Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 900: Entering a critical period

This shot was quite hard, and after the shot, Porcelain grinned.

This effort was made because Chu Yuanxi suddenly remembered that it seemed that he had watched a video during the financial crisis in 2008, which happened to be this person's lecture.

This video was circulated quite widely in China at the time, because the foreigner who gave the lecture said to the audience on the stage: "Will we pay back so much money after borrowing from the Great Heaven? You can imagine that the president said: all voters Guys, I’m going to increase taxes for you, and then lower social security, because we have to pay back the money from the Great Dynasty. Can you imagine that it’s possible? So we should not put Madoff in jail, but let him be the Minister of Finance ."

Although the words were rough and not rough, the enthusiastic youths of the country must be very ear-piercing after listening. For a while, there was a lot of cursing within the green dam.

However, he is neither a high-level government official nor a purely financial forum, so Chu Yuanxi was very curious, and listened to his full set of speeches without subtitles. He was very tired.

But after listening to it, I found that this great **** was actually very pertinent. He was talking about how to solve the current difficulties encountered by the United States. First, review the history and compare it with the present. There are more problems, and the debt owed is only one of the problems.

Why does Chu Yuanxi remember it so deeply? Because Peter Schiff is always telling the truth and poking the lungs of Americans, it is absolutely politically incorrect in the United States.

He actually publicly declared on the forum that the US economy is in trouble because the US people as a whole are not diligent, the regulations and excessive taxes are too many, the workers are paid too well, the output of the workload is too poor, and the business owners cannot make money. If American workers all worked as hard as the Chinese, it would be better!

Can you say this? Yes, but it cannot be said in the United States. In the United States, it was directly sprayed into dogs. Such a magnanimous American Chu Yuanxi didn't see much anyway! As a result, he sprayed Aoguanhai every day, and after the end of his tenure, Aoguanhai ran a "U.S. Factory". It was no coincidence that this phenomenon was brought into the public eye.

It is no wonder that even Yuan Mu knows that Peter Schiff is one of the earliest Internet celebrities in the financial circle.

Just listen to Elizabeth continue to say: "He is absolutely competent. Before 2007, our side was full of enthusiasm. Very few people poured cold water on the economy. He was one of the three economists who accurately predicted the economic crisis. And he was right. The impression of your country is actually very good. I can assure you of this. It will not exclude changing the place of work, anyway, his MPs will not be elected."

Yuan Mu didn't care about this, but was concerned about: "Then why is his company not working?" Gu Tou, in fact, has the attributes of a fund, and is a counterpart with Zheng De, but it is not a venture capital company.

Elizabeth smiled, "Because he is a golden beetle, he lost a lot of gold by doing too much gold."

Chu Yuanxi rubbed his legs and said: "Yes, yes, this person wrote "The Theory of $Crash", but his portfolio after abandoning $ is too poor...Detective, are you familiar with him?"

"Actually, I'm not very familiar with it. You may not know. He scolds the Democratic Party every day. I definitely couldn't get too close with him before. However, after chatting on Twitter recently, he is very interested in my current situation. Especially , Um, especially since I also said something about the Dad Group, Pete was super excited.

In short, this person is very pragmatic, understands both macroeconomics and business, has a keen thinking and unique vision, but does not understand the Internet. So an Internet company from Tianchao invited him to be a consultant, and he might be interested. This is a new challenge. "

Yuan Mu's next question is: "Then the question is coming, how much money can I please?"

"Then Chu has to chat with Pete himself."

So it was Chu Yuanxi's turn to have a headache. This kind of well-known economist in the industry, whether it can be a benchmark wolf or a beast, or a U.S., how much does it cost? In fact, Xiaokang hasn't the luxury of spending millions of dollars in annual salary to ask consultants to consult business strategies, and Pakistani people may also need business strategy services in the future, but now this is the lack of content consultants. It is precisely this aspect that the existing consulting companies in the industry do not possess. Most of the common consulting companies provide business decisions, and the content belongs to the professional field.

In fact, in the content age, people with this kind of wisdom and experience are scarce, but even if someone has this kind of wisdom, they may not be able to provide it as a consultant.

For example, Yang Jiangang, who has been in the Qinrun industry for more than ten years, has almost experienced all the fluctuations in the game industry in the empire after 2000, and the accumulated experience cannot be measured by value. But before this year, you let him be a consultant and you finished playing. He only knows the game but not the business. Forcing the consultant to be a bullshit.

He must know a little about business now, but he has become an entrepreneur. He has already put on his jacket, and I don't know when he will take it off.

This is the epitome of the entire era. The current technological advancement is the past 100 years, but with the advancement of technology, the Internet has gradually become popular and sinking, making the aging of commercial routines also the past 100 years. In the information age, all users are fatigued and bombarded by various business routines every day. Similar routines have been hit more than once. Therefore, consultation on business strategy can be effective and always requires the support of professional domain skills.

Strictly speaking, at the peak of visual effects, Chu Yuanxi is nominally an investor and CFO, but what she actually does is the work of a consultant and advise Yang Jiangang, but he does not need to do it himself.

