
318. Time for a Talk

“I see....”

The words were soft even in the quiet room. There were two figures. One stood over a desk covered with runes and options, scribbling on a notepad. The other curiously peered over his shoulder. The report was finished, and Clayton Skyshredder lowered the pen.

“So, what was your conclusion?”

Centina asked him, drawing back as he turned around

“The goal of the research had been to discover what it was about Centinels that made them unique—”

“You mean something that makes me unique, right?”


Clayton cleared his throat. He gestured at the sample of blood he’d collected from her

“This has been what I postulated— something about their magical makeup has to be the reason why they are so commonplace. I have dissected many…”

“Of my kind, right.”


Centina rolled her eyes. He was too stiff. She was fine with it— after all, she’d been treated like a research subject before. But Clayton didn’t ease. He didn’t meet her gaze, even as he reached for the flask of blood.

“I’ve never managed to get my hands on an [Evolved Centinel]’s blood before. They rarely leave the Bloodied Gulf, and adventurers who typically venture down there seek glory, not to further their research. After all, Humankind has learned everything there is to know about the Centinel. From the Matriarch Centinel to the [Ancient Centinel]... or so we think.”

His eyes shimmered. There was a blue glow to it as he appraised her blood. Centina tilted her head, and he continued.

“But with this— with your blood— my preliminary testing indicates that there is indeed something about Centinel…kind, that distinguishes them from regular monsters or even Humans. I sense a kind of magic. Unlike any other. A kind of distortion in your mana flow.”

The [Evolved Centinel] blinked.

“A distortion?”

“I am unsure what it is just yet. But there will have to be further research.”

Centina wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but she was interested in it. Even Erhard— his ancestor uncle or whatever— hadn’t pointed this out before. She eagerly nodded as Clayton turned back to face her. Well, not face her. He wasn’t actually looking at her, even as she spoke.

“We should continue more tests.”


“Figure out what this oddity is.”


“And while we’re at it, we should grab lunch.”

“We sh—”

Clayton paused. He caught himself, sputtering out a few coughs. Centina just fluttered her eyes innocently at him. He cleared his throat.

“I believe I have a busy schedule for the rest of the day. I will not be able to make any plans for… lunch.”

“Well, we can always reschedule it for another time.”

Centina waved a hand dismissively.

“I’m not sure if that’s necessary for a formal—”

He shuffled his feet, backing away from her. But she pressed on.

“Oh, I don’t intend it to be formal. I’d rather something more casual. Just to get to know each other more, you know? It’s been a week and we’ve barely spoken outside of your tests.”

“This is…”

Clayton found his back against the glass window. They were in his office in the Tower of Truth. It had a good view of Mavos Academy, unlike his own spire which mostly saw clouds beneath. Centina watched as his eyes flickered behind him.

There was a commotion happening at the Central Square. He narrowed his eyes, and Centina paused, taken from the moment.

“What’s going on out there?”

Clayton sighed.

“I feel like I may know who it is…”

“Sorry— yep. Just carry on your day. Don’t mind us! We got permission to enter!”

I made a shooing motion to the students of Mavos Academy as they stopped to stare at the group I was leading through the city. They pointed, whisper. They recognized me, of course they knew who I was.

“Isn’t that… Salvos?”

“Why is she covered in blood?”

But it took them a moment to register the people following after me. And even then, only some knew who they were. Mostly the nobles who were also attending.

“Wait, that’s princess Faith!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! And that armor he’s wearing— he’s one of Elutra’s [Pegasus Knights], isn’t he?”

“Alright, alright! That’s enough chit-chat from you guys! Even you want to talk about someone, talk more about me.”

I shook a fist at them, and they flushed. I continued on, finally reaching the Tower of Truth. A figure waited for me there. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy. Clayton Skyshredder.

“Hi, Clayton!”

I waved at him. He crossed his arms, taking a look at Faith, Daniel, then the rest of Elutra’s Resistance.

“What is this?”

“Oh, this is my companion, Daniel. He’s been through a lot to help me… wait, didn’t you already know about him?”

Clayton was the one who told me Daniel was in trouble, right? Willy made a sighing sound behind me.



Faith straightened, walking up next to me. She spoke softly, practically whispering into my ear.

“I believe he’s talking about us.”


Well, that made a lot more sense. I smiled, gesturing at the troupe of resistance members.

“Well, these guys are, um, people from Elutra? This is princess Faith—”

“I am quite aware of their names and their identities.”

Clayton cut me off, stepping forward. He looked them over with furrowed brows.

“Mavos Academy is a neutral institution. We do not partake in wars, unless we are attacked or aggressed upon.”


