
319. Faith's Formidability

Daniel Song sat in a crowded meeting room with a long gilded table and walls decorated with luxurious paintings. It was finally time for all the issues to be addressed: the Demon threat that had been let to run rampant for so long was to be tackled today. The young man couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. After all, he was finally going to spill his big secret by the end of it all.

There were many influential and powerful people gathered. Individuals of note. There were the obvious— Headmaster Clayton Skyshredder, princess Faith, and emperor Rowyn Ino— but there were also individuals Daniel didn’t recognize. Like the man with a mustache, followed by a dozen knights in shimmering armor. Or the elderly man sitting next to Clayton, wearing regal robes fit for a king.

But at the head of the table was a familiar face. Salvos. A Demon girl who was currently disguised as a Human. She could become a plethora of other creatures. From a Kobold to a Cyclops. And possibly even more. Here she was— in her deceit— leading this discussion on how Humankind was to deal with her own kind.

It was an irony of sorts; a tragedy of complacency; even laughable. Daniel was the [Hero] here, yet he remained silent. He allowed Salvos to speak. It showed the tremendous growth she’d been through, and how far he’d have to go to catch up with her. At one point, they were equals. Now, she’d far surpassed him.

“Now, let’s talk.”

Salvos clapped her hands together. Daniel waited with bated breath for the revelation. The truth. The epoch-making news that would shatter everyone’s reality.

Clayton Skyshredder ran a hand through his beard. Princess Faith steeled herself. Emperor Rowyn closed his eyes. Everyone waited. And Salvos… cocked her head.

“Um, hello? That was your guys’ cue to speak.”

“What? Were you expecting me to say something? Because I really don’t know what you guys want from me.”

Daniel sighed. She’s grown so much, yet changed so little. He couldn’t help but smile at that.

Faith wanted to cover her face in embarrassment. This was not how she was preparing the meeting to start. She had a speech prepared, and Salvos had already derailed it from the very beginning.

“Thank you everyone for gathering here on such short notice.”

Clayton cleared his throat as Salvos sat back down, shrugging. Fortunately, the Headmaster of Mavos Academy was more than capable of defusing the… awkward situation.

“As Salvos had alluded to, this discussion will not be a short one, and I would like to get to the crux of the issue as soon as possible. Princess Faith, could you please explain the reason why you came to Mavos Academy today?”

Faith nodded and stood to her feet. She addressed the room, carrying whatever leftover dignity she had as a member of the royal family of Elutra. Even though she barely looked it after a month of travel— propriety was necessary in these situations. Especially amongst rich and powerful strangers.

“I am princess Faith El of the Elutra Kingdom. I am sure most of you are currently aware of the situation in my kingdom.”

“The Elutra Kingdom? With all due respect, your country no longer exists. It is now merely a province in the Inoria Empire.”

A man with a bushy mustache scoffed from the side. Faith narrowed her eyes. His words stung, but she recognized him as one of the individuals Clayton had brought into the meeting. He must’ve been important.

Faith would have to conduct herself well. She bowed her head slightly his way.

“I am keenly aware of the perspective outside observers could have of the situation, but I assure you, it is far more complex than that.”

“Complex? There is no nuance to war— a war which your country instigated and lost. Don’t think I am foolish enough to fall for the baseless rumors you keep trying to spread.”

She blinked, and he leaned forward with creased brows.

“Or did you think we all haven’t already heard your lies about Inoria and its hypothetical Demons?”

It took everything Faith had in her to prevent a retort. She didn’t know him. She shouldn’t disparage him. He could’ve been an influential politician in Shedos for all she knew.

“I apologize if—”

“Um, who are you?”

A voice piped up. Salvos peered at the man, a puzzled look on her face. Faith blinked, and Daniel massaged his temples. A brief susurration ran through the room as the man raised a brow.

“I am Jorden Duron, the Lord of Wimborne. I was called here today by Headmaster Skyshredder for what he dubbed an important meeting. If I had known it was a meeting headed by a disgraced princess of a former nation, I would have sent a representative to state my opinion on the matter. In fact, the only reason I have not left this meeting is due to my respect towards the Headmaster.”

Jorden harrumphed, and Salvos tilted her head to the side.

“Huh. So you’re from Shedos, right?”


“Which means you’re not from either Elutra or Inoria.”

“That is correct.”

“That also means you haven’t actually seen what’s going on in either countries, so… why are you talking?”

The silver-haired adventurer asked, genuinely curious. Faith pursed her lips as more than one individual in the room sputtered. Jorden burst out of his seat, pointing accusingly at her.

