Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 899: Switch seamlessly between Zhizhu holding and one face stunned

It has been a long time since Yuan Jing had such in-depth communication. Chu Yuanxi discovered that people in the two worlds, even those with a strong style and aura like Yuan Jing, would show obvious differences because of the different current situations. In the original world, Yuan Jing's trust in Chu Yuanxi and confidence in the convenience store track is simply against the sky, and he is more confident than Chu Yuanxi.

And now, his fund size is still much worse than in the original world, and he has never experienced the process of continuously raising Xiaokang and then continuously increasing the valuation in the original world, so he appears to be more cautious in all aspects.

But Yuan Jing hasn't been able to give a briefing recently, because Ali's important officials have all gone to Wuzhen to hold an Internet conference.

This incident irritated Chu Yuanxi, because there was nothing wrong with him in this retreat, so Yuan Mu laughed at him.

"Wipe, next year, next year, I will definitely be there!" Chu Yuanxi was right, "This thing is about seniority. I can't compare to the big guys in this respect, but, huh!"

Yuan Mu won the power and did not forgive others: "Why do we have to have you? Isn't it complete without you?"

"I hope so..."

Chu Yuanxi didn't quarrel with the girl, and immediately ran to urge Zhao Jie to start developing the editor.

Zhao Jie was almost crying. He was screaming about the stress test of "Wu Dao Faunjun". Finally, the test server was about to be closed, and there was no big basket. He didn't even have time to breathe and he had to organize immediately to do an editor ?

What is an editor? Zhao Jie also grew up playing games. In his mind, the editor is the realization of the engine, not only editing maps and placing objects, but also capable of clocking functions and events.

RPG games, especially "Sword" and "Xuanyuan Sword", are RPGs that run maps and mazes, which are completely different from roguelike RPGs, and they are not comparable to the so-called MMORPGs of domestic cheating mobile games. The plot and the mission must be perfectly combined, the plot must have tension, and the mission must be the node of the plot, the plot of each main line and branch must be delicate, the rhythm must not be chaotic, and the gameplay must be linked to the plot, otherwise the drama will appear.

Therefore, it is much more difficult to write a game story than to write a novel, and the role of the editor is to express all of the above content. It is definitely not a hassle to design some functions. It is impossible without the repeated polishing of the game producer. Easy to use.

Now Zhao Jie is asked to develop an editor for RPG games without knowing how to compose the plot. The efficiency must be very low, which is quite awkward.

"You think too much, brother, too special, and the direction is wrong!" Chu Yuanxi waved Fang Qiu, "Now what you want is actually to develop an RPG game. You develop the game first. The editor is there naturally, and then optimized, for UGC users, it is such a process.

And our editor is not in place in one step, it is impossible for players to make RPGs for ten years. Our editor must continue to iterate and add new features. RPG is just a starting point for us. Following this line of thinking, you should think about how we will expand ARPG, MMORPG, and even exploratory RPG, with multiple plots and multiple endings. "

"I don't think much, you are all very good, Lao Chu, but the first step, how can we have the ability to do traditional RPG? It's just like what you said. The problem is that it has been " "Gu Jian Qi Tan" is okay. The result is that the fairy sword team split up. Other people don't have that gene, okay? Can we make it as soon as you touch your mouth?"

"Hi... what you said is indeed a problem..."

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but breathe a breath of air, this question is very unforgiving! "I don't expect much from you. You can do "Xuanyuan Sword 4" for me. This is the technology of fifteen years ago, shouldn't it be a problem?"

"Problem? The problem is too big!" Zhao Jiexin said that "Xuanyuan Sword 4" is 3D. Relatively speaking, it aims at making a UGC platform. 3D is better than 2D. The main reason is that it is easier to operate when the user makes his own. . 2D games seem to be simpler than 3D. In fact, I want to make good effects. Just a layer problem and the moving speed of moving distant and close-range scenes can kill novices. This is nothing in the 3D engine. .