Waiting for Elizabeth's news, waiting until October 22, three interesting things happened on this day.

After the National Day, Chu Yuanxi thought it was just an ordinary case among the many runners. The difference is that this is a 20-year-old shop with numerous cheating students. Unexpectedly, it is because of the long time that it will last forever, so that when the founder in a running state went to the bank to transfer money, the bank clerk who handled the business for him at the counter was also a student of Weber English...

So running off is also a craft, and unprofessional people can't even run well.

Then, a piece of news that Chu Yuanxi has been paying attention to has made new progress. Adam Norman, the founder of WeWork, finally chose Sun Dasheng’s equity rescue plan, and then took hundreds of millions of dollars in severance expenses and retired. The horn beast was completely handed over to Sun Dasheng.

This is not a perfect curtain call, but how many people can bear flowers and applause beyond their abilities on this torrential road?

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yuanxi found that many people around him had begun to build Miaopu, even Zhu Yan and Yang Yuanmei were building, and sent him a link.

This link made Chu Yuanxi want to knock on Yang Yuanmei's dog's head, "Never mind Zhu Yan, how can you build a cat shop? How is this different from last year's stacking of cats? It's just changing the soup without changing the medicine."

"Cut, you are a big money, of course you won't build a building."

"You're really wrong. I didn't cover it because I didn't make a big money. I don't want Ali to collect my big data."

Yang Yuanmei was very surprised, "Huh? What's the big data here?"

"Sure, you are so diligent to build a building and win every day. That must be an extremely price-sensitive player. Those super special ads will be pushed to you in the future."

"how about you?"

"Well me, if I don't overlap at all, I will be extremely price-insensitive. I will be familiar with big data in the future. The products I recommend when traveling are all expensive."

"What should I do?" Yang Yuanmei said panicked.

"You follow me, don't be proactive and don't refuse."

"Bah! Isn't this a scumbag?"

Chu Yuanxi laughed hahahaha for a long time, "You are a real dish, and there are so many apps in Ali. These days, there must be frequent bombings. Every order comes out, right? If you click it with a low hand, you will occasionally build a couple. Layer, don't care about other time, understand?"

Yang Yuanmei immediately put down the phone at an extremely fast speed. "Hey, why don't you tell Zhu Yan?"

"Oh... can't persuade you..."

It was also the same day that Zhang Dongdong came out with good news. After a long time of coordination, "Troubled Times" was finally set. It was broadcast on the Internet. It premiered on November 14. Taishan TV gave the Huayang Theater prime time. It could have been a few days in advance, but because of fear of crashing with Double Eleven, I had to go back a few days.

Immediately after Yuan Jing blew a gust of wind, Ali moved with the wind, because Zheng De's people said that Chu Yuanxi was not satisfied with the performance of the mini game after it was launched, and did not meet expectations.

Ten days ago, the "Animal Company" mini game was launched first, and the other two also met with players before and after. As a mini game, it has been possible to "see the old at three years old" within ten days. All practitioners in the market Can give an assessment.

Among them, the DAU of "Animal Company" can reach the conclusion that it will soon exceed 3 million when forecasting, and it has steadily exceeded today. A small game with 3 million DAU cannot be said to have a particularly burst of data, it can only be said to be better, but it should be noted that the life cycle.

The small game "Animal Company" is obviously running for a long-term operation. The core gameplay of ingenious hanging games will go bankrupt is very different from ordinary small games. And there are more coquettish **** with more explosive data, but unless by chance, the life cycle is usually only one month. Those who can break this time curse are all divine works that can also leave a mark in the history of the game.

The data of 3 million DAU also shows from the side that the basic disk of this IP is very stable. The TCG mobile game made by the same IP is the Ba’s first work. DAU is now less than one million, but as a game that has been in service for one year and three months, DUA is still around 900,000. At 90% of the peak period, there is no obvious decline in monthly flow, and it is worthy of the words "long-term stability".

"Animal Feast" is relatively close, only 1 million DAU, but it also has the value of buying to expand the size of the plate, because the retention rate is not bad, the worst is the ability to absorb, not to mention this is also supporting the "Animal Company" IP use. The promotion cost of "Stupid Bird Flies" exceeds that of "Animal Meal", but the DAU only reached 300,000 and basically stopped. It is not good to keep it. It can be said to be a failed work, which makes Zhao Jie sad. This is what he pushed and Leading a project.

Some small games have 300,000 DAU is already very satisfying, but for Pakistani people, this is a failure, it is impossible to support an IP.

Because the data of the three works are basically transparent, based on the reality of online operations, the attitude of Chu Yuanxi in the first communication, and the rumors from Zheng De, Lao Fan feels that this time should be relatively smooth, without waiting for the end of the year. Up.

Then when Uncle Chu Yuanxi Lasheng came out to receive the reception together, she found that she had missed an important thing, that is, once the Pakistani game transaction started, the IP of "Animal Company" must also change with the Pakistani game. The animation film adaptation rights of "Animal Company" have been taken away by Disney.