“I am the Lord of Wimborne. I do not care if you’re over Level 100. I will not tolerate such disrespect from you—”

“Yep. Well… you’re a Lord, and she’s a princess. If you wanted others to respect you in the first place, maybe you should’ve shown them the same respect.”

He flushed, face burning with anger..

“Headmaster Skyshredder! Are you not going to intervene?”

Clayton took in a deep breath and raised a hand.

“That is enough from the both of you. This argument does not pertain to the matter at hand. I ask that princess Faith continue with her statement.”

“Thank you, Headmaster.”

Faith was glad that that was over. She faced the room, taking in those gathered as they settled back down after that interruption was dealt with.

“But I must confess, I cannot fault Lord Jorden for his suspicions. It is only fair that aspersions be cast to the veracity of my words. Especially since I have come here today for the very thing he accuses me of.”

Jorden snickered, and a few faces exchanged confused glances. Clayton kept a straight face, but she could tell he was curious about where she was going with this. A man with red hair— one of the ones sitting next to Salvos— spoke up.

“Princess Faith, I am aware of your country’s predicament. I am truly sorry to hear about the outcome of this war. However, I cannot lie and say I do not agree with some of Lord Jorden Duron’s apprehension about your motivations behind your claims.”

“You’re… Lamarr the Warrior King of Traith?”

It took Faith a moment to place where she knew him from.

“One of the Seven Councilmembers of the Eastern Kingdom Alliance?”

“I am but a humble man hoping to do what’s right. Something as audacious as a great power like the Inoria Empire employing the use of Demons in war is unheard of. Outrageous, even.”

Salvos scowled as he nodded.

“Come on, Lamarr! You’re supposed to be on our side!”

“I am on the side of the truth.”

“I agree with King Lamarr here, Salvos.”

A bulky man agreed. Faith didn’t recognize him as she did Lamarr, but she saw the familiar crest he bore. That of Vaun Qieur Empire’s world renowned Swordsguard Forces.

“We are here as representatives of our country. We cannot make any brash decisions, even if we are here on your behalf.”

The former princess blinked. Jorden muttered under his breath with a frown.

“Is that vulgar woman truly the reason why someone of their statuses are here? Ridiculous…”

Faith would have to remember to thank Salvos later. Again. Even though she’d already thanked her many times…

“I apologize, Sir. I do not believe we’ve been introduced.”

She bowed to the bulky man, and he returned a smile.

“You may call me Gallus.”

“Those are understandable worries, King Lamarr, Gallus. And I am certain it is one many of you have here today. After all, as many of you are already aware, my country has fallen to the Inoria Empire. You may believe that I am here to ask for aid in retaking back my nation. Or maybe to seek refuge to protect my surviving family members.”

Her eyes flickered to Bel who was sitting next to her. He looked sickly, especially after the long journey, but he forced himself to attend this meeting. She also thought of Iance and Hope. Neither were in any shape to attend this meeting. Not that Faith would’ve wanted them here. They’d only worsen things.

The former princess of Elutra shook her head.

“I will tell you right now: I am not here to plead for your help.”

There was a pause. Willow frowned, and Gavyn’s brows snapped together. They were the only two resistance members present, and they hadn’t been briefed on what Faith wanted to say. They definitely didn’t expect this.

“This is a warning. Not to just those of you here, but to the rest of the Human lands. I was wrong before. In the past. Inoria is not employing Demons under their command. It is the opposite— the Inoria Empire has been taken over by Demons.”

The other shoe dropped. A deluge of questions was unleashed on Faith. She turned, facing questions and accusations from all sides. Jorden was the first to speak.

“More lies! You’re saying that just so you can get revenge on the Inoria Empire!”

Lamarr stared at her dubiously.

“These are bold claims, princess Faith. I do hope you have proof to back it up.”

“I have witnesses.”

She replied calmly.

“Salvos herself can testify on my behalf.”

“Yep! I saw Demons— lots of Archdemons! They were weak, though. I’d have thought [Changelings] would be stronger than that.”

The silver-haired woman tapped a finger on her chin. Clayton crossed his arms.

“I would not doubt the words of my own students. However, for a matter with as much gravity as this, I do not believe the words of a single adventurer will be able to sway the minds of entire nations.”

“Then what about the words of a single child?”

Faith smiled wryly, gesturing towards a boy. Not her brother. It was someone else, seated next to her brother. Clayton leant back in his chair, speaking the boy’s name and title simply.

“Emperor Rowyn Ino.”


Rowyn stood to his feet. Gallus raised an amused brow.

“Now this just became interesting…”

A girl in the corner of the room— the one Salvos had brought with her— squeaked.

