Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 895: 1 leaf obstacle

After the implementation of the first two terms, the total number of shares of "Late Night Gallery" returned to 9.4 million shares, of which Huayun Fund held 5.7 million voting rights. In Fang Shiling's view, their calculation is equivalent to the consideration of a capital increase of 7.5 million yuan, and they have obtained the right to operate the "Late Night Gallery" matrix for two years. The money earned in the past two years is distributed to shareholders based on shares, but Fang Shiling's share is given to Huayun by half.

This plan can be regarded as the benevolent, but Fang Shiling doesn't think the other party will definitely earn it, because the other party is equivalent to the right to obtain an agency operation service. The agency operation service itself is also divided into a certain proportion as the service fee.

In particular, I know my own family affairs, and now the state of the advertisement of "Middle Night Gallery" is simply that after the other party comes in, they discover the truth, and it is considered light to not tear themselves.

In fact, Fang Shiling was too worried, the other party would definitely not tear her up, and once she found out the truth, she knew how Zheng Tong came and went. It's hard to say who to tear her.

To Fang Shiling's desperation, the reason why the current situation lacks these millions is not enough, not that he can't find money, but the difficulty lies in the terms. With such a lack of money, legal means can only enter the company's accounts by way of investment, and it will not work to apply for loans from banks or other financial institutions. Daxia Fund will definitely sue for major borrowings.

If "Late Night Gallery" is operating normally, Fang Shiling will not be afraid, and Daxia will not be able to sue, and even the court will not file a case. What company does not have a loan demand? It is very legitimate to take a loan to run a business.

But now is different. With the turmoil of "Late Night Gallery" in the past few months, Da Xia directly sued Fang Shiling for the loan for not business purposes. God knows what the court will decide, it is very likely that the whole plate has just collapsed. Da Xia has been unable to stop her from walking the tightrope, but her mentality is very bad. She has already cleared the idea of ​​what it is-she can't jump off if she wants to jump. Therefore, once there is a chance to jump the car, you will definitely jump without hesitation.

But if there is the father of the gold master and then increase the capital at a price of not less than 12.5 yuan per share, no one can stop it. It's just that no money owner has shown interest in bailing her out, except for Huayun Fund.

Even before this, her finances had an idea of ​​extreme operations with her, but she had to bear the legal risks herself. In fact, to put it bluntly, it means self-purchase and self-sale, similar to self-recharge.

So Fang Shiling was helpless, she was not afraid to take the risk of making accounts, but the logic was unreasonable. If she had money, she would have invested a few million in the late night gallery and settled her account. She didn't have to buy or sell it. The problem was that she had no money.

For so many years, because she had never used "Late Night Gallery" as an income, she didn't save much savings herself. Her net worth soared, and her only real estate was a one-bedroom. But in the previous B round of financing, when she raised 10 million yuan and used it for other purposes, in order to give the investors confidence, she also added 100,000 shares and held 5.1 million shares. Only when I mortgaged my house did I get some money.

Although these 100,000 shares were later 100,000 shares with higher priority, they were more convenient to dispose of than her 5 million original shares, and could also be used for pledge, but basically no company that has not listed on the stock market accepts equity pledges, so they cannot be exchanged at all. money. Where can I find millions now? Can only borrow from someone.

Therefore, it is not legal risk at all to bear, but human relationship risk. This kind of risk is infinitely small when the flowers are clustered, and when it drops to the bottom, it is infinite. It is not reliable for classmates and friends.

Therefore, when Lei Siyun asked her if there are two days left, what is your strength, Fang Shiling's real confidence is to borrow money from Gao Wenming. Or raise funds from Gao Wenming, let him invest these millions in, and become the father of the gold master. This is also the reason why she hasn't been desperate despite being anxious in the past two months, and there is another way.

Fang Shiling believes that as long as he speaks, he will be able to find the money, but he is extremely reluctant to open this mouth, it is likely to trigger a super exciting scene. If there is no other way, there is only this way, but fortunately, Lei Siyun still has clause three.