Seeing Chu Yuanxi waiting for him to talk about the problem, Zhao Jie was also unambiguous, and asked, "Excuse me, why have you never seen any of "The Couple of Condor Heroes", "Swordsman" and so on after so many years. Can the top RPG adapted from popular novels stand? There are many adaptations, but none of them are fun. "Swordsman in Shu Mountain" is famous? The RPGs that have been adapted into "Sword" twice have very general response, let me say It's the general generation. Why?"

"Oh, yes, why?" Chu Yuanxi didn't expect that Zhao Jie would really talk in the vernacular for a while. Following Zhao Jie's thinking, could it be said... "A good novel plot does not necessarily make a good RPG game. ?"

"Yes, there is a difference between the content of the two. On the contrary, it is "Sword of Immortal Sword 1." The plot is very clichéd from a novel point of view? But making a game is a monument. You target "Xuanyuan Sword 4" and I think you can have , But don’t worry about it, let’s think about it first. If the technical reason is to compare with "Xuanyuan Sword 4", then it will definitely not exist. The problem is genetics. This methodology is definitely not a good IP. Things. You must have never thought about this, right?"

"It's true, well, well, very good. I feel more at ease if you think more than me."

"Of course." Zhao Jie had no fear in the face of praise. "My buddy is now a gold medal game producer anyway, okay?"

Chu Yuanxi figured it out, "I don't require the project to be established immediately, can I figure it out by early November?"

"Why is it in early November?"

"Then don't ask, for non-technical reasons." Chu Yuanxi said because I was going to make gong at that time...

"Okay, let me ask one more question, Old Chu. Which is the best traditional RPG game in your mind?"

"Is the No1 in my mind? It's really "Xuanyuan Sword 4". It should be said that there are few defective products in the "Xuanyuan Sword" series, and the playability is very good, that is, the 4's rumor and the 5's The real story is a bit worse, the plot is particularly ridiculous, and the world view is also awkward. The others are perfect historical world views.

"Not the fairy sword series?" Zhao Jie was surprised. He thought most people would vote for a certain one in the fairy sword series, right?

"The fairy sword series usually have very good characters, and the plot is relatively vulgar. The most typical of "Sword 4", the plot is more vulgar than 1, but the characters are particularly good, better than the first generation."

Zhao Jie nodded and expressed his understanding. It seems that Chu Yuanxi is a player who pays more attention to the plot when he plays RPG. No wonder he has the idea of ​​building a UGC platform for PRG. He doesn't play much RPG, and he hasn't played "Gu Jian Qi Tan", but the two series of "Sword" and "Xuanyuan Sword" have been cleared at least once. Huh? Are the characters in "Sword 4" good? What Chu Yuanxi said was...

"Speaking of Lao Chu, have you also regarded Liu Mengli as the lover of your dreams?"

"Absolutely not—"

After sending Zhao Jie away, Chu Yuanxi suddenly had a feeling, especially when he was pushing his heart with Yuan Jing before, Yuan Jing’s various hints had already made him feel this way, that is, he felt his limit in the dark, at least The limit in the content area.

I don't know where my limit is, either he is arrogant and arrogant, or he hasn't really touched the ceiling yet. Chu Yuanxi felt that she might indeed have overly strong self-confidence because of the smoothness, but this time she did feel that the content field seemed to have a ceiling that she could not reach. The specific manifestation is that there are many things that I want to do but I don’t think well, and the wisdom and experience accumulated in the content field have been released almost. If we continue to move forward, we cannot give a particularly high-quality plan.

This feeling made him a little uncomfortable, because the most common state of Chu Yuanxi during the growth of the company is that she is in possession of Zhizhu, understands every business logic, and has the ability to guide every link. But now I need to occasionally switch to a look of stunned look, wondering if the future will become bitter and deep? But if you continue to go on like this, the number of bewildered faces will definitely climb, right?