When I was calculating the value of Pakistani games, my thoughts were focused on "A Windfall" and the small game IP plan, and I didn't think about it at all.

Therefore, Lingxi showed a very positive attitude and mentioned "Animal Company" several times. But Chu Yuanxi was dumbfounded. It took a long time to remember that the PK with Aidajin was August 23, and Defoe brought Disney's business to PK himself on September 10. In other words, when I first chatted with Ai Dajin and Lao Fan, there was no such thing, and when I was negotiating with Defoe, I couldn't mention Ali.

The transfer of this copyright can be considered a good thing for big entertainment. Although Ali Pictures did a good job overseas and cast a few Hollywood movies, the content genes have not been shown yet. Obviously, cooperation with Disney can deeply influence a content company, and even get a precious opportunity to make up for its shortcomings, and both ability and influence can be improved. Of course, it also depends on the ability to operate.

For this reason, Chu Yuanxi knocked her dog's head fiercely and muttered to herself: "This can be forgotten! This can be forgotten! It is useless when you are old..."

This time short and big didn't come. The leader was Lao Fan, with a few brilliant businessmen, and the head of the group's investment department. Soon the business of the Ba people and the business of Lingxi had gone to another room to cooperate in a separate PK mode, and there were only three people left here: Uncle Sheng, Lao Fan and Chu Yuanxi.

In fact, in this kind of meeting, the job content of the boss level is to chat, drink tea and compare each other. The specific PK of the needlepoint to the wheat mang should have been given to the business manager to execute. The big framework must have been communicated and approved. The business manager can and can only PK the terms of cooperation, and the more important content has no right to draft.

For example, how much does it cost? This can only be decided by the bosses, but how to pay, in several installments, the payment terms and deadlines of each period, and whether one contract or multiple contracts constitute all the conditions of the transaction, etc. These details are the job of the business manager.

So Uncle Sheng is very strange. With Chu Yuanxi's style, isn't it time to talk about the price? However, he seemed very hesitant. Don't talk about Uncle Sheng, even Lao Fan can see it, and asks easily: "Xiao Chu, what's wrong with you? Aren't we talking about the price yet?"

" be honest, President Fan, this matter is still a bit complicated." Chu Yuanxi thought for a while and felt that it would be better to simply state his attitude, "Disney has taken the copyright of "Animal Company", in my understanding , I hope that a small and medium-sized company like the Pakistani Group will promote it for them at some point in the future and exert a large level of energy. But if the copyright is transferred to your side, your volume is too large Yes, do you understand my concerns?"

Uncle Shengxin said that I didn't even understand, isn't it good to be large? Disney can't be beautiful?

But he saw Lao Fan nod his head, but he was still relatively relaxed, "In fact, we are not uncooperative. "Mission: Impossible", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", "Star Trek", "Green Book", we all invest Yes, I don’t think the problem is big."

"But what about the owner of full copyright? It is not the same as the nature of investment, and it is a collaboration of Disney's level. I think, now I must first fulfill my obligations as a collaborator. I have to ask you first, "Animal Company "Do you really want the copyright."

"Yes, of course I did." Lao Fanxin said it was unclear? There is also a collaboration between Big Entertainment and Hollywood that holds full copyright. It is the "Ugly Doll" project. The problem is that one is a project from scratch, one is a project that already has a certain basic and popular; one is with the Hollywood Pheasant Company One is the cooperation with Disney, can it be the same?

Just investing and then dividing the box office is nothing more than making money and losing money. Even if you make some money, what does it mean to Ali? Exercised domestic distribution capabilities? Amoy tickets are in there is no need at all. But to control the full copyright, just to authorize the animation film, it is definitely different.

"So..." Lao Fan glanced at Chu Yuanxi, and then noticed that the uncle Sheng behind Chu Yuanxi was blank, and asked what's the state of these two? "So, do you have any opinion on the previous price?"

Uncle Sheng said that you have been playing riddles for a long time, and I understand this sentence!

But unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi waved his hand again and again, "No, no. When you gave the preliminary price, I thought that the IP of "Animal Company" and TCG mobile games were included. This IP was already pretty good, it was 300. An important part of the billion valuation.

As for the new cooperation with Disney, will it generate new value? Certainly, but how much of it is commercial value that can be turned into profit? How much is the improvement of the company's capabilities and vision, it is difficult to define, and it is unnecessary. What can be quantified is that once the movie achieves good results, the IP can be distributed for licensing, collecting licensing fees, and the profits of peripheral products.

Is that more money? It's just one or two small goals in Dolly. If I asked for a higher price, it would not be the reason. "

After saying this, without giving Lao Fan Xipin time, he directly took out his cell phone and dialed the overseas call. While dialing, he said: "Disney, I have to fulfill my obligations as a collaborator. Therefore, if you say that you don’t want "Animal Company," it will be easier to handle. I will stay and Disney will continue. If you say If yes, I have to ask them. Although I guess they are not against it. If we advance the Pakistani game acquisition to the substantive stage, then you have to contact Disney to talk about it in detail."


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