Clause 3: Huayun Fund promises to lock up voting rights within the past two years and not to transfer the voting rights of "Late Night Gallery" to a third party, but half of the proceeds are not within the scope of the promise and can be used for trading, but the term is only two years. At the same time, Fang Shiling enjoys protective clauses in the process, that is, it is possible for Huayun Fund to lead the financing of "Late Night Gallery" within two years, but the fair value must not be less than 12.5 yuan per share, otherwise it will be handled as a trigger.

Correspondingly, after the expiration of the two-year period, Fang Shiling has the opportunity to request Huayun Fund to initiate an overall acquisition of "Late Night Gallery" at a price of no less than 15 yuan per share. That is to say, if any shareholder, including Fang Shiling, is willing to sell after two years, Huayun will accept it after triggering the conditions. The purchase price will be discussed at that time, but the minimum price of 15 yuan per share Huayun promises to subscribe.

If someone does not want to sell it, of course they can not sell it.

This condition can move her, especially for those small and medium shareholders. Although the premium rate is not high, it can be regarded as keeping the principal in the economic winter and outperforming the bank interest. Even banks have thundered this year. , What else do they want? You should be very pleased, right?

"So, what exactly is the activation right of this overall acquisition? Is it performance?" Fang Shiling thought of herself, starting her business for seven or eight years, and finally reaping 70 to 80 million yuan, which is considered to be for her in the first 30 years. Is there an explanation in life? "Let me tell you, Mr. Lei, I have had a relationship with my fans for so many years. You asked me to sell them to you for income. I am very painful."

"No, no, you made the mistake of the boss." Lei Siyun pressed the bridge of his nose to hide his disdain, and said to his heart, what kind of bility do you pretend at this time? "You should listen to the plans and arrangements we have made. First of all, after the plan is reached, Huayun Fund will integrate its self-media resources to establish a group company to'take a look', reorganize the business model of "Late Night Gallery", and focus on live broadcasting and Short video. The reorganized "Late Night Gallery" still accounts for its finances separately, and the original shareholders' operating income will not be affected.

Secondly, let’s take a look at the group’s general manager Luo Pengluo as the group’s president and responsible for the product line. Each self-media account of "Late Night Gallery" is equivalent to a product line. In fact, you also know him, he used to be called Left Eye in the live streaming scene, and now he can't appear on the scene, but he must be no problem in managing and operating. Then you are the CEO of "Late Night Gallery" and continue to maintain an influence on the relevant product lines. You just need to accept the leadership of the group and report to Mr. Luo. "

This set of official dialects was very fierce, and Fang Shiling was stunned by it, but what about the conditions? "Your arrangement is quite appropriate, but will it not be based on my personal obedience to the group's order as a condition for activating rights?" She grinned reluctantly, "I thought it would be a quantitative indicator."

I saw Lei Siyun looking playfully and said: "It must be a quantitative indicator. My current idea is to ask you to personally make the host of the mirror. According to the calculation of three hours a day, the weekly live broadcast is not less than 21 hours, and the content does not deviate from the group. Given the script, the attendance unit is weekly. Let’s discuss the specific attendance rate. What do you think?"


Fang Shiling was stunned! What kind of indicator is this, is this a joke? The problem is that you didn’t make a joke like that? What do you think of sister? And it seems that Lei Siyun has something else to say?

"Do you have any plans, just say it straight." She waited for a while and found that Lei Siyun was very calm, so she had to put down the printing paper, leaned against the back of the card holder, and retracted her two long legs. Very unlady crossed up.

At this time, Geng Bin, who had been sitting next to Leith Cloud, suddenly took a probe and said: "We now have an immature plan to do blockchain self-media content."

"What what? Blockchain?" Fang Shiling immediately popped up after hearing these three words on the block chain as he just retracted into the deck. "Hasn't the block chain been hit hard by the state? There are a large number of large numbers, and the casualties are heavy.

"You only know one, but you don't know the other." Lei Siyun said triumphantly, "The wind direction above may change recently."