I cocked my head. I looked back at the others, giving them a shrug.

“I guess it can't be helped, then. Let’s go back—”

Daniel sighed, and Amanda just stared at me.

“Is she serious?”

But Faith took the lead. She approached Clayton, bowing deeply at him.

“I understand that much, Headmaster Skyshredder. However, this is a matter of import. I plead that you at least hear us out before turning us away.”

He studied the princess as she held that position, unmoving.

“If this is what I believe it is going to be about, then I apologize. But unless you can provide proof of you claims—”

“She can.”

A smaller figure stepped forward. Rowyn nodded at Clayton.


“I am emperor Rowyn Ino of the Inoria Empire. And I can support the claims that princess Faith of the Elutra Kingdom is asserting against my country.”

Clayton hesitated. His eyes flickered to the blood covering my blue jacket— stains of black and red. Then he ran a hand through his flowing beard.

“These claims… very well, I will hear you out. But I do not believe this is a matter to discuss with only myself. I shall gather the relevant parties. However, I must ask that you do not make a scene until further discussion is had.”

Faith nodded, grateful.

“Thank you, Headmaster Skyshredder.”

I piped up as they finished.

“Oh! Are we getting more important people? I know some as well! Can I bring them?”

Faith pursed her lips. She opened her mouth, but Clayton simply shook his head.

“I trust your judgment, Salvos. If you trust them, you may bring them in as well.”

I beamed, starting past Willy and the others.

“Willy, look after them, alright? Show them around, and make sure they don’t scare Centina!”

The [Will O’ Wisp] flitted back and forth, as if in thought. Finally, he responded.


Lamarr, the Warrior King of Traith sat in one of Mavos Academy’s many libraries. He had a pile of history books stacked before him. Research he had been doing in regards to Demonkind. As both a king and one of the Seven Councilmembers of the Eastern Kingdom Alliance, he believed it was his duty to act against this Primeval Demon threat.

Of course, he was aware his level was far below that of making a difference in the battlefield. So, instead, he’d been doing what he could. He’d gather up every single bit of information he could find about the Demon King’s first coming. He’d cross referenced it with the various other times a Demon had rampaged in the Mortal Realm.

There were numerous examples. The most recent one prior to this Primeval Demon was a Greater Demon in Nixa. There… had to be a correlation.

Lamarr wasn’t sure if this was a prefiguration of what was to come. Many of the lesser kings in the Eastern Kingdom Alliance— and even the senators in Traith— thought this was merely another such example of a Demon rampage. But he feared that this could signal the start of something far worse.

Another Demon invasion of the Mortal Realm.

Whatever it was, he had to act. He had to make the necessary preparations in case this was really the start of such an interplanar war. He flipped through the history books, hoping to figure out what the old Immortal Empire did to repel the Demon King after Alexander’s death—

And he heard a susurration. From outside of his private room. He looked up, listening carefully as voices broke through the silence. There was a brief scuffle as someone called out.

“You can’t run in the library—”

“Sorry! I’m in a rush!”

And the door slammed open. Lamarr blinked as a familiar young lady stumbled in. Salvos smiled, waving at him as a panting librarian stumbled in.


“Hey, Lamarr! There’s a super important talk happening soon. Wanna join us?”


Lamarr wasn’t sure what to say. The librarian, however, didn’t care for his words.

“Please, Miss. You cannot just teleport into the library and yell the name of the person you’re searching for.”

“Why not?”

Salvos cocked her head. The librarian tried to work her jaw. Lamarr massaged his temples.

“I apologize for the ruckus caused. I shall see to it that you are reimbursed for your time.”

He ushered the librarian out. Then he turned to Salvos.

“It has been a while, Salvos. I appreciate you going out of the way to see me, but I urge you to employ discretion and a hint of politeness the next time such a situation arises.”

“Sorry, I was in a bit of a rush. Because of, you know, the super important meeting I mentioned.”

“So I heard. And what may I ask what this meeting will be about?”

Depending on what she said, Lamarr might have had to turn her away. He was fond of the young lady, but he was not rich in time. Not right now. Perhaps if it was pertinent to the Primeval Demon, he’d drop everything he was currently doing to follow her.

“Oh, it’s just about the impending Demon King invasion of the Mortal Realm.”

Salvos spoke, and he dropped everything he was currently doing to follow her.

“Lead the way.”

“[Sunder Strike]!”

Gallus heaved as he swung his broadsword, slicing the giant ice spike in half. The [Mage] across from him fell to the ground as Gallus drew closer. Finally, the [Mage] raised his hands.

“I yield! I yield!”

“Hmph. You put up a valiant effort.”