“A-as in… the emperor of the Inoria Empire?”

“Seriously? This cannot be real. Why is the emperor of the Inoria Empire with Elutra’s royal family?”

Jorden gaped. Lamarr leaned forward, intrigued.

“Might you explain what is going on, emperor Ino?”

“Of course, King Lamarr.”

Rowyn managed to maintain his poise even with all the outward pressure. Faith didn't particularly like Rowyn, even if she didn’t dislike him either. She was grateful for his help, but she blamed him somewhat for how things went in Ertos, and that was about it. No grudge, no amity.

But she couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t impressed by his current demeanor.

“I can assure all of you, what princess Faith says is the truth. My empire— the Inoria Empire— is now nothing more than a puppet state. Our politics, our government, and our royal family are nothing more than mere playthings to Demonkind. [Changelings] who have disguised themselves as Humans work from the background, running things as they so desire.”

He clenched his fist as he continued.

“My… parents were murdered by these Demons. It was not an assassination attempt carried out by a desperate Elutra as the world has been so led to believe. It was a lie. A justification for retaliatory action during a ceasefire. They were sacrifices, just as the people of Ertos will be.”

“What are you saying, emperor Ino?”

Lamarr placed a hand on his chin. But before the boy could answer, Jorden quickly interrogated him.

“How do we know you’re not an impostor? How do we know you’re not being forced into this? This is insane. How could an emperor betray his own nation?”

Rowyn held his gaze.

“You may test me in a [Truth Zone]. I support everything princess Faith has said today. And I am doing so not to act against my country's interest. Rather, it is because I care for my country, I wish to save it.”


Jorden opened his mouth. But Clayton cut him off.

“That’s enough, Lord Jorden. I do not believe emperor Rowyn will lie about such matters. If we wish to test his word, we can do so later.”

An elderly man sitting next to the Headmaster nodded in agreement.

“This revelation is quite startling, but it only makes sense. After all, the Primeval Demon has been ‘trapped’ in Inoria for far longer than even I’d have imagined. I never believed Inoria’s forces could be so effective, especially when split between two fronts.”

“That is a fair assessment, Thorsten.”

Thorsten? As in Thorsten Siegfrid? Faith knew that name anywhere. He was the [Archbishop] at the very head of the Den of Souls. But what was he doing here?

He smiled at Clayton.

“So, Inoria has been the Primeval Demon’s base of operations, and it is restoring its forces there. It seems you called me here for a good cause, my old friend.”

If Faith was being entirely honest, she didn’t know much details about this Primeval Demon. Something major had occurred, but it happened when she was trapped in Ertos, cut off from the outside world.

However, from the brief conversation she’d held with Salvos and Daniel just a few hours earlier, she knew what was going to be said next. Rowyn shifted his feet, clearly hesitant.

“That’s… not true.”

“What do you mean, emperor Ino?”

Clayton studied Rowyn’s facial expression. The boy clearly didn’t know where to even begin, and neither did Faith. Otherwise, she’d have already taken over.

Instead, another man answered for them. Daniel Song.

“Rowyn’s saying that the Primeval Demon is a separate threat. That these Demons in Inoria are working against the Primeval Demon.”

“Impossible. All of Demonkind falls under a singular banner. The banner of the Demon King, Regnorex.”

Thorsten spoke with a dark gaze. Even the name of the Demon King sent a shiver down Faith’s spine. But Daniel didn't react. He stepped forward, insistent.

“Well, that’s not the case now. The Primeval Demon is merely a rebel. A rogue Demon acting up against the Demon King. But he is not the real threat. He simply foreshadows what is to come.”

Clayton understood what Daniel was saying. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy spoke grimly.

“A full scale invasion of the Mortal Realm. Not just a rampaging Demon. Not just a group of Demons taking over a single country. But the return of Regnorex himself.”


The young man hung his head, letting the implication settle in. The room was silent for a moment. Even Faith was absorbing it. She could’ve winefred just as much the entire time, but she’d been too focused on the fate of her kingdom the entire time. Now that Elutra was already lost, she knew the truth.

But not everyone believed it. Jorden rolled his eyes.

“Now, who is this guy and why should we believe him? What, is he going to say he’s the Emperor Nor Maran? Is he going to claim to be the Watcher himself?”

Daniel paused. He exchanged a glance with Salvos. They spoke without words, and Faith wasn’t sure what to expect from them. She certainly didn’t expect what came next.

“I am Daniel Song.”

Sighing, he got to his feet.

“And I am a [Hero] from Earth.”


Faith blinked. The third and final shoe dropped, and the room interrupted into chaos.

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