His finger poked the upper air: "Besides, the big fatalities and injuries, isn't it a bonus for the new entry? This is an opportunity, not a risk."

"But, "Late Night Gallery" is not suitable, right...Why don't you find some financial and financial accounts?"

"Where is there anything that is absolutely suitable or unsuitable?" Lei Siyun stared at Fang Shiling's legs. "From the perspective of pure commercial elements, my conditions are already the most sincere? You shouldn't find it. It’s more sincere than me. Besides, I have news channels on Zheng De's side after all, what are they going to know what I mean?"

Fang Shiling still instinctively feels vigilant and inappropriate, "But, but I have never engaged in live broadcast and short video. I have always wanted to do it, and I have tried it, but the effect is not good. And live broadcast and blockchain What does it matter?"

"Ahaha, the ability to broadcast live is not a problem." Lei Siyun smiled slightly, "Although the left eye can't appear in person, but you can personally guide it. Then you will appear in person to do the blockchain project of the live broadcast commentary group, and the effect will be good. ."

Fang Shiling’s face instantly solidified, but Lei Siyun didn’t see it, and said, “It’s nothing wrong. There must be a place for Lengtu in the top official account in China, right? Now the founding of the rabbit factory. People also appeared on the live broadcast themselves."

Can that be a matter of time? That's a blockchain! It is almost the area with the most negative public opinion in China. Fang Shilingxin said that if I don't appear in the picture, I can push everything. I will be responsible when I appear.

Just listen to Lei Siyun continuing to say, “Geng Bingeng of Tiger Pian is always the leading blockchain counterfeiting expert in China. The official account of Tiger Pian is used to fight counterfeiting, exposing a lot of air currency scams to deceive ordinary users. In the currency circle, it can be described as "talking about the tiger's color change." We chose this direction not to harvest your fan value, but to enhance our penetration and influence, drive the development of the entire industry, and purify the domestic blockchain market. "

"Then I think about it!"

After Fang Shiling left, she turned to find Gao Wenming. As a result, her glasses almost broke, because Gao Wenming said: "My money? My money is in antiques and can't be taken out! Look at my huanghuali, my lobular red sandalwood, this is all money, Can you say it in advance with money?"

Fang Shiling was about to cry, and said that you cheat father actually bought antiques with the money that saved my life! It is unreasonable!

Seeing Fang Shiling's grievances, Gao Wenming was also stubborn. Finally, Fang Shiling came to the door in person. It was a rare one in 800 years, but the day after tomorrow had to spend money, what should I do today? Antiques are not hard currency and can be sold for cash at any time. Wenwan is the most non-saleable business. For other things, I don’t want to buy them at a 20% discount. Antiques are not good! Antiques are when others are kneeling and licking on the shelf, and when you put down the shelf, everyone thinks it is a fake, let alone a 20% discount, a discount will not work.

"Why don't I find a way for you to borrow some..."

Fang Shiling knew that Gao Wenming was really embarrassed, not pretending.

"No, I just accept Huayun's terms."

On the other hand, Lei Siyun and Geng Bin are also adding together, especially Lei Siyun, with many thoughts in his mind, forming unsolved questions one after another.

He tentatively asked: "Mr. Geng, you have been too low-key since you returned to China? I think you should be able to show your strength."

As the president of the investment company in charge of Huayun Fund, he certainly needs to care about the strength of the investor, and then he feels particularly awkward. One shot against Huayun Geng Bin was 700 million, and this could not be all his possessions. It is said that people started from scratch in the United States to earn a stellar $, and took it back to start a domestic business, good people! Like Luckin, who went to Nasdaq to cut leeks and took the money back to subsidize coffee users in China, he is a big good person. But such a rich person is too low-key, right?

It’s fine if you are a stupid big money squandering money at will. The problem is not. This is 100% holding back to do a career. There are plans for going forward and retreating, and when it comes to paying the money, it is very straightforward. The plan is executed without hesitation, and the money is never hesitated. It can be seen from the constitution that there is a strong purpose. It's just what the goal is and why you want to create a public account like tiger batch, but you can't tell the difference.

