In fact, these three points can all be attributed to whether there are special talents who can help Zheng De to deal with the problem of realizing the value of "Middle Night Gallery" in the short term. "

Geng Bin continued to praise: "Is there any?"

"Oh, before I left, Zheng De had already made a lot of investment in the media and IP. Let’s not talk about the Pakistani group. There are five or six other official accounts. The talents should be integrated. Zheng De’s size is not big, and not small. He really needs to go deep into the industry to integrate resources. The difficulty is much lower than mine, hahaha."

This sand sculpture-like laugh made Fang Shiling's face extremely ugly, because she found that she was in a difficult situation. And as Lei Siyun said, her previous action of rolling up her sleeves to eat money was high-spirited, but it also attracted some people's attention. The news from Du Shuang showed that there are indeed people in Zheng Delhi who are interested in the speed of making money, and even regret it. They feel that the previous gambling signed is too There is no punishment! Then he gave Du Shuang a hard chrome.

Fang Shiling was puzzled. Why are these people so clear about their business operations and cash flow? In order to stop the leakage of key information, she even changed her finances, it was useless!

The key is that if you can use money to hit Zheng De in the face, it's okay, but she has lost the chain. It is simply that all unlucky events happen one after another. Any new situation will not be beneficial to her!

Relatively speaking, is the new clause proposed by Lei Siyun still alive?

The terms proposed by Huayun Fund this time are worlds apart from the previous two times. They are not liquidating her at all. The terms are very simple.

First, Huayun Fund increased its capital by 600,000 shares of "Late Night Gallery" at 12.5 yuan per share, or 7.5 million, partly used to liquidate Zheng De Fund. The surplus is used for daily business operations.

Article 2: Fang Shiling currently holds 5.1 million shares of "Late Night Gallery". The voting rights and half of the proceeds will be controlled by Huayun Fund for two years. During the period, Huayun Fund will bear the original shares of Fang Shiling. All rights and obligations. Upon expiration, Fang Shiling has the right to redeem the 600,000 shares issued this time at a price of 12.5 yuan per share.

If only here, Fang Shiling would hesitate for a long time, because she had to plan for herself when she was out. On the one hand, she is now facing the embarrassment of losing to Zheng De's 2.4 million shares if she cannot liquidate Zheng De. How much is the remaining 2.7 million shares worth? But on the other hand, maybe it can be sold? She believes that she yelled about the equity transfer. At present, the 5.1 million shares in her hand can sell for more than 30 million. The big deal is that the buyer will increase the capital by a few million yuan to get Zheng Deqing out.

But fortunately, there is a third article.


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