With a respectful nod, Gallus drew back. He looked at the [Mage], then at the five other different [Warriors], [Rogues], and [Mages] with him. They were his students. He was mentoring a group of students from the College of Aspirations while classes were not in session. This was the first time they’d ever driven him into using a Skill.

“You’re far too strong, Gallus. Even against all six of us, you didn’t break a sweat.”

One of them spoke, defeatedly.

“And yet, your coordination today as a team was far better than your past five performances. If I weren’t supposed to be harsh on you lot, I’d say you could even qualify to be a part of the Vaun Qieur’s Empire Swordsguard Forces.”

He laughed heartily, placing a hand on his chest. Even without the direct compliment, they beamed and exchanged proud glances. That was right. The Swordsguard Forces were admired throughout the world, not just in Vaun Qieur. While such a comparison might’ve brightened their days, Gallus couldn’t lie and say he himself didn’t feel proud to see such admiration for his group from those around with different backgrounds around the world.

“Alright, you’re dismissed.”

Gallus cleared his throat, and his students slowly funneled out of the sparring arena. And right as they left, a silver-haired woman entered the room followed by the King of Traith.

“Woah, I’ve never been here before.”

“There are many amenities in Mavos Academy that not everybody uses, Salvos. For those at your level however, I would say this training hall is unnecessary.”

“Now those are two faces I haven’t seen in a while.”

Gallus spread his arms wide as he welcomed his former classmates.

“Salvos, King Lamarr. It is a pleasure to see the both of you doing well.”

“Likewise, Sir Gallus.”

“Yep! Glad to see you too, Gallus of the Vaun Qieur Empire’s elite Swordsguard Forces!”

The silver-haired woman beamed. Gallus scratched the back of his head.

“I see you’ve been busy. To think you’d already reach Level 130— I shouldn’t have expected anything less.”

“Aw, of course not! I went to the Bloodied Gulf and killed an [Ancient Centinel]!”

“I… see.”

Gallus couldn’t lie and say that he wasn’t impressed. But just hearing about it was not the same as seeing it. Her words were still registering in his head when Lamarr spoke simply.

“I believe it is best not to skirt around the topic. We can make small talk later.”

“Oh, fine.”

Salvos sighed. She faced Gallus, clapping her hands together softly.

“Want to talk about stuff with us?”

Gallus just stared at her. Lamarr translated for her.

“Apparently, it is in regards to the Primeval Demon. And I believe that the Vaun Qieur Empire would want to be a part of this.”

About the Primeval Demon? Gallus straightened. He stood like a soldier, nodding without any hesitation.


Valda was strolling out of her dorm building, yawning and stretching her back after a long night of studying, when a hand yanked her to the side. She squeaked, spinning around.


“Hey Valda! Saffron says you’re a Vampire, right?”

The silver-haired woman smiled. Valda took a step back, sputtering.

“I-I… what? She told you that?”

“Yep! And Vampires are Demon Slayers, right?”


Valda just went with the flow. She didn’t know what to question or what to say. Salvos just tugged her along.

“Alright! That means you’re important, so you’re coming with us!”

“Coming with you? Wait, Salvos— what’s going on? Who’s us?”

The girl glanced about nervously, hoping that noone heard about her Vampire heritage. Then she caught sight of the only two people there.

“That’s… Gallus of the Vaun Qieur Empire’s Swordsguard Forces. And the Warrior King of Traith!”

“Greetings, Valda. It is a pleasure to meet you again.”

Lamarr spoke humbly, and Gallus gave her an approving look.

“We are glad to have a Vampire at our side during this time of need.”

She shrank back. Valda wanted to faint. These were very important people. She definitely didn’t belong around them. Why was Salvos…?

“What’s happening? Where are we going?”

The girl hurriedly turned to the silver-haired woman dragging her along.

“Oh, we’re just going to have a chat with Clayton Skyshredder, princess Faith, emperor Rowyn, and a bunch of other important people about important stuff like the Demon King’s invasion of the Mortal Realm. So, not much, really.”

“I see.”

Valda really did faint.

And with that, I gathered everyone I wanted in the Tower of Truth. Daniel Song of Earth, Amanda the Silent Serpent, Headmaster Clayton Skyshredder, princess Faith, prince Bel, emperor Rowyn Ino, Lamarr of Traith, Gallus of the Vaun Qieur Empire’s Swordsguard Forces, Valda the genius Vampire, a few officials Clayton had brought along, and many more.

Oh, Willy was here too. But he was at the side, not really caring about this whole situation regarding Belzu and Regnorex.

I leaned forward on the meeting table, bringing my hands together as I addressed the room— to clear things up once and for all.

“Now, let’s talk.”

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