In fact, these are okay. The thing that makes him most afraid is that the registered legal person of Huayun Fund, which has been washed by Geng Bin, has become a veritable "actual controller." In the past, I couldn't see the name Geng Bin at all. This setting seems intriguing.

Lei Siyun kept staring at Geng Bin's expression after asking, and then couldn't see anything. I saw Geng Bin move his cervical spine a little, and his neck bone made a slight noise, and he said nonchalantly, "Isn't this being developed? I just scream if I don’t scream, it’s a blockbuster. Don’t worry, I don’t make money for three melons. , When the time comes, I will bring you a delicious and spicy drink."

As he said, he put his head on the side of Lei Siyun, pointed at himself with his thumb, and said, "You have to believe that this is how you can make money. Within two years, the scale of Huayun Fund will definitely expand to 5 billion."

Lei Siyun observes Geng Bin, why doesn't Geng Bin observe Lei Siyun? Such a trial shows that Lei Siyun has started to think more.

But Geng Bin is not afraid. Lei Siyun is willing to condescend to come to his small fund as an executive of a medium-sized fund or above. He would rather be the head of the chicken because he offered a high salary. Such people don't say they don't know anything, even if they know, they can still get it done with money.

Even Lei Siyun didn't doubt that he had been on this point, because the conditions he gave to allow redemption after two years were too naked. In Fang Shiling's view, it may be that Huayun Fund intends to use "Late Night Gallery" for two years of income by borrowing chickens and eggs, as the benefit of this investment, but Lei Siyun knows that small money is not interesting to Geng Bin. So what is he for?

Soon, Fang Shiling and Lei Siyun reached an agreement, and after a series of financial operations, Zheng De Fund received 35 million as scheduled.

Chu Yuanxi was caught off guard at this moment. He said that he had no interest in "Late Night Gallery" and just wanted to get "Brother Fang" back. In fact, he was already waiting to help Zheng De accept "Late Night Gallery". Even how to arrange the workstations in "Late Night Gallery" and get a copy of whoever does what, and prepare to seamlessly connect people to their best. The first step is to get Zheng Tong out.

Unexpectedly, a Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, what the **** is this Huayun Fund? Where seems to have heard of it? But I really can't remember and then "Middle Night Gallery" posted a long demonstration article called "Iron Shoulder Morality, Huayun Fund Rescue Gallery". In fact, the fans of "Late Night Gallery" are not stupid, they have long seen that this account is going crazy, and now it finally came to light. It turns out that the crazy is because it was taken away by the barbarians? Now it is finally secured.

In the article, Fang Shiling deeply reviewed his own failure to keep up with the development of the We Media, and in the future will switch to live broadcasts and short videos, and then promised to start live broadcasts in person. Suddenly a group of fans flocked to praise in tweets, and Fang Shiling was so angry that she cursed, but they couldn't question what these fans had done earlier?

Chu Yuanxi suddenly felt lost, and couldn't help asking, is this result what she wants? Zheng De actually has no need to accuse him. People don't want to control "Late Night Gallery" but want to make some money. This is understandable. It is just that there are too few lotteries to maximize the value.

But he always felt upset, as if a toy that had been booked long ago was taken away by other children. Fang Shiling, after all, is a special person, even if he can treat her with a normal heart, this feeling will not fade immediately.

What's more, the person who sets it up is still himself?

In fact, many things have happened on the rivers and lakes these days. For example, Weber, a well-known English education institution for nearly 20 years, ran away. Before the National Day, he closed the building under the name of decoration and so on. After the eleventh, people went to the building and talked to those The running gym is exactly the same.

The most amazing thing is that not only is the salary arrears, but the trainees are in almost the same embarrassment as the tenants of the long-term rental apartment that thundered last year. Someone who is required to make a tuition loan to pay tuition fees, some people have already implemented the loan until 2021, the school ran away, and the loan must continue to be repaid.


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