However, it is not surprising that if the volume is reflected in the valuation of the Ba people, Chu Yuanxi's goal of becoming a Ba people entertainment last year was only 10 billion, and I dare not say that it will definitely be achieved. Times make heroes. Unexpected dividends have pushed this company to its current heights, with 30 billion bottoms and 60 billion upwards. As a person who doesn't really understand the content, what can't be satisfied?

What's more, in fact, Chu Yuanxi also knew that this kind of work condition was not healthy, especially for employees. In the long run, employees will become executives, lacking the motivation to use their own brains, and there is no need for comprehensive thinking. All the work is done for the boss. This kind of employees is difficult to improve. The company may have problems anytime and anywhere, such as The cheat expires, or the boss reaches the upper limit of his ability.

That's why Chu Yuanxi carried out a group reorganization and delegated power to the following, but this feeling of Zhizhu was always there.

Today, Zhao Jie thought more than himself, which made him realize that it is time to further evolve his workflow.

As the boss of a large company, in fact, it is the same as commanding a large corps. The boss’s job is to put forward strategic ideas, think about the trend and consequences of the battle. The specific tactical strategy formulation and battlefield wargame should be the work of the chief of staff and the staff, etc. The General Staff determined the tactical objectives, and the former enemy commanders were further refined into military operations. Finally, front-line officers and soldiers would comprehensively dispatch them, deploy their troops, and then go to war.

Chu Yuanxi was working for a big company, but there was no staff, which meant that the commander of the Corps directly docked with former enemy commanders. The commander was Chu Yuanxi, the former enemy commanders were Su Gu, Du Xie, Ma Xiaoxi, Fan Chao, Sun Yongqiang in Xiaokang, and the people in Pakistan were Zhao Jie and Lu Yu. That is to say, Xue Jianhua now has the attribute of a staff member, but Chu Yuanxi's original intention to recruit him was actually to go to the former enemy, but the online content has not started operating and is idle.

As for the two pairs of Liu Lu and Yuan Mu, and Zhou Mingjun and Cao Xiang, the former is not his staff, but the deputy commander. Neither level nor ability can replace the staff, although they will occasionally come up with some ideas. The latter is a purely technical backbone, it is easy to solve the problem, but it is difficult to solve the problem.

Why are you in a dilemma? In fact, I should ask, why is there no such thing in the original world, so that this time the entrepreneurship did not think about the staff?

Chu Yuanxi thought for a while. It should be because the well-off foundation in the original world was not strong, and he kept rushing forward, so his focus could only be on the things that he cared about most. As for other fields, whether it is an opportunity or a chicken thief, he has no thoughts and energy at all, so he does not need to advise him. If necessary, Yuan Jing will help him.

But this time is different. This time it is the order of Pakistani people and then well-off. The foundation is stronger than before, and Liu Lu was first contacted before establishing a well-off society, and communicated enough to polish a suitable enterprise structure plan. Therefore, in terms of cash, the foundation is solid, and there are Pakistani people as dairy cows. In terms of energy, it is not like the original world that requires a lot of energy to be spent on business operation efficiency and internal consumption.

As a result, a lot of Xianxin, or elegant Xianqing, can be used to run Pakistani games and manipulate stock prices. As a result, when he was more idle, he exposed his weaknesses and upper limits. Isn't that the same thing?

That's good, you can do as many things as you have, if you don't, just find someone with the ability to help. It's a pity that it's a little late to realize this. There is no suitable candidate except Elizabeth, and Elizabeth still has to fly solo.

For large companies, the so-called staff department is the president's office, and the staff is the consultant. However, the size of well-off and Pakistani people is still slightly embarrassing. The number of Pakistani people is definitely not a big company. There are a lot of well-off people, but the proportion of convenience store employees and logistics is too large, and the core part of the enterprise is still small. It’s a bit too early to establish the President’s Office, and the workload is not full after it is established.

In fact, it is not impossible for a well-off society to establish a president’s office. This way, you can free yourself to run across the country. The next stage of well-off society is to advance in several other cities. Running is inevitable. It is just a matter of time. It's just that the problem has returned to the original point, that is, the problem of candidates. It would be great if there was the shadow clone technique in "Naruto", and there were a few more clones, all of them, but unfortunately not.

If in a few years, potential people like Liu Shen and Dong Mao grow up, they can be drawn into the president's office. Although they have a low starting point, they are definitely useful. It's just not right now. Even Liu Shen and Dong didn't have such a second-class choice. The time when the well-off was established is flawed, and this kind of talent cannot be promoted.

Recruiting consultants from society? Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, and never heard of any big company president who openly recruited members of the president's office from the society. This is especially the case for military officers! Loyalty and ability are indispensable.

Chu Yuanxi spent two hours thinking about this matter and checking the information, and finally decided not to take any shortcuts. The following three things should be done.

The first thing is to start recruiting management trainees. What if you don’t want pancakes? Go planting wheat. Guan Peisheng is the seed, and after three years of planting it will give birth to a Nezha.

But even if Pearson wants to become a talent, the first step is to choose people well. The college students nowadays are not the ones where Chu Yuanxi went to school, and they know too much. If you understand more, your mind is easy to spend, and being wise is two different things. As long as Guan trainees rotate within the company, it will be difficult for them to have a thorough and thorough understanding of the company. It is not easy for young people who can survive three-year rotations.

Therefore, not only did Chu Yuanxi personally select people, but he also had to think about the conditions and timing. Otherwise, given the current situation of a well-off society, the roots have not yet sprouted, and true talents may not be worthy of attention.

The second case is the establishment of a strategy research office. This is an upright thing. It doesn’t need to be hidden. It’s just that it’s easy to be spoiled by people. If you haven’t yet become a big company, you must first configure the standard equipment for the disease of the big company. This standard equipment is called redundant staff. .

In fact, there are also solutions. Chu Yuanxi registered a consulting company and recruited people to his private consulting company. It could also take care of the problems encountered by the Ba people. In fact, there will definitely be a lot of needs in this respect in the future of a well-off society, but the Pakistani people need it even more at this stage.

The problem is that this is even more unattractive. People can’t get the options for Xiaokang and Pakistan, so Chu Yuanxi can only fill in with his own equity and options, which is very awkward and troublesome. Other founders and investors cannot. Of course he can't transfer equity options at will.

The third thing is to find a reliable consulting company and seek solutions from the other This is also equivalent to buying the other party’s wisdom, but the cost of communication is a problem.

In fact, there are many well-known consulting companies in the world, but foreign monks entering the celestial dynasty will always encounter various ungrounded problems. Therefore, companies that can provide Huawei with very good business advice and strategic advice may not necessarily be able to point out a suitable path for small and medium-sized companies. And domestic...

Chu Yuanxi really didn't know any particularly suitable consulting company in China. So according to the usual practice, it is always right to ask Yuan Mu for this kind of thing, but if it doesn't work, turn to Yuan Jing for help.

As a result, Yuan Mu hadn't thought of anything. Elizabeth who was in the audience was startled: "You are looking for a consultant, a full-time consultant who specializes in serving a company? How long?"

"Why is it three years?"

"Then I recommend one to you?"

Chu Yuanxi screamed in secret, Elizabeth's grade was quite high at the beginning, "Is it your former consultant?"

"No, no, I don't have a consultant..." Elizabeth turned dark, "but this person is very good, Petschiff."

"Hi...I seem to have heard of this person?" Chu Yuan Xixin said, why is this name so familiar?

At this time, Yuan Mu was also taken aback, "Peter Schiff? Isn't he an economist? He is an investment consultant?

Gu Tou, of course, is also a kind of consultant, but it is far from what Chu Yuanxi wants.

I saw Elizabeth smile very proudly, "Pitt knows everything. Indirectly, he often hits the nail on the head and absolutely meets the requirements of Chu. However, he is just not suitable for investment consultants. His European Pacific capital is no longer good. This is the time The time to recruit him."

Chu Yuanxi patted her thigh suddenly: "I remember, it's him!"


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